New PDF once the Golarion Campaign Setting is revised?

Lost Omens Products

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Zurai wrote:
One request: If and when you do update the Campaign Setting, please try to reduce the size of the PDF version of the giant map (not necessarily the dimensions; I'm referring to the memory footprint) . It practically locks up two of my three PDF readers, and even the third one takes a very long time to update the display. Makes using the PDF map a real pain.

Are you referring to the actual overall map of Golarion? If so, then go here:

map of Golarion

It is a free map pack with four different resolutions included: 800, 1200, 1600, and 2400. These are jpg's so you do not have to worry about your pdf reader locking up.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Honestly I am in favor of expanding the book the extra pages. What should be in the extra pages is up for debate :)

But yes reorgnize the book better and since you guys know the setting better I would love to see the nations reworked and tweaked a bit. Any info from the Gaz that didn't make it the first time I would like to see this time around.

Some things that would be interesting is world specific spells, magic items, PrCs and basic extra race info on any races (example: tiefling but with out the big support articial just a small write up like the races got in the core book. I honestly would rather the monsters be left out and perhaps better see a World Bestiary sometime later.

68 pages just are not enough to included all the world specific monsters and I would rather see them all collected into one book or just leave them scattered as they are now. The last thing I want honestly is to collect some of them and leave the rest scattered.

While it would be great to get a discount from having the old book. I wouldn't cry if I didn't get one this time around.

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Zurai wrote:
One request: If and when you do update the Campaign Setting, please try to reduce the size of the PDF version of the giant map (not necessarily the dimensions; I'm referring to the memory footprint) . It practically locks up two of my three PDF readers, and even the third one takes a very long time to update the display. Makes using the PDF map a real pain.

Are you referring to the actual overall map of Golarion? If so, then go here:

map of Golarion

It is a free map pack with four different resolutions included: 800, 1200, 1600, and 2400. These are jpg's so you do not have to worry about your pdf reader locking up.

Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi James (and everyone at Paizo),

I wouldn't mind buying a revised Campaign Setting at all, expanding it and updating it (alone) makes it tempting and worthwhile to me.

Like you mentioned, updating the Domains section, reorganizing the Feats (and would that include reworking how the regional feats would work?), and perhaps how the Golarion-themed "substitutions" to the Core Classes work... maybe as someone else requested have similar treatment for the 6 new classes from the (forthcoming) APG, how they fit into Golarion, and maybe give them similar options too.

So, yes, I would be very interested in a revised edition of the Campaign Setting.

That's just my take/opinion on the matter.

Dean; the Minstrel Wyrm

The only thing I'd be trepidatious about is adding monsters, unless their really Golarion specific or iconic, I don't see the need for them in the Campaign Setting book, they suit just fine in the AP and Bestiaries.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The class substitutions are very likely to go away entirely, actually, since several of them were worked into the Pathfinder class redesigns, a few are no longer necessary, and some are going to be incorporated into the Advanced Player's Guide. In fact, the classes section in an "expanded" reprint would be quite likely to shrink drastically in size, down to advice on how these classes function in Golarion and with different art.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

vagrant-poet wrote:
The only thing I'd be trepidatious about is adding monsters, unless their really Golarion specific or iconic, I don't see the need for them in the Campaign Setting book, they suit just fine in the AP and Bestiaries.

I really would LOVE there to be a monster section in the Campaign Setting book... but the monsters we'd pick up from other books if we did something like this would by necessity be monsters that are DEEPLY tied into Golarion's history and world. Treerazer's an excellent example of something we might put in a monster section of this book, as is the mother of oblivion, the runeslave, the daughter of Urgathoa, the witchwyrd, the emkrah, Xotani the Firebleeder, and the strix. Basically, monsters that more or less can't exist as well if we strip out their ties to Golarion elements, or monsters that have a pretty large role in Golarion that we'd need to see in print ASAP in the PFRPG format.

There's really not a lot of them, if my quick perusal of Pathfinders #1–#27 is any indication. We could probably get away with doing only 16 pages of monsters, in fact.

BUT that said, I've always been fan of seeing new monsters in Campaign Settings, and I know I can't be the only gamer out there who bought entire campaign settings just to get access to a handful of new monsters! :P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

James my only big problem with monsters in Campaign books or really any other books is, well hunting around for them. Remember which book had which monsters in them. Thats why my hope is to eventually see all the monsters from the AP's and other books eventually end up in bestiaries. I would like to be able to just have a few books full of monsters so I can easily find them.

Don't get me wrong I love the monsters in the AP's and other places but it is already starting to get to be a bit of a pain to remember what book they are all in. i am just thinking what it will be like in another year or two years and trying to remember which AP had the monster I wanted to use. Know what I mean?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Don't get me wrong I love the monsters in the AP's and other places but it is already starting to get to be a bit of a pain to remember what book they are all in. i am just thinking what it will be like in another year or two years and trying to remember which AP had the monster I wanted to use. Know what I mean?

Have you considered using an online resource like the PathfinderWiki to help you quickly find the monster you're looking for? It doesn't include stats but it would tell you what book and page number to go to.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I think it goes without saying that I would jump all over an expanded Campaign Setting. The canon lawyer in me is a little afraid of drastic retcons that mess with setting continuity, but if it means getting an extra 60+ pages of new content, I guess I can deal with that.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Wiki Monster wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Don't get me wrong I love the monsters in the AP's and other places but it is already starting to get to be a bit of a pain to remember what book they are all in. i am just thinking what it will be like in another year or two years and trying to remember which AP had the monster I wanted to use. Know what I mean?
Have you considered using an online resource like the PathfinderWiki to help you quickly find the monster you're looking for? It doesn't include stats but it would tell you what book and page number to go to.

Yeah I have the page bookmarked but still I just like being able to carry a couple of monster books. Not a major deal just a personal feeling.

James Jacobs wrote:

Another option is, of course, available. We could just do a straight up reprint of the book.


I think that a version with an additional 68 pages with its information reorganized, would result in a MUCH stronger book.

I bought the Campaign Setting (v3.5) book from the FLGS shortly after I pre-ordered the Core Rulebook from Paizo.

My preference is that you reorganize, update, and expand the book. If the new Golarion book is a better book with more content, then I don't mind paying for it.

I don't claim to speak for anyone but myself, but given the chance I thought I'd throw my 2 CP into the pot.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dark_Mistress wrote:

James my only big problem with monsters in Campaign books or really any other books is, well hunting around for them. Remember which book had which monsters in them. Thats why my hope is to eventually see all the monsters from the AP's and other books eventually end up in bestiaries. I would like to be able to just have a few books full of monsters so I can easily find them.

Don't get me wrong I love the monsters in the AP's and other places but it is already starting to get to be a bit of a pain to remember what book they are all in. i am just thinking what it will be like in another year or two years and trying to remember which AP had the monster I wanted to use. Know what I mean?

I do. Which is why putting the specifically Golarion monsters in the Golaarion hardcover makes sense.

That said, I think an online index of all our monsters, spells, magic items, and what not would be a good thing for us to get put together before that list of monsters becomes too hard to manage.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

yoda8myhead wrote:
I think it goes without saying that I would jump all over an expanded Campaign Setting. The canon lawyer in me is a little afraid of drastic retcons that mess with setting continuity, but if it means getting an extra 60+ pages of new content, I guess I can deal with that.

Well... we'd certainly do our damndest to avoid having to retcon anything in this case. I'd LOVE to try to do this without having to lose ANYthing. Which is certainly possible. (Despite my half-serious bashing of Alkenstar and dwarves and the Goop and the like, when it comes to revisions I'll try hard to rebuild stuff so that it works better with the whole setting rather than cut stuff wholesale.)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Wiki Monster wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Don't get me wrong I love the monsters in the AP's and other places but it is already starting to get to be a bit of a pain to remember what book they are all in. i am just thinking what it will be like in another year or two years and trying to remember which AP had the monster I wanted to use. Know what I mean?
Have you considered using an online resource like the PathfinderWiki to help you quickly find the monster you're looking for? It doesn't include stats but it would tell you what book and page number to go to.

I found this to be handy when creating encounter tables for an upcoming PF sourcebook - I started out by looking through my PDFs manually at the bestiaries to see if there were appropriate monsters to include, but about halfway through it occurred to me to go check out the wiki for a compiled list of monsters that had come out in the various adventures, and it definitely helped me sift the pile more quickly!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Since I don't have the CS PDF I will *love* to buy a digital upgraded PFRPG version - with new crunchy bits - while keeping my 3.5 book (signed by Paizo staff at GenCon) for bedtime reading.

The Exchange

James, put me in the category that would love a reprint with the extra pages filled with Golarion specific monsters and PF conversions of as much good stuff from the 3.5 APs as you can cram in there.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Another option is, of course, available. We could just do a straight up reprint of the book. Update the rules to work more fluidly with Pathfinder but not make any adjustments to the actual contents of the book except where ABSOLUTELY necessary (this would probably result in replacing the domains on page 159 with the big table of deity information from the inside front cover of Gods & Magic, and replacing the Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class with a pared-down-from Pathfinder #27 Hellknight class), and then just release that as a reprint. The resulting book would be close to identical to the current hardcover, with errata and typos fixed, and since this book would be pretty much the same it'd be treated as a mere reprint—no special treatment at all to subscribers (with the possible exception of granting access to the updated PDF).

Frankly, this route, while probably the "safest" in regards to annoying customers who don't want to feel like we're trying to "trick" them into buying a new version, feels hollow to me. We have a MUCH better grip on our world now, and we have a hearty and healthy rulesset to attach to it—I think that a version with an additional 68 pages (bringing it up to about Bestiary size) with its information reorganized (placing all feats into a "Feats" chapter rather than scattering them throughout the book, for example), would result in a MUCH stronger book. Of course, that extra 68 pages wouldn't all be new material—much of it would probably be reprinted and updated to the new rules from older sources (I suspect about half of those pages would be Golarion-specific monsters taken from the first 24 volumes of Pathfinder, updated to work with the PRPG rules, for example) but some would be brand new content.

That WOULD, I suspect, annoy some customers who already bought the Hardcover, even though the new version of the book wouldn't really contradict anything in the first printing—it'd just add more details and more options. This is, in any event, the route I vastly prefer to take with the...

James: The additions of the reprint of some key monsters from the AP line would almost seal the deal for me wanting the new book. To be honest, and I'm not sure if many people felt like this, I did feel a little cheated by the Gazateer and Campaign Setting, as I actually bought both separately at almost the same time right before I got a subscription from Paizo without realizing that the information was exactly the same.

If possible, since the production cost wouldn't be as much as a full book, would adding even more updated information from earlier books be possible? Focusing maybe on important to the world items or hard to update items (Prestige classes from APs etc). I don't know the publishing industry costs at all, so I don't know how feasible it is, but it just seems like the majority (>50%) of the work for the book has already been done, which would leave room for quite a bit of additions.

Just a question... is 68 pages a magic number from nowhere (other than size of Bestiary) or are there standard pages that a book must be?.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If this book happens, please put a smaller map in the book. I really felt disconnected from the world, not having one. Also, I would much rather have a bigger updated version than just a reprint with the new rules.

Alizor wrote:
Just a question... is 68 pages a magic number from nowhere (other than size of Bestiary) or are there standard pages that a book must be?

More or less, they do everything in chunks of a certain size, and 320 is an optimal book size for a big book, that's why almost all of the new PFRPG books are that size, basically everything after the Core Rulebook, Bestiary, Gamemastery Guide, APG, etc.

James Jacobs wrote:
Another option is, of course, available. We could just do a straight up reprint of the book. Update the rules to work more fluidly with Pathfinder but not make any adjustments to the actual contents of the book except where ABSOLUTELY necessary (this would probably result in replacing the domains on page 159 with the big table of deity information from the inside front cover of Gods & Magic, and replacing the Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class with a pared-down-from Pathfinder #27 Hellknight class), and then just release that as a reprint. The resulting book would be close to identical to the current hardcover, with errata and typos fixed, and since this book would be pretty much the same it'd be treated as a mere reprint—no special treatment at all to subscribers (with the possible exception of granting access to the updated PDF).

To me, this is the best idea. Not because I would be annoyed at a repurchase, but merely for consistency, particularly for references from other sources, forums, etc. If I told someone "hey, check page 196 for a great idea for your new character", I'd hope that in a new version it would on, or at least very close to that page.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

A "new" Campaign Setting, with updates to the rules, fixes to the consistency, replacements of those things that simply don't fit/exist any more, and new goodies and/or reprises of information from the APs that logically fit within the confines of the book? I'll buy it :)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I'd not mind a 'new' campaign setting. I'd just let my friends borrow the old one. As is, I printed out 1 page (don't hit me James!) of the campaign setting to give the players the overview of the land for the Crypt of the Everflame. If I could just say 'here's the book, borrow it for a couple of weeks, but remember there might be changes,' That would work just as well.

Of course if you just want to give me the new PDF as a subscriber I won't complain ;-)

I own a copy of the campaign setting, and have enjoyed using it. I wouldnt have a problem with a '2nd edition' of it, or whatever you wish to call it with revisions for the PFRGP. I also wouldnt mind the reorganizations and additions james is talking about. I know you guys often have things you wish you could have done with your books that end up either cut by deadlines or page count or what have you. Now that you've have time to look at it and possibly do it a better, you will get a sale from me. Obviously if its the 'light version' which is just a basic reprint with some small corrections, I wouldnt pick it up. So i guess its a double edged sword. You might 'annoy' people with the updated version, but you'll also miss out on sales from people like me with a straight reprint. Anyway, just thought i'd put in a 'vote' for the extra 20%.

Jam412 wrote:
If this book happens, please put a smaller map in the book. I really felt disconnected from the world, not having one. Also, I would much rather have a bigger updated version than just a reprint with the new rules.

+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.

This would also give a good chance to update the map with the locations for the adventures, I'm curious to see where all of the printed modules and AP's are located.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alizor wrote:
Just a question... is 68 pages a magic number from nowhere (other than size of Bestiary) or are there standard pages that a book must be?.

It kind of is a magic number; the way printing works, books are made in signatures of a specific number of pages and going off of those numbers causes all sorts of problems. Increasing the size to match the Bestiary is a good idea not only because we know it can be done but because having standardized sizes for books is good as well.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.

This is a really good idea.

James Jacobs wrote:
Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.
This is a really good idea.

I'd like to throw my support onto that idea, its one thing I always thought was conspicous in its absence.

vagrant-poet wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.
This is a really good idea.
I'd like to throw my support onto that idea, its one thing I always thought was conspicous in its absence.

I would support this also, though I like the poster map and all its detail it has the destinct problem of being able to be seperated from the book. I doubt I am the only person who has misplaced or simply left behind the map when heading out to a game.


I guess I'm happy that the community is blessed with enough abundance right now to call for a revision of a book that is now roughly 15 months old.

I'd still like to see the book make to at least two years, before it's updated with new content.

Watcher wrote:


I guess I'm happy that the community is blessed with enough abundance right now to call for a revision of a book that is now roughly 15 months old.

I'd still like to see the book make to at least two years, before it's updated with new content.

I'm pretty sure this will still be a little bit in the future. More likely 2011 than 2010. That's three years after the original, and with a game edition change in between, and a couple of problems the publishers have wanted to fix, I don't think its too unfair. This book won't be released for a while yet.

Watcher wrote:


I guess I'm happy that the community is blessed with enough abundance right now to call for a revision of a book that is now roughly 15 months old.

I'd still like to see the book make to at least two years, before it's updated with new content.

Think about that a minute. The Advanced Player's Guide isn't going to be released until August 2010. It's currently November 2009. Nov'09->Aug'10 is a 10 month span. Even assuming they started work on the revised Campaign Setting this instant, it wouldn't be out before 24 months were up.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.
This is a really good idea.

How about showing a rough guide to prevailing winds and climate on it?

Probably a little much, climate can be fairly guessed at, and the back of the book mentions the climate and naval trade routes/winds, that's as good as your likely to get, which is only right.

It's a small concern, and the space and money could be better served elsewhere, it getting a mention in words is a good alternative.

James Jacobs wrote:

Another option is, of course, available. We could just do a straight up reprint of the book. Update the rules to work more fluidly with Pathfinder but not make any adjustments to the actual contents of the book except where ABSOLUTELY necessary (this would probably result in replacing the domains on page 159 with the big table of deity information from the inside front cover of Gods & Magic, and replacing the Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class with a pared-down-from Pathfinder #27 Hellknight class), and then just release that as a reprint. The resulting book would be close to identical to the current hardcover, with errata and typos fixed, and since this book would be pretty much the same it'd be treated as a mere reprint—no special treatment at all to subscribers (with the possible exception of granting access to the updated PDF).

Frankly, this route, while probably the "safest" in regards to annoying customers who don't want to feel like we're trying to "trick" them into buying a new version, feels hollow to me. We have a MUCH better grip on our world now, and we have a hearty and healthy rulesset to attach to it—I think that a version with an additional 68 pages (bringing it up to about Bestiary size) with its information reorganized (placing all feats into a "Feats" chapter rather than scattering them throughout the book, for example), would result in a MUCH stronger book. Of course, that extra 68 pages wouldn't all be new material—much of it would probably be reprinted and updated to the new rules from older sources (I suspect about half of those pages would be Golarion-specific monsters taken from the first 24 volumes of Pathfinder, updated to work with the PRPG rules, for example) but some would be brand new content...

Actually, your preferred option sounds like enough of a new product to warrant purchasing.* I just didn't want to see option #1 priced like an option #2. If that makes sense.

In any event, I'm encouraged. It sounds like you guys have a good grip on the balance to be struck here.

* If you do go this route, redo the design and layout to match the corebook.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Watcher wrote:


I guess I'm happy that the community is blessed with enough abundance right now to call for a revision of a book that is now roughly 15 months old.

I'd still like to see the book make to at least two years, before it's updated with new content.

Same here. In fact, i would have liked to see the book make it to FIVE years. But honestly... the book was rushed, has a lot of embarrassing errors, didn't get the time it needed in development, and is written for a now out-of-print rules set. We don't really have a choice but to rebuild it, I think.

Of course... by the time the next version of the book is on shelves... it might well be over 2 years old...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

brock wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.
This is a really good idea.
How about showing a rough guide to prevailing winds and climate on it?

This is also a good idea, but far less likely to manifest. it'd be great to have maps that show prevailing winds and climates, trade routs, continental plates and fault lines, longitude and latitude, ethnicity spreads, migration patterns, resources, and a whole lot more. There won't be enough room for that many maps though. We're gonna have to pick and chose the best and most useful ones. And there's a pretty good chance we'll only be able to pick and choose the BEST one.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
brock wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.
This is a really good idea.
How about showing a rough guide to prevailing winds and climate on it?
This is also a good idea, but far less likely to manifest. it'd be great to have maps that show prevailing winds and climates, trade routs, continental plates and fault lines, longitude and latitude, ethnicity spreads, migration patterns, resources, and a whole lot more. There won't be enough room for that many maps though. We're gonna have to pick and chose the best and most useful ones. And there's a pretty good chance we'll only be able to pick and choose the BEST one.

I'd love to see a computerized map of all that stuff where you can just click the layers on and off

Coridan wrote:

James Jacobs wrote:

This is also a good idea, but far less likely to manifest. it'd be great to have maps that show prevailing winds and climates, trade routs, continental plates and fault lines, longitude and latitude, ethnicity spreads, migration patterns, resources, and a whole lot more. There won't be enough room for that many maps though. We're gonna have to pick and chose the best and most useful ones. And there's a pretty good chance we'll only be able to pick and choose the BEST one.

I'd love to see a computerized map of all that stuff where you can just click the layers on and off

Perhaps that would make sense as a separate, PDF-only product?

Just looking over the release schedule for the Core, Chronicles and Companion books and the info they cover, if it was possible I would think a good time to release a new Campaign Setting book would be September or maybe October of 2010. That way it can incorporate all the new updates and information that will be in the Gamemastery Guide and Advenced Player's Guide.

James Jacobs wrote:
brock wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.
This is a really good idea.
How about showing a rough guide to prevailing winds and climate on it?
This is also a good idea, but far less likely to manifest. it'd be great to have maps that show prevailing winds and climates, trade routs, continental plates and fault lines, longitude and latitude, ethnicity spreads, migration patterns, resources, and a whole lot more. There won't be enough room for that many maps though. We're gonna have to pick and chose the best and most useful ones. And there's a pretty good chance we'll only be able to pick and choose the BEST one.

Of all the suggestions, ethnicity spreads would be the best and most useful. Andorans? Chelaxian I've always assumed, but maybe Taldan? Galtans, Taldan? Molthuni Chelaxian? The People pf Brevoy? Half Ulfen, half Taldan? It'd be great to know!

The Exchange

bugleyman wrote:
Coridan wrote:

James Jacobs wrote:

This is also a good idea, but far less likely to manifest. it'd be great to have maps that show prevailing winds and climates, trade routs, continental plates and fault lines, longitude and latitude, ethnicity spreads, migration patterns, resources, and a whole lot more. There won't be enough room for that many maps though. We're gonna have to pick and chose the best and most useful ones. And there's a pretty good chance we'll only be able to pick and choose the BEST one.

I'd love to see a computerized map of all that stuff where you can just click the layers on and off

Perhaps that would make sense as a separate, PDF-only product?

Well, the expensive bit would be the base cartography. Adding the layers would be easier. There is already enough information in the book to make a fair stab at climate and trade routes. You could put the layers up as PDF on the website for people to print themselves onto acetate and lay over the map in the book, if you could get the scale right.

If you get into lat/lon then you define the size of the world, since people already know distance. That might be something to think over.

An FR Atlas style product, the Campaign Cartographer based one, would be something I'd subscribe to - a base release with the software, searching and global scale maps and then a map pack each quarter detailing areas in the adventure paths and some new areas.

James Jacobs wrote:
Watcher wrote:


I guess I'm happy that the community is blessed with enough abundance right now to call for a revision of a book that is now roughly 15 months old.

I'd still like to see the book make to at least two years, before it's updated with new content.

Same here. In fact, i would have liked to see the book make it to FIVE years. But honestly... the book was rushed, has a lot of embarrassing errors, didn't get the time it needed in development, and is written for a now out-of-print rules set. We don't really have a choice but to rebuild it, I think.

Of course... by the time the next version of the book is on shelves... it might well be over 2 years old...

(This is also a reply to the previous posters who replied to me)

If Paizo can hold off for at least two years before revising it, I will withdraw any and all complaints about it, and buy the revised book cheerfully.

I'm not trying to jerk, and my patronage to Paizo has been rock solid since PF AP#1. It's just to maintain that level of patronage, James, I need to tell you want I can and can't do. Replacing that book before it's two years old is just too much. If y'all can sweat it out till Autumn 2010 and I won't have such a problem with it.

To the previous posters who pointed out that they probably couldn't do it that fast to begin with; I don't disagree. On the other hand, I don't know that for certain. So I needed to say how I felt, rather than just hope that they didn't try to revise it any earlier.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
brock wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Benjamin Trefz wrote:
+1, While the Poster map is nice, it isn't practical to use for quick reference. There isn't a smaller version of that map anywhere in the book, which makes it hard to determine things like country locations in relation to each other.
This is a really good idea.
How about showing a rough guide to prevailing winds and climate on it?
This is also a good idea, but far less likely to manifest. it'd be great to have maps that show prevailing winds and climates, trade routs, continental plates and fault lines, longitude and latitude, ethnicity spreads, migration patterns, resources, and a whole lot more. There won't be enough room for that many maps though. We're gonna have to pick and chose the best and most useful ones. And there's a pretty good chance we'll only be able to pick and choose the BEST one.

Well maybe not maps but perhaps more info on climates and weather patterns in area's of the world would be nice. i mean we know Varisia is kinda the Northwest US in climite and likely weather. But what about Cheliax or Talador etc? It would be nice to know at least in rough terms. Perhaps a few sentences added to each country or region area.

It would also be really nice to see a list of each countries major exports and imports. It wouldn't need to be more than.

Cheliax Exports: Iron, Magic crafted items, culture, Devils.
Cheliax Imports: Halfling slaves, souls and exotic spices.

Ok yeah a bit tongue and cheek as a example but you get my point. I would love to see that added to each country.

Adding just those two things along to each country/region would be enough for me to want a new book.

Dark_Mistress wrote:

Well maybe not maps but perhaps more info on climates and weather patterns in area's of the world would be nice. i mean we know Varisia is kinda the Northwest US in climite and likely weather. But what about Cheliax or Talador etc? It would be nice to know at least in rough terms. Perhaps a few sentences added to each country or region area.

It would also be really nice to see a list of each countries major exports and imports. It would need to be more than.

Cheliax Exports: Iron, Magic crafted items, culture, Devils.
Cheliax Imports: Halfling slaves, souls and exotic spices.

Ok yeah a bit tongue and cheek as a example but you get my point. I would love to see that added to each country.

Adding just those two things along to each country/region would be enough for me to want a new book.

Support for trade exports and imports! Weather would be good too.

Watcher wrote:
To the previous posters who pointed out that they probably couldn't do it that fast to begin with; I don't disagree. On the other hand, I don't know that for certain. So I needed to say how I felt, rather than just hope that they didn't try to revise it any earlier.

Fair enough, I think your safe though!

In fact this hypothetical product is getting alot of good feedback!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Watcher wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:

Well maybe not maps but perhaps more info on climates and weather patterns in area's of the world would be nice. i mean we know Varisia is kinda the Northwest US in climite and likely weather. But what about Cheliax or Talador etc? It would be nice to know at least in rough terms. Perhaps a few sentences added to each country or region area.

It would also be really nice to see a list of each countries major exports and imports. It would need to be more than.

Cheliax Exports: Iron, Magic crafted items, culture, Devils.
Cheliax Imports: Halfling slaves, souls and exotic spices.

Ok yeah a bit tongue and cheek as a example but you get my point. I would love to see that added to each country.

Adding just those two things along to each country/region would be enough for me to want a new book.

Support for trade exports and imports! Weather would be good too.

I fixed my first post to say it wouldN'T need to be more than just my example. Just a line or two for each import and export would be enough and really help.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
This is also a good idea, but far less likely to manifest. it'd be great to have maps that show prevailing winds and climates, trade routs, continental plates and fault lines, longitude and latitude, ethnicity spreads, migration patterns, resources, and a whole lot more. There won't be enough room for that many maps though. We're gonna have to pick and chose the best and most useful ones. And there's a pretty good chance we'll only be able to pick and choose the BEST one.

That would make for a really interesting Map Folio, I could imagine.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
I fixed my first post to say it wouldN'T need to be more than just my example. Just a line or two for each import and export would be enough and really help.

I skimmed over the missing "n't" and took it the way you meant it. :)

On the subject: I honestly can come up with a lot of cool adventure ideas just with some information based trading and commerce. I wouldn't run to run a strictly economic or mercantile campaign, but there's a lot of adventure to be had around the concept of trade and commerce.

Because you're dealing with supply and demand, and have and have-nots.. and that's a Pandora's Box of mischief, pontential crime, and Robin Hood style action.

It also enlivens existing standard adventures with some much needed details.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Watcher wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
I fixed my first post to say it wouldN'T need to be more than just my example. Just a line or two for each import and export would be enough and really help.

I skimmed over the missing "n't" and took it the way you meant it. :)

On the subject: I honestly can come up with a lot of cool adventure ideas just with some information based trading and commerce. I wouldn't run to run a strictly economic or mercantile campaign, but there's a lot of adventure to be had around the concept of trade and commerce.

Because you're dealing with supply and demand, and have and have-nots.. and that's a Pandora's Box of mischief, pontential crime, and Robin Hood style action.

It also enlivens existing standard adventures with some much needed details.

I totally agree which is why i would love to see that added.

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