SamuraiSpirit |

Hi all,
I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this, but I just wanted to comment quickly on the fact that so far from what I've seen all Paizo books include this Special Thanks on their credit page.
And I think that's really awesome.
I don't think I've seen any other publisher give thanks to their unseen behind the scenes support personnel. Having worked in warehouse and customer relations positions myself in the past, I think that's fantastic. I wish I could work for Paizo! Last time I checked they were hiring for their warehouse team.... if only I could afford to move there! rar! :-)

Shinmizu |

You're more than welcome. I said this in the PF chat earlier, but it is worth repeating; Paizo customers are awesome and frankly, as a whole, you people are some of the best customers I've dealt with in my many years and many varieties of customer service.
It's pretty hard for us not to be awesome, since I'm sure we're just naturally reciprocating the awesomeness of all of you guys at Paizo. :)

GreatKhanArtist |

A special thanks to the e-mail customer service team for answering all my questions in a prompt, polite manner. Sometimes it's not what I want to hear, but I still appreciate it. Half the reason I buy from this company is the awesome customer service by those with that title and also from the designers who really do listen to their customers

Varisian Wanderer |

You're more than welcome. I said this in the PF chat earlier, but it is worth repeating; Paizo customers are awesome and frankly, as a whole, you people are some of the best customers I've dealt with in my many years and many varieties of customer service.
A huge thanks to all of you at Paizo! Not only are your adventures and products top-notch, but you have some of the most patient and best customer service I've encountered.
Cheers to you guys!