Nar'shinddah Sugimar

SamuraiSpirit's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hello to both Grand Moff Vixen and Ringtail...

I will be moving back to the LaVista/Omaha area in a couple few weeks and I was just about to post a new thread looking for Omaha players when I came across this...

It sounds like Ringtail has a full game already, but still... if you could use another player then I'm definitely game....

and Grand Moff, if you want to start a whole new game of our own, then I'd be interested in that as well...

I still plan on hitting up the Dragon's Lair... they're still in business, right?

and I hear some new place called Coliseum is up and running now... they're just a short hop from where I'll be living... (I'll be on the side of LaVista that Star Realm used to be on, if that helps any...)

I'd like to learn more about Pathfinder's iconic characters... Seoni, Valeros, etc.... is there one single place where all this information is consolidated or do I have to dig through past blogs, such as this one:

I didn't see an alignment listed for her.. Out of curiosity, anyone know what it is? I'd kinda like to get to know her better, maybe go out for a few drinks or something, but only if our alignments are compatible, ya know?

I was also wondering, is Valeros a follower of Cayden Caillean? Don't followers of Cayden carry a tankard around?

And how did they all come together as a team? How did the meet?

Now, as for Affirmative Action, why do we not have any half orc characters? Half orcs are people too, ya know.. Do I need to have my people speak with Paizo's legal department? ;P

hmm... additional advanced rules for sanity and hauntings, you say?


i personally like a little chocolate with my peanut bu... uh, i mean, horror with my fantasy.

MerrikCale wrote:
"Takin It Easy"

oh yeah

>>proceeds to stamp his feet, drool excessively and generally bark, hoot and howl like some old loony toons wolf who just spied jessica rabbit<<

Wow, there's some really great stuff here. The only problem is deciding which I want to use! Thanks!


Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places, but does anyone know of any Pathfinder wallpapers out there? In particular the covers of the PFRPG or Pathfinder Chronicles books would be great... although anything by Wayne Reynolds would be nice... I love that dude! :D

Heathansson wrote:
Mike Tyson want to know if he can get Van Gogh's ear at some kinda auction.


dude! that's so wrong!

I like everything I've read in the product description so far...

one additional thing I'd like to see is GM advice on how to create balanced prestige classes.

I dropped out of D&D after 3rd edition but before 3.5, so I don't know if this topic has been addressed anywhere else in the past. Moot point even if it was since we're talking about Pathfinder here, not D&D.

But I personally have a lot of ideas kickin around in me noggins for some prestige classes, but I sure could use some professional advice on how to make them balanced and playable and workable and fun and entertaining for me games, you know? :P

Imperial March, John Williams

Clubbed to Death, DJ Robb

The Shining Path, Thievery Corporation

Foundation, Thievery Corporation

Arrgh, I think I need a theme song CD!!

Well I hope you get a chance to raise a new griffon soon. Until then keep in contact and check out the Schenectady Wargamers Association website. If I didn't mention it, they are the sponsors of the Council of Five Nations and they also sponsor a two session game day once a month in Schenectady.


Thanks! I'll check out their website and as soon as I can I'll be there!


Hi all,

I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this, but I just wanted to comment quickly on the fact that so far from what I've seen all Paizo books include this Special Thanks on their credit page.

And I think that's really awesome.

I don't think I've seen any other publisher give thanks to their unseen behind the scenes support personnel. Having worked in warehouse and customer relations positions myself in the past, I think that's fantastic. I wish I could work for Paizo! Last time I checked they were hiring for their warehouse team.... if only I could afford to move there! rar! :-)

Well, I just received this book and Dungeon Denizens Revisited today and I love em. Why is that all I can think of to say about every Pathfinder book I've seen so far is "I love it"? :-)

Seriously though, I've always loved the idea of "re-envisioning" monsters and these two books don't disappoint. I've also always liked the idea of delving further into the ecology of various so-called monsters. I think that's one thing way too many D&D players don't bother thinking about(at least in my experience)... these creatures exist for a reason. Granted, some of them are the result of insane wizardly experiments, inscrutable gods, weird prehistorical mana storms or whathave you, but the majority are as "natural" to a fantasy world as dolphins, fire ants, horses, vampire bats, etc are to our world. I love learning about the "why" of various monsters instead of just getting a physical description and a stat block.

I sincerely hope that this series continues... my next purchase is going to be Dragons Revisited and I soooo can't wait for Classic Horrors... wights, wraiths, ghouls, vampires and yay zombies! I love throwing the occasional zombie apocalypse/dawn of the dead style event into my campaigns. Who says fantasy gaming can't support zombie horror!

if you love kobolds, how about the Koboldnomicon?

I personally don't know much about it, but I saw it on Amazon one day... not sure if it's still in print, but I believe it's a relatively recent release so it should be.

How close are you to Schenectady? I have been thinking about Pathfinder Society play ever since the Council of Five Nations convention. Did you attend?

Hope to Hear from you,


Hi Greg!

Hmm, well, I live in Richmondville, which is just west of Cobleskill, which is probably about a 30-45 minute drive from Schenectady. Which isnt bad at all except alas! my griffon flew away so I am currently without transportation other than my own two feet and the occasional bus. I likely won't have reliable transport until after the new year. And no, I unfortunately did not get a chance to attend the Council of Five Nations con, although I did want to.

Hi all,

I'm a D&D player from way back... first got into the hobby with the red boxed basic set circa '83 or so, then on into AD&D 1e, 2e, 3e, etc etc.

Alas, I sort of fell away from the gaming world for a while right around the time 3.5 came out. I kept my finger on the pulse of the gaming world though, and when White Wolf's New World of Darkness came out, it brought me back. Then last summer we had the 4th edition of the game that started it all for me in the first place, buuuut.... sadly, it just doesnt work for me.

But yay for Pathfinder!

So my question is this... where can I find more prestige classes aside from the ones in the corebook? Prestige classes were a customisation element from 3e that I really liked(although I was always wary of them for fear of creating a glut in the character environment if you know what I mean).

Please accept my apolgies if this topic has already been covered, it means that I didnt search hard enough.

Hi all,

I apologise if I'm posting this in the wrong spot, but I just had to say that I finally received my copy of the Pathfinder corebook today and I love it! I had ordered it some two months ago from Amazon(trying to be cheap and save money) simultaneously with the Bestiary... well, I got the Bestiary a couple days ago, but just finally got sick of waiting for Amazon to get the corebook back in stock that I cancelled the order with them and ordered direct from Paizo instead. Very satisified with Paizo-service by the way... I requested the 2-5 day USPS service... great packaging job.

What can I say that hasnt already been said? What a fantastic, beautiful book. I began my roleplaying career way back with the Red Boxed Basic D&D set... man, how that set fired up my imagination... still have it, too. I've had several other favourites over the years... Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu, World of Darkness, a few others... and I've come across a few stinkers (World of Synnibar, anyone? Battlelords of the 23rd century?).

I was pretty excited when I heard about 4e coming out and like many others I ordered the PHB/DMG/MM gift set... but try as I might(and I really did try), I just couldnt get into it. It just wasnt the same, you know? Now, I'm not a "4e hater" or anything like that... part of me does kind of like the game(more because I *want* to like it for old time's sake than anything else, probably), and I think the new edition ultimately is doing what it was designed to do... namely, keep this beloved hobby of ours alive and attracting a new generation of gamers. I work at a college and I've seen some kids there with their 4e books being all young and geeky. Brings back fond memories.

But I think I was meant to be a Pathfinder. I can't wait to start getting my hands on some of that Golarion stuff... I usually make up my own worlds for my game, but it all sounds so cool.

And if it hasn't been said yet, let me say Wayne Reynolds is a *magnificent* artist! Don't ever let this guy get away! I'm a very visually oriented person and a book with crappy or even just bland, uninspired artwork will turn me off faster than anything else. Same goes for the Bestiary. There were a few illustrations that I felt were somewhat bland (the unicorn, the couatl, for example), but overall most of the artwork was really, really great. Like the cheetah and the tiger... and the genies... and the lillend azata, mraowr! and the aboleth! One question though, what's with the change in appearance of the troll? Surely it's not a "WotC property issue" kind of thing since wasnt the longtime D&D version of the troll taken from some novel or another? Just curious, it's still a pretty frightening beast of a monster. Wouldnt catch me wandering around in troll country, that's for damn sure.

Anyway, thanks for letting me add my voice to the Paizo army and thanks to all the Paizo gods and goddesses for renewing my love for my favourite game. Now if I could only find some players out here!

Hey all!

Long time gamer here, first time Pathfinder... looking for players in or near the vicinity of Schoharie county... it's a wild and lonely piece of wilderness in which I've found myself, but surely I'm not alone!

I have many years of DMing experience but am equally happy to be "just" a player... so if youre out there, give me a shout!

