Cavalier - Mount Death

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

Liberty's Edge

At 20th level, if a cavalier's mount dies, he will never get all the special benefits of the ability, since he will not likely get another level. Could we add a different requirement besides an increase in level?

RaGeR wrote:
At 20th level, if a cavalier's mount dies, he will never get all the special benefits of the ability, since he will not likely get another level. Could we add a different requirement besides an increase in level?

If you arent using some kind of epic level mechanic where he can gain further levels, isnt the campaign over at level 20?

Kolokotroni wrote:
If you arent using some kind of epic level mechanic where he can gain further levels, isnt the campaign over at level 20?


Zurai wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
If you arent using some kind of epic level mechanic where he can gain further levels, isnt the campaign over at level 20?

A fairly simple answer, and I fully realize you can continue playing if you so choose, but at least in my experience people generally try to wrap up around then if they arent planning on going into epic levels.

Liberty's Edge

Kolokotroni wrote:
Zurai wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
If you arent using some kind of epic level mechanic where he can gain further levels, isnt the campaign over at level 20?
A fairly simple answer, and I fully realize you can continue playing if you so choose, but at least in my experience people generally try to wrap up around then if they arent planning on going into epic levels.

In this case, by saying level 20, im really saying max level in the game. The requirement, as written is to gain a level before your mount is restored to all abilities. So in some cases, the dragon eats your mount, you wont be able to get another.

By limiting the ability to only being available once you gain a level could put the character in a position to never get the ability at some point. A different kind of requirement to restore the ability would make your progression a moot point.

It might make more sense to mirror the ranger/druid/paladin requirement for changing out / death.

RaGeR wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Zurai wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
If you arent using some kind of epic level mechanic where he can gain further levels, isnt the campaign over at level 20?
A fairly simple answer, and I fully realize you can continue playing if you so choose, but at least in my experience people generally try to wrap up around then if they arent planning on going into epic levels.

In this case, by saying level 20, im really saying max level in the game. The requirement, as written is to gain a level before your mount is restored to all abilities. So in some cases, the dragon eats your mount, you wont be able to get another.

By limiting the ability to only being available once you gain a level could put the character in a position to never get the ability at some point. A different kind of requirement to restore the ability would make your progression a moot point.

It might make more sense to mirror the ranger/druid/paladin requirement for changing out / death.

Wouldnt it be easier by that level to have his cleric friend just true res the mount?

Dark Archive

RaGeR wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Zurai wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
If you arent using some kind of epic level mechanic where he can gain further levels, isnt the campaign over at level 20?
A fairly simple answer, and I fully realize you can continue playing if you so choose, but at least in my experience people generally try to wrap up around then if they arent planning on going into epic levels.

In this case, by saying level 20, im really saying max level in the game. The requirement, as written is to gain a level before your mount is restored to all abilities. So in some cases, the dragon eats your mount, you wont be able to get another.

By limiting the ability to only being available once you gain a level could put the character in a position to never get the ability at some point. A different kind of requirement to restore the ability would make your progression a moot point.

It might make more sense to mirror the ranger/druid/paladin requirement for changing out / death.

I think a 30 day period in which the cavalier personally trains his new mount for at least 4 hours a day would do the trick. The new mount could be the one he is riding so he can still adventure, but it represents the specialized training and the bonding the Cavalier has with his mount.

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