Oracles unattached to Domains

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

I was just thinking. Oracles are a perfect venue for escaping the trappings of Domains. May take just a bit more work to build the Bonus Spell Lists, but;

Oracle of Music
Oracle of Illusions
Oracle of Shadow
Oracle of Time

or following a different vein...

Oracle of Lust
Oracle of Gluttony
Oracle of Greed
Oracle of Sloth
Oracle of Wrath
Oracle of Envy
Oracle of Pride

Just an Idea that popped in my head. I'm sure if I took a minute, I could follow the structure of the current Foci and create these for myself and my campaign. But thought I'd throw it out there.

Comments as always are welcome.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Personally, I saw them going that way from the moment I heard about the Oracle class. I've thought of them kind of like the Legend of the Five Rings Oracles, and not like, oh, the Oracle of Delphi. The Oracle of Bone, Flame, and Battle all seemed to support that to me. Which makes me rather happy, honestly. But I like the idea of Foci (Or Mysteries, as I hope they change to) for all the Seven Deadly Sins.

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