Mortika runs Slumbering Tsar (PFRPG)


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Rasina catches Veren in mid verse in his side with her elbow and hisses "Enough, man! Our hostess has returned." Once he has finished and quieted down, she glances at her companions, guessing where this was leading, and replies, "We're listening."

"Your 'dear friend' is safe for the moment, but helpless as our prisoner. If you are indeed the people who vanquished the demon stag and its shadow, then you can save her life.

"We will sacrifice her at sunset today, for the sake and bounty of our reclamation. Her blood will nourish the ground, and her life will renew the greenery. Unless you bring to us a suitable replacement. Camp," she says, with an expression that suggests the very pronunciation of the word befouls her tongue, "is chock full of wastrels, wicked men, and the worst that civilization has to offer. You've killed your share of them. Bring us one, alive, and we'll keep the elf alive for another day. Bring us ten, and you may have her back."

Rasina stares at the Reclaimer for a few seconds, trying to regain her composure, before she replies carefully, "So this is how you reclaim the land, by sacrificing blood of intelligent beings. And Vilgara will be one of these. Will we share this fate as well, should we not comply with your terms? Also, may we see Vilgara, as a show of good faith on your part?"

Chris, i think you can guess this next question, but here it is anyway: What time of day is it now?

"Yes!" Still carried by the boisterous song and liquor, Veren speaks louder than his usual already loud self. "We need proof, then we go and get you some wastrels. Do some count for more than others? Is a giant worth 10 men? Is a halfling worth half?"

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Knowledge Nature1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 Is this a genuine and legitimate rite of reclaimation? Is this acceptable to Mikka's druidic order?

Mikka. Prpbably so. Probably not. And the dreams might make more sense in this context.

The druid drops a gleaming sickle at your feet. It lets out a short electrical buzz as it lands in the grass. Veren, you recognize it as Vilgara's signature weapon. "Is that sufficient proof, or should we remove one of her hands and bring it fresh and bloody to you?

"Go then. Don't be late.

"Oh, and if you want an easy time of it, there's a team of cut-throats approaching us now from the west. If you're quick about it, you can be back by noon."

Rasina waits for Veren to pick up Vilgara's sickle, then replies to the Reclaimer, trying to hide the revulsion in her voice, No, that won't be necessary, we believe you. Is there anything you can tell us about these cutthroats, like how many are there, whether they are mounted or not, or anything notable about them?"

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Mikka nods quietly, processing the Reclaimer's demands and expectations.

Veren picks up the sickle, then nods to Rasina, Mikka and Nadeq. He looks to the west.

Under the tree Mikka planted, now on the western horizon, you see several human-sized figures on horseback.

Perception, DC 20:

There is a riderless quadruped there as well, and you can almost make out something very small, flitting about the four figures.

Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Bluff 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

"We will take care of these bandits for you, and will return shortly." Rasina replies, Secret message, "I believe it is the others! Do not let on we know them!

Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Veren looks grim, packs away the remnants of his keg. "Let's go. That doesn't look like enough to buy Vilgara's freedom. We'll have to head out again after that riffraff is brought in."

You walk back, trying to look sullen. After a short while, you see that, yes, those are your old comrades.

Rasina approaches the group, she says as she comes within earshot, "Ho, travelers, may we join your camp?" Bluff 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26, Secret message, Pretend you do not know us, all our lives are in danger!

Male Human Paladin 7

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30 Sense Motive

Artimus starts to raise his arms towards his friends as they approach when Raisina speaks. He pauses with his arms spread and decides to just go with it. "Of course, travelers, there are many dangers in this desert and it would be foul of us to deny others the shelter of the tree that we have found. Sit, but seek peace for know if you seek quarrel we have such in spades."

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Bluffing poorly, just trying to return the message that we are ready to battle whatever may be the danger.

Are the druids with us? Why is there a need for Rasina to bluff? Or are we close enough to the oasis that we can be readily observed?

Veren Baccus wrote:

Are the druids with us? Why is there a need for Rasina to bluff? Or are we close enough to the oasis that we can be readily observed?

Remember you can still be paranoid, even if they ARE out to get you, he he. Seriously, Rasina is operating under the assumption, they are being watched, not too hard for druids to do, he he.

Veren, you are at least two miles away from the Reclaimers' preserve. If Durnast, Artimus, and company made you walk the whole way back to Mikka's tree, you are about four miles from the preserve.

Remember, druids have ways of making animals, plants and even stones squeal on you.

Bluff to convey secret message (DC20) 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26 Veren subtly regales the tales of their recent exploits - and the dilemma that they now face.

Okay krew... I'm well out of ideas on how to play this - we can try to bust Vilgara free using tricks, or a brute assault; or we can try to get 10 hapless plebs from elsewhere.

For the benefit of the good readers who may not have been keeping up with your encounters, Veren, could you highlight what aspects of the situation you fill the others in on? (There are particular small points that they might react to, if you think to mention them.) Nothing elaborate. Maybe a few bullet points?

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

Yes, I've read most of what has happened to you guys recently, but it would be better to clarify what you can quickly convey... which is probably less than every detail.

Catching on that something is up, Durnast draws his sword as he sees the group approaching, though he doesn't otherwise act aggressive (this seems appropriate for encountering strangers in the Desolation)

Durnast will try to gain cover (including from the oak tree and from above), bunching up against/ 'inside' the circle of everybody else, in order to cast Message... Which he lets Cam pass on, flitting amongst the 'new-comers'. (anybody can communicate secretly with me (2-ways) within 170' by whispering under their breath)
If necessary, untrained Bluff check to conceal casting (first using Diviner's Fortune on myself, and w/ Cam's Aid) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 + cover modifiers(?) + Alia/Monty/Artimus' Aid (I inform before I try via Message)?

So, to be clear:

  • Step 1: Rasina cues folks that something's up. (Anybody observing can make a Sense Motive roll to understand the message.)
  • Step 2: Durnast cues people that he'll be casting message. (Anybody observing can make a Sense Motive roll to understand the message.)
  • Step 3: Alia, Monetegue, and Artimus try to Aid Durnast in making his casting secret (Bluff checks).
  • Step 4: Durnast hides and casts message surreptitiously (Bluff check).
  • Step 5: Durnast points to people and whispers something. (Anybody else nearby can hear the message with a Perception roll.)
  • Step 6: People can whisper a response back to Durnast. (Anybody else nearby can hear the message with a Perception roll.)
  • Step 7 +: Repeat Steps 5-6.

Is that the plan?

Okay, the highlights according to Veren:

  • We found the remains of Farren and Gorbit - there has been no trace of the centaur Zhettiah, but we managed to track Vilgara
  • We encountered some weird undead floating jelly fish and what might be the ghost of a leader of the Army of Light
  • We tracked Vilgara to an oasis (due east) where she's held captive and due to be sacrificed by a group of druids known as reclaimers - they try to rejuvenate the barren land by using the lives of others
  • They'll keep her alive if we bring replacement sacrifices - and if we get 10 sacrifices for them, they'll release her
  • Although unlikely, it might be possible to find a less lethal way to rejuvenate the land
  • It might be possible to reclaim the crown of Azarkites from these wastes - it has unknown powers; but maybe this ties in with the reclaimers
  • A vampire named Simrath (more specifically his death and reading his journal) led Veren and his original group including Vilgara to the Desolation seeking for the crown of Azarkites.

Sense Motive 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

Rasina adds to the narrative, using Bluff as well, nodding at the goblin, "This journey was not without cost. Nadeq as you can see, is no longer who he was, but he has returned to us." She turns to Alia, who had opposed the splitting of the group, and simply says, "It was indeed foolhardy to split the group. I hope you were able to find what you were looking for."

I hereby resign my position as party leader, and hereby appoint...someone else for the job, he he

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)
GM Chris Mortika wrote:
  • Step 2: Durnast cues people that he'll be casting message. (Anybody observing can make a Sense Motive roll to understand the message.)
  • To be clear, there shouldn't be any sort of bluff check for conveying this, as Durnst's standard operating procedure is to re-cast Message before it runs out, thus he can whisper "Give me some cover guys... I need to cast something away from prying eyes".

    Otherwise, it seems spot-on.

    Female Human Ranger 7

    At a gesture from Alia, Swiftpaws growls at the coming "strangers" and she moves forwards: "This place is full of dangers. What are your intentions?"

    Bluff check to aid masking Durnast Casting 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

    Oops, at least it's not a natural one

    Female Human Ranger 7

    Via Durnast message, Alia will make clear she will not bargain with these murderers. She will ask for the number of druids and allied creatures.

    Alia Wolfsdottir wrote:
    Via Durnast message, Alia will make clear she will not bargain with these murderers. She will ask for the number of druids and allied creatures.

    Via Message, reply to Alia, We saw 2 druids openly, though we suspect more were hidden, plus the two smilodons, and the leopard-like Kamadan creature, and beetle. They did not allow us to penetrate very far.

    Messaging Additionally, although their methods are questionable, the results are in their own way good. Slowly turning the Desolation into something better. If they'd only use convicted criminals or there was another source of rejuvenation then their work would be laudable. As a whole I'd prefer the druids to become allies and a strength for us, rather than a terribly deadly encounter. We just have to get Vilgara out.

    Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

    Sense Motive (1d20+10=13)

    Montague finally realizes that there is a Goblin in the party and apparently in league with the rest of the group. When he learns that this is Nadaq for the first time anyone looking at him will see him smile, then begin to laugh silently and under his breath.

    Messaging At Veren's words Montague looks at him in puzzlement. Taking the life of others is never a thing to be taken lightly. If you were innocent, but convicted of a crime would you be satisfied with your life's blood leaking out on the sands? They are vile murders, breaking the law and must be stopped.

    Male Human Paladin 7

    Via Message "I'm afraid that I cannot abide by trading a life for another, no less lives. Those they seek to kill may be despicable in their own ways, and their results may be good, but that does not make their motives pure. There must be another way. Perhaps we can lead a feint and catch them off guard. Not likely for long on their home turf, but perhaps enough to give us an advantage. Do any of you with magical powers have a method of disguising us that we may pass for the dead?"

    Via message, Artimus, I do not believe that will work, as they have many natural guardians which can easily detect our false nature. Plus, we did not see any undead creatures in the oasis, I believe they cannot cross the boundaries. The inner stronghold is guarded by a wall of thorns as well, so a frontal assault would be difficult at best. Stealth is our best option here. If we decide an assault, we need to scout first.

    Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

    Quiet for a long time Mikka finally speaks.

    Via messageThere purpose is not good even though it may be natural. Instead of destroying the taint of the desolation they appease it with blood. The soul of that oasis is a slevering hungrything that only seeks more blood and death. Their goals may have once been noble but they have been crrupted like everything else in this forsaken wasteland.

    Via Message, Mikka, can you tell us anything more about what sort of creature may be behind the corruption of their cause? My experience shows there is always a shadow moving unseen directing the downfall of unsuspecting groups.

    Male Human Paladin 7

    Message Indeed Mikka, if these were once those I may have called brethren of mine, even had they fallen from the way then I would hope that the rest of you would turn to my advice. In this I seek your aid. I will not leave our new allies friend to their sacrifice, but whatever advice or direction you may have on how best to accomplish this goal is something we all will take to heart.

    Perhaps someone who heard some prophesy might want to relate it?

    M Goblin Oracle 7

    seeing Montague lauging at his behalf Nadeq looks down himself and shrug.
    "Fate is a cruel mistress" he says with his new croaking voice.

    a few moments passes before he closes his eyes as if deep concentration. Suddenly his eyes pop open again and he speak

    message"An assauly may not be impossible. I have a.. feeling, that the desolation wants these druids stopped. All we have to do is listen to it, and tame its powers to our needs."

    he explains
    "After my death, i am starting to discover new powers and feelings. Some of them come from within, others I can tap out of the energy that fuels the desolation. Using these powers I am certain i will be able to reach into the desolation and its inhabitants and force them to obey my commands."

    ít does sound like he is talking about using the desolation and its inhabitants, whatever they might be, as their allies.

    Message "The desolation wants these druids stopped". Is an enemy of my enemy really my friend? Taking sides with the desolation does not have intrinsically more merit than siding with the druids.

    At Montague: Innocent convicts get executed regardless - it they would be executed, then I would expect it be noblest to have them executed in a manner that doesn't merely shed their blood, but does its part to renew the desolation.

    (Veren is worried at Mikka's words though) Do you have more than a feeling substantiating this?

    (Veren agrees with Rasina) That is typical in my experience as well - I would think we might want to investigate this possibility as well.

    Via message Veren, it is not the Desolation that wants to sacrifice Vilgara. What about the orc we saw in the camp, he did not seem to be in league with her on her intentions to sacrifice Vilgara. Perhaps he could be a potential ally?"

    Message Rasina, I'm not so sure - he merely seemed not wily enough to immediately catch on to her plan.

    I still think, between the Desolation and the Oasis, the Oasis is the lesser evil. Admittedly it is more "at hand" and also more defeatable at this stage; but if even the Desolation itself wants to see the Oasis destroyed - would we not strengthen the Desolation if we were to destroy it? In the long run, would we rather have a land that is barren and dead with demons and undead roaming it haphazardly, or a verdant land of growth and trees with some overprotective druids?

    Male Human Paladin 7

    Artimus frowns at the discussion, listening carefully to the back and forth.

    Message Even the good in this place is befouled. We must be careful going forth. We must watch even ourselves here it seems. Whatever we do, we bolster one side, a side which gathers down to smash down upon us as they do each other.

    There is an admitted ease to the thought of working with these druids, we lose those who we have deemed less than desirable anyway and perhaps some of this wasteland is pushed back for a time. But it is a false ease as there is an evil in their work as well.

    He looks to the goblin among us with this. Think carefully on this, friend Nadeq. You have proven your loyalty to us and you have my trust, but calling too strongly on the strength of the desolation is no less dangerous than calling upon that of this oasis, even if the power flows easily to you now. Whatever we do we must be cautious and move forward with our eyes open, knowing that each of our paths leads us further into darkness.

    Female Human Ranger 7

    Message to all:Veren, you are the one that took us here. And now you suggest we kill innovent people to help your friend. If she is like you, then we better let her where she is. But we are not like you and will try to help her.

    What these druids are doing is horrible. It's the contrary of what nature should be and is just reinforcing what the desolation is. They are as corrupt as everything around us. We should stop them.

    Have you asked us why we were already here, one day before we should have started looking for you? We rode all night long to catch you because we met the Seer again. And he told us you were in danger because of those druids. from what he says, there is a sleeping giant that weeps. Those tears help the jungle growth and he must be fed by blood sacrifice. should he wake, he will destroy everything. So we must be careful trying to liberate you friend.

    Message Alia, having entered the druids camp, I certainly did get the impression of hidden threats, so I agree with everything you say. Artimus, I do agree with you on using Nadeq's newfound abilities is extremely risky, but I can also tell you, while delving in the Tomb of Abysthor, we were forced to ally with many evil beings in order to attain the ultimate goal. Sometimes we must be flexible, and not lock ourselves into a certain mindset, otherwise we overlook a route to victory.

    Message (Veren frowns at Alia) That is a cold assessment, I don't recall suggesting killing any innocent. Nor did I advise to take innocents, or anybody else, to the oasis. I presented options, and my opinion - namely that it risky to the point of suicide to assault the oasis. As, in turn, I'm listening to your insights and opinion.

    But I think you highlight a possibility. If there really is a slumbering giant that causes the jungle growth, then if we end that root cause for the reclaimers' activities, then we win. No more blood sacrifices will grow the oasis and the druids will have to turn to other, maybe more benign, methods.

    I think this is a course of action that is worthy of attention. To think of the druids merely as murderers and bring them to justice is doing a disservice to their potential and ambition. If they are corrupt, then it should be our aim to cleanse that corruption - and not the flesh that is a symptom thereof.

    Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

    I cannot make us appear undead, not that we would want to but I can hide usform animals. Unfortunately I would not be able to until sunrise.

    Veren, you have no idea what you ar speaking about. Many druids care nothing of good or evil, answering to a much older calling, that of the lands and the gods of nature. If siding with a demon would provide the reclaimers with the goal of a replenished land then so be it.

    My own order and the gods I follow see the land as existing for the enjoyment and harmony of all living things, not to prey and feed upon them.

    If this giant uses the blood of others to reinvigorate the land it is at a price that may eventually claim all who would temporarily benifit.

    I say we find another solution, perhaps a way of slaying the giant. If he requres a sacrifice, let it be his own. The price will be paid bythe one who imposes it.

    Mikka, would you make a knowledge(nature) check for me?

    Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

    Knowledge Nature1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

    Mikka, the particulars of that giant don't sound familiar, but if they're accurate, if all this is caused by the creature's tears, it may be one of the primordial titans, the first and greatest of the mortal races. What the likes of such would be doing out here is anybody's guess.

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