3D Rendering of Foxglove Manor

Rise of the Runelords

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Actually, I wasn't planning on posting this one because I was just twiddling around and experimenting. I don't think it's anything that anyone can use in their campaign but the elevations turned out kinda' cool. I've given up trying to texture the thing - I've learned that I did it all wrong if I want to give it texturing. Ah, well. That's why you experiment. Next time...



Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Wow, those are actually incredibly helpful, if only as a visual aid for the type of structure PCs see as they approach. What program did you make these on, and how long did they take you?



Whilst it always amazes me to see what magic Paizo have made from my words, to see a building come to life like this is brilliant. I wonder if Paizo would be interested in seeing you make other places come alive in a similar way from time to time?

A really excellent piece of work.



Wow! Thank you!


I'll echo all the other praise above, this looks really cool!
You should definitely do more structures. If you have somewhere to post even larger scale images of them, they could easily be used in online or PbP campaigns.

Sovereign Court

Very nice!!!

Good good stuff. Many thanks for sharing! :)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

Dark Archive

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Very ego-boosting!

Here's an eye-level approach view that I forgot about which may be useful...

yoda8myhead wrote:
...What program did you make these on, and how long did they take you?

I used Sketchup for the modeling, DAZ Studio for the rendering, and Photoshop for the compositing. For how long it took, I wasn't keeping track. Let me think. One weekend and a couple evenings... 16-20 hours? I suppose if you add it up like that it seems like a lot of time, but this is my hobby and I don't even bat an eye at it. Besides, I despise television so I have a lot more free time than most people.


Richard Pett wrote:
...I wonder if Paizo would be interested in seeing you make other places come alive in a similar way from time to time?...

That's an interesting thought. I'd be happy to consider any requests. Private requests can be sent to rlucci1(at)yahoo.com.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome! Many thanx for sharing those renderings.
Such pictures would be so helpful somtimes. Putting some texture onto the objects and there you go. Would be great to see you stuff more often!

Scarab Sages

Chinchbug wrote:
That's an interesting thought. I'd be happy to consider any requests. Private requests can be sent to rlucci1(at)yahoo.com.

One word: Clocktower.

Chinchbug wrote:

I don't think it's anything that anyone can use in their campaign


Sadly, my two groups are past Foxglove Manor, otherwise I would have used that images.As a matter of fact, I will still show it to my groups, they'll like it

Great Work ! Thank you Chinbug.

aeglos wrote:
Chinchbug wrote:

I don't think it's anything that anyone can use in their campaign


Sadly, my two groups are past Foxglove Manor, otherwise I would have used that images.As a matter of fact, I will still show it to my groups, they'll like it

Great Work ! Thank you Chinbug.

Same here.. Too late for me, but I am going to show this to them anyway.

Dark Archive

Tom Baumbach wrote:
One word: Clocktower.

I worked up a GM reference guide for the Shadow Clock Tower a while back. Here's the link to that older post.

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/adventurePa th/runelords/archives/shadowTowerLayout&page=1#0

Would that work? Or are you looking for something to feed your players?

Scarab Sages

Chinchbug wrote:
I worked up a GM reference guide for the Shadow Clock Tower a while back. Here's the link to that older post.

I remember that. (It was a great yoinking.) But I was thinking along the lines of a stylized 3D model to show off the scale and rickity-ness of the building (if it can be done, I don't know crap about 3D graphics). Recall the original maps from 'Skinsaw', how that tower leaned and had holes.

Chinchbug wrote:

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Very ego-boosting!

Here's an eye-level approach view that I forgot about which may be useful...


Chinchbug wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
...What program did you make these on, and how long did they take you?
I used Sketchup for the modeling, DAZ Studio for the rendering, and Photoshop for the compositing. For how long it took, I wasn't keeping track. Let me think. One weekend and a couple evenings... 16-20 hours? I suppose if you add it up like that it seems like a lot of time, but this is my hobby and I don't even bat an eye at it. Besides, I despise television so I have a lot more free time than most people.

Wait... is that? I think it is! It's a request for at least a short instruction video for how to get started! :-D

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Beautiful stuff, Chinchbug.

Scarab Sages

That's amazing! (My group just finished Foxglove Manor, but I'm probably going to send them the URL to this thread anyway.)

I'd love to see any other locales you feel like rendering!


Some time ago I was thinking to do a complete Sandpoint 3D model using google Sketch up. I used this CAD for just some days, for my real life home, and once you enter the program it's really user friendly. If we could put down a team of 3-6 volunteers we could do this project in just few weeks joining all the efforts to obtain in an unique complete fantastique navigable (outside and inside) view of Sandpoint.
Another project I'm start to think at is Thistletop 3D. Tell me if there is someone interested...

Could the sketch up model of Foxglove Manor be shared mate?

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