Untitled III

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages


Silver Crusade

Sounds bout raht. Gotta cull them hippehs. Let's lock 'n load!

Bah the weh, Ah don' think nothin's gonna grow in thet thar pasture what's got a hippeh burrehd in it. Nothin but hemp no-ways.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Dadgum hippehs. Even win thar ded theys still mussin' thangs up.

<digs up hippeh. Throws hippeh on bonfire>

This'll teach'em reel gud!

Scarab Sages

Goddang hippehs.

*cough cough cough*

Oh wow man ..

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just wanted to point out how awesome I think Cosmo is.

Because he is awesome. And would never use his powers for evil. Ever.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Malaise-Inducement Construct

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Oladon wrote:

I just wanted to point out how awesome I think Cosmo is.

Because he is awesome. And would never use his powers for evil. Ever.


Ah reckin'

Silver Crusade

That Cosmo feller's alraht.

Scarab Sages

Ah wuz round this one tahm when Uncle Cosmo made this hippeh feller cry jest by whisprin sumthin to em.


Scarab Sages

Yew tellum, ol'Grue.

*howls toward Yuggoth*

Scarab Sages

Dang! Thet wuz lowd. Reckin them old wuns herd ya way over yonder.

Silver Crusade

Ah hope so.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cosmo's Slightly More Evil Twin wrote:
Oladon wrote:

I just wanted to point out how awesome I think Cosmo is.

Because he is awesome. And would never use his powers for evil. Ever.


Word to the wise: next time you notice a dot on a thread you've never even viewed, check it out instead of assuming a fluke.

... especially if you've recently been taunting someone with resources.

*sniff sniff sniff*

kinda grew on me

Scarab Sages

Izzat sum kinda new hippeh feller?


Silver Crusade

Y'all say somethin'?

Scarab Sages

Ah'm tawkin bout thuh feller whut posted uh bit futher up. Olerdan, er sumthin lahk thet. Ah'm gessin he's sum kinda new fangled hippeh folk.

Silver Crusade


Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Oladan is anuther werd fer hippeh. Thet's wut muh nephew saw on the interwebz.

Scarab Sages

Dang hippehs. Jest this mornin ah had wun whut tried tuh make frendleh with me. Sum Lazeh hippeh feller.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Didja shoot'im?

I rekin'

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ther are hippehs in thu interwebz too? They are everwher!

Scarab Sages

They shor is evywhar Froggeh. Yew gotta be redeh fer 'em. Keep yer shotgun close by.

Durn hippehs

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games


Scarab Sages

Mebbe yew ken cook summa them dang hippehs up inna stew fer us Mammeh? Ah shor am hungreh.

Silver Crusade

Butterfrog wrote:
Ther are hippehs in thu interwebz too? They are everwher!

Yer raht! The interwebz is full of em!

Scarab Sages

Dang hippeh innerwebz.

*chews on mouse*

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Dadgum hippehs. Thar otta be a law agin 'em.

Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut.

Scarab Sages


Lands. Begins pecking the ground for Ibuprofen...

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Dadgum hippeh pidjin. Luk at'im lukkin' fer drugs.

AZ, CH, git yer shotgun. It's tahm fer wunna dem innervenshuns.

Leave mah bird ahlon! Ahm warnin' you...


Ah reckon'

Pigeon pot pie sounds mighty good. Almost as good as hippeh goulash I reckin'

Scarab Sages

Ah shor am hungreh.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Maybeh Mammeh kin cuk up summa her famous pot pie...

Silver Crusade

Thems all soun gud.

What?........... I mean.... What?........ Whoa... uh....... I reckon... Dudes.

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