FAWTL refugee thread

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psionichamster wrote:

Just in case any of you "refugees" has missed this video/song.

They're Icelandic, funny, and it's a pretty darn awesome adventure-story in like 4 minutes.

Of Monsters & Men: "Little Talks"


Here's another awesome one that you may or may not have seen.

So my Wizard bit the big one last night in our Kingmaker campaign. :( I was viciously taken out by a Troll. But it is ok because it really helped me understand the whole "Wizards are OP" nonsense. See Wizards are OP...IF they have the right spells and IF they are a high enough level to start making items. Between levels 1 through 3...they suck, but nearly as bad as they used to back in the days of 3.0+.

Factors that lead to my character's death. 1. Half of the Party was down at that time. 2. I moved into Melee range so that I could allow one of the rogues to have a flanking bonus and hoped and prayed that he did enough damage to put this thing down. 3. We didn't have a "tank" class in the party.

Liberty's Edge

wow yeah that sucks

Will you be rolling up a new character?



Claw/Claw/Rend/Bite is unpleasant on a caster.

Silver lining time; new character building is fun!

Gark the Goblin wrote:

wow yeah that sucks

Will you be rolling up a new character?

Yes I will be. Given the play style of the group and the now lack of a full arcane caster, I will likely play a Sorcerer. I was thinking of a Half-elf or a Human, but I haven't decided yet.


Kingmaker is just about the perfect opportunity for a human Infernal Sorcerer with Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment.

Collect pets & followers all along.

That would be great except I'm not a fan of most Enchantment spells because either they are REALLY powerful or the DM is super afraid of you ruining his "well laid out plans" and makes it impossible for you to do anything. Besides there are WAY too many defenses for many of the Enchantment spells and they are WAY too specific for my tastes. I mean you need to be able to cast 4th level spells before you can start affecting monsters...

Based on the way this party is going, blasty sorcerer is what I'm going to end up being. My Wizard was going for "Battlefield control" but without a BDF (Big Dumb Fighter) it was difficult to pull off especially at low levels.



Funny, since I have that exact PC in the Kingmaker game I'm GMing.

He does tend to be super effective, except when he's full of arrows, I guess.

Liberty's Edge

Have I talked about Guko yet?

Guko is a legit totes serious troglodyte barbarian prince heir to the throne.

He has several lackeys, as follow:
Arkh, Bronh, Coh, Dirkh, Endoh, Fidkh, Hiroh, Izulah.

He's sort of an antihero/antagonist for my brother's main party.

JMD031 wrote:
...But it is ok because it really helped me understand the whole "Wizards are OP" nonsense....

Pssst. There is your next rant right there.

Pecan Sandie Duncan wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
...But it is ok because it really helped me understand the whole "Wizards are OP" nonsense....
Pssst. There is your next rant right there.

I'll add it to the list.

Liberty's Edge

mmm sand

Part of my players not having any tactics (and they're getting a little better) is that they keep making characters that aren't really frontline characters and then using them as frontline fighters.

But, they're getting better...

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Part of my players not having any tactics (and they're getting a little better) is that they keep making characters that aren't really frontline characters and then using them as frontline fighters.

But, they're getting better...

That never works. We have a Summoner (Sythesist), a monk (hungry ghost), an inquisitor, a rogue and a ninja. The rogue went right up to one of the trolls and tried to go toe to toe with it. He was a Gnome and thought the +4 to his AC would save him....

Yeah, we have a summoner who fights with a Lucerne hammer, so he keeps thinking he's a frontline fighter. His eidolon? Sure. Him? Not so much.

Liberty's Edge

We have that problem now and then but usually the party is made up of hybrid classes like clerics, paladins, and druids and such that cast spells, fight in melee, and heal. Really we have always at least two secondary healers [maybe a negatively-charged cleric and a bard] and two secondary meleers [ranger, thuggish alchemist] and a bunch of other quirkiness.

Really, you just have to get used to a certain style of fighting (running away, resting every other encounter, buying wands and investing in UMD, sneaking and pushing rocks on your opponents, withdrawing from melee every few rounds, sending in the animal companions, diplomancy, etc.).

Or you can do a gritty NPC classes one-shot where everyone starts out as a commoner.

Liberty's Edge

anyway appreciation to everyone who's died in wars

wish your friends and family a happy death day

f*&#ing ecstatic

We are playing off the Kingmaker series right now our party is one barbarian I am a bard and then we have a rogue.

I seem to be having a hard time finding my niche as to how to play my bard. I have some interesting melee feats and I do my whole heal thing and bard song (or in my case inspiring speech). Then I have a bow ...but I am better with a rapier which ends up seeming to get me into trouble.

I think I need to learn some better tactics and try fighting less frount line fighter type.

When I was a wizard I did not seem to have that inclination yet now that I am a hybrid I think I am just good enough to stand toe to toe ... not sure if that is the case.

Work sucks, that is all.

Amen to that my friend.

Liberty's Edge

School does not suck as much as work, I think.

Anyway I think DJ Patch in the music thread linked a video of a ninja with a moustache, which reminded me of this comic which I still haven't finished reading.

Great comic Dr. McNinja is.

Liberty's Edge

Yes, I think it's excellent. It's just sorta hard to archive slog through.

Also I just finished watching Annie Hall, which I think is pretty great.

I just watched the perfect family which I thought was a good film funny. My wife loved it and got alot of laughs as she was raised Roman Catholic.

Liberty's Edge

I took Catechism.

What did you think of the class?

The Mad Badger wrote:

yet now that I am a hybrid I think I am just good enough to stand toe to toe ... not sure if that is the case.

You're not. What level are you?

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Also I just finished watching Annie Hall, which I think is pretty great.

I'm glad you liked it. It's one of my all-time favs.

Hee hee!

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
The Mad Badger wrote:

yet now that I am a hybrid I think I am just good enough to stand toe to toe ... not sure if that is the case.

You're not. What level are you?

Ha ha

right now I am 3rd level with a steel dragon bloodline. One interesting factoid is I have snowflake wardance which allows me to use my chr as an attack bonus in trade off for one of my bard songs inspire useages.

How goes it my goblin friend?

It goes well. What does steel dragon bloodline mean? That you're some kind of bard/sorcerer?

And, in Roman news, Marc Antony is pretty f!+&ing badass.

So in 3.5 edition of D&D there is something called bloodlines mine happens to be with a dragon major bloodline. So I get additonal stat bonuses and skill check bonuses. Eventually based on level I will get resistances to like fire and cold and stuff.

Marc Anthony was pretty bad ass. Waht are you reading that that came up?

I'm watching the second season of Rome. Just finished the episode where Octavian sends Attia to get it on with MA so that they can unite and kill the traitors/heroes of the Republic (depending on your pov) Brutus and Cassius.

There are many episodes that showcase Marc Antony's badassedness to much better effect, but I wanted to give a shout-out before I forgot.

The Mad Badger wrote:
So in 3.5 edition of D&D there is something called bloodlines mine happens to be with a dragon major bloodline. So I get additonal stat bonuses and skill check bonuses. Eventually based on level I will get resistances to like fire and cold and stuff.

Hmm. You still don't sound like a front-line fighter.

Maybe you can work in tandem with the rogue, but it's always going to be a little dangerous.

Liberty's Edge

Catechism was okay I guess but I disagreed with the teacher on Jesus getting angry in the temple with the shopowners.

Anyways I'm godless now.

It is easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle then for a rich man to pass through the gates of Heaven!

Jesus was a red!

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

I'm watching the second season of Rome. Just finished the episode where Octavian sends Attia to get it on with MA so that they can unite and kill the traitors/heroes of the Republic (depending on your pov) Brutus and Cassius.

There are many episodes that showcase Marc Antony's badassedness to much better effect, but I wanted to give a shout-out before I forgot.

They did manage to wrap it up in two seasons, but I wish it could have gone on. Alas, the budget was too expensive to keep going. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Since it's based on historical events, I don't need to inform you that MA's badassery will go downhill as you get further into the season.

I liked how they handled Caesarion, though.

Urizen wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

I'm watching the second season of Rome...

There are many episodes that showcase Marc Antony's badassedness to much better effect, but I wanted to give a shout-out before I forgot.

...Since it's based on historical events, I don't need to inform you that MA's badassery will go downhill as you get further into the season...

Wow, I never knew he had all that going on as a side-project to being Van Halen's drummer.

Yeah, any class that does not have at least a d10 hit dice is not a front line class.

My attempt to make Sorcerers feel like intuitive, not learned, spellcasters. The basic idea is that, while they don't have all the fancy spells and secrets Wizards have, they can take what few spells they do have and modify them a million different ways, giving them their own form of versatility that doesn't overshadow the Wizard.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
My attempt to make Sorcerers feel like intuitive, not learned, spellcasters. The basic idea is that, while they don't have all the fancy spells and secrets Wizards have, they can take what few spells they do have and modify them a million different ways, giving them their own form of versatility that doesn't overshadow the Wizard.

Interesting. I started with that idea (more intuitive spellcasting), but went a different way for a spontaneous-caster magus. It's supposed to be in the upcoming Wayfinder #7.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
My attempt to make Sorcerers feel like intuitive, not learned, spellcasters. The basic idea is that, while they don't have all the fancy spells and secrets Wizards have, they can take what few spells they do have and modify them a million different ways, giving them their own form of versatility that doesn't overshadow the Wizard.
Interesting. I started with that idea (more intuitive spellcasting), but went a different way for a spontaneous-caster magus. It's supposed to be in the upcoming Wayfinder #7.

I'm still working on my own version of this idea. Since I took away the three most powerful levels of spellcasting, it needs to get good enough metamagic to make players want to use metamagic all the time, or it'll be underpowered. I'm thinking of making certain metamagics do nothing to spell level, and others reduce it less than the feats say. I'm also considering a "meta pool", which is basically a pool of extra spell levels per day usable only with metamagic. Each point spent from thiss pool negates one level of spell level increase from metamagic, an it replenishes each day.

Rome was a great show and it was sad when it got cancelled.

I figure I am not a front line fighter ... but I have a pretty good BAB when I do my snow flake war dance to hit things I think I just need to remember that I can't take a hit well and boost up my AC some.

I just like seeing him get in the thick of things perhaps he needs a level of swashbuckler or something.

Urizen wrote:
I liked how they handled Caesarion, though.

I was going to complain that the second seasons didn't have stuff like that, but then I finished watching the episode where Cicero gets offed.

I've been resisting the urge to look stuff up, but I couldn't help it. Turns out Antony and Octavia were married and she got dumped so he could run off after Cleopatra.

Which is too bad. I like to picture her smoking hyssop and going to orgies.

Silver Crusade

I miss Attia. She is just too awesome.

I'm sure she'd be fun to hang out with every now and then, but I wouldn't want her for a neighbor.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I'm sure she'd be fun to hang out with every now and then, but I wouldn't want her for a neighbor.

Waht if she included you in what she did?

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
My attempt to make Sorcerers feel like intuitive, not learned, spellcasters. The basic idea is that, while they don't have all the fancy spells and secrets Wizards have, they can take what few spells they do have and modify them a million different ways, giving them their own form of versatility that doesn't overshadow the Wizard.
Interesting. I started with that idea (more intuitive spellcasting), but went a different way for a spontaneous-caster magus. It's supposed to be in the upcoming Wayfinder #7.
I'm still working on my own version of this idea. Since I took away the three most powerful levels of spellcasting, it needs to get good enough metamagic to make players want to use metamagic all the time, or it'll be underpowered. I'm thinking of making certain metamagics do nothing to spell level, and others reduce it less than the feats say. I'm also considering a "meta pool", which is basically a pool of extra spell levels per day usable only with metamagic. Each point spent from thiss pool negates one level of spell level increase from metamagic, an it replenishes each day.

(I wish I could post my magus archetype so you could see how I did it, but I'm supposed to wait till the print/PDF Wayfinder is out.) What you're thinking of doing is pretty similar to how I did it in the magus archetype: burning arcane pool points to fuel the metamagics while keeping the casting time and spell slot the same. Maybe you could do something similar as a sorcerer archetype? Maybe it loses the bloodline powers (and possibly the bonus bloodline spells) and gains an arcane/meta pool for metamagic? It wouldn't have to lose the top three levels of spellcasting either.

Silver Crusade

The Mad Badger wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I'm sure she'd be fun to hang out with every now and then, but I wouldn't want her for a neighbor.
Waht if she included you in what she did?

From my recollections, that sounds hazardous to one's health and well-being.

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