FAWTL refugee thread

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I personally don't...but some of the people here may due to State AD, Title 10, etc. But given that...I'd say yes it will be a walk in the park.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Especially if the unit I'm looking at has stabilization.

Wow, it's been a while since anyone posted in this thread.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No one has needed to take refuge in awhile.

Liberty's Edge

Still having fun with deep 6, but need a break. It's fun to be silly.

I apparently have to do some restructuring of my gaming group.


It's the kind of movie that defies grading.

If you like pretentious art movies and/or surrealist nonsense, it was quite good; if you don't, avoid.

Me, I liked it.

Oz the Great and Powerful was a lot better than I was expecting it to be. Bonus points if you can still see it in IMAX 3-D. An excellent prequel.

So I just found out my lease is not going to be re-newed and now I have 30 days to find a new place to live.

You need an arsonist?

Lol, actually I need a Realtor.

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*kicks rock and heads back to the furnace*

Whereabouts JMD031? Shoot me a PM and I can probably help you with that.

For those interested, the first report back from the Galtan Gulag Campaign is up in the Vive le Galt? thread.

Poodletrolling, wwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

*licks all FAWTLers*

Congrats on the victory, too, DA!

Suppose this is the right place for sentiments of this type, if we can survive the "poodle service".

Poodle service? You better watch out for goblin service! [Sticks out tongue]

Anyway, thank you. Comrade Longears, although there wasn't much to it. It was one of those building trades things where one company refused to sign and the whole industry (or, at least, citywide) went out. The company I was picketing was one of the ones that had already signed on, so it was just pro forma, standing in front of the gates, eating pizza, and making jokes with burly dudes who only wanted to talk about sports.

They also serve, who only stand and wait...or something.

Anyone interested in some old 3.5 DnD books? I also have a bunch of 2nd Ed White Wolf books that I'm interested in getting rid of.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would be, but I think I have them all.

No thank you, JMD. How's that move going?

Well...I have determined that I have *gasp* too many books. As if such a thing was possible but since I don't actually use any of my old source books and I don't ever plan on using them anymore and I'm not likely to find a place with as much space, well you get the picture.

But to actually answer your question, I'm still looking for a place but have begun packing.

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I hate moving.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I hate moving.


Orthos wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I hate moving.


just checking if Doodlebug Anklebiter is in here

If I recall correctly you are in Boston? Please give us a wave if you are ok

Amen to that. I know psionichamster is not far from there in Connecticut.


I live an hour north of Boston, but thank you for asking.

(Oddly enough, I was in Copley Square all day Saturday.)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:


I live an hour north of Boston, but thank you for asking.

(Oddly enough, I was in Copley Square all day Saturday.)

glad you are ok

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:


I live an hour north of Boston, but thank you for asking.

(Oddly enough, I was in Copley Square all day Saturday.)

I was starting to worry a little - I hadn't seen you causing the usual chaos on the boards so I had to check your last post to see if you were still alive.

Glad you are....

Yes, well, I was trying to enjoy some beautiful spring weather...and now I am sick. Worst sore throat I've ever had and my voice comes out all funny. Like I'm Marlon Brando or something.

Fresh air is for suckers!

Dark Archive

Sorry you are not in great health my friend. We will need to go get some lunch when you are back on the mend. Hit me up when ever you want to meet up.

How is the Galt game going?

Well, we were going to play this weekend, but since I seem to have lost control of my voice, that's all up in the air now.

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Non-sequitur: Everytime I see The Crimson Masque written, my brain instead automatically reads it as The Crimson Macaque.

Caw! Caw! The Crimson Macaw!

Which leads into Clau-Clau-Claudius!

Finished the episode where Caligula, that plutocratic f+%#, gets his.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Great. I can no longer disassociate the word 'plutocrat' from Doodlebug when I'm reading the forums.

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Huzzah! My work here is done for the night, comrades.

Silver Crusade

The Crimson Masque wrote:

Caw! Caw! The Crimson Macaw!

Which leads into Clau-Clau-Claudius!

Finished the episode where Caligula, that plutocratic f~&+, gets his.

All of the Roman emperors were plutocrats. I think Caligula's flaws ran much deeper than that...

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Non-sequitur: Everytime I see The Crimson Masque written, my brain instead automatically reads it as The Crimson Macaque.

Personally, I blame this on either 1) the end-credits song from Hobbit being stuck in me since last night or b) the complete lack of alcoholic beverages since St. Patrick's Day.

Speaking as a plutocat I just don't understand what all the problem is with us?
We are just trying to keep our way of life that we was was born into.

What wrong with that man. Seriously you all need to chill.

Celestial Healer wrote:

All of the Roman emperors were plutocrats. I think Caligula's flaws ran much deeper than that...

True dat.


Although, looking around on the internet and what not, I still get the distinct impression that all of this stuff about Caligula and Nero and Tiberius raping children at Capri is, um, not actually true and that our surviving sources are very suspect.

Not that I am any kind of classicist, mind you, but that's the impression that I get.

Great stories, though...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Plutocat wrote:

Speaking as a plutocat I just don't understand what all the problem is with us?

We are just trying to keep our way of life that we was was born into.

What wrong with that man. Seriously you all need to chill.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm, like, not even a dwarf planet, man, and you're laying all this heavy s**t on me. Like, get busy like Dizzy and cool it - read some Lao Tzu, man. Oo boo dooby dooby dweebalabbaly bop bop, etc.

Get hip, cat, get hip!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Soylent Green A+, although they didn't really do much to prevent giving away the secret ending, did they?

The U.S. Vs. John Lennon as brought to you by Gore Vidal. A.

Power to the people, right on!

Liberty's Edge

JMD is this what you based your group off of?

Garkie! Wassup, my gob?!?

Gark the Goblin wrote:
JMD is this what you based your group off of?

Wow...no, but it is fitting. Basically it all started because a couple of my friends were making characters for a game and we wanted to come up with a funny theme and an interesting name for the group.

JMD031 wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
JMD is this what you based your group off of?
Wow...no, but it is fitting. Basically it all started because a couple of my friends were making characters for a game and we wanted to come up with a funny theme and an interesting name for the group.

Yeah. I remember that; it was huge news down here.

{sees Gark is back, sets fire to last two comments in celebration}

It's a party!!

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