Sharoth |

Studpuffin wrote:Looks like the dragon's hoarding the rest of it. *eyes Sharoth suspiciously*Crimson Jester wrote:I brought a box of it, it looks and tastes just like red wine.Sharoth wrote:I have some FAWTY Logic.Logic...when did we have that?
~wistles innocently and backs away from the thread~

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College! Also, MSPA. I linked to this page (Urizen's "You're into necro" quote) so I figured I'd post. In retrospect, it's kinda funny that I posted in the FaWTL refugee thread, which is what people probably think I intended. I'm really more of an exile, though.
Self-exile: WAY less noble than it sounds. Mostly cowardly?
Bill Nye the Science Guy is running the talk show circuit (Think Out Loud, something on Fox [Hannity?]). He's getting ready for election season.
Mairk, you hear about this?
Jean Wyclef
Jimmy Cliff
John Wycliff
Ha'ikū Stairs
Teter Posh: Hells yah.
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
Dresden Codak
Speaking of Faith 2011/9/4
Actually I'm not sure what this is.
I read 1984. It's not life-changing, but it's interesting seeing the lingo it inculcated into the culture.
I still see everything come back to MSPA, though. Sorry, everyone.
Well, I'm off. I expect by saying the following I will be more likely to come back tomorrow, except by saying that I will be less likely. AD NAUSEAM. kk buy.

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I unsuccessfully psyched myself out (from not coming back on).
I've got four classes (16 credits) that I'm pretty good at. Some of them will be difficult, of course. I'm looking at three to four hours of work per day. With that, actual classes, my MS Paint Adventures habit, and the bus/bike rides (I'll be leaving 6:45 am most days; probably an hour and a half transit each day on average), I'll have to drop most of my webcomics. Which means, of course, that I can spend about fifteen minutes on here, cutting my time down by a factor of ~6. Sorry, everyone.* (for still being here, and for anticipated continuing f~&%ups)
And damN! I've got to stop writing in sentence fragments. F$#!ing Dinosaur Comics. (Ryan North is the comic's creator. Dinosaur Comics is the only webcomic James Jacobs reads with regularity. [url=http://www.mspaforums.com/image.php?u=1022524&dateline=1307553296&type=profileRyan North's avatar on his forums[/url]. There is that explained.)
*When everyone = 87% of board regulars.

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Except oh wait last post was yesterday. W/e.
So I guess I'll just post here. No need to leave the enclave if you don't have to, you know?
As my grandfather says, BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE:
Okay I guess this isn't in the current theme of the thread, but whatevs. Today has seen TWO massive freakouts.
Today I was reading TVTropes, minding my own business. Then I saw the phrase "Dave's hair is a bird." I thought I could guess as to the configuration of said bird - some sort of contrived deal. BUT OH SHIT> THIS THIS ITH REAL>
(The above will make very little sense to non-readers of MSPA. Which means everyone who reads this thread. But it really freaked me out, and I felt the need to share it, perhaps as some misguided attempt to encourage readers to check MSPA out.)
Then, an hour later, I was minding my own business, reading this thread. I saw an avatar whose name was familiar to me. I clicked on this individual's profile, which was also incredibly familiar. I had suspicions as to the identity of this individual. I went to the post section of their profile. Believing the post I was thinking of to be in this individual's past on the boards, I went to the beginning. WHAT SHOULD I FIND BUT ATH SHE WAS IN MA PBP WITH MY BROTHER. SHE IS THE SAME FRIKKIN AGE AAS ME> SHE LIKES MANY OF RTHE BOOKS LIK I LIKE D WHEN I WAS HER SAME AGE> I read ahead further in her timeline. It turns out that she was the person I was thinking of. Back around the time when I first posted, I made a thread to find other gamers of my age category to do a pbp with. She was one of the few people to respond. THAT WS THREE FRIGGIN YEARS AGO> I began to suspect necromancy on the afore-linked thread. AND I WAS RIGHT> DAMM YOU U SMJUG BASTERS111 So, yes, this is the second freak-out. As I do not plan on going to bed any time soon, there may even be a third. MAY TEH UNIVERSES HOPE THAT SI TON ETH SACE>
Oh, and I appear to have altered my writing style.* Once I get back into the forums, I expect to adopt a confluence* of the writing styles of other posters. Until then, I am most influenced by MSPA.
*Which seems to imply that I use words unambiguously.**
***F@+&. My personal philosophy has also shifted. "Everything comes back to MSPA," I tell my little brother every day. ANDY ITS F$*~ING TRUE>****
****There are entirely too many asterisks/associated footnotes in this post.*****
I'd spoiler, but it's not like anyone cares OH WAIT... OH WAIT THEY DON"T.[/emo shit]
Sorry for cursing. It's meant ironically, of course.