[Super Genius] SGG Releases The Shaman for Pathfinder

Product Discussion

Super Genius Games

Super Genius Games is proud to present our first release for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: The Shaman!

The Shaman is a passionate follower of a path that often lies at an oblique angle to the pursuits of other people. While the pursuit of wealth, knowledge, and creature comforts drives most people, the shaman has an insight into a world where the primary ambition is to help others, and in doing so, to progress towards a personal state of heightened spiritual awareness.

This book presents for the first time the Pathfinder version of the Shaman, first introduced by OWC for 3rd edition. Updated and expanded, this book provides rules for creating Shaman characters and interacting, binding, and commanding the spirits that exist everywhere. Get your copy now by clicking on this link:

The Shaman

Super Genius Games

Anybody have this?

It looks like a good take on the shaman. No druid spell list just spirit powers, vision quests and buffs

Super Genius Games

MerrikCale wrote:

Anybody have this?

It looks like a good take on the shaman. No druid spell list just spirit powers, vision quests and buffs

Hey MerrikCale,

If you'll write a review (good or bad) I'll send you a copy free. :)


MerrikCale wrote:
Anybody have this?

It looks like a good take on the shaman. No druid spell list just spirit powers, vision quests and buffs

Hey MerrikCale,

If you'll write a review (good or bad) I'll send you a copy free. :)


Hello my pathfinder friends, and hyrum . I also find this very intriguing becuase just 2 weeks ago my friends and i also created our very own version of a pathfinder shaman.. So if you would send my a copy for free i would love to right a full review about it Hyrum. I just dont happen to have a credit card to get it from the website.

If u would allow, at the end of the review i might add our own houserules or fixes. Unless ofcourse its very solid! I am so Estatic to see what your shaman looks like compared to my build.

this is my first post so im not sure if you can get my email adress from my info , so i would greaty appreciate if u can send the free copy to my email address at eviserator999@aol.com

MY complete review will follow shortly thereafter

Thanks Hyrum


Sounds cool to me

Super Genius Games

MerrikCale wrote:
Sounds cool to me

What's your email address? :)


Thanks alot hyrum i will post all my views in my next posts

likes or dislikes i can even post our version of a PF shaman if u would like to see our ideas as well.

HyrumOWC wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
Sounds cool to me

What's your email address? :)



Super Genius Games

MerrikCale wrote:




HyrumOWC wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:




No Thank You. I'll check this out tonight.

Where do you want the review? Here? I assume there is no place under Product or am I wrong

Love the class by the way

Super Genius Games

MerrikCale wrote:

Where do you want the review? Here? I assume there is no place under Product or am I wrong

Love the class by the way

This works just fine. :)

(Or DriveThru)


Super Genius Games

MerrikCale wrote:
Love the class by the way

Oh, and thanks!


(I have not yet playtested it... this is an initial review after buying/looking over the class)

System wise, i like the medium base attack and d8 HD, though I could see it lowered to low BAB and d6HD if necessary. Skills are right on, though I could see them getting a few more specific knowledges of some kind depending on concept.

I cannot easily tell how the balance would work out for this class, but it definitely seems like a roleplay intensive class as well as something that is different, fun, and workable into the system. My notes/comments/questions are below. I definitely look forward to seeing it in action.

Spirit Companion - simple and easy, backed by the feel of the class.

Summon - i like it, but is there a maximum time you can spend on the summoning? When bonuses are involved, people will do some crazy things just to get bonuses...

Control Spirit -
Is there any more detail about what happens when the spirit possesses the shaman? I think there could be some really scary stuff outlined here...
Do you believe that 2xclass level is too much for feat simulation?
I'm glad you put the minimum caster level part in there... good cover. :)

Spiritual significance -
Why the cost difference for the magical item endowment? Why doesn't it count as actual magic for DR purposes? While I believe that it would work as is well, it does make it more difficult to keep track of. :)
Also, for the single person significance, is it too cheap? I'm not sure if it is or not yet.

Is spirit heal too big? 8d6 is a lot to START healing all of a sudden. Could this be an ability that was a bit earlier in the receiving but a bit less powerful along the way?

For lasting significance... Should there truly be XP involved if pathfinder doesn't use XP cost for magical items? If regular magic items use gold instead of XP now, should this? I can see the balance issues, of course, if it's all money, especially when the class doesn't focus on money anyway... I don't know how to balance that out.

Well done, and keep them coming. I'm definitely interested in seeing more. ;)

I have a general philosophy when it comes to new base classes. It has to be sufficiently different from other base classes to merit being something more than an alternate class feature or prestige class or merely a multiclass. Swashbucklers are essentially fighters with a certain feat structure. Scouts are ranger/rogues. And the Spirit shaman was basically a druid that talks to spirits not animals, it even used the druid spell list.

Now we have Super Genius Games version of the shaman specifically created for Pathfinder. I will say it meets my personal standards for a new base class. It is different. Very different. It is certainly not a fancy druid. Instead, it takes the concepts of shamans and creates a new set of powers. Gone-thankfully- is the druid spell list. Now we have a moderate martial class (medium base attack, 8HD) and a slew of spirit based powers.

And those powers are all very flavorful. You can tether spirits to objects (totems) that give you spell like abilities. It just depends on the spirit and your charisma. You get new shaman skills. You get your very own spirit companion. You get the ability spirit walk (not unlike a vision quest where your consiousness leaves your body). All of these powers are fun and very appriopriate. It seems the designer went to great lengths to study the mythology and ideals of shamanism and converted those ideas into the class.

Not to sound overly positive, there were a few tweaks I would make. The class may be a little weak especially with the overall increased strength of the base classes in the PFRPG Core Rulebook. I might beef up the classes ability to bind spirits. Maybe making it easier to have a few more "totems." There is also a Spirit Heal power at 8th level. I would drop this to the early stages of the class (maybe 2nd level?) where the character can be a more effective secondary healer. That particular ability increases as the class level increase so there should be no issues as to balance.

So who is this for? The DM for certain. The notion of an orc tribe with its own shaman would be a nice unexpected twist. The Shaman for example to could spirit walk, discover the PCs and the tribe would be well prepared for battle. I would also recommend this to a long time player who wants to try something a little different. It is not, however, for the novice. Some of the rules are a bit complicated and a novice may get lost.

I would give this PDF 4 or perhaps even 4 and a half stars out of 5. Its certainly well worth

anyone else look at this?

Thanks for the comment on this, Merrick & Chris. Anybody else taken a look at this.

Super Genius Games

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that as part of our first ever Halloween sale you can pick up The Shaman for the low price of $.99 by clicking on this link:


Super Genius Games

Its worth it

I guess I fall into the novice category, as It is taking me some time to digest the class.....

Flavor wise I couldn't be happier, I'm just not sure I'm understanding some of the abilities and mechanics.

Maybe I'll throw some questions up once I have rolled it around enough to actually formulate the questions.

Super Genius Games

nighttree wrote:

I guess I fall into the novice category, as It is taking me some time to digest the class.....

Flavor wise I couldn't be happier, I'm just not sure I'm understanding some of the abilities and mechanics.

Maybe I'll throw some questions up once I have rolled it around enough to actually formulate the questions.

Ask away Nighttree! I'd be happy to answer any questions you've got.


Super Genius Games

As an FYI, the Shaman is now up on the Paizo store:



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