Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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The Exchange

So what spanky

~grumbles~ Note to self...

Next time the FLGS is having this awesome sale, WALK AWAY!!! ~sighs~ Stupid timing issues. Oh well. ~wry smile~ No, I did not buy anything more. Yes, I am realizing that I should have cut back on what I bought. ~shrugs~ Oh well redux. Live and learn.

I know of a cure for over-consumption of gaming products that involves jumper cables, a car battery, and your testicles.


Scarab Sages

Good morning from Virginia. Ugh. Might be a crappy day. I have to wait to start my real work until this afternoon, and thus will likley be working late into the night. Oh well, such is life.

One benefit, is I can take it easy this morning, not rush, and enjoy a nice, leisurely breakfast buffet with bacon.


The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:

Good morning from Virginia. Ugh. Might be a crappy day. I have to wait to start my real work until this afternoon, and thus will likley be working late into the night. Oh well, such is life.

One benefit, is I can take it easy this morning, not rush, and enjoy a nice, leisurely breakfast buffet with bacon.


Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacon. ~Drool~

Bacon FTW :P

(And good morning folks...) :)

Kruelaid wrote:

I know of a cure for over-consumption of gaming products that involves jumper cables, a car battery, and your testicles.


Jumper cables, a car battery, and your testicles? OK.

Are you sure you're not a Jack?

Mornin'.. Another fun day today, propitiating the consumer gods.

taig wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I didn't know your wife was a CPA.

No, she isn't, but she knows where all the money goes. There are times I'd like for her to spend money for frivolous things for herself, so I don't feel as guilty for giving a good chunk of my salary to Paizo.

+1, +2, +3, +4

Good mornin', SoFaWTL'ers. Trying to get some food in me belly before the woman and her mother comes downstairs. Today's her big surgery day and we'e all a little edgy. I want to bring my laptop with me to the hospital to pass the time, but I have a feeling her mom will be in a talkative mood.

Maiurk - Did you get Zobeck? Let me know what you think. I purchased the Gazetteer specfically for the clockwork race and was hoping there was more about the city; I just need to get around to reading its contents to know for sure.

Of to scrounge for breakfast. Chef Boyardee FTW.

Woodraven wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I like to spend money on good things. But it is not well-spent, no matter how good it is, if I have not first consulted with my personal financial planner/CPA.
Interesting, I am planning on getting my B.S. in accounting maybe even a masters degree to get my requirements for a C.P.A.

It'll be good for buying Paizo stuff. Just don't plan any campaigns in tax season. Or in your first two years as a CPA, depending on the firm.

Urizen wrote:

Good mornin', SoFaWTL'ers. Trying to get some food in me belly before the woman and her mother comes downstairs. Today's her big surgery day and we'e all a little edgy. I want to bring my laptop with me to the hospital to pass the time, but I have a feeling her mom will be in a talkative mood.

Maiurk - Did you get Zobeck? Let me know what you think. I purchased the Gazetteer specfically for the clockwork race and was hoping there was more about the city; I just need to get around to reading its contents to know for sure.

Of to scrounge for breakfast. Chef Boyardee FTW.

Haven't bought it yet, as I generally decide my game purchases way in advance, unless it's a great, unexpected sale. My next non-mini purchase: Gygax's Necroplis.

Wow...where is everybody this morning?

RPG Superstar 2012

Good morning, everyone!

Urizen, I hope your woman's surgery goes well.

Sharoth, sorry you're having bad luck with timing. I know how that goes. "Sure, I can absorb an extra hundred dollars in RPG spending this month. Oops, there goes the air conditioner."

Mairkurion, enjoy your purchases, whenever you make them.

Congratulations, Spanky!

Dark Archive

taig wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The first of the Diomin racial conversions are up.

I guess my suggestions weren't helpful. :)

I used some of them. Others just didn't fit with what Hyrum said he wanted for the races.

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:

~grumbles~ Note to self...

Next time the FLGS is having this awesome sale, WALK AWAY!!! ~sighs~

Or at least have the money to shop at it, Seriously, the day after Thanksgiving my FLGS had a sale, everything 70% off. But my wife had already spent all the money at the other sales that day. grumble, grumble, grumble.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

I take it you slept in a little more today, David?

Dark Archive

taig wrote:

I take it you slept in a little more today, David?

Yes, I did. And would you please go back to the Diomin thread and explain what you meant?

RPG Superstar 2012

I'm going to delete my very stupid post. David, can you delete your response?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

I need a nap, or a lot of alcohol right now.

Dark Archive

Last night I had a wierd dream. I dreamed that I took my family to London on vacation, and while we were out walking around we saw this old homeless woman begging for change. I stopped and gave the old woman a couple of pounds only it turns out she wasn't homeless, it was really the queen in disguise. As a reward for offering to help those in need she gave us the Queen's tour of London and we got to stay in the guest quarters at Windsor Castle. Like I said, wierd.

Dark Archive

taig wrote:
I'm going to delete my very stupid post. David, can you delete your response?

Only if you promise to post something, so I'm not the only one posting in that thread.

RPG Superstar 2012

I reposted. And you got an independent post.

Sorry for my blithering earlier. Whoo.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
Last night I had a wierd dream. I dreamed that I took my family to London on vacation, and while we were out walking around we saw this old homeless woman begging for change. I stopped and gave the old woman a couple of pounds only it turns out she wasn't homeless, it was really the queen in disguise. As a reward for offering to help those in need she gave us the Queen's tour of Londodn and we got to stay in the guest quarters at Windsor Castle. Like I said, wierd.

Neat. It sounds similar to a story I've heard before.

Dark Archive

I know that at least one of the Persian kings would disguise himself as a begger in the market place to judge the mood of the people. I am not familiar with any modern day examples of monarchs or heads of state doing this.

Dark Archive

I added a link to OCW's overview of Diomin for you. It should help people understand the setting better.

RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
I know that at least one of the Persian kings would disguise himself as a begger in the market place to judge the mood of the people. I am not familiar with any modern day examples of monarchs or heads of state doing this.

Oh, no. It's an old story, although I'd be willing to bet there's some Hollywood equivalent floating around out there.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wow...where is everybody this morning?

Getting ready for final #2, wish me luck.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

I know of a cure for over-consumption of gaming products that involves jumper cables, a car battery, and your testicles.


Jumper cables, a car battery, and your testicles? OK.

Are you sure you're not a Jack?

~laughter~ Not if it is my testicles getting fried. Go find some other fool. ~grins~

David Fryer wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

~grumbles~ Note to self...

Next time the FLGS is having this awesome sale, WALK AWAY!!! ~sighs~

Or at least have the money to shop at it, Seriously, the day after Thanksgiving my FLGS had a sale, everything 70% off. But my wife had already spent all the money at the other sales that day. grumble, grumble, grumble.

~grins~ Oh, I had the money. However, as I was ballancing my checkbook I was kicking myself for doing it because I used up too much of my reserve that I save for the "Oh S!~#!" times.

Woodraven wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wow...where is everybody this morning?
Getting ready for final #2, wish me luck.

Good luck. I know that you will do good!

Dark Archive

Wow, something got Patrick all rilled up on Facebook.

Dark Archive

Seriously guys, I would really like your thought on my Diomin conversions.

Aberzombie wrote:

Good morning from Virginia. Ugh. Might be a crappy day. I have to wait to start my real work until this afternoon, and thus will likley be working late into the night. Oh well, such is life.

One benefit, is I can take it easy this morning, not rush, and enjoy a nice, leisurely breakfast buffet with bacon.


I hope that your day goes well. I know how sucky working the later shift can be, but it does give you some laze time in the morning.

Take care everyone. I am off to run some errands. Have fun.

RPG Superstar 2012

Woodraven wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wow...where is everybody this morning?
Getting ready for final #2, wish me luck.

Good luck!!!

RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
Wow, something got Patrick all rilled up on Facebook.

I missed that. I'll have to go back and check.

Dark Archive

taig wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Wow, something got Patrick all rilled up on Facebook.

I missed that. I'll have to go back and check.

He was responding to a link that SKR put up.

Silver Crusade

Good morning all. Called in today :/

What did I miss?

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