Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Aberzombie wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
"But it runs off batteries, it's portable" was her response.
OK, now this really is starting to sound kinky....

I knew someone would run with that... ;)

Scarab Sages

flash_cxxi wrote:
I knew someone would run with that... ;)

Aaaahhhh! This time it really was a trap!!!

The Exchange

Sever the head or destroy the brain post.

The Exchange

flash_cxxi wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Oh, Flash did you want me to open the box and make sure everything is kosher?

Yeah that would be good thanks (not the actual item box, just the packaging box, you probably meant this I'm just making sure).

You wanna hear something funny...
I told Melodie that we'd need to get a power adapter for it and she was like "Why?". "ummm... because it's American and they have different power sockets" says I. "But it runs off batteries, it's portable" was her response.
Sooo... can you have a look at the box when you open it and see if it does come with a power cord so I know whether I need to get an adapter or not or whether it only runs on batteries? Cheers

I will check it and let you know.

The Exchange

flash_cxxi wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Granted that the majority of the box will be taken up by Solnes' Tim Tams.....
Huh? Sounds kinky...

Only if they melt and Moorluck smears them all over her body and gets to lick it off... ;)

Tim Tams


The Exchange

Flash the box says it includes a rechargeable battery and both wall and car adaptors. So you guys should be good.

You may want to take the battery out the night before to charge it up so it can be used right away.

The Exchange

flash_cxxi wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
"But it runs off batteries, it's portable" was her response.
OK, now this really is starting to sound kinky....
I knew someone would run with that... ;)

Well considering where Solnes works it was bound to happen. :D

The Exchange

OK with the conspiacy under way, I am gonna steal a nap... so tired. Catch you guys later.

RPG Superstar 2012

Good night? Good nap?


Yub Yub!

~nukes the thread from high orbit~

I love nuclear weapons!


RPG Superstar 2012

<Emerges from bomb shelter>

You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! G+# d$%n you all to hell!

Who authorized the bombing of a part of Nature by weapons also made of Nature?

Heads are going to roll for this one!

The Exchange

Lord Secretary of Nature wrote:

Who authorized the bombing of a part of Nature by weapons also made of Nature?

Heads are going to roll for this one!

oh, my bad.

~drops more nuclear warheads from hight orbit, aiming for taig in particular~

Evening folks. How goes it here?

Solnes wrote:
Evening folks. How goes it here?

~one of the nuclear warheads misses taig and lands at Solnes feet. It then begins to start to tick at her feet, counting down to detonation~

TICK! Tick! TICK! Tick! TICK! Tick! ~the bomb is counting down to detonation! What do you do?~

I gotta call from the Secretary of Nature saying there was a smokin' good time to be had in this thread. Anybody know...[sees bomb at Solnes' feet] Ah! A doobie! [Picks it up and swallows it. A massive irruption is heard, as the dragon momentarily swells up to incredibly fat proportions, and then deflates as he exhales an enormous quantity of smoke.]
Groovy, man.

And on that note, I am heading home, and trying to walk the dog before the rain starts. Take care everyone!

Later, funky silver brother!

[Raises fist skyward.]

Puff the Magic Dragon wrote:

I gotta call from the Secretary of Nature saying there was a smokin' good time to be had in this thread. Anybody know...[sees bomb at Solnes' feet] Ah! A doobie! [Picks it up and swallows it. A massive irruption is heard, as the dragon momentarily swells up to incredibly fat proportions, and then deflates as he exhales an enormous quantity of smoke.]

Groovy, man.

Ahhhh...MY HERO!


Sharoth wrote:
And on that note, I am heading home, and trying to walk the dog before the rain starts. Take care everyone!

Safe driving. :D

talk to you tomorrow. I am going to sit with hubby as he eats nd then we is headed to the bed. :)

Solnes wrote:

Ahhhh...MY HERO!


*Kee-yuk!* Groovy, baby!

Puff the Magic Dragon wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Ahhhh...MY HERO!

*Kee-yuk!* Groovy, baby!

Awww does the lil stoned dragon blush?

Solnes wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
And on that note, I am heading home, and trying to walk the dog before the rain starts. Take care everyone!

Safe driving. :D

talk to you tomorrow. I am going to sit with hubby as he eats nd then we is headed to the bed. :)

~grins~ Sleep well, both of you!

Solnes wrote:
Puff the Magic Dragon wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Ahhhh...MY HERO!

*Kee-yuk!* Groovy, baby!
Awww does the lil stoned dragon blush?

~shakes my fist at you~ I will get you eventually! One of these days my Bombs will detonate!


Solnes wrote:
Puff the Magic Dragon wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Ahhhh...MY HERO!

*Kee-yuk!* Groovy, baby!
Awww does the lil stoned dragon blush?

Shouldn't you be alseep or getting some?

In a great mood. :D
The music for my ride home was THE AWESOME! Stones, Benatar, Queen, and The Eagles. I mean seriously how much better could that have gotten? :D

~looks at my RPG collection~ Good Lord, but I have a lot of "junk"!

Solnes wrote:

In a great mood. :D

The music for my ride home was THE AWESOME! Stones, Benatar, Queen, and The Eagles. I mean seriously how much better could that have gotten? :D

Cool! I am glad that you had a good ride home!


Sharoth wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Puff the Magic Dragon wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Ahhhh...MY HERO!

*Kee-yuk!* Groovy, baby!
Awww does the lil stoned dragon blush?
Shouldn't you be alseep or getting some?

Uhm, now there's an idea! What in the world am I doing here talking to you guys? ;)

Solnes wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Puff the Magic Dragon wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Ahhhh...MY HERO!

*Kee-yuk!* Groovy, baby!
Awww does the lil stoned dragon blush?
Shouldn't you be alseep or getting some?

Uhm, now there's an idea! What in the world am I doing here talking to you guys? ;)







You know, for once the Dragon has a point. Nighty Night folks. ;)

Solnes wrote:
You know, for once the Dragon has a point. Nighty Night folks. ;)

~grins~ "Sleep" well my friend!!!

And on that note, I am also logging and gettting some food. Have a good night everyone!

Sharoth wrote:
~looks at my RPG collection~ Good Lord, but I have a lot of "junk"!

You should give some of that junk away to the families you've bombed this Christmastide. (Unless, of course, it's really junk.)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~looks at my RPG collection~ Good Lord, but I have a lot of "junk"!
You should give some of that junk away to the families you've bombed this Christmastide. (Unless, of course, it's really junk.)

Are you saying that you want my "junk"? My $6k+ RPG collection?

Is there a cliff notes version of this thread.

Scarab Sages

wanders into thread

Scarab Sages

Sings "Silent Night" to himself

Scarab Sages

wanders out of thread

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Sharoth wrote:
~looks at my RPG collection~ Good Lord, but I have a lot of "junk"!

But you just picked up all of that Forgotten Realms stuff. ;)

RPG Superstar 2012

Good morning, everyone.

And, now, away to work.

Good morning all! A bit of catch up, then it's off with my dad to go collect a truckload of horse manure for my compost. YAY horsesh!t!

RPG Superstar 2012

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Good morning all! A bit of catch up, then it's off with my dad to go collect a truckload of horse manure for my compost. YAY horsesh!t!

That reminds me of the "all associates" meeting we had yesterday. :)

taig wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Good morning all! A bit of catch up, then it's off with my dad to go collect a truckload of horse manure for my compost. YAY horsesh!t!

That reminds me of the "all associates" meeting we had yesterday. :)

Yah, except the horsesh!t ain't gonna stab me in the back with my own pitchfork ;)

RPG Superstar 2012

Patrick Curtin wrote:
taig wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Good morning all! A bit of catch up, then it's off with my dad to go collect a truckload of horse manure for my compost. YAY horsesh!t!

That reminds me of the "all associates" meeting we had yesterday. :)

Yah, except the horsesh!t ain't gonna stab me in the back with my own pitchfork ;)

That's pretty funny.

I know a couple of people expecting to be unemployed in two weeks. Speaking of which, how's your job hunt going?

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