Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Fell asleep, phone woke me up.... thought it was Sharoth or the wife. It was the Brother in Law. :/
Which one? D? How is he?! :D

You used To enjoy his company...he was your best man and all. :)

Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
danged camper!

I'm in you base tax all you stuffz!

Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I axed you a ?? mr hubby. ;)
And I answered it. Now what did I tell you about talking back to me woman!? ;)

Uh hum....Yeah....he he he.....I don't think so. ;)

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
danged camper!
I'm in you base tax all you stuffz!

I will step on you. :D

Bored....waiting for phone to charge up a bit. :D

Solnes wrote:


Bored....waiting for phone to charge up a bit. :D

And of course then customers come in...right as I settle in for some boards time.

Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
danged camper!
I'm in you base tax all you stuffz!
I will step on you. :D

What this book am? D-I-A-R-....hey! This book about POOPOO!

Solnes wrote:


Bored....waiting for phone to charge up a bit. :D

Well, I am busy with a trouble at work. ~sighs~ Dratted troubles!

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Fell asleep, phone woke me up.... thought it was Sharoth or the wife. It was the Brother in Law. :/
Which one? D? How is he?! :D
You used To enjoy his company...he was your best man and all. :)

Never said I didn't enjoy his company. Damian is a great guy, but he woke me up to talk about HOCKEY! :/

The Exchange

Sharoth wrote:
Solnes wrote:


Bored....waiting for phone to charge up a bit. :D
Well, I am busy with a trouble at work. ~sighs~ Dratted troubles!

Could be worse. You could have nothing to do all night. :/

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
danged camper!
I'm in you base tax all you stuffz!
I will step on you. :D
What this book am? D-I-A-R-....hey! This book about POOPOO!

It ain't about poo. Mah momma haz thet book, an' I readed it, and it's abowt momma doin' things to a whole buncha differnt folks, an' not quite folks, with her mouf, an' her bum, an' her other parts fer beer money. It made me tingle.

Too far?

Solnes wrote:
Is it 11 yet? I am ready to get home to the hubby! :D

Is that with or without rolling pin? ;)

The Exchange

Carnivorous_Bean wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Is it 11 yet? I am ready to get home to the hubby! :D
Is that with or without rolling pin? ;)

She doesn't have a rolling pin. She does however have a big metal frying pan..... hmmmmm maybe I should throw all the cookware out before she gets home. :/

Moorluck and Solnes, check out Monte Cook's Dungeon a Day web site.

Moorluck wrote:
Carnivorous_Bean wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Is it 11 yet? I am ready to get home to the hubby! :D
Is that with or without rolling pin? ;)
She doesn't have a rolling pin. She does however have a big metal frying pan..... hmmmmm maybe I should throw all the cookware out before she gets home. :/

Hit him Solnes! Hit him hard! On the head where it... Ummmm... Hey there Moorluck. What's up? ~RUNS~

The Exchange

Sharoth wrote:
Moorluck and Solnes, check out Monte Cook's Dungeon a Day web site.

Kewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlness. :)

Sharoth wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Carnivorous_Bean wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Is it 11 yet? I am ready to get home to the hubby! :D
Is that with or without rolling pin? ;)
She doesn't have a rolling pin. She does however have a big metal frying pan..... hmmmmm maybe I should throw all the cookware out before she gets home. :/
Hit him Solnes! Hit him hard! On the head where it... Ummmm... Hey there Moorluck. What's up? ~RUNS~

Moorluck said you were looking for a date scaly. You don't mind if my son tags along do you? He very seldom talks during sex so that shouldn't be a problem.

Stepson left his lights on all day, so his car is deader than a doornail.


At least we found at tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, meant wife and I yelled at each other. Damn, communication is no fun when people are tired and grumpy and stress enters.

The Exchange

In return for Dungeon a Day

Moorluck wrote:
In return for Dungeon a Day

Thanks Moorluck!

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Stepson left his lights on all day, so his car is deader than a doornail.


At least we found at tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, meant wife and I yelled at each other. Damn, communication is no fun when people are tired and grumpy and stress enters.

That sucks M. :/

David Fryer wrote:
You know, I am running two pbp that include members of our little family. Maybe some one should run a pbp for me. :)

One of us! One of us!

Solnes wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I axed you a ?? mr hubby. ;)
And I answered it. Now what did I tell you about talking back to me woman!? ;)
Uh hum....Yeah....he he he.....I don't think so. ;)

Maybe she'll be the future Ex-Mrs due to polygamy laws?

RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
I would love to stay and banter, but I have to go and get ready for a job interview. It appeared out of the blue. Hurray!


<Hopes that yelling will send good luck vibes back to the past>

Agartha wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
You know, I am running two pbp that include members of our little family. Maybe some one should run a pbp for me. :)
One of us! One of us!

+1 :)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Stepson left his lights on all day, so his car is deader than a doornail.


At least we found at tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, meant wife and I yelled at each other. Damn, communication is no fun when people are tired and grumpy and stress enters.

Well, that sucks. Hopefully you'll all be in a better mood in the morning.

RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
David Fryer wrote:



Now I just drooled on my keyboard.

I may have to watch the damn Twilight movies now.
Stepson had me watch the first one Monday night.

I watched it with my son and his friend.

We had the Rifftrax commentary to accompany the movie, which made it all better.

Liberty's Edge

taig wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I would love to stay and banter, but I have to go and get ready for a job interview. It appeared out of the blue. Hurray!


<Hopes that yelling will send good luck vibes back to the past>

This is it. I feel it.

Thank goodness for xanax. Ugh.

RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
lynora wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Carnivorous_Bean wrote:
Do you realize that that is the FIRST link I have ever clicked on an online message board that wasn't some kind of hideous and loathsome trap? =D
What about this one?
The sad thing is, I knew what it was. I still clicked on it anyway. :/
Me too. :/
You just all love Cats so much...
Actually I do regret not seeing the show at The Palace when they were here a few years back, it may sound odd coming from me but I really wanted to go. :/

Um, yeah. That is odd. Even for you. :)

KaeYotik wrote:

Too far?

It's one of those cases where if you have to ask, you already know the answer. :)

Liberty's Edge

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.
Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

Never Been Kissed!?

Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yep. Avoiding those movies does give you coolness points. :)

Sharoth & Solnes: Sorry you both are stuck at work.

Congrats Solnes on the good grades!

David: Sorry about the weird job interview.

Celestial Healer: Good luck on the unwanted job interview.

RPG Superstar 2012

Lynora, good luck at your meeting about Bryce tomorrow.

David, I shoulda read further down before I replied. Anyway, I hope the woman doing the interview was just kinda weird, and you did well.

M, sorry to hear about the car and the arguing. I hope you're able to patch things up.

Hello to everyone else out there in FaWTL!!!-land.

Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

** spoiler omitted **

lol. It wasn't that bad. No,, *blush* did I mention that I have a bit of a thing for Drew Barrymore? So, ummm, I'm sure the movie had a plot and all, and I'm sure that it was awful, but.....

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

** spoiler omitted **


Altered States
Donnie Darko
Charlie's Angels.

Any other movie wit' Drew Barrymore is terra incognito to my ass.

Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

** spoiler omitted **

Hmmm, I've never seen any of those either. But I'm not k3wl like Heathy. :)

The Exchange

lynora wrote:
KaeYotik wrote:

Too far?

It's one of those cases where if you have to ask, you already know the answer. :)

Yeah, I passed too far about the time I logged on to Paizo. :)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

** spoiler omitted **
lol. It wasn't that bad. No,, *blush* did I mention that I have a bit of a thing for Drew Barrymore? So, ummm, I'm sure the movie had a plot and all, and I'm sure that it was awful, but.....

I saw that movie too, and I don't remember wanting to gouge my eyes out. It couldn't have been that bad.

lynora wrote:
lol. It wasn't that bad. No,, *blush* did I mention that I have a bit of a thing for Drew Barrymore? So, ummm, I'm sure the movie had a plot and all, and I'm sure that it was awful, but.....

+1 :)

Liberty's Edge


RPG Superstar 2012

Heathansson wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

** spoiler omitted **


Altered States
Donnie Darko
Charlie's Angels.

Any other movie wit' Drew Barrymore is terra incognito to my ass.

Donnie Darko? I don't remember her being in that movie.

Liberty's Edge

awwwwwwwwwww yeah.
no camping admonishments; I was talking.

The Exchange

taig wrote:

Lynora, good luck at your meeting about Bryce tomorrow.

David, I shoulda read further down before I replied. Anyway, I hope the woman doing the interview was just kinda weird, and you did well.

M, sorry to hear about the car and the arguing. I hope you're able to patch things up.

Hello to everyone else out there in FaWTL!!!-land.

Greetings and Salutations Oh Fuzzy One.

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

** spoiler omitted **


Altered States
Donnie Darko
Charlie's Angels.

Any other movie wit' Drew Barrymore is terra incognito to my ass.

Donnie Darko? I don't remember her being in that movie.

I try to forget that movie was ever even made. :/

RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:

Lynora, good luck at your meeting about Bryce tomorrow.

David, I shoulda read further down before I replied. Anyway, I hope the woman doing the interview was just kinda weird, and you did well.

M, sorry to hear about the car and the arguing. I hope you're able to patch things up.

Hello to everyone else out there in FaWTL!!!-land.

Greetings and Salutations Oh Fuzzy One.


RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

Never saw Twilight. Never saw Titanic.

Cos Ize teh KEWLIST.

Yes but did you escape the ultimate in movie horror....

** spoiler omitted **


Altered States
Donnie Darko
Charlie's Angels.

Any other movie wit' Drew Barrymore is terra incognito to my ass.

Donnie Darko? I don't remember her being in that movie.

I try to forget that movie was ever even made. :/

I liked it. If you listened to the hype and then watched the movie, I could see being disappointed with it.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
lynora wrote:
lol. It wasn't that bad. No,, *blush* did I mention that I have a bit of a thing for Drew Barrymore? So, ummm, I'm sure the movie had a plot and all, and I'm sure that it was awful, but.....
+1 :)

Yeah, I probably shouldn't even mention how many times I've watched Ever After. That dress does amazing things for her cleavage. :)

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