flash_xxxx wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: David Fryer wrote: Wow, is it just me or are the pod people getting annoying? Okay. Who are the pod people? And me. And me.
Jimmy-Joe Hayseed wrote: David Fryer wrote: Did I ever tell you about the time I met Johnny Cash? It was back in 1995 and I was living in Montgomery, Alabama. I used to go and put flowers on the grave of Hank Williams Sr. once a week, because I promised my Grandma that I would just before she passed away. One day I was there and this big black pickup pulled up and out stepped Hank Williams Jr. and Johnny Cash. They were doing a benefit show together that night and had stopped in to pay their respects. I tried to slip off before they saw me, but it didn't work and they stopped to talk to me. Then they invited me to lunch! So where does Hank Williams Jr. and Johnny Cash take a person to lunch? Pizza Hut! It was awesome. Can I touch you? I'd rather you not. I will just breath in your general direction.
Gagvoyle wrote: flash_xxxx wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: David Fryer wrote: Wow, is it just me or are the pod people getting annoying? Okay. Who are the pod people? And me. And me. And me.
In other words - aliases that imitate another poster?
Divad Frier wrote: Gagvoyle wrote: flash_xxxx wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: David Fryer wrote: Wow, is it just me or are the pod people getting annoying? Okay. Who are the pod people? And me. And me. And me. And me.
MoorLackey wrote: Divad Frier wrote: Gagvoyle wrote: flash_xxxx wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: David Fryer wrote: Wow, is it just me or are the pod people getting annoying? Okay. Who are the pod people? And me. And me. And me. And me. I ain't no damn pod person.
Have you seen the latest CH?
LOL :)
Can pod people be as awesome as I am?
Tiag wrote: MoorLackey wrote: Divad Frier wrote: Gagvoyle wrote: flash_xxxx wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: David Fryer wrote: Wow, is it just me or are the pod people getting annoying? Okay. Who are the pod people? And me. And me. And me. And me. I ain't no damn pod person. Yes yah are yah danh hippeh!
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: Can pod people be as lame as I am? Yes, but not as awesome as me.
I am so awesome everyone else left.
Cool story!
Just ate my own chili for lunch. Yummee!
The One True Sebastian wrote: Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: Can pod people be as lame as I am? Yes, but not as awesome as me. What was that? Oh, you had a dream last night that you were me. Congratulations. You win a cookie.
David Fryer wrote: Have you seen the latest CH?
** spoiler omitted ** LOL :)
Ironically enough, IMHO, this argument is taking place in a section called Gamer Life.
Emperor7 wrote: Cool story!
Just ate my own chili for lunch. Yummee!
Yep, some day I will tell it to my grand kids and they will say
I love being officially endorsed by the pony as his chosen successor.
Aberzombie wrote: David Fryer wrote: Have you seen the latest CH?
** spoiler omitted ** LOL :) Ironically enough, IMHO, this argument is taking place in a section called Gamer Life. Maybe it should be called Get a Life.
David Fryer wrote: Have you seen the latest CH?
** spoiler omitted ** LOL :)
Yeah, your post on there pretty much summed up my point. No one will ever agree on what the terms mean, and yet we have multiple pages of people pontificating about it.
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote: I love being officially endorsed by the pony as his chosen successor. The pony is a lie. There is no spoon.
Aberzombie wrote: David Fryer wrote: Have you seen the latest CH?
** spoiler omitted ** LOL :) Ironically enough, IMHO, this argument is taking place in a section called Gamer Life. Is it just me, or is that subforum title an oxymoron?
Moorlucky wrote: Aberzombie wrote: David Fryer wrote: Have you seen the latest CH?
** spoiler omitted ** LOL :) Ironically enough, IMHO, this argument is taking place in a section called Gamer Life. Maybe it should be called Get a Life. True! Don't they know that the Star Trek Captain argument is waayy more important.
Celestial Healer wrote: David Fryer wrote: Have you seen the latest CH?
** spoiler omitted ** LOL :)
Yeah, your post on there pretty much summed up my point. No one will ever agree on what the terms mean, and yet we have multiple pages of people pontificating about it.
I pontificated once. It was a b&@*! to clean up.
These things always happen to David somehow.
Maybe it's my turn. Anybody famous in Montreal?
Sebastian's True Identity wrote: The pony is a lie. There is no spoon. I wouldn't let the PonyLvr hear you say that. She may cry...
On second thought, let her hear you. I need something warm to drink tonight before I go to bed.
I once saw Artie Lange at the Newark Airport. That's almost as cool.
Hmm. I'm going to go out for coffee.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: These things always happen to David somehow.
Maybe it's my turn. Anybody famous in Montreal?
Which is funny because growing up in L.A. where you think these kind of things would happen I never met anyone cool. The closest I got was attending the same high school as Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dog, but I never really met either of them.
Edit: My best friend's dad was friends with Micheal Gross. They did model trains together.
Edit Mark 2: Okay so I knew Glen Larson while I was growing up. But that is nowhere near as cool as going top Pizza Hut with Johnny Cassh and Hank Williams.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: These things always happen to David somehow.
Maybe it's my turn. Anybody famous in Montreal?
I road in an elevator with Lo Pan once. And my dad's Dry Cleaners cleaned Chuck Norris' clothes once.
Oh and I did some sound work on this movie but it really sucked so that doesn't count.
Mmmmmmm, leftover kung pao chicken for lunch.
Ooohhh.... I had some teryaki chicken stir fry over at the Urban Outfitters foodcourt. Delicious.
I've got to say, if the chinese ever did conquer the world, I just hope they'd make their cuisine standard. Good stuff.
I would prefer if the Koreans conquered the world.
Kim Jung-Il wrote: I would prefer if the Koreans conquered the world. Let's make a deal. Yesssss.
Kim Jung-Il wrote: I would prefer if the Koreans conquered the world. "The Korean is the most perfect creature ever to grace the Earth with the imprint of his boot."
Edit: Remo Williams kicks ass!
Gentleman Nurn wrote: Let's make a deal. Yesssss. I've got a deal for you n00b! Pull my finger!
Celestial Healer wrote: Hmm. I'm going to go out for coffee. Can you pick me up a Double Mocha Chocha Latte?
I am hereby establishing Fryer's Law. I have observed that any discussion regarding play balance will eventually degenerate into a spellcasters are better debate. Therfore I get to name the phenominon after myself.
I gonna establish Spanky's Law - Any post that can happen, will happen.
Don't forget that Helen Foster Snow Day is next week.
David Fryer wrote: Don't forget that Helen Foster Snow Day is next week. Yay Comrade!
flash_xxxx wrote: Moorlucky wrote: Aberzombie wrote: David Fryer wrote: Have you seen the latest CH?
** spoiler omitted ** LOL :) Ironically enough, IMHO, this argument is taking place in a section called Gamer Life. Maybe it should be called Get a Life. True! Don't they know that the Star Trek Captain argument is waayy more important. Of course it is... but everybody knows that Benjamin Sisko was the best Captain EVAR!!! So I see no point in arguing?
And with that I am caught up and off to work 20 minutes late yet again...
I can't believe that I forgot about National Waiting for the Barbarians Day.
flash_cxxi wrote: And with that I am caught up and off to work 20 minutes late yet again...
I will if you will.
Awww Yeah!
'Top 'o the Page to ye' with that one! :D
Awww Yeah!
'Top 'o the Page to ye' with that one! :D