3e Dungeon Crawls


I am looking for a large dungeon crawl for a 3e campaign that starts off at low levels and takes you up to higher levels (maybe similare to the 2e Night Below boxed set). I have had both WLD and Rappan Athuk recommended to me but after having looked at both, I am wondering if there are any other options?

What about Goodman Game's Castle Whiterock?

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DMPugLW wrote:
I am looking for a large dungeon crawl for a 3e campaign that starts off at low levels and takes you up to higher levels (maybe similare to the 2e Night Below boxed set). I have had both WLD and Rappan Athuk recommended to me but after having looked at both, I am wondering if there are any other options?

If you want something pretty big I would go with Castle Whiterock. If you want something a bit smaller and maybe a bit more gritty go with The Lost City of Barakus - both are best of breed in my opinion.

Dragon's Delve is pretty amazing little dungeon, too!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Having played in some of Castle Whiterock and tried to GM a smaller part of it, I'm not sure I could recommend it.

I'd take a look at Dungeon-a-day by Monte Cook, or perhaps the "Shattered Gates of Slaughterguarde" or "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" , both published by Wizards of the Coast.

I have acctually looked at Slaughterguarde and it is a bit smaller than what I am looking for. As for Elemental Evil, we have played through it before and I don't rally want to go through the trouble of completely redesigning it.

Scarab Sages

You might be able to redesign something out of Expedition to Castle Greyhawk (though it would need some lower level addons).

Also, I think that Goodman has some 3e mega modules, though I think they tend to cover only 4-5 levels each.

Chris Mortika wrote:
Having played in some of Castle Whiterock and tried to GM a smaller part of it, I'm not sure I could recommend it.

What criticisms do you have? A level 1-15 campaign for $50 seems like a tempting deal...

By the way, did you ever try "War of the Burning Sky"?

Exactly what are you looking for? Like how large?

We're playing Whiterock now and have had lots of fun with Rappan Athuk (and its smaller cousin Tomb of Abysthor) and Barakus. But it depends on your group, obviously.

War of the Burning Sky looks great, but it's more of an adventure path than a dungeon crawl. Dragon's Delve looks good, too.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
hogarth wrote:
By the way, did you ever try "War of the Burning Sky"?

I know you weren't asking me, but yes, I had them all since day one...there are some great ideas here and there and The Indomitable Fire Forest of Inneno is a great adventure. Over all I'm not impressed with it though, but that's just me - and it's not a dungeon crawl.

DitheringFool wrote:
Over all I'm not impressed with it though, but that's just me - and it's not a dungeon crawl.

(Yes, I know it's not a dungeon crawl. Sorry for the threadjack...)

I made another post that is not Dungeon Crawl specific. My main reason for looking at dungeon crawls is that they are basically ready to got out of the box. I wouldn't mind running an adventure path, but I don't have alot of free time to customize something or do alot of preplanning.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
hogarth wrote:
DitheringFool wrote:
Over all I'm not impressed with it though, but that's just me - and it's not a dungeon crawl.
(Yes, I know it's not a dungeon crawl. Sorry for the threadjack...)

doh! i hope i didn't come across as being unpleasant - when i mean to be unpleasant i usually put ", dumb@ss" at the end. I really was just saying that WotBS was not as good as i had hoped for...sorry

DMPugLW wrote:
I made another post that is not Dungeon Crawl specific. My main reason for looking at dungeon crawls is that they are basically ready to got out of the box. I wouldn't mind running an adventure path, but I don't have alot of free time to customize something or do alot of preplanning.

For that I think that Whiterock or Dragon's Delve would be perfect. Both are simple and user-friendly. Shackled City could work too.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Black Tom wrote:
DMPugLW wrote:
I made another post that is not Dungeon Crawl specific. My main reason for looking at dungeon crawls is that they are basically ready to got out of the box. I wouldn't mind running an adventure path, but I don't have alot of free time to customize something or do alot of preplanning.
For that I think that Whiterock or Dragon's Delve would be perfect. Both are simple and user-friendly. Shackled City could work too.

And really, I'd go with Dragon's Delve...ok, I want to be a player in the Dungeon A Day...

Dragon's Delve... by Monte Cook, and still growing as we speak, what else could you ask for? =)

Try it and enjoy it ...for not long ago I gave it a try, only to discover that, sadly, I had outgrown dungeon crawls already, and couldn't enjoy it. It was a very sad moment in my life, like when you're a kid and you finally accept there is no Santa Claus.

So please, enjoy it for those who can no longer do it. =(

Dogbert wrote:
...for not long ago I gave it a try, only to discover that, sadly, I had outgrown dungeon crawls already, and couldn't enjoy it. It was a very sad moment in my life, like when you're a kid and you finally accept there is no Santa Claus.

You know, Dogbert, like Santa Claus, dungeon crawling is not so much a physical existence as a state of mind... =-P

I don't understand those who believe that a heavy-duty, immersive roleplaying game is somehow more "mature" than a light RP, dungeon-crawling experience. The way you play is the way you play; maturiy (physical or emotional) has nothing to do with it.

Anyhow, to avoid a complete threadjack, I strongly recommend dungeonaday.com. It seems right up the OP's alley.

Grand Lodge

AEG's World's Largest Dungeon?

Wikipedia wrote:

The World's Largest Dungeon is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure set entirely in an enormous dungeon. It is over 800 pages long and was produced by Alderac Entertainment Group in 2004. It also includes 16 full-color poster maps, making its single tome one of the largest campaign settings in one product.

The players can't leave the dungeon the way they entered because the entrance uses a one way wall of force effect. This means that all supplies must be taken into the dungeon with them. The campaign is designed to take four to six characters from first level to 20th or above over the course of two real-time years and at least a year of game time. The dungeon contains examples of every type of monster in the System Reference Document [1] as well as a few new ones.

-That One Digitalelf Fellow-

Dark Archive

Expedition to Undermountain is a big dungeon crawl, although it does appear to be divided into more manageable chunks.

Digitalelf wrote:
AEG's World's Largest Dungeon?

He mentioned that in the first post.

I'm still curious what criticisms Chris has of Castle Whiterock.

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