DMPugLW's page
53 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Acctually, we usually get 5 or 6 times a month and being that everyone has been playing for quite a while and we usually have pretty focused gameplay, we tend to get through 5-8 encounters each session.
Did they end up compiling Savage Tide into a book?
I made another post that is not Dungeon Crawl specific. My main reason for looking at dungeon crawls is that they are basically ready to got out of the box. I wouldn't mind running an adventure path, but I don't have alot of free time to customize something or do alot of preplanning.
I am looking at running a new loong term (atleast a year and preferably going from 1st to atleast 20th) campaign for my friends. Since I don't have alot of free time, I am looking for something that is basically ready to go right out of the box with handouts and maps.
I was originally looking for a dungeon crawl as they are pretty basic and don't usually require alot of preplanning on the DMs part, but I really would prefer something that hase more opportunity for roleplaying.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have acctually looked at Slaughterguarde and it is a bit smaller than what I am looking for. As for Elemental Evil, we have played through it before and I don't rally want to go through the trouble of completely redesigning it.
I am looking for a large dungeon crawl for a 3e campaign that starts off at low levels and takes you up to higher levels (maybe similare to the 2e Night Below boxed set). I have had both WLD and Rappan Athuk recommended to me but after having looked at both, I am wondering if there are any other options?
I have created a site that has more information for the campaign
City by the Spire
We will probably be running from between 5:30 and 7:00 pm to between 10:00 and 11:00 pm and may switch between Saturday and Sunday depending on what is better for everyone on a session by session basis.
I will likely run the games in the evening on the weekends.
I am in CST (GM -6:00). I will have information shortly (I am designing the site now.)
I am looking to run a campaign based in the city of Ptolus online. It will likely run every other weekend though I may try to run it every weekend if schedules allow.
I am still trying to decide if we will be using OpenRPG or GlitterCom.
Beginners are welcome, but you will need some knowledge of the rules.
Any that is interested, please pose here.
Does anyone have a list of which issues of Dragon has The Wizards Three articles?
Does anyone have a list of which issues the Wizards Three articles appear in?
Thanks alot. I will email you right away.
I am finally ready to run AoW, but when I went to download the AoW Overload, it seems page 3, 21, and 22 are completely blank. Has the overload always been like this, or does someone maybe have a copy of it with those page that they could email me?
I live in the Aurora area and am looking for a game to join. I am just shy of 25 and I have been playing DnD for 12 years. I am looking for a mature group that isn't just into "roll-playing." The group I have been playing with is kinda falling appart as people have new priorities. I will probably be starting a new job in the next week or so, so I don't have a schedule yet. I'm basically just seeing if there is anyone arround until I have my new work schedule.
I vaguely remember something about this from 2nd ed forgotten realms. Has anyone seen this in 3.5?
I have just started an online campaign Sunday nights at 8:00pm-12:00 CST. The server name is Blood & Battle. Its is based in the Forgotten Realms in the southern Shaar area. I have 4 players right now, but I think 2 won't be arround for very long. The other 2 are a 1/2 elf Scout and a human paladin with a human cleric cohort. Both are 1st level.
If you are interested, drop me a line at jctooley@yahoo.com or
on the board at <a href="http://excoboard.com/exco/index.php?boardid=18046">http://excoboar d.com/exco/index.php?boardid=18046</a>
I am about to start playing in a new campaign and wanted to get some opinions on animal companions for a ranger/druid
It says in the PHB that rangers have 1/2 their ranger level as an effective druid level for figuring animal companion stats, but they don't get animal companions until lvl 4. If I have a ranger 2/druid 2, would I figure my animal companion as a level 2 druid or a level 3 druid.
I have a player that is playing a Soulknife. He asked me if soulknife mind blades shed light. My first instinct would be to say yes, but have I missed something somewhere that says they don't?

Chriton227 wrote: I'm thinking my group of players is unusually creative and opportunistic. Yesterday they entered area 23 in the Whispering Cairn for the first time. Upon hearing the description of the room, their eyes got big and they immediately started making plans.
They scouted out the room, dealt with the grick, identified the trap (the hard way), and made the expected deal with Alastor.
First step in their plan is going to be to go to the garrison to claim possession of the abandoned house the surrounding terrain. Then they are going to start gathering the iron spheres, carting them out, and selling them on the open market, being careful not to flood the market.
The engineer player in the party ran the number quickly, he figures that there is 150,000gp of iron in the bottom of the room. They also view the trap mechanism as a potentially endless source of more iron spheres. They are trying to figure out how to trigger the trap on a regular basis to maintain their supply. Their worst case plan is to use the Warlock in the party to trip the trap (he has the Troll Blooded feat, making him hard to kill, but severely weakening his effectivenes otherwise).
Does anyone else have players that look for profit in every situation?
I would rule that the floor of this room has a number of holes that lead through tubes and back to the trap mechanism (Similar to how a batting cage works). This way there is a set supply of spheres, but you should congratulate your players for a very interesting idea.
ASEO wrote: DMPugLW wrote: I was thinking a Warmage/Wizard, but I am also tracking down stuff for a Druid/Ranger idea from one of my players. Now I have seen Druid Ranger done several times, but in 3.5 my players usually opt for the Ranger/Cleric (Nautre & Animals) or somethink like that.
ASEO out Yeah, but they want to be a ranger/druid because in FR ranger/druids of Mielikki can use any weapon or armor that a ranger can use without any penalties. The problem is that with 3 players, that druid is the primary divine caster and was looking for a way to advance both. Same kind of situation for the Warmage/Wizard. I am one of 3 players (we have a cleric and a rogue) and I am trying to give us firepower and melee with the warmage and a little versatility with the wizard, but if I can't advance the spellcasting power of both simultabeously, its not worth giving up the higher level spells.
Erik Mona wrote: There will definitely be benefits to keeping the Rod fragment in the final adventure.
My plan is to let Manzorian borrow it so that he can study it and to make sure that if the party were to die while on their quest, the rod is arround for someone to try to use it to stop whats happening. When it comes to the last adventure, they will be able to retrieve the piece if they think about it, and it might end up being the center of an epic campaign.
It sounds like your players were clearing out a wing at a time. I see no problem with resting after that. As for leaving to do it, its acctually the smart thing to do. I don't necessarily mean they should go back to town, but they don't know what else might be down there.
I was thinking a Warmage/Wizard, but I am also tracking down stuff for a Druid/Ranger idea from one of my players.
Does anyone know of a prestige class that allows you to advance in 2 arcane spellcasting classes? What about 2 divine spellcasting classes?
On a side nite, I am looking for a Greyhawk timeline of sorts that not only details points in GH history, but also has entires for 1st and 2nd edition modules. Does anyone know where I can find a decent one?
T-Bone wrote: The MM has wood elves at +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Int with a favored class of ranger. That's a pretty sweet deal where I come from. Yeah I saw that, I just was wondering why in 3 sourcebooks wood elves are given 3 penalties to 2 bonusses
I also agree that it is beneficial to me having set in a default world. It is very useful because if your familiar with the default world, it gives you little clues from the writers you might not normally have when you try to convert it.
It really isn't all that hard to convert it. I am using this in a homebrew version of FR and while I like Eric's conversion notes and they are very helpful, I am making changes because it suits my world better. Thats what DMs do. I know some of you will use the argument that you want to be able to get the magazine and plop it down into your world with no extra time for conversion, but it really dosn't take that much time( I am currently working 50 hours a week, planning a wedding, and playing in 3 campaigns), and if they did something super-generic, it would limit them in subject matter.
I have a player in a FR version of AoW. She is playing a wood elf. According to the FRCS Wood Elves have the same stats and abilities of the phb elf except they have a +2 str, +2 dex, -2 con, -2 int, -2 cha. The errata adds that their favored class is ranger. How come they have only 2 bonuses to stats, and 3 penalties. I don't think I have ever seen a race that had that unless it was too balance out other racial abilities. Any thoughts?
The difficulty of this mod just depends on what classes they have with them. I ran to threw in an encounter at the minning office like they suggest in Dragon, but instead of goblins I used 3 Lizard Men and a 1st level Lixard Man Sorceror. They wiped them out in 3 rounds and only 1 member took any damage. Since they have a warmage, the swarm will be a cake walk. I really don't think this party will have much of a challenge until they get to Kulen and the Observatory.
Chriton227 wrote: I noticed that there is no content listed on the site now. Has something come up? Yeah, a few days ago, everything was listed when I opened it. Now, there is a short message and I can't find the content on any of the links.
Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
If this thread is indicitive of the total numbers I'd say aiming to make very generic APs should be the goal. While Greyhawk is in the lead its only about 1/3 of the total. i.e. a significant majority of the people using the AP (and presumably most APs) won't be using Greyhawk. Therefore it follows that APs probably should not normally be to tied in with Greyhawk lore but instead should aim to be more generic.
No don't anyone get upset, but the Greyhawk number may be a little inflated. It kinda sounds like alot of people might normally run this in a different CS or a homebrew, but because (despite the modificatios) AoW is really geared towards GH alot of people decided to go back to it.
I mean I've never played GH and I knew it was geared towards GH within 2 minutes of starting to read, but even I was considering trying to run it in GH

Only have 3 reliable players ATM so I added in an NPC. BTW this is a FR campaign
Wood Elf Ranger (multiclassing as a druid later) This character also has an air elemental ancestor (planning on running Thicker Than Blood from WoTC). She is focusing on ranged combat.
Xeph Mindblade (multiclassing as a fighter or rogue) He uses his mindblade abilities as one of the shows at the Emporium
Drow Ninja (taking the Assasin PrC) He is one of the trained killers from the monastery but is also a member of the Shadow Thieves sent to negotiate a trade deal between the Shadow Thieves and the Monks for Kalamanthis. They also sent him to find a nice place for a safe house, so i started the campaign by having him look for sutable sites (old mine). He neede to see if anyone still laid claim to it so he tried breaking into the Garrison to take a look and met the last member.
Sun Elf Warmage (will multi as Cleric and Mystic Theurge) This character is attached to the Garrison, but is helping the Drow because he felt bad about how the soldiers were treating this Drow who had done nothing wrong. Good story to explain this.
I put the mine managers office about a 2 hours walk out of town, the cairn about 100 yards away, and the mine another 1/2 hour down the road
Michael Gonzalez wrote: Hi. Last gaming group folded after 3 years. I am looking for a new group to DM or play in. I am flexible except I won't DM the Forgotten Realms as there is too much of it, and I could not do it justice. Drop a line here. Thanks all. I'm in Aurora
In the FRCS it says wood elves have all the same satistics and abilities as in the PHB except their ability adjustments:
+2 str, +2 dex, -2 con, -2 int, & -2 cha. The errata adds that their favored class is ranger......
How come they have 3 penalties and only 2 bonuses? I don't think I have ever seen another race like that unless it had other special abilities to balance it out.
golem101 wrote:
If I got it right that would be a level 29 character (core classes 10+9 and 10 levels of prestige class)... well beyond the epic starting level.
Yeah, your right. I got the levels screwed up. I meant 29th level character, what happens when you go from 30 to 31.
Great Green God wrote:
It is my understanding that mystic theurge levels stack with both wizard and cleric in terms of "caster level" only. You will be a 11th-level cleric for things like turning just as you currently are a 10th-level wizard in terms of wizard bonus feats, your familiar and other such class abilties. You will however be able to cast spells as a 21st-level cleric/20th-level wizard when you reach 31st character level (See page 208-9 in the DMG).
So then I would level normally as a cleric including my caster level, but would not gain any spell power, because I already have the spells of a lvl 20 Cleric right?

Jarjaxle wrote: DMPugLW wrote: Does anyone know where I can get a good electronic copy of a map of the forgotten realms? I am running AOW near Waterdeep and I am putting Diamonf Lake in the mountains North of Waterdeep, but I don't have a map that I can edit. I have been collecting Forgotten Realms (and others as well) maps for a few years now and have quite a good collection of them. If you want me to email them just let me know where.
I am running AoW in The Forgotten Realms. My group and I have been playing there for 10+ years and it is just easier to play in a world where you and everyong at the table understands. I do think that Greyhawk would have been good choice as well, but that would lead to lots of research on the world and I just don't have the time available. I have thought about creating a homebrew campaign, but I always get hung up on the creation mythos and pantheons...
Rambling Now....
Does anyone remember the 2nd Edition product that came out that was all about creating your own world? It came with graph paper and tables for land masses and weather and creation myths and even information on creating a "non-standard" world... like a cube or ring or something....
I would love to see another product like that again....
My email address is jctooley@yahoo.com
and i think that book was called the world builder's guidebook
I apologize in advance if this is answered somewhere else.
I have a lvl 19 character (10 Wizard/9 Cleric/10 Mystic Theurge), When I gain level 20, I plan to take a 10th level in Cleric. If I take another level of cleric at level 21, do I progress as if I were a level 21 cleric because of those Mystic Theurge levels, or do I progress as a level 11 cleric and just not gain any spells?
Now that GenCon is over any chance of an answer on this?
Does anyone know where I can get a good electronic copy of a map of the forgotten realms? I am running AOW near Waterdeep and I am putting Diamonf Lake in the mountains North of Waterdeep, but I don't have a map that I can edit.
I flat out told my group I was going to run AOW and if I caught anyone reading it, their character would die a grusome and permanent death and they would no longer be welcome to play at my house, a substantial threat since we have 3 campaigns running concurrently and the only place we can meet is at my house.
I havn't decided whether or not Smenk is going to get prosecuted, I like both ideas. Unfortunately in my campaign I have a Drow Elf Rogue/Assasin working as an agent for the Shadow Thieves, and Smenk knows the PC has connections and is trying to blackmail him with it. Considering the reputation of the Shadow Thieves and the Drow, I think its fairly safe to say Smenk is not going to survive much longer.
Forgotten Realms most likely, but I am still toying with the idea of doing Greyhawk or a Homebrew. My players don't know anything about GH or FR, so that works out well, but I don't know where to start reading to get more info for a AGreyhawk campaign.
Are you planning on linking the dopplegangers from adventure 4 to the Unseen from Waterdeep? If so are you planning on substituting Hlaavin for the ilithid?
The problem with Manzorian becoming Khelben is that Khelben resides in Waterdeep (Free City) and the conversion note make it sound like Manzorian is living in Magepoint (Longsaddle). One of the Harpels would be a better choice IMHO.
No I am guessing he becomes one of the Harpels as Magepoint becomes Longsaddle. Don't have books in front of me, but probably the one that lives off alone. I think his name is Malchior or something like that and I think he lives in the Tower of Twilight.
If you want to keep with the half giand idea, you could use the 1/2 air elemental template from the WotC free adventure download Thicker than Water. I think it was also in Dungeon or Dragon Mag
The Madwabbit wrote:
1) I don't feel like doing any work today, since I start my vacation one the day is up. If I have to reset ANOTHER USER'S FECKIN' PASSWORD, someone will die a gruesome death involving a chair, rope, cold wet spaghetti, and repetitive cycling of Kelly Clarkson's latest CD.
Oh man you are evil!!!
I'm with ya Thor. I'll bring the siege ladders.