A curious observation...

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but you're slacking

I'm 36 ahead of you

[but 324 behind Heathy]

I concur!

RPG Superstar 2012

Callous Jack wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:

It doesn't hurt. ;-)
Although I was never given cookies either at my arrival, thankfully I'm no longer bitter and resentful about it. Nope, not one... tiny... bit...

Perhaps if your name had been Joyous Jack or Open to New Experiences Jack, Lilith would have brought you cookies. Callous Jack can be a bit intimidating. Not that I can imagine Lilith intimidated by much.

Sympathetic Jack or Charitable Jack just don't work too well though...

Maybe if you changed it to Chibi-Callous Jack. That way you can keep the "Callous" part, but it's less intimidating.

Liberty's Edge

taig wrote:

Maybe if you changed it to Chibi-Callous Jack. That way you can keep the "Callous" part, but it's less intimidating.

Nice. Somewhat scary, but nice.

Supercalloufragalistic Jack?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Supercalloufragalistic Jack?

That's really quite atrocious.

Sovereign Court

*backs out of thread slowly*

Obi-Jack wrote:

My Master ate his head.

It gave him terrible gastro-intestinal problems.

How do you think Dagoba got that way?

I haven't seen Yoda8myhead much lately...

The Exchange

CuttinCurt wrote:
Could a newcomer tweak your creativity?

I don't make any differences. I have been around here for such a long time that for me you're all newcomers anyway :p

Honestly, while I recognize people like Set who has posted some really awesome stuff on these boards and therefore tend to look up what he has to say everytime I see his name, I don't think that you must have written a certain number of posts before I recognize that you're writing good stuff either. If it's good, I'll gladly take it even if it's your first post.

Now my main problem is that with the advance of the PFRPG thes boards here have exploded. It's simply not possible for me to check each and every thread popping up and there are basically three things helping me to decide if a thread is worth reading or not:

1. Thread title
2. how actively other posters post in the thread
3. names of the posters active in the thread

So if your threat title doesn't grab my attention, I'll probably spend my time in other threads first. If no one else is posting in a particular thread it is probably not worth spending my time in. And if I know the posters' names and know that they already wrote some interesting stuff, chances are that I prefer this thread over other ones.

I know perfectly well that this is kind of unfair and that sometimes someone writes a great post no one answers to. But somehow I have to decide what to read and what not. Luckily there's some random element in my forum behavior. I'm not quite as organized as it may sound so chances are (as with this thread) that I take a look for a bazillion of undefined reasons. And thereby probably learn to know new posters.

Silver Crusade

I feel so... anonymous here.

Quick, someone point the way back to the OTD forums!!!

Celestial Healer wrote:

I feel so... anonymous here.

Quick, someone point the way back to the OTD forums!!!

Just go to the messageboard and scroll down really far. I'm sure you'll find them.

Silver Crusade

Wolf Munroe wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I feel so... anonymous here.

Quick, someone point the way back to the OTD forums!!!

Just go to the messageboard and scroll down really far. I'm sure you'll find them.

Oh, I always find them ;)

Yeah, it's true. I'm a celebrity around here. People follow me around. Piazo hunts down all my posts, because there could be a great idea for a themed sale in it. ;-)

But don't feel too bad about your obscurity. Half of the attention I get is other people devoting a lot of their time to insulting me. If you want that sort of attention, I could follow your around, ridicule your ideas, point out your misspellings and call you names. ;-)

Wolfthulhu wrote:
I love reading KaeYoss posts. It's always a gamble on whether I'll end up wanting to gouge out my eyeballs or buy him a beer. ;-)

Thanks! That's the reaction I'm trying to go for.

I'm here to drink beer and make people want to wash their brains with turpentine - and I'm all out of beer.

Set wrote:

I'm totally offended that KaeYoss and Yoda8myhead rated higher than me.

You're surprised? I'm 2k ahead of you, urchin boy ;-P.

KaeYoss has posted! I have been in the presence of greatness. passes out

RPG Superstar 2012

KaeYoss wrote:

Yeah, it's true. I'm a celebrity around here. People follow me around. Piazo hunts down all my posts, because there could be a great idea for a themed sale in it. ;-)

But don't feel too bad about your obscurity. Half of the attention I get is other people devoting a lot of their time to insulting me. If you want that sort of attention, I could follow your around, ridicule your ideas, point out your misspellings and call you names. ;-)

You suck because you misspelled Paizo. Did I fall for the trap? :)

taig wrote:

You suck because you misspelled Paizo. Did I fall for the trap? :)

The rules of irony are mercilessly enforced.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I used to be a "famous" Paizo poster. Now that "normal" 3.5 D&D has become less popular than PFRPG and 4e, I find I have precious little to say, mostly because I'm not actively gaming with a group that's playing PFRPG currently (hell, I don't even have a copy of the rulebook yet).

Sometimes, though, I tell myself that I'm still popular and that people like me. Scotch helps, too.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
Watch now..... the thread will shrivel and die simply because I've dared to post here.
Hey... quit tryin' ta steal my Thread Killing Powers of Awesomeness.

So we're on a thread-killing competition? Okay, it's on, it's on like Donkey Kong.

Fatespinner wrote:

I used to be a "famous" Paizo poster. Now that "normal" 3.5 D&D has become less popular than PFRPG and 4e, I find I have precious little to say, mostly because I'm not actively gaming with a group that's playing PFRPG currently (hell, I don't even have a copy of the rulebook yet).

Sometimes, though, I tell myself that I'm still popular and that people like me. Scotch helps, too.

I'm sorry, have you been here before? ;-P

And you don't really need the book, what with the PRD. If you're just curious, that's quite useful.

I am willing to bet $100 that someone posts in this thread after I do.

To accept this wager, simply post in this thread with the words "I accept" and include your email address in a spoiler, so we can work out the financial details.

100 dollars can be yours.

The Exchange

Nice try ^^

Well, I don’t post much, mostly because English is not my first language, so I write in ms-word, check spelling, then copy-paste here.
When I post in longer discussions, I tend to get ignored, mostly because I don’t really participate, I just post my opinion to ad it to the pool and then leave.

But when I have a question or need help or opinions (mostly in the ROTL sub-forum), I get a lot of fast and helpful answers.
Including things like a rules-question answered by James Jacobs half an hour after I posted it. TBugs vocalization of Karzoug on the same day I asked that strange question and helpful answers by KaeYoss AND Scott Betts on the same topic.,

The regulars are really helpful and nice to newbies if the newbies asks, but you may need to build some reputation to get noticed in the big bloated topics.

Liberty's Edge

Be careful with that helpful answer from KaeYoss. And don't give it any water.

RPG Superstar 2012

Heathansson wrote:
Be careful with that helpful answer from KaeYoss. And don't give it any water.

And don't feed it after midnight. (and before when? you might ask. I don't know)

Sovereign Court

taig wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Be careful with that helpful answer from KaeYoss. And don't give it any water.

And don't feed it after midnight. (and before when? you might ask. I don't know)

It doesn't care for sunlight either.

Silver Crusade

Callous Jack wrote:
taig wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Be careful with that helpful answer from KaeYoss. And don't give it any water.

And don't feed it after midnight. (and before when? you might ask. I don't know)

It doesn't care for sunlight either.

Mmm. Chicken wings.

It's a community just like any other. People recognize familiar faces. Stick around, be polite and folks will start to warm to you also I'm certain.

And while Erik might forgive replacing the M in Mona he will probably have you banned for spelling Erik with a C.

Scarab Sages

Dennis da Ogre wrote:

It's a community just like any other. People recognize familiar faces. Stick around, be polite and folks will start to warm to you also I'm certain.

And while Erik might forgive replacing the M in Mona he will probably have you banned for spelling Erik with a C.

I kinda had a haitus from the message boards there, and after seeing where this thread was going, I kinda backed out myself.

But then, Kaeyoss posted and I knew all was right with the world.

But what concerns me the most about this thread is how I butchered Eric's name. I hope Eric doesnt hate me for spelling his name with a c. When I saw he co-wrote the Fiendish Codex and Faiths and Pantheons, I started fearing he would call down some favor from the gods to strike me down...

Oops! more C's...


CuttinCurt wrote:

But what concerns me the most about this thread is how I butchered Eric's name. I hope Eric doesnt hate me for spelling his name with a c. When I saw he co-wrote the Fiendish Codex and Faiths and Pantheons, I started fearing he would call down some favor from the gods to strike me down...

Oops! more C's...


I think he's used to it by now.

KaeYoss wrote:
CuttinCurt wrote:

But what concerns me the most about this thread is how I butchered Eric's name. I hope Eric doesnt hate me for spelling his name with a c. When I saw he co-wrote the Fiendish Codex and Faiths and Pantheons, I started fearing he would call down some favor from the gods to strike me down...

Oops! more C's...


I think he's used to it by now.

Erik's used to calling down favor from the gods to strike people down? Remind me never to cross him.

Hey Aaron.

Shadow Lodge

CuttinCurt wrote:
Could a newcomer tweak your creativity?

Hello, I'm here to spark creativity.

Seriously though, I can't remember the last time I cared about how long has been around when in a thread discussion. Even newbies can make excellent observations.

KaeYoss wrote:
I think he's used to it by now.

At Paizocon some folks were getting frustrated with the trivia contest and started writing answers such as "Eric Mona Blows Goats". Erik didn't care about the goat blowing bit but he was quite upset at the spelling of his name.

(Note it may not have been goats...)

Dennis da Ogre wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
I think he's used to it by now.

At Paizocon some folks were getting frustrated with the trivia contest and started writing answers such as "Eric Mona Blows Goats". Erik didn't care about the goat blowing bit but he was quite upset at the spelling of his name.

(Note it may not have been goats...)

Well, Erik Mona did write the main adventure in Pathfinder #19, and as far as I recall a goat did feature prominently in that adventure, so might there be a case for any goat-related remarks to fall under the heading of 'fair comment'? ;)

Darn. Where's Sebastian when you need him?

Umm, given that uncorrupted minds may be hanging around these boards, (an astronomically small chance, but a faint possibility none the less) I assume that 'blows' means 'causes to fall into a cactus patch where it explodes', right?

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Umm, given that uncorrupted minds may be hanging around these boards, (an astronomically small chance, but a faint possibility none the less) I assume that 'blows' means 'causes to fall into a cactus patch where it explodes', right?

This ties in with the Explosion Dog, right?

Dark Archive

Obi-Jack wrote:
Obi-Jack wrote:

My Master ate his head.

It gave him terrible gastro-intestinal problems.

How do you think Dagoba got that way?

I haven't seen Yoda8myhead much lately...

That's because he's a celebrity and doesn't hang out with us "regular guys" anymore... ;P

Dark Archive

CuttinCurt wrote:

I find it quite interesting how posters respond to certain individuals on this message board.


However, if your name is not Yoda8myhead, KaeYoss, or one of these individuals that has been around for some time, or a part of the famous Paizo staff, very little feedback is offered.

Wait... why did you have to mention KaeYoss? Have you any idea how big his ego *already* is? ;P

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If you really want to get KaeYoss riled up, ask him if he got his book yet lol

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Erik's used to calling down favor from the gods to strike people down? Remind me never to cross him.

Nah, I meant he's used to people spelling his name with a c. He hardly ever smites people to nothingness over it any more. Usually, you just get a very unconfortable and embarassing veneral disease.

But, yes: Remember never to kross him (as you kan see, it is probably for the best to avoid any mentions of that letter between b and d in the alphabet when dealing with him)

Asgetrion wrote:

Wait... why did you have to mention KaeYoss? Have you any idea how big his ego *already* is? ;P

To illustrate:

The known multiverse: o

My ego: (not visible because it's bigger than your screen and the planet you live on)

jreyst wrote:
If you really want to get KaeYoss riled up, ask him if he got his book yet lol

If you little upstart don't shut your mouth right now, I'm going to take this here 576-page-book I got nearly a week ago and hit you over the head with it! :P

If you really want to annoy me, write like some 13-year-old and use stupid internet-speech like "lol". ;-)

I see that this thread has gone awfulla off-topic.

You guys need to get back to praising me as the luminary I am to these boards.

The Exchange

KaeYoss wrote:
jreyst wrote:
If you really want to get KaeYoss riled up, ask him if he got his book yet lol

If you little upstart don't shut your mouth right now, I'm going to take this here 576-page-book I got nearly a week ago and hit you over the head with it! :P

If you really want to annoy me, write like some 13-year-old and use stupid internet-speech like "lol". ;-)

Congrats on the arrival of your book... but now what will you rant about?

P.S. lol. ;P

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

KaeYoss = teh l33t.

KaeYoss wrote:

I see that this thread has gone awfulla off-topic.

You guys need to get back to praising me as the luminary I am to these boards.

I praised you, and what did I get? Meh.

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:

Wait... why did you have to mention KaeYoss? Have you any idea how big his ego *already* is? ;P

To illustrate:

The known multiverse: o

My ego: (not visible because it's bigger than your screen and the planet you live on)

It's actually so big that we'd need a new setting of cosmic proportions to contain it! BTW, I *think* I saw your ego mentioned in 'The Great Beyond' as something that "goes beyond the boundaries of the areas discussed in this book".

(People, don't feed his ego; it's bigger and scarier than all of the Great Old Ones put together -- in fact, his ego eats Great Old Ones for *breakfast*, and I shudder to think what it eats for dinner...)

Moorluck wrote:
but now what will you rant about?

Where is this coming from, anyway?

Why the hostility? Is it because I sicced the internet police on you? Sorry, but if I get an internet stalker, she will have to be female. I'm not that way - not that there's anything wrong with it.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

I see that this thread has gone awfulla off-topic.

You guys need to get back to praising me as the luminary I am to these boards.

I praised you, and what did I get? Meh.

The mailman must have lost it again.

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