Archon Adept |

Just as an aside, I thought I would mention that I think the adventure paths are set to fast xp progression. I have run both Curse of the Crimson Throne and Second Darkness and we have had to use the fast track to keep up with the suggested level for each of the chapters. Of course if your thinking of adding some content than it should work.
Your observations are correct, Arioch. However, this AP specifically states in a sidebar that it is written for the medium advancement track.

Heaven's Agent |

I kind of like the idea of twins, even if it is a bit overdone. And I think your “condition” would work really well for the “compromising and embarrassing” situation around the death of our mother.
I don’t mind having our parents be migrants if you want, but the deal gone bad is certainly a good way to explain having native Chelaxian parents of a demon-blooded child. Where did you have in mind for their origins?
Honestly, the more I think of it the more I like the deal gone bad route. Pops could have been Mother's manager, her rise to fame actually the devil's part of the deal. Still not sure what Pops could have been tasked with doing in return; I really wish I had more information about the city and its entertainment scene to work with. Perhaps he was told to kill a favorite and promising cleric or paladin of Shelyn, someone who would not only arise to be competition for Mother but also complicate matters that concern the contracting devil later in life.
I prefer the idea of Pops having little to do with our rearing; after Mother died he became a shut-in, only caring for us until we could fend for ourselves. We got by on her fame, and the coin she earned before our birth. We grew up on the streets, perhaps with Pops dead, wasting away on his own somewhere, or held by the Hellknights for some unknown perceived wrong.

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Honestly, the more I think of it the more I like the deal gone bad route. Pops could have been Mother's manager, her rise to fame actually the devil's part of the deal. Still not sure what Pops could have been tasked with doing in return; I really wish I had more information about the city and its entertainment scene to work with. Perhaps he was told to kill a favorite and promising cleric or paladin of Shelyn, someone who would not only arise to be competition for Mother but also complicate matters that concern the contracting devil later in life.I prefer the idea of Pops having little to do with our rearing; after Mother died he became a shut-in, only caring for us until we could fend for ourselves. We got by on her fame, and the coin she earned before our birth. We grew up on the streets, perhaps with Pops dead, wasting away on his own somewhere, or held by the Hellknights for some unknown perceived wrong.
I'll have a read through the companion today and see if I can come up with something for the price...
I'm really liking the idea that whatever it is will also be something that fulfills the devil's side of the bargain too. I'm also tempted by the idea that one of the terms of the contract was that 'her fame will never die.'

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Uzzy wrote:Nope, it's in the Cheliax Companion book. Don't know if the DM is going to allow it.I don't have the book, but I might allow the trait anyway. Can you post the details, please?
One Parent has to be a Hellknight, and it gives you a +2 to diplomacy when dealing with the Hellknights and a +2 to intimidate when dealing with enemies of the Hellknights.

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Can't quite decide on how her name should appear when I post. Right now I have her full name on there because I didn't care for how the quotes looked around "Lia" but that is the name she usually answers to. So what do you think. Stay with Liagorba? Go with "Lia"? Use Liagorba "Lia"? Or something else I haven't thought of yet?

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Having read through the Cheliax companion, nothing jumps out at me. I'm thinking it would be fun to have it be something that could come back to haunt us at some point in the AP - what do you think?
As for class, I reckon I'll go for a wizard specialised in enchantment - it's similar to a bard, but without too much overlap. And my bonded item could be a necklace that belonged to our mother.

Marcellano |

Can't quite decide on how her name should appear when I post. Right now I have her full name on there because I didn't care for how the quotes looked around "Lia" but that is the name she usually answers to. So what do you think. Stay with Liagorba? Go with "Lia"? Use Liagorba "Lia"? Or something else I haven't thought of yet?
I kind of like how it looks with "Lia" myself, since that's what name your character prefers to answer to. Then again I usually answer to Marcel but still kept Marcellano for my posts.

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Can't quite decide on how her name should appear when I post. Right now I have her full name on there because I didn't care for how the quotes looked around "Lia" but that is the name she usually answers to. So what do you think. Stay with Liagorba? Go with "Lia"? Use Liagorba "Lia"? Or something else I haven't thought of yet?
I tend to prefer the long-form for names... not sure if anyone noticed ;).

Heaven's Agent |

Having read through the Cheliax companion, nothing jumps out at me. I'm thinking it would be fun to have it be something that could come back to haunt us at some point in the AP - what do you think?
That's always a lot of fun; sins of the father, and all that. To bad the Companion didn't inspire anything. Perhaps our generous GM might be able to fit that aspect of our background into the plot somewhere, something for us to confront Pops about (if he's still alive) or find out about along the way?
On the subject of names, we should come up with something for our characters' family name. I'm see Pops as being Chelaxian, but due to his less than notable reputation and our Mother's fame I'm thinking we could use hers. She could be Chelaxian as well, or perhaps Varisian, Taldan, or even Azlanti. In the case of the last option we could either forgo a surname and simply pick Azlanti names, or take a Chelaxian name, maybe using Mother's name in place of a surname.

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That's always a lot of fun; sins of the father, and all that. To bad the Companion didn't inspire anything. Perhaps our generous GM might be able to fit that aspect of our background into the plot somewhere, something for us to confront Pops about (if he's still alive) or find out about along the way?On the subject of names, we should come up with something for our characters' family name. I'm see Pops as being Chelaxian, but due to his less than notable reputation and our Mother's fame I'm thinking we could use hers. She could be Chelaxian as well, or perhaps Varisian, Taldan, or even Azlanti. In the case of the last option we could either forgo a surname and simply pick Azlanti names, or take a Chelaxian name, maybe using Mother's name in place of a surname.
Indeed, after all he would probably be a little reluctant to reveal the details of his deal to us so it would make sense that we've not got it fully detailed. If Archon is happy to include something it could be very interesting.
Family name, hmm... I agree with you that our mother's name would probably be the best way to go, not too sure about her ethnicity though. If we go by stereotypes, I guess Chelish or Taldan would lend itself to acting most readily, but any could work... would you prefer Azlanti? (just guessing from the extra attention you gave it.)

Heaven's Agent |

Family name, hmm... I agree with you that our mother's name would probably be the best way to go, not too sure about her ethnicity though. If we go by stereotypes, I guess Chelish or Taldan would lend itself to acting most readily, but any could work... would you prefer Azlanti? (just guessing from the extra attention you gave it.)
Honestly, I'd be fine with any of them. I only gave Azlanti more mention because it's rarer. Ultimately, though, I'll leave this up to you; your character's the only one of the two that's going to be recognized by ethnic heritage. My character's going to be seen as a tiefling first and foremost, and few are likely to care about his ancestry beyond that.

Archon Adept |

That's always a lot of fun; sins of the father, and all that. To bad the Companion didn't inspire anything. Perhaps our generous GM might be able to fit that aspect of our background into the plot somewhere, something for us to confront Pops about (if he's still alive) or find out about along the way?
If inspiration strikes and the timing is right, I'll see what I can work in for you guys. No promises, though.

Heaven's Agent |

Has anyone heard mention of what level Paizo's shooting to end this AP at? I'm aware that even they don't know for sure until the last adventure's off to the printers, but I prefer to plan out spell progression at least somewhat when rolling up a spontaneous caster.

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Honestly, I'd be fine with any of them. I only gave Azlanti more mention because it's rarer. Ultimately, though, I'll leave this up to you; your character's the only one of the two that's going to be recognized by ethnic heritage. My character's going to be seen as a tiefling first and foremost, and few are likely to care about his ancestry beyond that.
Fair point. I'd prefer a Chelaxian myself, how about something along the lines of Vossare?
I have a nice big block of uninterrupted time set aside tomorrow for review of character sheets. Will everybody be ready for me to look things over?
Yep, I've got most of my character sheet ready, just waiting for the background details to be finished up and a family name.

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Heaven's Agent, about our childhood, how do you feel about of the idea that our father taught me the basics of wizardry, whilst letting you mostly fend for yourself since you were a constant reminder of his mistake? With him potentially disappearing several years ago (his past misdeeds catching up to him?). How old do you want to be?

Heaven's Agent |

Fair point. I'd prefer a Chelaxian myself, how about something along the lines of Vossare?
I like it; it should suite the characters very nicely.
Heaven's Agent, about our childhood, how do you feel about of the idea that our father taught me the basics of wizardry, whilst letting you mostly fend for yourself since you were a constant reminder of his mistake? With him potentially disappearing several years ago (his past misdeeds catching up to him?). How old do you want to be?
Again, sounds good with me. As for how old, we could select something within the overlap of wizard and bard starting ages; I's say somewhere within the 17-21 range, most likely toward the young end of things as we had to fend for ourselves.
I have a nice big block of uninterrupted time set aside tomorrow for review of character sheets. Will everybody be ready for me to look things over?
Other than background/story elements, I shouldn't have much difficulty getting everything posted by tonight. If the boards stay up, I might even have the fluff finished and the character ready to play.

d'Anconia |

I have a nice big block of uninterrupted time set aside tomorrow for review of character sheets. Will everybody be ready for me to look things over?
Hey guys - I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to bow out. Things have gotten a bit more hectic in real life, and I don't think I'll have the time to give the game the focus it deserves. Hopefully you can get one of the alts in, as I know we had several.

AJCarrington |

Archon Adept wrote:I have a nice big block of uninterrupted time set aside tomorrow for review of character sheets. Will everybody be ready for me to look things over?Hey guys - I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to bow out. Things have gotten a bit more hectic in real life, and I don't think I'll have the time to give the game the focus it deserves. Hopefully you can get one of the alts in, as I know we had several.
Not to try and take advantage of this...but I will. ;) Any chance I can get back in?

Archon Adept |

d'Anconia wrote:Archon Adept wrote:I have a nice big block of uninterrupted time set aside tomorrow for review of character sheets. Will everybody be ready for me to look things over?Hey guys - I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to bow out. Things have gotten a bit more hectic in real life, and I don't think I'll have the time to give the game the focus it deserves. Hopefully you can get one of the alts in, as I know we had several.
d'Anconia.Not to try and take advantage of this...but I will. ;) Any chance I can get back in?
Yes, and I'm glad you were watching! You would have had first crack at taking over the vacant slot, in any case. Welcome (again)!!
Sorry to see you go, d'Anconia, btw. But thanks for letting us know forthrightly.

AJCarrington |

Yes, and I'm glad you were watching! You would have had first crack at taking over the vacant slot, in any case. Welcome (again)!!
Sorry to see you go, d'Anconia, btw. But thanks for letting us know forthrightly.
Thanks - will work up a character later today/tonight for you. Currently thinking of a martial character (fighter or rogue), likely a dwarf or half-orc. Not to ask a silly question, but what is the best way for me to get it to you (format/etc.)?

Genevieve |

Erika Benson wrote:Here we are.I was starting worry we'd never have any divine support. ;D
I kid, of course. But we're still a tad light on healing power; looks like I'm going to have to invest in some wands at some point.
That might be an issue... But if Archon Adept is OK with the idea, I could take Infernal Healing from Gods and Magic to counter that a little.

Koveluss Vossare |

That might be an issue... But if Archon Adept is OK with the idea, I could take Infernal Healing from Gods and Magic to counter that a little.
It's not really too great a concern. I don't plan on learning any of the cure spells; they're just so inefficient for a bard. But what is Westcrown, a metropolis? A basic wand of cure serious wounds falls within the 11,250 to 15,750 gp range, under the base magic item value for such a city. Even if we don't find enough healing items as part of the adventure, generally speaking we should be able to buy what we need.
EDIT: Though I imagine it's going to impact my coin a fair bit. I'm probably going to have to special-order my weapons as it is; I don't imagine large longswords will be common in a primarily human city.

Archon Adept |

Archon Adept wrote:Yes, and I'm glad you were watching! You would have had first crack at taking over the vacant slot, in any case. Welcome (again)!!
Sorry to see you go, d'Anconia, btw. But thanks for letting us know forthrightly.
Thanks - will work up a character later today/tonight for you. Currently thinking of a martial character (fighter or rogue), likely a dwarf or half-orc. Not to ask a silly question, but what is the best way for me to get it to you (format/etc.)?
AJC, my preference is that you simply create an alias as your character's name, and then make his/her character sheet as the profile for the character. If you need an example, you need only click on any of the links that the other PCs have done.
If you need assistance, just ask. I'm sure I, or any of your fellow players, would be happy to help.

Archon Adept |

mordulin, I went over Marcellano first.
My comments:
Actually, everything looks really good! The only possible error I see is for his power attack with his longsword. If it's a one point Power Attack, shouldn't the damage be only +4? It looks like you took one point away from his attack roll, but added two to the damage line. Everything else looks great, though. Nice job!

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Thanks - will work up a character later today/tonight for you. Currently thinking of a martial character (fighter or rogue), likely a dwarf or half-orc. Not to ask a silly question, but what is the best way for me to get it to you (format/etc.)?
Wondering if you would be inspired by a cleric AJC? As some have pointed out we are a little light on the divine and healing. No pressure, play what you want. Just asking.
Our current party make up is:
Calixymenthillian - Genevieve (wizard - human - Chelish)
Uzzy - Erica Benson (paladin - human)
Heaven's Agent - Koveluss (bard - tiefling)
Mordulin - Marcellano (fighter - Hellknight - human)
Dark Arioch - Liagorba (rogue - human - Chelish)
AJCarrington ???

Archon Adept |

Heaven's Agent, I looked over Koveluss...
I just have a couple comments...
1. It looks like he didn't receive a bonus to HP or skill points from taking a faovred class level. An oversight?
2. I figure his REF save at +3 (+2 class +1 DEX), not +2
Otherwise, he looks great. Don't forget about his xp debt (1000 xp), if you add a section to the sheet about level advancement. Thanks!

Koveluss Vossare |

Heaven's Agent, I looked over Koveluss...
1. It looks like he didn't receive a bonus to HP or skill points from taking a faovred class level. An oversight?
I took the bonus as a skill rank. That should make six ranks as a bard, one for Intelligence modifier, and one for favored class bonus. All eight ranks have been assigned to skills.
I figure his REF save at +3 (+2 class +1 DEX), not +2
Thanks for the catch; I changed the stats around a bit mid-way through character creation, and must have forgotten this.

Archon Adept |

Heaven's Agent...
Ah, 8 ranks is correct. I'm using a character generator spreadsheet to assist in checking character sheets. However, it doesn't support Tieflings, so I've actually got Koveluss listed as a (heavily modified) human. Hence, it was giving him an extra skill rank, and I didn't catch it.
Okay, I think he's good to go then! Nice job.

Marcellano |

mordulin, I went over Marcellano first.
My comments:
** spoiler omitted **
To answer your comment:

Archon Adept |

Uzzy, having reviewed Erika's sheet...
It looks to me that she actually was built with only a 14 point buy. I don't want to see her shorted the extra point, so take another look at that please.
Also, I think her damage with melee weapons should be +2, with a strength of 14.
I'll wait and see if the ability scores change before delving any further. Thanks!

Archon Adept |

Ah, well. Indeed, that build does come to 15 points, I stand corrected. I guess I just assumed that the +2 racial bonus would have gone into either STR or CHA, since those were her highest scores. Indeed, if you'd want to rebuild her with that in mind, you could still squeeze that one additional point out of the build. It's up to you.