Heaven's Agent |

Here's hoping, then.
My Core Rulebook arrived today; I haven't had a chance to open it yet, but I'll start reading through the beast before bed tonight. See if I can't come up with some basic concepts I'd like to run, and hope one fits into the setting once the Player's Guide becomes available.

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I got the PDF of the companion on Saturday - I've not had chance to read through it all yet, but what I've read so far as been really good... a few things seem missing though, compared to the companions for the previous APs, there are no campaign traits or a section about how different races fit into society. There are still Regional, Magic, Combat, Racial and Social traits and a classes section.
EDIT: Oooh, there's even a sidebar on the appropriate way to bribe officials!

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Still thinking of creating a rogue but do not have any of the books yet. I think my hardcopy of the PFRPG is shipping out today (so maybe by Friday I'll have it). Don't have the players guide either yet. Is the tiefling article in Bastards of Erebus? Not that I have that yet either but am inferring that's where it's located from your above statement. A tiefling rogue may be interesting.

Heaven's Agent |

I got the PDF of the companion on Saturday - I've not had chance to read through it all yet, but what I've read so far as been really good... a few things seem missing though, compared to the companions for the previous APs, there are no campaign traits or a section about how different races fit into society.
That should show up in the Player's Guide. The only reason the information was in the Companion for the last two APs is that a unique Player's Guide wasn't created for them; such need to know stuff was in the Player's Guides for both RotRL and CotCT.
Is the tiefling article in Bastards of Erebus? Not that I have that yet either but am inferring that's where it's located from your above statement. A tiefling rogue may be interesting.
It is; I never truly considered playing a tiefling before reading it.
I've no idea how I got my copy of the Rulebook so early. I'm not too far away, in western Idaho; I was sure they'd hold off shipping my order until today. All my past shipments have arrived in two days.

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I've no idea how I got my copy of the Rulebook so early. I'm not too far away, in western Idaho; I was sure they'd hold off shipping my order until today. All my past shipments have arrived in two days.
Not too far from me either. Just hop on down here to New Mexico so I can take a look while I am waiting for mine :) Actually I frequent many of the states around you. California (family there), Colorado (family), Montana (family and a homestead type ranch), and Wyoming (because Yellowstone and the Tetons are the coolest (hottest?) place on the planet!)

Archon Adept |

I've no idea how I got my copy of the Rulebook so early. I'm not too far away, in western Idaho; I was sure they'd hold off shipping my order until today. All my past shipments have arrived in two days.
Shipping of all the pre-orders appears to have been rather wonky, with quite a few people gettng copies several days early. There seems to be quite a furor on certain parts of the boards about it, actually.

d'Anconia |

And as far as answering the above questions...what Heaven's Agent said. Thanks for the assist, couldn't have said it better myself!
Player's Guide should be downloadable Thursday (if traffic doesn't bring the site to a grinding halt!)
d'Anconia - reporting for duty! As far as character ideas - I'm thinking Wizard right now. I'm downloading the core rules on Thursday (assuming the servers stay up) and will fill in the details once I get them.

Heaven's Agent |

A heads-up for any that might not have noticed: the CoT Player's Guide is available for download. Also, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary Preview is available, and includes basic stats for tieflings, familiars, and a few others.

Heaven's Agent |

I missed these boards so much.
After looking through the background material that's available, I'm definitely interested in playing a tiefling. What say you, Archon? Are you willing to allow the race and if so what limitations, if any, are you going to place on it? Would you let us use the variant heritages and abilities presented in the AP volume? Would you want us to roll for variant abilities and/or features or would you be fine simply letting us pick what we want?

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mordulin wrote:Absolutely not. I do feel bad for AJ, but the decision was made, and you have a place in this game.Archon Adept wrote:Agh, now I feel bad.I can step down since I was an alt. I'm sure another game will eventually pop up.
Sounds good. I'm still reading through my Core Book right now. Should have some idea what I want to play this weekend.

Archon Adept |

I missed these boards so much.
After looking through the background material that's available, I'm definitely interested in playing a tiefling. What say you, Archon? Are you willing to allow the race and if so what limitations, if any, are you going to place on it? Would you let us use the variant heritages and abilities presented in the AP volume? Would you want us to roll for variant abilities and/or features or would you be fine simply letting us pick what we want?
I'd be just fine with you playing a tiefling. We'll use the XP debt as described in the player's guide, to put your character a little behind in advancing to second level (we'll be using the medium track for level advancement, btw).
I'll let you choose your own variant abilities and features, but they are subject to my approval.

Heaven's Agent |

I'm thinking tiefling bard with Child of Infamy, Conspiracy Hunter, or Westcrown Firebrand; demon-spawned, oversized limbs (allows the use of Large weapons), cloven feet, fine downy black feathers rather than hair (looks like hair except under close scrutiny), and glowing eyes. He'd be CG, but play up on his infernal heritage for performances.
Once you read enough of the Core Rules to get us going, post up the guidelines you want us to use for character creation. It shouldn't take me too long to get him ready to go. And I'm eager to.

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I'm thinking tiefling bard with Child of Infamy, Conspiracy Hunter, or Westcrown Firebrand; demon-spawned, oversized limbs (allows the use of Large weapons), cloven feet, fine downy black feathers rather than hair (looks like hair except under close scrutiny), and glowing eyes. He'd be CG, but play up on his infernal heritage for performances.
Once you read enough of the Core Rules to get us going, post up the guidelines you want us to use for character creation. It shouldn't take me too long to get him ready to go. And I'm eager to.
That's quite similar to my idea - I wasn't planning to be a tiefling, but I was thinking of having her father be one. If you wanted to take the Child of Infamy trait we could be siblings. Two Bards might be a bit much for one party though, so I'd be willing to switch to a Sorcerer.

Heaven's Agent |

That's quite similar to my idea - I wasn't planning to be a tiefling, but I was thinking of having her father be one. If you wanted to take the Child of Infamy trait we could be siblings. Two Bards might be a bit much for one party though, so I'd be willing to switch to a Sorcerer.
I'm game. With a bard's ability to fill in the gaps, combined with our party size, I don't believe having two in the same group would have too much of a negative impact.
Having a tiefling brother would probably be easier on your character than a parent of such heritage. I was originally planning on my character's family being immigrants to the area to explain my character's demon, rather than devil, blood. Perhaps our mother was the famous actress, my character's birth the event that resulted in her untimely demise. If you wanted to be native to the area, maybe my character's genesis was the result of a deal made by our father gone wrong; as punishment the devil he was working with got a kick out of infusing his unborn son with fiendish blood. To add further insult, he would use lesser blood, that of a demon, rather than that of a "superior" devil.
We could even go the route of twins, if you'd like. The concept's a bit overplayed, but tainting one sibling and not the other would be a suitably devilish punishment for a sour deal. Alternately your character could be the older sister that helped raise her tiefling brother after mother died. It leaves a lot of room to decide how your character feels about her sibling.

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I'm game. With a bard's ability to fill in the gaps, combined with our party size, I don't believe having two in the same group would have too much of a negative impact.Having a tiefling brother would probably be easier on your character than a parent of such heritage. I was originally planning on my character's family being immigrants to the area to explain my character's demon, rather than devil, blood. Perhaps our mother was the famous actress, my character's birth the event that resulted in her untimely demise. If you wanted to be native to the area, maybe my character's genesis was the result of a deal made by our father gone wrong; as punishment the devil he was working with got a kick out of infusing his unborn son with fiendish blood. To add further insult, he would use lesser blood, that of a demon, rather than that of a "superior" devil.
We could even go the route of twins, if you'd like. The concept's a bit overplayed, but tainting one sibling and not the other would be a suitably devilish punishment for a sour deal. Alternately your character could be the older sister that helped raise her tiefling brother after mother died. It leaves a lot of room to decide how your character feels about her sibling.
I kind of like the idea of twins, even if it is a bit overdone. And I think your “condition” would work really well for the “compromising and embarrassing” situation around the death of our mother.
I don’t mind having our parents be migrants if you want, but the deal gone bad is certainly a good way to explain having native Chelaxian parents of a demon-blooded child. Where did you have in mind for their origins?

d'Anconia |

That's quite similar to my idea - I wasn't planning to be a tiefling, but I was thinking of having her father be one. If you wanted to take the Child of Infamy trait we could be siblings. Two Bards might be a bit much for one party though, so I'd be willing to switch to a Sorcerer.
Also - what does everyone thing about having a Wizard and 2 Bards (or 1 Bard and 1 Sorcerer) in the same party? I ask, because if that's a bit much of an arcane concentration in the party, I could go with a more martial class and still stick with the Conspiracy Hunter idea - Maybe a Rogue or Ranger.

Heaven's Agent |

Also - what does everyone thing about having a Wizard and 2 Bards (or 1 Bard and 1 Sorcerer) in the same party? I ask, because if that's a bit much of an arcane concentration in the party, I could go with a more martial class and still stick with the Conspiracy Hunter idea - Maybe a Rogue or Ranger.
Once again, I don't care about it too much. Bards may be arcane casters, but their spells play a support role more than anything; their buffs and heals power the party, but they lack any of the offensive spellpower possessed by wizards and sorcerers. Or even by clerics and druids, for that matter. In addition, bards can fill the role of second-line fighter pretty readily, especially if such a character takes one or two levels in a secondary class to focus on a particular aspect of play.
With six characters in the party there should be enough diversity to double up on arcane firepower should Calix decide to go the sorcerer route. it does depend somewhat on what everyone else decides to play, of course, but that's my two cents; I'm the type that prefers everyone to make characters based on what they want to play first and foremost, with class balance being an important but secondary concern.

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Think I'll play a sorcerer.....just kidding! With so much tiefling badness already shaping up in the party perhaps I'll avoid that angle unless a unique inspiration involving one suddenly pops into my head. Still thinking rogue though but could be convinced to go with a more martial class.....say fighter if need be (since bards can cover quite a bit of the rogue angle). Still thinking....still thinking....
P.S. I found all the additional info on the tieflings but where is the basic writeup and standard stats found?

Heaven's Agent |

P.S. I found all the additional info on the tieflings but where is the basic writeup and standard stats found?
In the free Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary Preview.

Archon Adept |

Ok, an idea is forming for my character.
I'm tempted by a Bard with the Child of Infamy trait - is the identity of the parent/family member quite flexible, or is it defined in the AP?
The details of your proposed character's lineage are not defined in the AP, Calix. So, feel free to take it in whatever direction you like.

Archon Adept |

Guys, I'm in the same camp as Heaven's Agent when it comes to deciding what you want to play. Go with a character that inspires you to post often, and role-play well. Party balance is not unimportant, but it's far from all important.
I have no problem with Calix and HA creating characters that are related, even twins. If it were up to me, I'd probably not go with two bards, but it's not up to me, it's up to you. :)
Uzzy expressed interest in a paladin, so there's some martial muscle for you.

d'Anconia |

Here are some quick notes regarding character creation.
-15 point buy for stats
-Average starting gold by class
-Max hit points
-Select two traits...one campaign trait from the PG, and one other from the new traits documentThat should get you going. But if I forgot anything, just holler.
Where might I find this "new traits document"? :)

Archon Adept |

Where might I find this "new traits document"? :)
Check out the new Pathfinder resources page. You'll find a link to the traits doc (a free download), and lots of other cool stuff.

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I'm thinking of a Paladin with the Hellknight Ancestry trait. Which gives me the idea that my character was interested in a martial background, but felt a pull towards Iomadae and helping people, much to the disappointment of her family who had served in the Hellknights for generations. Maybe it was her examination of the Pathfinder Lodge that inspired her to follow Iomadae, which would give her the Pathfinders Exile trait, which looks fun.
Just need to write her up/create her now.

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I'd be just fine with you playing a tiefling. We'll use the XP debt as described in the player's guide, to put your character a little behind in advancing to second level (we'll be using the medium track for level advancement, btw).
Just as an aside, I thought I would mention that I think the adventure paths are set to fast xp progression. I have run both Curse of the Crimson Throne and Second Darkness and we have had to use the fast track to keep up with the suggested level for each of the chapters. Of course if your thinking of adding some content than it should work.