Gareth-Michael Skarka |
![Young Master](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/GoL08YoungMaster.jpg)
The Tome of Secrets, now in its final days of preorder from Adamant Entertainment, will be released on August 13th, 2009. In anticipation of the the release, we've been posting previews every week, giving a glimpse of what lies within the pages of the Tome. With the pre-order period ending at 11:59 pm this Sunday night (August 9th), our last preview gives us a look at Anir, a dwarven artificer.
Male dwarf artificer 8
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Perception +9, Darkvision
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 49 (8d6 +16)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +8
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Battleaxe (+10/+5, 1d8+2, x3)
Special Attacks Beta Wave Projector, Flame Blaster, Electromagnetic Projector (see below)
Weird Science (CL 8th, 4/2/2)
Shield Generator (Shield, Endure Elements)
Beta Wave Projector (Sleep, Daze Monster)
Translator (Comprehend Languages)
Flame Blaster (Scorching Ray)
Electromagnetic Projector (Lightning Bolt)
Teleporter Belt (Blink)
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +10; CMD 21
Feats Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Magical Aptitude, Craft Wonderous Item, Craft Arms & Armor, Craft Wand, Maximize Spell
Skills Appraise +10, Craft +15, Disable Device +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Perception +9, Linguisitics +10, Spellcraft +11, Use Magical Device +13
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Undercommon, Giant, Gnome, Terran, Celestial, Infernal.
SQ Elbow Grease (+4), Jack of all Trades, Salvage
Combat Gear wand of magic missles (28 charges), Weird science devices (above), Battleaxe
Other Gear 4 potions of Cure Serious Wounds, 1 potion of Remove Disease, 1 potion of Lesser Restoration
Anir is an artificer: an individual who lives on the edge of magic and science. Artificers are craftsmen and engineers, mixing the arcane and divine with a new discipline: technology. Students of exotic sciences and theories, they are often viewed with distrust, derision or outright hostility by those versed in traditional magic.
At the core of Anir's class features is Weird Science -- An artificer is not a spellcaster, but instead possesses the ability to imbue inventions with magical power. This weird science allows the artificer to create devices that combine the effects of one or more spells, either arcane or divine.
An artificer has access to both arcane and divine spell lists, but only up to 4th level. Any number of spells can be combined into a single device. Spell statistics (casting times, etc.) remain unchanged, although no components are required and the artificer is considered the “caster” for the purposes of CL. Weird science devices must be invented in advance, however --they cannot be created on the fly. Due to the extended time it takes to create these items, an artificer usually has a fixed collection of regularly-carried devices.
Weird science devices are temporary and unreliable. They are able to be used reliably a number of times per day equal to 1 plus half the class level of the artificer who built the device. The devices can be used by anyone -- but if used by someone other than the artificer who built it, it requires a Use Magical Device roll at DC 15 to activate (a failed roll indicates that the device fails to activate for that user, and a roll of 1 means that the device breaks down for good). In addition, if the devices are used more often than recommended, further Use Magical Device checks are required, with escalating DCs -- and failure indicates the device breaks down and must be rebuilt.
Anir gained the Elbow Grease feature, which gives him a bonus to Craft checks, at 1st level, and now that bonus has increased to +4.
In addition to their Weird Science inventions, Artificers are also capable of creating true magic items, even if the artificer does not have access to the prerequisite spells. Via the item creation feats bestowed at certain levels, the artificer may create magic items, using Craft checks to emulate the spells required to create the item.
At 5th level, Anir gained the ability to salvage the gold piece value of a magic item, and use those funds to create another magic item. The value cannot be spent as gold -- it may only be used in the creation of the new item. He must spend at least a day with the original item (which is destroyed in the process), and must possess the appropriate item creation feat for the item he is salvaging.
At 6th level, Anir gained the ability to apply metamagic feats to spell trigger items (he often uses his Maximize Spell feat on the wand of magic missles that he carries).
So there you have it -- our last look at the new classes in Tome of Secrets. Advance copies of the book will be available at GenCon, and shipped to pre-order customers. The PDF will be released on the 13th, both at the Paizo store and at RPGNow/DriveThruRPG -- and the official release of the book will hit game stores in November. Thank you for your interest, and we hope that you have enjoyed these previews!
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![Purple Worm](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/purpleworm.gif)
I made a leap of faith and pre-ordered ToS before any previews were posted. I'm so glad I did. I'm waiting with bated breath as much for this PDF next Thursday as I am the PFRGP.
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![Devargo Barvasi](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_devargo_final.jpg)
Looks really solid; I've been a fan of technology and magic rolled into a setting for a good while, this looks to sate that urge.
One quick question, though, the 6th level ability that lets the artificer apply metamagic feats to spell trigger items. Is there a limit to the number of metamagic feats an artificer can apply to an item at one time?
seekerofshadowlight |
![Lamatar Bayden](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/18_Undead-Fort-Commander_c.jpg)
Some quick comments:
1) Yes, we went with full BAB, but only d6 HD. Yes, that's odd. This is an odd class. :)
That would be the first thing I would houseerule as it brake PF style. Unlike a barb this is not a legacy thing, so That is the first thing I have really disliked alot
Dreaming Warforged |
![Beauty Patrol](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/beauty_patrol_FINALCMYK.jpg)
When you put more than one effect on a device, does only one can be used at a time (likely). If so, why not put the effects on separate items (those pesky 1's). Or for that matter, if retrieving an item can sometimes be troublesome (and if the 1's only affect the effect and not the device), why not all on a uber item (a tricorder?)?
Interesting take on the Artificer, I must say.
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![Djarrus Gost](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DjarrusGost.jpg)
Loved your other previews, which is why I pre-ordered.
Hate the artificer which was the main reason I bought it :(
What do you dislike about it? I like this version better than most (I haven't seen Dario's final version)...
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Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:That would be the first thing I would houseerule as it brake PF style. Unlike a barb this is not a legacy thing, so That is the first thing I have really disliked alotSome quick comments:
1) Yes, we went with full BAB, but only d6 HD. Yes, that's odd. This is an odd class. :)
I actually don't mind it. As G-M S said. It's an odd Class. As long as every other Class in the book conforms to the standard PF BAB/HD Rules then I absolutely have no problem with a specialized concept Class like this breaking that mould. I just wouldn't want to see it happen all of the time.
As an aside, I could have also seen the 3/4 BAB/d8 HD working for the Artificer as well...![](/WebObjects/Frameworks/Ajax.framework/WebServerResources/wait30.gif)
seekerofshadowlight |
![Lamatar Bayden](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/18_Undead-Fort-Commander_c.jpg)
seekerofshadowlight wrote:Gareth-Michael Skarka wrote:That would be the first thing I would houseerule as it brake PF style. Unlike a barb this is not a legacy thing, so That is the first thing I have really disliked alotSome quick comments:
1) Yes, we went with full BAB, but only d6 HD. Yes, that's odd. This is an odd class. :)
I actually don't mind it. As G-M S said. It's an odd Class. As long as every other Class in the book conforms to the standard PF BAB/HD Rules then I absolutely have no problem with a specialized concept Class like this breaking that mould. I just wouldn't want to see it happen all of the time.
As an aside, I could have also seen the 3/4 BAB/d8 HD working for the Artificer as well...
See 3/4 and 6 would not have bugged me as much...3/4 8 would have been right for me. I guess the issue for me is it's more then one step. The barb and dragons are exceptions going a d12, but thats just 1 step up. Full BAB and a d6 is just well jarring is all. It will be 3/4 and a d8 if I get the book
Ughbash |
Ughbash wrote:What do you dislike about it? I like this version better than most (I haven't seen Dario's final version)...Loved your other previews, which is why I pre-ordered.
Hate the artificer which was the main reason I bought it :(
The flavor of wierd science. I prefered infusions which they are replacing. My artificer was also a dwarven cleric of Moradin who felt he could serve the creator better as a craftsman. The wierd science seems mroe gnomish to me like tinkering.
Will have to see what the full write up looks liek when I get the book, but for now I am disappointed, I wanted a clsoer to eberon version.
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This looks like a lot of fun! The mechanics are sound from what the preview shows and the flavor is just right. This class is perfect for a steampunk/magetech game. I was instantly reminded of some of the stuff from the 'Jade Empire' video game!
The best part is that the fluff could be renamed to fit your idea of what the artificer should look or sound like. I'm thinking of doing a steampunked spelljammer/eberron campaign next year after I've gotten back into the swing of GMing and this class means one less thing that I have to do myself.
You can put me down for at least a .pdf and eventually the hardback.
KnightErrantJR |
Keep in mind, I know this is just a preview, and I haven't seen all of the rules in their natural habitat, but I have to say, I was interested in all of the other previews, but this one actually makes me kind of not want to check this out as much as I once did.
I guess when it comes to a new game system, it seems to me that I'd rather see a lot more time exhausting the base assumptions before too many exception are introduced, so one of the first third party books breaking the HD/BaB paradigm actually does bother me, because it makes me wonder a bit about where else the designers might have wanted to make a split from the core assumptions.
Like I said, I know its only a preview, but it does kind of gnaw a bit at my sensibilities. Plus, I'm not sure why a mad scientist class that creates items that emulate spells needs a full BaB either.
xorial |
Keep in mind, I know this is just a preview, and I haven't seen all of the rules in their natural habitat, but I have to say, I was interested in all of the other previews, but this one actually makes me kind of not want to check this out as much as I once did.
I guess when it comes to a new game system, it seems to me that I'd rather see a lot more time exhausting the base assumptions before too many exception are introduced, so one of the first third party books breaking the HD/BaB paradigm actually does bother me, because it makes me wonder a bit about where else the designers might have wanted to make a split from the core assumptions.
Like I said, I know its only a preview, but it does kind of gnaw a bit at my sensibilities. Plus, I'm not sure why a mad scientist class that creates items that emulate spells needs a full BaB either.
Pretty much sums it up for me too. I want the 3pp to really take the main conventions & assumptions in the PFRPG to heart. the HD/BAB is a method to tie combat abilities fully together. I would definitely houserule this class back to d8 & 3/4 BAB.
I had started on an Artificer rewrite of my own, but stopped when I heard about this product. I see now that I need to go back & start working on it again. This would me a nice Mad Scientist, Techno Mage, Tinker, or Whatever. It doesn't come across as an artificer to me. Even ignoring Eberron, an Artificer always seems to me to be a maker of Magic Items, not a Weird Science guy.
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Keep in mind, I know this is just a preview, and I haven't seen all of the rules in their natural habitat, but I have to say, I was interested in all of the other previews, but this one actually makes me kind of not want to check this out as much as I once did.
I guess when it comes to a new game system, it seems to me that I'd rather see a lot more time exhausting the base assumptions before too many exception are introduced, so one of the first third party books breaking the HD/BaB paradigm actually does bother me, because it makes me wonder a bit about where else the designers might have wanted to make a split from the core assumptions.
Like I said, I know its only a preview, but it does kind of gnaw a bit at my sensibilities. Plus, I'm not sure why a mad scientist class that creates items that emulate spells needs a full BaB either.
I have to say that I kind of agree, but the main thing that bugs me is the flavor for "weird science" seems all wrong. The 3.5 artificer seemed like a good fit with the 3.5 flavor of magic and magic items. This artificer seems like some weird mutant class tacked onto the ruleset that seems to fit better with Spelljammer or a Final Fantasy type setting. I'm not digging having tech or magictech or whatever you call it in my Pathfinder/D&D game. Of course, the other classes previewed so far look good enough that it still could be a useful Pathfinder "splatbook".
xorial |
I have to say that I kind of agree, but the main thing that bugs me is the flavor for "weird science" seems all wrong. The 3.5 artificer seemed like a good fit with the 3.5 flavor of magic and magic items. This artificer seems like some weird mutant class tacked onto the ruleset that seems to fit better with Spelljammer or a Final Fantasy type setting. I'm not digging having tech or magictech or whatever you call it in my Pathfinder/D&D game. Of course, the other classes previewed so far look good enough that it still could be a useful Pathfinder "splatbook".
I don't think it really fits the Spelljammer setting, either. Maybe as a Weird Scientist for a steam punk setting.
IsaiahOs |
Some quick comments:
1) Yes, we went with full BAB, but only d6 HD. Yes, that's odd. This is an odd class. :)
2 The artificer can only apply a single metamagic feat at a time with that ability.
3) The device names are up to the individual artificer -- his inventions are unique, after all.
Is there any cost in creating the weird science items?