Laithoron |

*casts Thread Necromancy
Laurefindel: Being as I'm running Serpent's Skull right now, I ended up using these rules as the basis for some fledgling hour-based overland exploration rules. There are also some handy map overlays that I whipped up that you or others might find useful.
If you have any suggestions on how I might refine these rules, I'd love to hear them. Otherwise, help yourself to the mapping goodness. :)

Laurefindel |

*casts Thread Necromancy
Laurefindel: Being as I'm running Serpent's Skull right now, I ended up using these rules as the basis for some fledgling hour-based overland exploration rules. There are also some handy map overlays that I whipped up that you or others might find useful.
If you have any suggestions on how I might refine these rules, I'd love to hear them. Otherwise, help yourself to the mapping goodness. :)
Interesting stuff. Looking at it now, but I'm at work.
Spring break for kids and busy set-up week at Theatre. In short, replies/suggestions may not come promptly but not by lack of interest.

Laithoron |

Could you repost the encounter sheet, not the the Overland Round sheet.
Do you mean the XP calculator I made, or are you referring to one of 'findel's Google Docs? If it's the former, there's a link to it in my profile...
'findel: No worries, pretty much everyone I know is crazy-busy right now. Thanks for the prompt reply. :)

The Eel |

Just wanted to say thanks for these excellent house rules. Well thought out, well put together. Aside from some minor changes, I'll be using this in my soon to start campaign. It involves a lot of overland exploration, not just fast forwarding to the dungeon door, and this is perfect for making that work. So, again, thanks.
The Eel

Laurefindel |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Cool to see this still raises interests.
Most recent update of the Overland Round houserule
And while we're at it, the latest (yet minor) updates on my Random Encounter Chart

Laurefindel |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

...and the version I use in my games, featuring a homebrew overland movement chart.

yeti1069 |

Wow! This is FANTASTIC! I really enjoy overland travel, but have had to limit it somewhat due to the rules being pretty clunky for it. Next time I DM I'll definitely try these out!
A few comments and questions:
1) Could you edit the original post to provide all of the current, updated links? Reading through the thread I kept pulling up new links, downloading docs, wondering if I had missed something, downloading more docs, deleting previous ones, etc... It would be very useful for newcomers to the thread to have all of the relevant links right up front.
2) I'm not sure I'd put darkvision as full movement for travel on dark nights. I mean, darkvision typically is fairly limited in distance: similar to using a very bright light source for most characters. Since you have total darkness set to 1/4 speed for most characters, I'd probably set the 60' darkvision crowd to 1/2 speed, the 120' darkvision crowd to 3/4 speed, and anyone with better darkvision to that would gain full movement, though I guess it depends upon what you're assuming is the limiting factor on movement: being able to see the ground and immediate surroundings or being able to see far enough to keep a straight line.
I think both total line of sight/visibility and being able to discern clearly your immediate surroundings are both important for this type of movement. It would complicate the system more, but perhaps darkvision could grant full movement, but an increased chance to become lost at that speed, as they can see the terrain around them clearly, but cannot plot a course?
3) Speaking of becoming lost...do you just use the rules for this right out of the book?
4) How do you deal with stuff like repeated checks vs. cold? I found that those tended to slow the game down a bit, although I suspect that with your charts I'd at least have a better idea of how many rolls are needed with a better sense of distance/time.

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I have questions too. I'm running Kingmaker and I have trouble deciding whether or not to allow players a "full day's movement" when they have encounters. You system seems to offer the answer, I think. Echoing a melee round, if they fight, that would be their standard action, right, so they'd have a move but not a double move?
On getting lost (Yeti's question), I'd divided the day into two movement phases (AM and PM). If the players got lost, they wasted one movement and got another check in the afternoon, either finding themselves and or wasting another 1/2 day's movement. (Kingmaker's get-lost check every hour was just too much for my players, and then, how does getting lost for an hour interact with daily movement rates?). I think my two movement phases might dovetail well with the Overland Round's double move, if I'm understanding it correctly. And the Overland Round is certainly a more elegant way of looking at it.
Thanks for bringing this back up!

Laurefindel |

Could you edit the original post to provide all of the current, updated links? Reading through the thread I kept pulling up new links, downloading docs, wondering if I had missed something, downloading more docs, deleting previous ones, etc... It would be very useful for newcomers to the thread to have all of the relevant links right up front.
Hummm, maybe it would be time for a thread reboot.
I see your points for darkvision. It deserves consideration. I'm torn between realism and ease of play.

Laithoron |

Hummm, maybe it would be time for a thread reboot.
Honestly, it makes the searching easier if everything is contained in the same thread, particularly since people can dot, and subscribe to a thread. (I keep this thread on an RSS feed actually.)
Since you don't currently have a profile defined for your normal messageboard alias, why not add a couple links in there (like I've done in mine) to your own contributions?
BTW, the hour-based overland rounds I adapted for Serpent's Skull pt 1 have been working pretty well so far. Owe it to you for coming up with the model though. :)

Laurefindel |

Since you don't currently have a profile defined for your normal messageboard alias, why not add a couple links in there (like I've done in mine) to your own contributions?
yeah, about which, I've been meaning to tell you that the link above seems to be broken. I wanted to have another look at it the other day and ended up nowhere...

Laithoron |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Which link is broken? I just tried my overland, PbP, and Tools links and all of them worked. The only ones that should have been broken were those pointed to www.– or home.- links.
EDI: Oooh I see you meant the actual link I posted in this thread. Sorry about that, I switched hosting companies and haven't bothered to get anything other than my wikis and email operational since the move. Try these instead...
Overland Exploration Mapping Templates [ PNG | Photoshop | House Rules ]
And here's a link to them in-use:

Caedwyr |
I was in a discussion today about the overland round, and it took me a moment to realize this isn't something that is in the core game. Good job on crafting these rules. Something that might be nice is expanding them to cover what happens when you do more in a day, and/or go on too long without rest.

Big Lemon |

Bookmarked and will be adding to my personal list of houserules at a later time.
This is actually perfectly timed. I'm getting ready to start a big travel-intensive adventure that's going to have my players spending as much, if not more, in game time on the move. Using these rules will require me to make a more detailed map than I was originally intending to, but it would ultimately be worth it.

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+1 google doc
plus maybe mix with this bloke's Advanced Camping Rules. maybe high survival checks could reduce an action type? or maybe that's too complicated...