Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Sold Out!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Daigle wrote:
It's no Austin, but I totally see your point.

Hey, I've got nothing against Austin. I really enjoyed my last visit there.

Erik Mona wrote:
Daigle wrote:
It's no Austin, but I totally see your point.
Hey, I've got nothing against Austin. I really enjoyed my last visit there.

Austin is funny like that - not a bad place to live, rather sucks to visit unless you like the local music scene. YMMV

Austin sucks to visit? You visited it wrong, my friend.

Dark Archive

veector wrote:
Darrin Drader wrote:

This is a win for gaming,


Congrats Paizo! You've come a long way from the jettisoned "Periodicals Department" and I look forward to seeing what's next.

Couldn't have said it better.

Me neither; I whole-heartedly echo Darrin's words! During the last year I've had more fun with D&D than ever since 3.0 came out (and I'd like to think my players have, too). :)

(I'm just worried my players won't get their copies until November ... which means they will leave their greasy fingerprints all over my DM's copy.)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Priamon wrote:
Somewhere a 4th edition book is crying.

Somewhere, on a dust covered store shelf, a 4th edition book is crying.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Turin the Mad wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Daigle wrote:
It's no Austin, but I totally see your point.
Hey, I've got nothing against Austin. I really enjoyed my last visit there.
Austin is funny like that - not a bad place to live, rather sucks to visit unless you like the local music scene. YMMV

Too damned hot.

Dark Archive

Lord Fyre wrote:
Priamon wrote:
Somewhere a 4th edition book is crying.
Somewhere, on a dust covered store shelf, a 4th edition book is crying.

Im waiting for it to jump off the shelf and into the garbage.

Just got notice that Bastards of Erebus was available in My Downloads. Went to look and I see the download slot for PFRPG PDF. Teasers. I want it now. :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Changed my Amazon order to 1 Day Delivery earlier. I want my three books ASAP. SNAILS ON SPEED! TO THE RESCUE!


Matthew Morris wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Daigle wrote:
It's no Austin, but I totally see your point.
Hey, I've got nothing against Austin. I really enjoyed my last visit there.
Austin is funny like that - not a bad place to live, rather sucks to visit unless you like the local music scene. YMMV
Too damned hot.

In my experience on 6th street hot weather cold beer and lovely women are a winning combination.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Austin sucks to visit? You visited it wrong, my friend.

I was blown away by the live music scene in Austin. Truly amazing!

Yeah, there are things cool enough--and other things even hotter--that can make you forget about the weather when you are in Austin. And if you can't find them on Sixth St, well, brother, you just can't find 'em.

Grand Lodge

Matthew Morris wrote:
Andrew Betts wrote:
I'll take the Midwest Office ...
I'll bid myself and allenybard against you on that.

I'll toss Steve Schend in to the mix and maybe a little Ed Greenwood when he's down from Canada

alleynbard wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

Let me put this as simple as possible.

Ohio sucks. tOSU sucks. The Blue Jackets suck. I needn't say more.

How nice for you. You wear bitterness so well. Did Columbus kick your dog? Where do you live again?

There are things I don't like about the city. But, overall, there are plenty of worse places to live. Like Toledo or Cleveland. <shudder>

And my interest in OSU has much more to do with academics than football. They have an awesome folklore studies program. Blue Jackets are barely a blip on my radar. Once it became apparent the team would likely never amount to much, I wasn't interested.

Ann Arbor ;)

Kyle Baird wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

Let me put this as simple as possible.

Ohio sucks. tOSU sucks. The Blue Jackets suck. I needn't say more.

How nice for you. You wear bitterness so well. Did Columbus kick your dog? Where do you live again?

There are things I don't like about the city. But, overall, there are plenty of worse places to live. Like Toledo or Cleveland. <shudder>

And my interest in OSU has much more to do with academics than football. They have an awesome folklore studies program. Blue Jackets are barely a blip on my radar. Once it became apparent the team would likely never amount to much, I wasn't interested.

Ann Arbor ;)

Must. stop. laughing. :)

Personally I could care less about it. I only pay attention to football to the extent of knowing which days to plan detours around Stadium if I happen to have errands that need running. But I know so many people who get so worked up about it. Watching rabid sports fans has a lot of the same amusement value as watching drunk people when you're sober. ;)

As far as I'm concerned Ohio is just someplace you drive through on your way someplace else. :)

Scarab Sages


Kyle Baird wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Where do you live again?
Ann Arbor ;)

Sweet. I grew up there. Boy do I miss it.


Liberty's Edge

Andrew Betts wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Andrew Betts wrote:
I'll take the Midwest Office ...
I'll bid myself and allenybard against you on that.
I'll toss Steve Schend in to the mix and maybe a little Ed Greenwood when he's down from Canada

I don't think I can compete with that. :)

That's it! Moving to Seattle. Weather is more my style anyway.

lynora wrote:
As far as I'm concerned Ohio is just someplace you drive AROUND on your way someplace else. :)

Fixed your grammatical error, but otherwise so very true.

Liberty's Edge

Kyle Baird wrote:

Ann Arbor ;)

<grin>I thought as much.

I actually really like Ann Arbor. I think Michigan is a beautiful state.

I am now certain the Columbus Police Department is coming to take me away.

alleynbard wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:

Ann Arbor ;)

<grin>I thought as much.

I actually really like Ann Arbor. I think Michigan is a beautiful state.

I am now certain the Columbus Police Department is coming to take me away.

Sorry, not many nice things I can say about Ohio. Cedar Point is great! The flats area in Cleveland has good bars. I didn't get beat to death the last time I was in Columbus. Yep. That's about it.

And even funnier, I love Seattle. I almost ended up there when my girlfriend (now wife) had a job offer at Boeing as a structural engineer. She turned it down to go to grad school instead (only to wind up married to me!). Boy did she choose poorly! ;)

Oh, and Michigan is beautiful, as long as you're vacationing or don't mind being unemployed. Woo! We're #1! We're #1!


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Arinsen wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Priamon wrote:
Somewhere a 4th edition book is crying.
Somewhere, on a dust covered store shelf, a 4th edition book is crying.
Im waiting for it to jump off the shelf and into the garbage.

But, try to be fair. It is not the paper, ink or glue's fault. :)

Liberty's Edge

lynora wrote:

As far as I'm concerned Ohio is just someplace you drive through on your way someplace else. :)

Ohio really is a huge, open space. Which can be a bit boring. Then there are the people, who can be trying at times. So I can agree with you there. We also have this dubious reputation for being the home state for some of this country's worst presidents.

I know it must seem I love Columbus. I don't. I like it. I am proud of my home city and I think there are some nifty things here. But joking aside, I really can't blame someone if they don't like it here. The cool stuff is really hard to find. Most of the city is claimed by large corporate chains and suburban sprawl. There isn't a lot to love. And, to tell the truth, I am kind of trapped here at the moment.

The state I really can't stand is Indiana. My gods, that place is boring. Indianapolis is nice enough and has plenty to do. But the state is nothing but one huge cornfield. I am sure someone could tell me where I am wrong with that assumption and I would be happy to hear it. Because I need to find something redeeming about the state.

Congratulations paizoids!

Regarding the success of 3ep in a down economy, keep in mind that movie theaters do not feel the pinch in a recession. I imagine rpg books are recession-proof.

Liberty's Edge

Kyle Baird wrote:

Sorry, not many nice things I can say about Ohio. Cedar Point is great! The flats area in Cleveland has good bars. I didn't get beat to death the last time I was in Columbus. Yep. That's about it.

And even funnier, I love Seattle. I almost ended up there when my girlfriend (now wife) had a job offer at Boeing as a structural engineer. She turned it down to go to grad school instead (only to wind up married to me!). Boy did she choose poorly! ;)

Oh, and Michigan is beautiful, as long as you're vacationing or don't mind being unemployed. Woo! We're #1! We're #1!


Yeah, sorry about that. I don't like our extreme football fans anymore than you do. And there are a lot of them. I find the riots to be sickening. Those idiots riot when we win or lose. If I watch the OSU/Michigan game, I do so in the comfort of my home and I don't get worked up about the whole thing. But then, football is not my sport of choice.

Seattle is the best city I have visited, far and away. If I could move there tomorrow, I would. I can't, but if I could, I wouldn't even think twice. A friend of mine recently moved there and I drove with him across country. One of the more significant experience of my life. I was reluctant to return to Ohio. There are so many more beautiful states.

My family used to vacation in Michigan every summer. I really enjoyed that time.

Ohio has some nice natural sites, but most of them have been damaged in some way. Old Man's Cave is cool. But, overall, not much to see, I can admit that. The idea of leaving the city for too long creeps me out.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Seattle is mighty fine.

Except for the Chickenhawks of the Sea, err I mean SeaHawks that is. Well that and I hear it rains like 350 days a year. :)

Liberty's Edge

Okay, trying to be more on-topic. :)

I am patiently awaiting my shipment, but I am not sure I can stand it anymore. I am really excited.

I wish I was able to make it to Gencon this year just so I could see the rush on the Paizo booth and hear the buzz around the con. It should be exciting.

alleynbard wrote:


The state I really can't stand is Indiana. My gods, that place is boring. Indianapolis is nice enough and has plenty to do. But the state is nothing but one huge cornfield. I am sure someone could tell me where I am wrong with that assumption and I would be happy to hear it. Because I need to find something redeeming about the state.

OMG, I know. It's so scary. Indianapolis is a really cool place. We lived there for a year and it's great. But the rest of the state...When we first moved there I got totally freaked out when we were supposedly almost to the city and still there was nothing but cornfields. I also lived on the Michigan/Indiana border when I was in high school, which didn't exactly leave me with a positive impression. Both times I left Indiana were to come to Ann Arbor, and there was such a sense of relief both times. That feeling of 'aaaaah, civilization, I've missed it' :)

*sigh* I love where I live. If only we could actually afford to live here...

Congrats, nice to see your risk paid off. My group is eagerly awaiting their copies.

Scarab Sages


Do you think there is enough of the first print in distribution for copies to reach stores up in Canada? I know my FLGS in Ottawa has placed a sizable order - but will there be enough for distributors at the border so we Canucks can buy our copies in The Great White North? I am hoping to buy mine on August 13th (or shortly thereafter)! :^)

alleynbard wrote:

Okay, trying to be more on-topic. :)

I am patiently awaiting my shipment, but I am not sure I can stand it anymore. I am really excited.

I wish I was able to make it to Gencon this year just so I could see the rush on the Paizo booth and hear the buzz around the con. It should be exciting.

I'm totally psyched about GenCon. I've never been before, and I only get to go for one day so I'm trying to figure out how to make the most of it. I already have 'stop at Paizo booth and buy a copy of Pathfinder' scheduled as my first stop of the day. :)

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:
WOOT!!! IT IS SHIPPING!!! ~Starts to hypervetalate and then falls over~ Ohhhhhhhh..... My head is spinning! ~groans~

STFU Luser. I wish mine would ship soon.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

After spending a couple months in Austin, I'm not sure of the Seattle area is weird enough for me anymore.

Hydro wrote:
After spending a couple months in Austin, I'm not sure of the Seattle area is weird enough for me anymore.

You could come visit Manitou Springs. ;)

Silver Crusade

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Hydro wrote:
After spending a couple months in Austin, I'm not sure of the Seattle area is weird enough for me anymore.
You could come visit Manitou Springs. ;)

Just steer clear of Wendigo Woods.

Liberty's Edge

How did this thread turn into "name all 50 states of the US"?


Erik Mona wrote:
Seattle is mighty fine.

Stay away from Seattle, I'll cut ya! There are too many people here already!


Dark_Mistress wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Seattle is mighty fine.
Except for the Chickenhawks of the Sea, err I mean SeaHawks that is. Well that and I hear it rains like 350 days a year. :)

Yes! Spread the lies! We want no more residentssss here precious!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Seattle is mighty fine.

Stay away from Seattle, I'll cut ya! There are too many people here already!

** spoiler omitted **

Working a little too hard? =8-O

Liberty's Edge

I really can't say I'm surprised that the book sold out, and if the enthusiasm in my local area is any indication the second run will probably get wiped out in short order as well. With any luck our FLGS will get it's order of books in so they can be immediately bought out (and so my poor abused beta copies can be put to rest).

If our store doesn't end up getting their books I'll obviously have to lash up a time machine and get my books that way.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Seattle is mighty fine.

Stay away from Seattle, I'll cut ya! There are too many people here already!

** spoiler omitted **

Working a little too hard? =8-O

Nope, on vacation now in fact.

Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Seattle is mighty fine.

Stay away from Seattle, I'll cut ya! There are too many people here already!

** spoiler omitted **

Working a little too hard? =8-O
Nope, on vacation now in fact.

Thanks for helping get the thread back on track... ;p

Stefan Hill wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Seattle is mighty fine.

Stay away from Seattle, I'll cut ya! There are too many people here already!

** spoiler omitted **

Working a little too hard? =8-O
Nope, on vacation now in fact.
Thanks for helping get the thread back on track... ;p

LOL! He's been working hard; let him have a few beers! ;) has on topic threads!? WHERE!?

I mean, hurray! Sold out! :-)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You guys need to give Josh a break... I mean he does live in the same city as the Seahawks, that has to be hard on a person. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:
You guys need to give Josh a break... I mean he does live in the same city as the Seahawks, that has to be hard on a person. :)

Sometimes that's true. But at least I don't live in Pittsburgh. Sheesh. THAT would be bad.

I mean, dang, those Pirates are AWFUL.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Of course since my Lambs play in the same division as the Chickenhawks I have to hate them and the city. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Of course since my Lambs play in the same division as the Chickenhawks I have to hate them and the city. :)

Okay, wait. You can't be a Rams fan and make fun of my Hawks. It's just not possible. When a team is as bad as the Rams and you make fun of a team better than the Rams, I think time-space folds and we all die. Do you want that on your conscience?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Winterthorn wrote:


Do you think there is enough of the first print in distribution for copies to reach stores up in Canada? I know my FLGS in Ottawa has placed a sizable order - but will there be enough for distributors at the border so we Canucks can buy our copies in The Great White North? I am hoping to buy mine on August 13th (or shortly thereafter)! :^)

Yes. Canadian distributors are on board for the first printing for sure!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wow. That's fantastic news...but I wonder what that will mean for those of us who pre-ordered them through other venues. Has a second run already been determined?

It is fantastic news. I hope their sales go through the roof. If they need additional paper for more print runs, I'm certain there are many unsold 4E books that can be shredded and turned into pulp for recycling.

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