One to two person adventuring parties ideas?

General Discussion (Prerelease)

Hi all. I would like some ideas that I can present to my DM or at least give him the link to here about ideas for a two person adventure.

I am playing a Half-orc rouge with the feats spell casting prodigy, collegiate wizard and dragon mark least at 1st levl. My stats are str18,dex 9,con17(18@4th)Int 16(prodigy gives me a +2 bump so its 18 for all spell casting)wis 9 and cha 11. I know the build seems crazy but I only cheery picked the rouge for the skills at 1st lvl, I personally would never play one as a class. I am going straight mage from 2nd lvl on but I need skills like spot, search and appraise as a mage. I picked the feats I did because two of them can ONLY be taken at first level.
This character is just as comfortable being in the courts of the noble houses or the royal courts as he is hacking through the untamed lands of xendrick or color spraying the attacking kobolds.
The only other player is a Halfling spirit shaman. He is beyond weak his strength is 6 but his dex is 20 and he has an ungodly AC @ 1st lvl of like 20 +. My AC is 12 so I get hit ALL the time. He stays at range and heals me.
So does anybody have any good ideas for a two person party where the main combat monkey is a wizard and a ranged combat spirit shaman?
I have looked on the wizard’s website and found some great ideas to give to my GM but the best ones come from other players so any serious attempts at help would be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Steven Tindall wrote:

Hi all. I would like some ideas that I can present to my DM or at least give him the link to here about ideas for a two person adventure.

I am playing a Half-orc rouge with the feats spell casting prodigy, collegiate wizard and dragon mark least at 1st levl. My stats are str18,dex 9,con17(18@4th)Int 16(prodigy gives me a +2 bump so its 18 for all spell casting)wis 9 and cha 11. I know the build seems crazy but I only cheery picked the rouge for the skills at 1st lvl, I personally would never play one as a class. I am going straight mage from 2nd lvl on but I need skills like spot, search and appraise as a mage. I picked the feats I did because two of them can ONLY be taken at first level.
This character is just as comfortable being in the courts of the noble houses or the royal courts as he is hacking through the untamed lands of xendrick or color spraying the attacking kobolds.
The only other player is a Halfling spirit shaman. He is beyond weak his strength is 6 but his dex is 20 and he has an ungodly AC @ 1st lvl of like 20 +. My AC is 12 so I get hit ALL the time. He stays at range and heals me.
So does anybody have any good ideas for a two person party where the main combat monkey is a wizard and a ranged combat spirit shaman?
I have looked on the wizard’s website and found some great ideas to give to my GM but the best ones come from other players so any serious attempts at help would be appreciated.

You are going to start running into problems mostly in the early levels when monsters start to get into your face. I would ask the GM if the party could have a statted out 'pet' if you didn't want an NPC on the team.

The GM wouldn't have to RP the pet too much and it wouldn't take up too much screen time. Something like a wolf or a bear, etc. If you are playing in a high magic campaign, I'm guessing Eberon, you may be able to get a construct to fill this role.

Make it a fighter for class, or just keep advancing its animal hit dice when it would 'level up.' I wouldn't make the character too complex, just something to get in the way. As you get higher levels, your spell casting and gear will help to build up defenses, but its those early levels that are the danger for caster types, and a double caster party needs something to plug those holes.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Buy wardogs and barding for your wardogs. Does the spirit shaman have any handle animal? Maybe get Improved Familiar ASAP?

What about playing 2 PCs apiece? I had a group that did this a long time ago. Works out OK if everyone at the table is reasonable. Could be a nightmare if the PCs controlled by one player become instantly telepathic/symbiotic. Or some warrior class servants? Or start at third level and face off against first level encounters.

It's very hard to balance encounters for just 2 characters, especially at low levels. Too much depends on the dice.

I have no idea of the quality, but you might look at 1 on 1 Adventures.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I've played in a couple campaigns when it was 2 by 2. It was actually pretty easy to roleplay the non-telepathy part: I played human paladin/cleric and a halfling ranger/rogue; the other PC played a half-orc barbarian and a pixie-like sorcerer. My PCs pretty much bickered amongst themselves (LG vs CG).

Sovereign Court

Steven Tindall wrote:

Hi all. I would like some ideas that I can present to my DM or at least give him the link to here about ideas for a two person adventure.

Is your DM looking to run a bought adventure, or seeking inspiration as he creates his own campaign for your characters?

First let me say thanks for the great ideas. I had forgotten all about the whole wardog thing.
Second I thought I had included in the first post but I forgot yes we are in ebberon and I am a tharashk dragon marked noble type. The savage little halfling type dosnt get familiars or animal companions he's a spirit shaman. It wouldnt be so bad if I had my spells but at 1st level rouges blow chunks unless they have support. I needed the skill points and so 2nd level then I can colorspray and sleep most enemies.
I have thought of an improved familiar my DM has approved a panther when I get the feat. No I'm not a drizzt fan boy but we are in a jungle setting and its only 3 hit die which when you look at the elementals and other stuff you can get a medium size jungle cat isnt bad.
Keep the ideas coming folks. I appreciate them and I'm sure my DM will as well.

Have you considered going Gestalt, as per the Unearthed Arcana rules? It would allow a 2 person party to cover multiple roles while still keeping the simplicity of 2 characters (roleplaying multiple characters can be a chore).

We ran a very successful campaign with only two players, a Bard/Sorcerer and a Cleric/Barbarian.

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