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Hey, didn't notice anyone start a thread on this yet. Starting off with... I like the changes from the 1.1 ruleset to the 2.0 rules. Although I did have a few questions.
First off I was wondering how specific previous adventure records (I.E. the Harrowing at Paizocon) will affect your character when you convert. Will they simply not count?
Also since I was recently reading through the Qadira Pathfinder Companion book, I noticed that the trait on page 23 was left out. Just wanted to make sure this was intentional (since everything else in the book was left in). Thanks so much!

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Also since I was recently reading through the Qadira Pathfinder Companion book, I noticed that the trait on page 23 was left out. Just wanted to make sure this was intentional (since everything else in the book was left in). Thanks so much!
Yes, my wife's paladin of Sarenrae is very very interested in the answer to this question as well!

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Also from the Taldor Echoes of Glory companion a few more questions:
1. How does Master of the Ledger work with PFS? Would you simply be able to make one check per PFS scenario while a GM is watching?
2. Without access tot he leadership feat, I would assume Taldan Knight is not a legitimate feat to take?

Joshua J. Frost |

So let's call this thread the 2.0 FAQ and sticky it and not start any more threads, k? I'll get right on that!
First off I was wondering how specific previous adventure records (I.E. the Harrowing at Paizocon) will affect your character when you convert. Will they simply not count?
They will simply not count. The character change at Season 1 gives you a clean slate from which to start. (Though boons such as Diplomacy bonuses will stay.)
Also since I was recently reading through the Qadira Pathfinder Companion book, I noticed that the trait on page 23 was left out. Just wanted to make sure this was intentional (since everything else in the book was left in). Thanks so much!
The Qadira entry in Chapter 13 should read:
Traits: all traits on pages 9, 15, 19, 23, and 25
I'll correct that in a future update.

Quandary |

Are you guys planning to put out anything compiling into one place all the non-Core (but PFS-legal) Traits, Feats, Classes, Spells, Equipment, and the like?
That seems the most confusing part to me...
Especially the Traits, as Core Traits appear NOT to be going into the Core Rulebook itself (?), but are in a separate (free)"Core Traits" PDF:
Rolling those into the PFS Guide just seems so much more useful and simple, than forcing new players to shuffle between multiple sources.
If the "Core Traits" ARE in the Core RPG Rules, that's better, but compiling ALL legal material into one place still seems like a good idea to me.
Are items/traits/Feats associated with a specific Faction's nation (e.g. from Qadira Pathfinder Companion) freely available to all, or only members of the appropriate Faction?

Joshua J. Frost |

Also from the Taldor Echoes of Glory companion a few more questions:
1. How does Master of the Ledger work with PFS? Would you simply be able to make one check per PFS scenario while a GM is watching?
2. Without access tot he leadership feat, I would assume Taldan Knight is not a legitimate feat to take?
Master of the Ledger and Taldan Knight should have been listed as left off the Taldor, Echoes of Glory list. They are NOT legal for play and I shall make that adjustment in a future update.

Joshua J. Frost |

Are you guys planning to put out anything compiling into one place all the non-Core (but PFS-legal) Traits, Feats, Classes, Spells, Equipment, and the like?
That seems the most confusing part to me...
Are items/traits/Feats associated with a specific Faction's nation (e.g. from Qadira Pathfinder Companion) freely available to all, or only members of the appropriate Faction?
For your specific example, they're freely available to all Qadiran PCs. Remember: you don't have to be a Qadiran ethnically to be a member of the Qadira Faction.

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just so it's here after my original post gets buried, i posited this question just before or as this thread was going up:
"i'm loving the gm rewards. way more than i was hoping for! however, just wanted to get a quick clarification. i know that if i've already eaten a season 0 mod, i can't get retroactive credit for it. however, if i were to run it a second time after the new guidelines go into effect, would i be able to get gm rewards for it at that point?"
to which, Josh answered:
so, another question to go along with my original one: do season 0 mods that only award 1 PA still give 1 PA for the GM Reward?
tangentially, will the Season 0 faction missions that only give 1 PA be updated at all to conform with the new system? (i'm guessing that this one will likely be a no, due to the amount of reworking that could take)

Joshua J. Frost |

so, another question to go along with my original one: do season 0 mods that only allow 1 Prestige Award still give 1 PA for the GM Reward?
tangentially, will the Season 0 faction missions that only give 1 PA be updated at all to conform with the new system?

Quandary |

Quandary wrote:Are items/traits/Feats associated with a specific Faction's nation (e.g. from Qadira Pathfinder Companion) freely available to all, or only members of the appropriate Faction?For your specific example, they're freely available to all Qadiran PCs.
Remember: you don't have to be a Qadiran ethnically to be a member of the Qadira Faction.
Just to make sure I'm getting you :-),
these Regionally-linked Traits/Feats are available to PCs from Qadira (independent of Faction), or is it vice versa?(i.e. a native Qadiran Cleric of Asmodeus in the Cheliax Faction would take Chelish Faction Traits and Qadiran Regional Traits/Feats...?)
And any Traits/Feats that aren't specifically linked Regionally ("Crossbow Mastery" Feat from Crimson Throne / "Dervish Dance Combat" Feat from Qadira Companion / "Strong Arm, Supple Wrist" Combat Trait from Qadira Companion) would be available to ANY character, correct?
Another example from Qadira Companion, one item "Healy Myrhh" is described as "found only in the stalls of Katheer" - Does that have any effect in PFS, or can any character purchase these items at any time (or at least between scenarios?)

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Do I need some sort of secret handshake to get the new guidelines? I clicked the link from the email, from the locked thread with other questions, and directly went to my downloads, and it's not there. All of my other PDFs show just fine though.
EDIT: I found it - way down near my Pathfinder AP #12, no wonder I missed it.

Joshua J. Frost |

(i.e. a native Qadiran Cleric of Asmodeus in the Cheliax Faction would take Chelish Faction Traits and Qadiran Regional Traits/Feats...?)
And any Traits/Feats that aren't specifically linked Regionally ("Crossbow Mastery" Feat from Crimson Throne / "Dervish Dance Combat" Feat from Qadira Companion / "Strong Arm, Supple Wrist" Combat Trait from Qadira Companion) would be available to ANY character, correct?
Another example from Qadira Companion, one item "Healy Myrhh" is described as "found only in the stalls of Katheer" - Does that have any effect in PFS, or can any character purchase these items at any time (or at least between scenarios?)
Any character can purchase that item when in Katheer.

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I just want to make sure I understand how wealth works now. We are able to buy anything that is legal for PFS (including magic items) as long as it does not go above the maximum item cost determined by or PA. This includes things which we have not received on past Chronicles? What's the difference then between what we get on the Chronicles and what we normally would get? And for the purposes of conversion, my 7th lvl monk can purchase anything she wants as long as it is under 11,750 GP, even if it has never been found on a past chronicle?

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LOL just a few things.
1. Leave it to Josh to sneak in those sneaky Goblins on page 29 of the 2.0 document :-) I think Pathfinder owes a lot to them little runts.
2. Man , there is just no love for the armored kilt.....Banned from PFS.
3. The PA awards. It seems the stard limit of award is either going to be the table listed in chapter 10 with +1 weapons and armor as the most exspensive item or a chronicle sheet.
For example let say I have 40 PA to spend which is the 31,000 gp. I can get either the list of stard magic items from chapter 10 or any other item legal to play which is only your last two chonicles and that the old faction lists are now dead at the start of season 1.
please feel free to kick me in the head for adjustments if I am wrong but now its time to hit the hey and plan world domination.....and to figure out how to get the Paizo Staf to sign my books at Gencon.

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I just want to make sure I understand how wealth works now. We are able to buy anything that is legal for PFS (including magic items) as long as it does not go above the maximum item cost determined by or PA. This includes things which we have not received on past Chronicles? What's the difference then between what we get on the Chronicles and what we normally would get? And for the purposes of conversion, my 7th lvl monk can purchase anything she wants as long as it is under 11,750 GP, even if it has never been found on a past chronicle?
What ^ he said. I couldn't have asked that better and I did try ;-)

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What's the difference then between what we get on the Chronicles and what we normally would get?
You can buy any legal magic item that's under your GP cap. You can also buy any item from a chronicle, even if the cost is ABOVE your GP cap.
A +1 Frost Longsword is 8,000. With perfect play, the soonest one could buy that based on prestige is after 11 scenerios...almost 4th level. More likely, you'll find the option to purchase a couple +2 weapons before you've played through that much. But once you hit that 22 PA mark, you can buy ANY +2 weapon.

Joshua J. Frost |

I just want to make sure I understand how wealth works now. We are able to buy anything that is legal for PFS (including magic items) as long as it does not go above the maximum item cost determined by or PA.
This includes things which we have not received on past Chronicles?
What's the difference then between what we get on the Chronicles and what we normally would get?
The chronicles now act as a back-up for players playing characters that have a hard time accomplishing faction missions and gaining their PA.
And for the purposes of conversion, my 7th lvl monk can purchase anything she wants as long as it is under 11,750 GP, even if it has never been found on a past chronicle?
At character conversion, yes. After character conversion, the maximum item you can buy is determined by your Prestige Award. And you can only ever buy items that are legal for play.

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Are special materials going to be open (like Mithril)? Under the rebuild guidelines if we had an item with a special material I assume we lose access to it.
Special materials are addressed on page 22. Assuming that mithril is included among the special materials on page 154 of the Core Rulebook, then it's "Always Available."

Joshua J. Frost |

Are special materials going to be open (like Mithril)? Under the rebuild guidelines if we had an item with a special material I assume we lose access to it.
EDIT: AWESOME layout BTW Josh =)
Some special materials will be open.
And the layout credit goes to James Davis, who redesigned the look of everything for Season 1. It's awesome!

Quandary |

Y'know, great answers like these just demand... more Questions!
Assuming a character has enough PA/ Gold,
if they die, and it's either a TPK or the other players refuse to help Resurrect them (ouch!),
is it allowed for them to buy a Resurrection with their PA/ Gold (RP justification: their body being found by next Pathfinder expedition to investigate what happened and their repute is enough for Pathfinder Society to have them Resurrected), or is it "sorry, sucker" and they have to roll a new character?
For GMs gaining partial credit for scenarios they run,
does their chosen character gain access to the Chronicle equipment from these scenarios?

Joshua J. Frost |

Assuming a character has enough PA/ Gold,
if they die, and it's either a TPK or the other players refuse to help Resurrect them (ouch!),
is it allowed for them to buy a Resurrection with their PA/ Gold ...
For GMs gaining partial credit for scenarios they run,
does their chosen character gain access to the Chronicle equipment from these scenarios?
Edit: Yes.

Joshua J. Frost |

My wife won a +4 Cloak of Charisma in the Interactive at Paizocon. Will she be able to keep that?
Unfortunately, no. All Season 1 characters need to be rebuilt in the manner stipulated in 2.0 of the guide book and this does not include items gained through previous chronicle sheets, though it still applies to boons.

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i know that if i've already eaten a season 0 mod, i can't get retroactive credit for it. however, if i were to run it a second time after the new guidelines go into effect, would i be able to get gm rewards for it at that point?"
to which, Josh answered:
This is interesting. My character will level up twice automatically, once I get the GM:ing ball rolling.

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Dreamweaver wrote:My wife won a +4 Cloak of Charisma in the Interactive at Paizocon. Will she be able to keep that?Unfortunately, no. All Season 1 characters need to be rebuilt in the manner stipulated in 2.0 of the guide book and this does not include items gained through previous chronicle sheets, though it still applies to boons.
What qualifies as a boon? Are the bonus feats, inherent stat bonuses, cups of Cayden Cailean boons? What about the 10 adventure quest bestowed upon some adventurers by their very deity (which I doubt any have completed yet)?
On a different topic, I see on the character sheet a spot for current available prestige / total prestige but the chronicle looks the same as season 0. Should items purchased with PA be listed as line items in Items Bought? If so, where does that total go for the purposes of bookkeeping and tracking that asset from scenario to scenario?

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yoda8myhead wrote:What's the difference then between what we get on the Chronicles and what we normally would get?You can buy any legal magic item that's under your GP cap. You can also buy any item from a chronicle, even if the cost is ABOVE your GP cap.
A +1 Frost Longsword is 8,000. With perfect play, the soonest one could buy that based on prestige is after 11 scenerios...almost 4th level. More likely, you'll find the option to purchase a couple +2 weapons before you've played through that much. But once you hit that 22 PA mark, you can buy ANY +2 weapon.
You wont be able to buy ANY +2 weapons (or armor, wondorous items etc) regaurdless of what chonicle sheets you have during the conversion process.
See this post:
Dreamweaver wrote:My wife won a +4 Cloak of Charisma in the Interactive at Paizocon. Will she be able to keep that?Unfortunately, no. All Season 1 characters need to be rebuilt in the manner stipulated in 2.0 of the guide book and this does not include items gained through previous chronicle sheets, though it still applies to boons.

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Cut and paste from the 2.0 document pg 18:
Spell Duration
Simply put, any spell cast during a scenario ends at the
end of that scenario.
Um I think that needs a tad more clarification. I assume when a level 1 cleric casts bless that you will want it to end after the 10 rounds (1 minute) not at the end of the scenerio.
YOu might see some players cast a whole bunch of buff spells, rest, re slot but keep buff spells active due to the statement above.
I am guessing that your aiming for any long duration spell automatically ends when the scenerio is over.

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evilvolus wrote:yoda8myhead wrote:What's the difference then between what we get on the Chronicles and what we normally would get?You can buy any legal magic item that's under your GP cap. You can also buy any item from a chronicle, even if the cost is ABOVE your GP cap.
A +1 Frost Longsword is 8,000. With perfect play, the soonest one could buy that based on prestige is after 11 scenerios...almost 4th level. More likely, you'll find the option to purchase a couple +2 weapons before you've played through that much. But once you hit that 22 PA mark, you can buy ANY +2 weapon.
You wont be able to buy ANY +2 weapons (or armor, wondorous items etc) regaurdless of what chonicle sheets you have during the conversion process.
See this post:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:Dreamweaver wrote:My wife won a +4 Cloak of Charisma in the Interactive at Paizocon. Will she be able to keep that?Unfortunately, no. All Season 1 characters need to be rebuilt in the manner stipulated in 2.0 of the guide book and this does not include items gained through previous chronicle sheets, though it still applies to boons.
If you have enough prestige at rebuild you can buy the +2 weapon etc., is my understanding. You just don't get to "keep" what was on prior Chronicle Sheets, but if you have enough prestige you can (essentially) buy it back. As long as it is not restricted.
EX: a 8th level character could buy a 16,500 GP item as long as he doesn't go over his 33,000 cap. Which should be enough to buy a +4 stat item.
I don't think it's been clearly shown what is considered restricted and what isn't, is the problem, as the campaign guide isn't listed in the OP rules. Please correct me if I misunderstand this.
EDIT: OP=Orginized Play

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Ooh, exciting to see the new guide come out!
One section I'm interested in hearing more about is the Rumors paragraph on page 9. Perhaps that is a teaser for upcoming faction changes/news?
I like the change to faction missions. One being simple and one perhaps not so easy to accomplish.
Any chance at the level cap going up in the future? Perhaps a very limited amount of top tier adventures available per year. I'm sure there are plenty of class abilities and spells above 12 that people would love to get to use.
Overall, after reading through the document a couple times I think I am clear on how to handle the conversion and future games. Things I am not sure of probably will become clear when the Core book comes out.

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I'd like to have some clarification on Table 1.1. The first column says "Level" but also refers to scenarios. My initial read is if you're 2nd level you get 1,000 gold to purchase gear. Frankly, after having played 5 scenarios (still 2nd level), a character has more wealth than that and is being short changed. No system is perfect. I guess he got mugged in Absolam - must have been a Taldan. ;)
Another note - what GMs must fill out after a scenario is concluded (top page 26). As written, this suggests the GM decides what someone's character purchases or sells. While certainly not the intent, I imagine the intent is to have a GM look over the arithmetic of players and play calculator. The chronicle sheet already requires GM initials on PA and GP gained. Given the constraints on time in convention play I'd rather not have a GM worried about making sure they have enough time to play calculator and short change the adventure plus rush players through purchase decisions. A prior Living Campaign used to do this kind of thing but realized it was a colossal waste of everyone's time. Given the penalties for cheating (which I think are clear and appropriate) plus some limits on character purchase, this seems to be a bit much on the micromanagement department.