Questions re: the Pathfinder Core Rulesbook

General Discussion (Prerelease)

Scarab Sages

I'm not sure if these questions have already been answered, but I was hoping to get better information here as we're getting closer to the release date of the Pathfinder Core Rulesbook.

1.) Will the Pathfinder Core Rulebook still be 100% compatible with pre-existing 3.5e books?

2.) Will the Core Rulebook include setting information regarding the Campaign Setting (ie. the info presented in the "Pathfinder Campaign Setting" book)?


Tarrintino wrote:

1.) Will the Pathfinder Core Rulebook still be 100% compatible with pre-existing 3.5e books?

Well, I'd not say 100%, because that would mean that nothing has changed.

I don't like to assign percentages here, but I'd say it's quite compatible. You might have to do some conversion, but it's minimal and you should be able to do most of it on the fly. No bif fuss.

Tarrintino wrote:

2.) Will the Core Rulebook include setting information regarding the Campaign Setting (ie. the info presented in the "Pathfinder Campaign Setting" book)?

Nope. There will be a bare minimum of setting information - i.e. the stuff that is really helpful.

As far as I know, the only information will be the basic information about the major deities of Golarion (i.e. name, alignment, portfolio, domains) because the deities from the PHB are off limits; and the Pathfinder Chronicler PrC as a sample campaign-specific PrC (because the Red Wizard is off-limits)

There might be some minor information here and there to illustrate things, but all in all PFRPG will be more setting neutral than the 3e books (because magic items and spells won't contain specific names. So it's Transformation, not Tenser's Transformation and not Karzoug's Transformation, either)

Sovereign Court

All of your 3.5 books will be able to be used in the Pathfinder RPG with a little bit of work. Paizo is supposed to be putting out a free conversion PDF to help with that process and so far it looks like it won't be much of a hassle at all.

Tarrintino wrote:

1.) Will the Pathfinder Core Rulebook still be 100% compatible with pre-existing 3.5e books?

No. Don't be discouraged, though- it's still the same system. There have been some mechanical changes from 3.5 to 3.75, like bards switching from bardic music per day to bardic music per round. They're not gigantic, but you'll need to do a bit of house ruling to incorporate some material from 3.5 and even 3.0. It's nothing we didn't deal with when 3.0 jumped to 3.5. :D

I can't really answer your second question. We'll just have to wait and see.

EDIT: Dang, ninja'd twice.

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