TGZ101 |

TGZ101 |

Still dithering, but a malediction invoker is very tempting. Or some kind of avenger. Any race constraints I need to be aware of?
Preferably stick to the core races (PHB 1 and 2). I'm willing to make exceptions but only with a really good backstory. Anything non-core would be very rare and likely to garner lots of attention. Too much attention can be very dangerous in Punjar. ;)

Rev Rosey |

Dagobert the Luckless - dwarf invoker
Very much a work in progress and has the wrong covenant right now.
He's currently covenant of preservation because CB hasn't taken account of DP yet.
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Dagobert the Luckless, level 1
Dwarf, Invoker
Divine Covenant: Covenant of Preservation
Background: Occupation - Criminal (Stealth class skill)
Str 10, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 11.
Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 11.
AC: 16 Fort: 14 Reflex: 13 Will: 15
HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6
Religion +7, Arcana +7, Stealth +4, History +7
Acrobatics -1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +4, Heal +4, Insight +4, Intimidate, Nature +4, Perception +4, Streetwise, Thievery -1, Athletics -1
Invoker: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Reaper's Touch
Invoker at-will 1: Avenging Light
Invoker at-will 1: Grasping Shards
Invoker encounter 1: Blades of Astral Fire
Invoker daily 1: Angelic Echelon
Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Chainmail, Implement, Rod, Rare Herbs (Nature), Sanctified Incense (Religion)
Hand of Fate, Banish Vermin
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

TGZ101 |

Dagobert the Luckless - dwarf invoker
Very much a work in progress and has the wrong covenant right now.
** spoiler omitted **
Looks good rules-wise, Rev. Go ahead and post him on the Obsidian Portal wiki if you get the chance.
Any room for a Warden?
No problem. I was willing to allow one primal class into the party. I just need a decent backstory to explain why someone with the primal power source would be running around Punjar. It's the kind of city that will swallow up country-folk if they aren't careful. :)
I'll drop you an e-mail later today with some extra info. Make sure to check out the Obsidian Portal page linked in my first post for more info.

FabesMinis |

Well, I wasn't thinking a peasant bumpkin... more a Conan type drawn by the bright lights of civilisation and finding it more savage than the most barbaric tribe.
I was thinking that he might be a mercenary who, with one thing and another has ended up in Punjar after being tricked or some such.
Warden or Fighter (battlerager) are my thoughts.

TGZ101 |

Well, I wasn't thinking a peasant bumpkin... more a Conan type drawn by the bright lights of civilisation and finding it more savage than the most barbaric tribe.
I was thinking that he might be a mercenary who, with one thing and another has ended up in Punjar after being tricked or some such.
Warden or Fighter (battlerager) are my thoughts.
I gotcha'. That could work perfectly then. Battlerager would be fine too but we'll be using the rules updates if you don't mind. :)

Dagobert the Luckless |

"Kenneth! Did the knee get better? Sorry about that. Didn't mean to push the crate into you."
Any objections to Dagobert and Kenneth being friends? Or anyone else for that matter. I'll start the whole cut and paste process tomorrow. Been a sleepless couple of nights - we've had workmen digging up the road until 2am. Nice of them.

TGZ101 |

I'm fine with anyone being friends with anyone. All the better to get you all into the adventure. Perhaps the invoker could be trying to mend certain behaviors and problems of our troubled bard? :)
Pat - Kenneth the Human Bard
Fin - Dannad Bumbleroot the Halfling Rogue
Rev - Dagobert the Luckless the Dwarf Invoker
Fabes - Possible Warden or Battlerager, still waiting confirmation.

d'Anconia |

Got room for one more?
If so - I'm thinking about an Isolating Avenger - is there a custom pantheon or is it the core one? I envision d'Anconia serving the God of Civilization (Erathis or whomever that should be) and working from the shadows of Punjar to neutralize threats to civilization and constantly striving to keep chaos at bay.
How's that sound?
I will warn you this would be my first 4E game (long time gamer though - it's just been about 3 years since I've played regularly), so I might have a rules question or two. But - I've got the books, and have been reading over them, and think I have a good grasp on most of the basics.
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
d'Anconia, level 1
Deva, Avenger
Build: Isolating Avenger
Avenger's Censure: Censure of Retribution
Background: Geography - Urban (+2 to Streetwise)
Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 11.
Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 11.
AC: 17 Fort: 11 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6
Religion +11, Perception +9, Streetwise +7, Stealth +5
Acrobatics, Arcana +4, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance, Heal +4, History +6, Insight +4, Intimidate, Nature +4, Thievery, Athletics
Level 1: Auspicious Lineage
Avenger at-will 1: Bond of Retribution
Avenger at-will 1: Overwhelming Strike
Avenger encounter 1: Avenging Echo
Avenger daily 1: Temple of Light
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Adventurer's Kit, Greatsword, Holy Symbol, Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20)

Kenneth |

"Kenneth! Did the knee get better? Sorry about that. Didn't mean to push the crate into you."
"Oh, aye, I got it fixed by Rannor. Funny fellow; he always reminds me of my cousin Albric, the one who got the daughter of that gem merchant in trouble and had to leave Punjur for a full two years. Price on his head, y'know. Haven't seen the gem merchant since then, come to think of it."

TGZ101 |

Got room for one more?
If so - I'm thinking about an Isolating Avenger - is there a custom pantheon or is it the core one? I envision d'Anconia serving the God of Civilization (Erathis or whomever that should be) and working from the shadows of Punjar to neutralize threats to civilization and constantly striving to keep chaos at bay.
How's that sound?
I will warn you this would be my first 4E game (long time gamer though - it's just been about 3 years since I've played regularly), so I might have a rules question or two. But - I've got the books, and have been reading over them, and think I have a good grasp on most of the basics.
** spoiler omitted **
d'Anconia, you are welcome to join us as we do have one spot left open that no one has filled yet. Another striker would be a great addition. The 4E rules are pretty straightforward once you get the basics down, so don't worry about that too much. Fin and I are both giant rules nerds so we can help you with any questions. Just make sure you review all the action types (move, standard, minor) and movement rules and you should be golden.
As for your pantheon question, there is a setting specific pantheon that I'm going to try and use. I'll post it on the wiki when I get the chance and I'll also include Channel Divinity conversions as well. The equivalent of Erathis would be Shul, an unaligned deity. I'm getting the gazetteer and other info right now so I can answer any questions you might have before the wiki goes up.
In the meantime, please e-mail me using this address here so that we can exchange information and I can get you set up on the wiki.

TGZ101 |

d'Anconia has confirmed via e-mail so we now have our official party together now!
Pat - Kenneth the Human Bard
Fin - Dannad the Halfling Rogue
Rev - Dagobert the Dwarf Invoker
Fabes - Vanis the Human Battlerager
d'Anconia - Deva Avenger, possible Halfling Sorcerer (still working out details)
Look for the game to get started next week after I make some updates to the Wiki.

d'Anconia |

d'Anconia has confirmed via e-mail so we now have our official party together now!
Pat - Kenneth the Human Bard
Fin - Dannad the Halfling Rogue
Rev - Dagobert the Dwarf Invoker
Fabes - Vanis the Human Battlerager
d'Anconia - Deva Avenger, possible Halfling Sorcerer (still working out details)Look for the game to get started next week after I make some updates to the Wiki.
I'm going to go with the Deva Avenger. I'm thinking about worshiping another deity though, as the whole "defender of civilization" gig might not be the best approach for Punjar. Can you give me a brief rundown of the pantheon for this world? Or is it online anywhere? I'll have a detailed backstory emailed to you tonight.
During the day, I won't be able to get online much - email is better then. At nights, I'll be much more available particularly after 8:30 (EST) or so. Just so you know what to expect!
--Edit-- Never mind about the pantheon - I just saw it up on the wiki!

TGZ101 |

A lot of us are from different time zones and schedules so irregularities are bound to happen. All I ask is at least once a day during weekdays. More often would be preferable during combat but we'll see how it goes. If 8-12 hours go by during combat without a post then I'll be stepping in myself. That time may change though as I'm new to this whole PBP DM'ing thing.
The pantheon is up, as some of you have noticed. Those of you who want more detail on a specific deity just need to let me know and I can fill you in. The gazetteer I have is from 3.5E but that doesn't change the fluff much other than the alignments. I want to avoid needlessly putting the entire gazetteer on the wiki if I can help it. Therefore, details can either be hashed out on a need-to-know basis in-game or it can be done via e-mail.

TGZ101 |

Invoker of Shul - goddess of the Moon, measurement, tradition and literacy. Dagobert has this vague theory that his ineptitude runs with the phases of the moon. So far, he's been quite unable to prove it either way.
This is no Dagobert, only Shuuuuul.

d'Anconia |

Alright - I'm pretty set on going with Samael - a Deva Avenger. Jovial, yet aloof at once - Samael is 3 years into his current incarnation on Aereth. Not terribly pious, he offers prayers to whatever god seems appropriate given the situation at the time. If anything, he favors Neshti a bit more than others, venerating her mainly for her thievery and trickery aspects, as well a somewhat misguided view of her vigilantism aspect. Unable to remember any of his past incarnations, he spent the first several months cursing the cosmos and whatever power put him into this forsaken place. He came to embrace the city overtime, and decided to make the most of it - adopting a "let's roll the dice and see what happens" attitude.
More background to come as it's created.
I've also added a bit to the campaign Wiki - Offerings of Flame, a "religious" candle shop located in the Bazaar of the Gods. It's owner, Father Michael Aember, is one of Samael's closest confidants. In fact, he considers Michael somewhat of a mentor, as well as the closest thing a Deva could have as family.

TGZ101 |

I really hate to hold us up, but could you bear to hold on starting until the Malediction stuff is updated in CB and the compendium? I'm just terrified I'm going to type it all in wrong (very feeble, I know). I will do it anyway, but I'd just like to cross-check.
DDI updates on the 3rd of every month or something right? I can probably wait that long as I'm still getting everyone's character to the first meeting place. I have enough already for Kenneth and Dannad to meet there, just need to work on the rest of you. Expect some e-mails. :)

TGZ101 |

Oh I'm happy enough playing without stats for a day or so, but it takes me forever to get these things set up and I really hate having to change them just because I'd been inept. Levelling up, on the other hand, is less fearsome.
As a rule I'm pretty generous with the first level whenever I DM. If you see something that really isn't working then I'll usually allow a rewrite as long as it's not an entire class or race change.

d'Anconia |

We still on track to start this week after the CB updates?
I'm almost done updating the Justicia entry on the Wiki - just have a few more entries to work up.
Also - I'm still tweaking my character a bit. I'm curious what everyone thinks about the Multiclass feats? I'm leaning pretty heavily to taking Sneak of Shadows, as it fits my character's backstory pretty well. I was first going to just grab the feat which allowed me to have the thievery skill, but then I noticed that SoS gives me that as well as 1/encounter sneak attacks. What's the general consensus on those?
TGZ - I'll be sending you one more (minor) update to the background, as well. Nothing's changing, I'm just fleshing out a few more pieces of the story.
Looking forward to getting the ball rolling!

TGZ101 |

We still on track to start this week after the CB updates?
TGZ - I'll be sending you one more (minor) update to the background, as well. Nothing's changing, I'm just fleshing out a few more pieces of the story.
Yes, the plan is to get started after Rev can properly update her character. Probably Wednesday now. I'll try and get all the character intro e-mails out either late tonight and early Monday while I'm at "work."

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

Also - I'm still tweaking my character a bit. I'm curious what everyone thinks about the Multiclass feats? I'm leaning pretty heavily to taking Sneak of Shadows, as it fits my character's backstory pretty well. I was first going to just grab the feat which allowed me to have the thievery skill, but then I noticed that SoS gives me that as well as 1/encounter sneak attacks. What's the general consensus on those?
Almost all my characters multiclass by level 4, if not level 2 or 1. The first multiclass feat is superior in every way to skill training, if it gives you a skill you want. It also opens up further multiclassing and feats, paragon paths, etc. based on the new class.
The only caution is that (unless you're a Bard, heh), you can only train in one class other than your base, so choose carefully and lock it in (though there are the retraining rules).

Rev Rosey |

Don't let me hold us up folks. If our DM can live without full stats on Dagobert for a day, I can manage with the book.
He'll likely multi-class, but I don't know how yet. Never played a dwarf of any kind, so this is new territory for me. Count yourselves lucky. You nearly got the level 1 version of my amoral warlord NPC who came to glorious life in the Spellgard game I ran.
Fabes needs to finish up too and I know he's short on computer access until he finishes moving house.

d'Anconia |

Ok - the final version of Samael has been posted on Obsidian Portal. I've also added several contacts that he's made in the city as well as both his publicly known "cover" background as well as his true story, known only to Samael and Michael. I've also finalized the Justicia entry in the wiki (TGZ - let me know if any of that doesn't fit).

FabesMinis |

Sorry folks, I haven't had a chance to do anything with Vandis. I only got my book collection sorted out yesterday, and I don't have a phone line after a week of trying (!). I love how utilities make it sound like your fault...
I won't get internet at home for another few days. Ugh. My fiancee has character builder on her laptop, so will try to play with that tonight. That's the only thing I regret with using Linux - the lack of CB!

Rev Rosey |

Getting a phone line takes forever, even if you follow all the correct steps, fill in the right forms and talk to an actual person. When we moved in - and we're next door to the telephone exchange - it took nearly a fortnight. I could have just reached over the fence and grabbed a handful of wires, and nearly did.

FabesMinis |

What called me is that I was almost told off "Well, sir, it does take 48 hours and the request was made at 5.40pm on 1st. So you'lll need to wait until 5.40pm today for them to call you back."
Which is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to what I was told on the 1st!
Ahem. Sorry, anyway.

Rev Rosey |

TGZ - coolness. I look forward
Fabes - yes, you can.
As I've already posted on numerous threads, but in case anyone vital misses it - I'm popping down to Derbyshire to see an old friend for a couple of days. Weds to Fri may see me AFK, but since she has a computer, it may not make that much difference. It never has before.