![]() About .Syn.Background: Spoiler:
Growing Syn has grown up an orphan upon the streets of Katapesh. Her only friend, protector and 'big sister' being Haleen.
Taken in by the 'Clan' based in Katapesh, the young Elven girl with the dark hair and quiet observant demeanor was quickly christened 'Shadow' -Since this is what she tended to do. Remain in the back ground, watch and listen and learn. While she enthusiastically joining in the training, fun and games with the other similarly ages children of the large clan, her closest rapport was with another girl who's demeanor seemed the complete opposite. The pair were as night and day. Sun and Moon, Sunshine and Shadow. "Finding Haleen" being the campaign trait. Her skills and whiles have brought her into the folds of a secretive group, who's ties stretch back to the far reaches of the globe. A small group of 'Ninja' who are slowly working at expanding their 'contacts' through out the world of Golarion for their own shadowy purposes, hence Syn's starting class Thank's to the DM for the effort of putting said game together.
Shadow: Description Age: (Mature)
Class: Alignment: Chaotic Good
Touch: 1(1) (10Base,+3Dex,+,(+1Tonfa)) Flat Footed: 1(1) (10 Base,(+1Tonfa)) Combat:
Touch: () (10Base,+3Dex,+1Tonfa) Flat Footed: 1(18) (+10Bse,+(+1Tonfa)) CMB: +1
HP: 8 Wounds: .
* Sneak Attack 1D8 Ranged _________________________________________________________
Str: 10
Trait1: Finding Haleen (Still thinking about the bonus, probably going to go with more HP per level.) Trait2: Quick Learner Feats:
Acrobatics(N)(): Appraise(N)(): Bluff(N)(I): Climb(N)(I): Craft(N)(I): Diplomacy(N)(I): Disable Device(N)(): Disguise(N)(I): Escape Artist(N)(): Handle Animal()(): Heal()(I): Intimidate(N)(I): Knowledge (Arcana()(I)): Knowledge(Architecture/Engineering()()): Knowledge(Dungeoneering()(I)): Knowledge(Engineering()()): Knowledge(Geography()()): Knowledge(History()()): Knowledge(Local(N)()): Knowledge(Nature()(I)): Knowledge(Noble(N)()): Knowledge{Religion()(I)): Linguistics(N)(): Perception(N)(I): Perform(N)():Dance +8 =(+2R+3Cl+3Dex) Profession(N)(I): Profession(N)(I): Profession(N)(I): Profession(N)(I): Ride()(i): Sense Motive(N)(I): Sleight Of Hand(N)(): Spell Craft()(I): Stealth(N)(I): Swim(N)(I): Survival()(I): Use Magical Device(N)(): Gear:
Starting Gold : Normal Bandoleer(X2) 1 Gp
Clothing, Miscellaneous, Back Pack 10 Gp Moneys left Gp Carrying Capacities: Note: