Name, brief trope (ie dwarf fighter) and why they want to fight.
One eyed human pirate who thinks you insulted his parrot
2. Elven diplomat because you called him "Ma'am". Honest mistake.
Human Rogue because he saw the size of your money pouch.
Female half-orc barbarian thinks you're cute. She's flirting by her cultural standards.
A gnome picks a fight with you because he's never been in a bar fight before and he really feels like he's been missing out.
6. Jack Scurvy, pirate, because ye asked him 'ow 'e got th' hook.
Bupo the gully dwarf. Because he was annoying.
8. Ninja (unnamed), because you said pirates would beat them in a fight.
RaGeR wrote: Human Rogue because he saw the size of your money pouch. 9. Human rogue because he's embarrassed about the small size of his money pouch.
Mikaze wrote: Female half-orc barbarian thinks you're cute. She's flirting by her cultural standards.
A gnome picks a fight with you because he's never been in a bar fight before and he really feels like he's been missing out.
(lol) I was going to make it a male half-orc drag queen.
10. Sebastian, lawyer, because you told him he liked collectible cards typically marketed to pre-teen girls.
11. Human rogue, because he stole you pants and you want them back.
12. A atrociously poorly played paladin walks in and uses detect evil and then attacks anyone that registers as evil, including that lovely tiefling girl you've been trying to redeem.
The husband of the taven wench who saw you pat her rear.
14. A rather ugly rogue informs you that his thri-kreen buddy doesn't like you. And that he doesn't like you either. He's also has the death sentence in twelve countries.
15. Random patrons just seem to have it out for you. Cayden Cailean is possibly trying to tell you something about what you're doing with your life.
16. The barkeep has it out for you because you just happened to suddenly find your coinpouch missing. Apparently some rogue found its size just right.
17. A bunch of crazed, drunken patrons rush you, seemingly intent on tearing you apart. You mistakenly entered a joint occupied by bacchae. And you're not partying hard enough for their liking...
18. Everyone, because you tried to steal all the beer.
19. The man who you said had bad breath, turns out he was a dragon.
21. a gnome arcane trickster; biiiiig chip on his shoulder, pulling magic pranks to get revenge on the types of big guys that used to give him swirly's in highschool. He loves to make THEM fight EACHOTHER over magically induced misunderstandings.
20. A guy from Brooklyn, because HE'S A GUY FROM BROOKLYN !
I'll let youse go first over there.
24. Left side on an ettin decks you, because you keep hogging all the drink, Righty!
22. 'Something, someting, Edition Wars, something'
23. The npc takes a swing at you because that what the dice say.
25. Zombified pixies that have been left pickling in the drink behind the counter have broken out and are wreaking havoc in the place. The barkeep has a lot to answer for once this gets sorted out.
26. Spoilers for a crimp gang (mixed races; rogues and fighters) in cahoots with the fuzz decide to pick a brawl, several of them targeting random patrons with a mug to the puss.
The whole place goes ballistic, then the city guard comes rolling in 3 rounds later (that's 18 seconds, chief, not 3 minutes) bashing everybody up with belaying pins, taking them down to the jail, and turning them over to the crimps.
27. A blatantly stereotypical dwarf because you look like an elf.
Storian wrote: 27. A blatantly stereotypical dwarf because you look like an elf. All you Dwerg filth look the same even the tall skinny ones with pointy ears...
28. Half-orc smuggler because they're short four crew members and your party has been chosen to replace them.
29. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die."
30. Those two gentlemen were discreetly passing something under the table until you fell into it, now everybody knows about their Bullywug porn... fight!
31. Bernaly the Barkeep - Doesnt take shyte from anyone. Often uses an Iron flask he keeps under counter to hit people over the head with (doesnt want to break a glass bottle) during brawls.
GeraintElberion wrote: 29. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die." 32. Vincini - "The Sod has spoken!" Short, is intellectually prepared for any battle, and carries a Knife incase they are too stupid to be defeated by brains.
Verkrekius, the Slaad (in human form), visiting the prime for s~#$s and giggles, who saw a bar fight once and thinks that is the social norm for bars (even sedate ones- he doesn't know the difference) and picks a fight with the PCs for no reason.
A criminal is on the run from a skilled bounty hunter, and runs through a bar to dodge him. In order to distract the bounty hunter, he approaches a group of group of drunken barbarians and tells them the PCs said terrible things about the barbarian's mothers... bar fight ensues! And the criminal hopes to dodge out in the chaos, escaping his bounty hunter.
35. Soldiers trying to have a quiet drink on their first night of leave for goodness knows how long - and then you showed up with your opinions.
GeraintElberion wrote: 35. Soldiers trying to have a quiet drink on their first night of leave for goodness knows how long - and then you showed up with your opinions. "We dont want their kind here! You'll have to leave your droids outside..."
36. A drow, because you said he was a gray elf.
37. A Sun Elf, because you're drunk and called him an orc.
38. The bard that always picks up the "hot" serving whench.
39. Any paladin. (what are they doing in a bar anyway, its like a cop at a rave.)
40. Human male. It turns out the half-orc woman you mistook for a male, and then figured for a bad drag queen, is really his wife.
41. A carnivorous halfling with a new recipe, some serious class levels and a skosh of dust of invisibility just to mess things up even worse for the unsuspecting meat snacks.
Xabulba wrote: 39. Any paladin. (what are they doing in a bar anyway, its like a cop at a rave.) What are you talking about? A paladin can drink!
42. Half-Orc Furniture maker, because it's fun and he has a contract with the owner to provide the tables.
43. Halfling named Big Jake, because he's got a superiority complex, and a pair of magic items, Girdle of Physical perfection and an amulet of Mighty fists - Merciful (This is the Pathfinder version of an old NPC of mine that is the arm wrestling huckster who used to have gauntlets of ogre power and a girdle of storm giant strength, back when those stacked.)
44. The squad of half a dozen hellknights sitting right behind you.
They're attacking you because I told them that you're outlaws from Andoran - although I did this because I am in fact a potential NPC patron and I want to see how you can handle yourselves in a fight.
45. Whisker Bob, the tavern owner's cat, because you're a lv.1 commoner and he's out to prove, once and for all, that a cat can beat a lv. 1 commoner in a fight.
46. Whiskey Bob, the tavern owner, because you're a lv.1 commoner and you just beat up his cat.
47. "Ole Ratface" cuz he's a natural wererat and he's trying to expand his gang with afflicted were-ratssssss.
48. Loki, well cuz he's a troublemaker.
49. The dwarf "Tongurn the Lush" , cuz he goes around drinking the leftovers while everyone else is fight'n...
50. 20th level Halfling Warrior named "Malakai the mighty" Because some fool named Mardigan called him a peck.
51. Milton Waddams, "Excuse me? Excuse me, bartender? May I speak to you please? I asked for a Dwarven ale, and they brought me Elven wine, and I said Dwarven Ale, but this is clearly an Elven wine" He uses the fight as an excuse to burn down the tavern.
52. The tavern itself, because a drunken cleric of Cayden decided drinking would be more fun if he cast animate object on the tavern.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
53 Clem the Farmer...that was his sister/lover you just patted on the bum
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
54 The smarmy sweet talking demogogue promising cheap healing for everyone, even the group that already has a cleric
Robert Carter 58 wrote: A criminal is on the run from a skilled bounty hunter, and runs through a bar to dodge him. In order to distract the bounty hunter, he approaches a group of group of drunken barbarians and tells them the PCs said terrible things about the barbarian's mothers... bar fight ensues! And the criminal hopes to dodge out in the chaos, escaping his bounty hunter. I will use this!
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
55 the vampires minion who needs some fresh blood for his master who is waiting quietly in one corner for the melee to erupt
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
56 The doppleganger looking for an opportunity to "Blend" in to join the group