Into the the Blue: aka son of Spellgard

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Expert 1

Just finished him up and Rev and I are working on adding him in. I'm looking forward to playing with you all. I've been following the campaign on and off for awhile now.

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th

Just a quick query regarding mounted combat.

If you don't have the relevant feat what can you do whilst mounted when entering combat?

For example use the riding horse charger ability so Leo can charge the nearest foe and wield his longsword as he does need one hand to guide his mount...

However what if I use the mounts trample ability and move to strike several foes at once?

Is that actually possible?

Male Human Expert 1
Leo the half elven Paladin wrote:

Just a quick query regarding mounted combat.

If you don't have the relevant feat what can you do whilst mounted when entering combat?

For example use the riding horse charger ability so Leo can charge the nearest foe and wield his longsword as he does need one hand to guide his mount...

However what if I use the mounts trample ability and move to strike several foes at once?

Is that actually possible?

The way I've always read it is that if you don't have the feat then you can't use the mount's abilities (PHB pg. 199). All you can do without the feat is use the mount's movement rate.

There's more detailed information in the DM guide but I don't know it right off the top of my head.


You'd need two things for that to be effective. The Mounted Combat feat and a trained warhorse.

You're riding ordinary horses, intended for transport and they will be useless in a battle. Even in fantasyland, an untrained horse will run from a sword wielding lunatic.

EDIT - if you really want to try it, I'll need a set of skill checks from you. Nature and Acrobatics to control the horse and your weapons, Athletics to stay on the beast.

Will be mostly AFK thru Saturday evening - Rev, do with Mirth what you will, as long as it only involves ONE of the following:

- Iguanas
- Lumberjacks
- Cigars
- Eclairs
- Swimming Pool Floaties
- Cabbage

That should give you pretty many options.


You got the cigars.

Male Human Expert 1

Looking for Players

I'm looking to DM my own PBP for the first time and have 2 slots to fill. I'd rather select from a group I already know than take my chances in the Gamer Connection forums so please let me know if you're interested. Our very own DM Rosey has been gracious enough to offer her own services already. :)

We'll be playing through Sellswords of Punjar by Goodman Games. It's an urban campaign set in a very interesting city. It should be good fun.

For more info on the campaign check out the Obsidian Portal wiki I have set up and read the main page.

Please feel free to e-mail me at the address found at this link here.

If you're worried about joining another campaign that never gets off the ground then have no fear. I am a college student working in a computer lab for the summer and have nothing but free time and ample internet access to devote to this game for the next several months and make sure it has a decent beginning. :D

Male Human Geek 10

Erik, you are the intimidation master! next time we meet one of these cultists, I am going to deliberately save one of them, so you can intimidate him. What do you think about that?

Male Human Expert 1
Cale Noor wrote:
Erik, you are the intimidation master! next time we meet one of these cultists, I am going to deliberately save one of them, so you can intimidate him. What do you think about that?

Yes, bards are quite good at pretty much anything involving talking with others. I should be able to handle it if we take some captives.

Erik's just not the sort to take captives in the heat of battle. He tends to get caught up in the moment. :)

Dark Archive

If these cultist are cut from the same cloth as those who populate the Warhammer universe, then I suggest we just simply slash and burn them.

+11 Intimidate here by the way

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Radavel wrote:

If these cultist are cut from the same cloth as those who populate the Warhammer universe, then I suggest we just simply slash and burn them.

+11 Intimidate here by the way

Just remember to pillage before you burn.


Trust that you will be meeting more of them.

Male Human Geek 10

All we have to do is when we 'kill' the next one (bring him to zero), tell Rev that we are going to revive this one. heck, if we have to and Leo or Caine have the necessary powers still available, we even heal him. Then we intimidate (he'll still be bloodied) or if necessary, a torch to the groin. (enhanced interrogation)

Snaggletooth's a kobold, albeit a reformed one, foes that don't surrender, don't run away and don't negotiate are VERY strange. To Snaggletooth, these guys have a deathwish. Like they WANT to die, because they will not surrender to a superior force (that's us) and they won't run away when things get bad.

I don't like the fact that we are just running the gauntlet here. One battle to the next with no explantion besides the usual platitudes, "our boss will get you, we are remaking the world, yadda yadda, etc." That's why Snaggletooth is trying to focus on the mission. It would seem that entering the cave is the next logical course of action, but only because that is where we are. What about Vol? Do we have any indication besides the fact that the cave is sure to be filled with cultists that he is here? Where did he land? Where is the hippogryph? Inquiring minds want to know.


So far you've met the little people (excepting Volkanth, who isn't little at all, as you discovered). The low-level cultists know very little and are pretty much brain-washed. Their first job was to provide enough of a distraction to let Volkanth take the relics and their second one was to try and stop you getting into the cave, or at least slow you down a bit. They genuinely don't know much more than that.

You are charged with retrieving the missing relics and finding out what Volkanth is trying to do and you're quite right that you need more information. It may well be that you find alternative ways to do things and I would urge you to do so.

This is a very open-ended adventure, with many possible resolutions, none of which are set in stone. I have no idea how things will turn out at this juncture myself as I don't know how you as a group will respond once you find out more about why the relics are needed.

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev Rosey wrote:

So far you've met the little people (excepting Volkanth, who isn't little at all, as you discovered). The low-level cultists know very little and are pretty much brain-washed. Their first job was to provide enough of a distraction to let Volkanth take the relics and their second one was to try and stop you getting into the cave, or at least slow you down a bit. They genuinely don't know much more than that.

You are charged with retrieving the missing relics and finding out what Volkanth is trying to do and you're quite right that you need more information. It may well be that you find alternative ways to do things and I would urge you to do so.
This is a very open-ended adventure, with many possible resolutions, none of which are set in stone. I have no idea how things will turn out at this juncture myself as I don't know how you as a group will respond once you find out more about why the relics are needed.

I'm more worried about the dreamer since that symbol sounds a lot like Myrkul but thats another edition and even setting!


I will be giving nothing away by saying it's not Myrkul :D

Dark Archive

Personally, my money is on Shuma-Gorath.

Dark Archive


So what's the game plan?

Male Kobold Rogue 6

fellow party members

Rev has given us the basic framework of the path. go thru the door, show the medallions to the statue, yadda yadda, (we need to know what that is), walk on the eyes, down the stairs, give the password which we don't have or join the hanged ones (ropers, maybe, or assassin vine), across the scythes with the mystery panels and we're in the tomb. As we pump this guy for more info, we need the password and if there is anything else to this medallion showing ritual with the statues. What do you guys think?

Male Human Expert 1
Radavel wrote:


So what's the game plan?

I'm going to get a bit bolder in my questioning. With the ritual in place I can bluff to my heart's desire. But asking direct questions like "What's the secret password" is too obvious. However, I'm at a loss to do it any other way as Erik has already taken the role of "guy who's already been here awhile."

Ideally, I'd like to get him to lead us there himself but he's not willing to do that at the moment.

Dark Archive

I vote Caine and the other hidden party members attack the enemies (Erik, Snaggletooth and stooge) and the enemies pull back forcing the stooge to use the password to avoid certain massacre.

Male Human Expert 1
Radavel wrote:
I vote Caine attacks the enemies (Erik, Snaggletooth and stooge) and the enemies pull back forcing the stooge to use the password to avoid certain massacre.

I'm going to try and get the password out of him now by pretending to know the wrong one. Hopefully he'll be concerned with our well-being enough to correct us.

Dark Archive

It would be better to doubt the stooge's knowledge of the password. In fact it would be better to call him a spy. That should force him to reveal the password.


He's rolling so horribly for his insight and perception checks you could probably convince him that you're the Queen of Sheba and her elven court at this point.

Male Human Geek 10

Like we can trust that, Rosey. As soon as we rely on Mr. "Loves the Animals" to fail a roll, he will get a success and then it's stabby-stabby time. "Gratitude" won't be so thankful when he realizes we have been playing him.

My thoughts on getting the password. Ask him if it has been changed, because passwords are often changed and there is a big meeting coming up. Act really embrassed by it. You don't want to end up like the hanged ones by accidentally giving the wrong password. The fact that we don't know what that means.....means nothing. Ask him about the statues. Why do we need to show the medallions? Is it a ritual? Magic involved? Are the statues really stone guardians or golems or something like that? ASk him, "those stautes kinda creep me out, why do we have to show our medallions to them? are they some sort of guardian? Have you ever heard what happened to someone who missed the password or failed to show his medallion to the statues?" we should find out the consequences of failure. Perigia should also ask if there is anything special we need to bring for the ritual. She could play up the its our first big ritual and this is the ONE. That's how I would play it up. But I am a little kobold whose mere presence would break the illusion. So I need you to ask for me.


The last set of checks from the gang were high enough that he's spilled the password beans and will take you past the statues.

This is all good planning though and the strategy has done you proud so far.

Dark Archive

Guys, I will be out of the office for the next couple of days. There is a distinct possibility that I will not have any connection to the net. Hence, do not be alarmed if I have not posted on the IC thread.

Work requires me to travel far from Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, to the Pangasinan, a province 100 plus KM away to the North, to handle a criminal case (double murder with multiple frustrated murder) filed against my client by the Mayor of the City where I am going. One of the victims was the former Mayor of that city and who was the father of the present Mayor. There is clearly a lot of emotion in this case.

Suffice it to say I must play a little cloak and dagger as I do not want to advertise that I am the lawyer for the other side. It feels as though my life is turning into an rpg adventure.

Wish me luck.


We surely. Your life makes the adventures of the Spellgarders seem very mild.

Male Human Geek 10

RE: Mirth

I will miss having two wizards. Mirth's spells were mostly will-based and were pretty effective. With her loss, we are now weaker at range, which this next battle will undoubtably prove. But we were weak to begin with, so much in fact that I flirted with making Snaggle a ranged specialist (either rebuild as a ranger or retrain some powers for more flexibility and use a crossbow) but I like him the way he is.

I wonder about Mirth, though. Did life become too busy for her to play with us, or did she feel it wasn't worth her time? If it wasn't worth her time, why would she feel that way? Did we not support her strategies enough? (I think of the botched hypogriff attack and her anger over that) With Perigia's return, did she feel like a third wheel? Too many wizards? (I am of the firm belief that you can never have too many wizards, just too few fighters to keep all the wizards safe) It is just speculation, but I wonder about such things.

Actually, I just have a really analytical mind and an over-developed imagination. Give me enough time and I will drive you insane with speculation.

Has anyone heard from her lately? (or him, since I believe Mirth was a guy playing a girl character) Did she drop off the face of the planet or is she just posting on different boards?

Regardless, fellow adventurers, what do we do now? Continue with a party of six (C,L,B,P,S,E) or post for a replacement? What do you think, Rosey? I wouldn't mind adding a warlock or ranger for some added ranged punch. But we will probably survive as is, too. We atarted out as six back in spellgard. Added snaggletooth with no problems. swapped mirth for perigia. lost fairwind and cronin between adventures. readded perigia and then added erik. now lost mirth.

What do you guys think? Keep on trucking or find a replacement?

(And this time I am saving this stupid post so Paizo doesn't eat it like last time)

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18


Mirth's player has only posted twice since dropping out of the game and only once in the last month. My guess is that real life got in the way.


I don't think it's anything other than real life getting very hectic and some frustration with the boards being extremely flakey. Players tend to come and go, it's the nature of the beast. Life comes up and hits us all from time to time.

For a pbp we've done well. Four of the original players are still going after nearly a year and many, many pbps have a higher turnaround than that. Fairwind and Cronin both felt that they'd told as much of their characters stories as they wanted to at the end of Spellgard, Perigia vanished and returned, Snaggletooth has evolved from kobold cannon-fodder into a hero. It's quite a story we've created between us all. Be proud :)

As a group, you're pretty well balanced and you've played a while together so you're also getting good at capitalising on each others powers. I think the addition of Erik has been a huge help in that respect, along with Caine's warlord tactics.

From my point of view, I am happy to go with whatever you want. The line up at the moment looks like this:-

Leo - paladin/defender
Caine - bravura warlord/leader
Snaggletooth - rogue/striker
Perigia - wizard/controller
Brujo - swordmage/defenderish with striker tendencies
Erik - bard/leader

You are a little ranged light, but I'd say that isn't an insurmountable problem as you have a good array of powers to shift yourselves around to compensate. You've got healing from three different sources (Erik, Caine and Leo), and to my mind that would be a much bigger drawback.

It would not be impossible to insert a new pc, but I might have to fiddle at little if you do. My suggestion for now is to play on as you are for this combat at least and then see if you feel that you want to advertise for another player.

Male Human Expert 1

I'm very analytical myself, so don't feel too bad. I enjoy being able to actually discuss some things on the discussion boards! :D

I feel as though we're balanced enough to continue. To be honest, I think they made ranged combat too easy in 4E. I've seen parties with 4 ranged characters and 1 defender mow through a dungeon like it was nothing. In the new edition they obviously wanted to make ranged combat more fun by eliminating cover from allies and penalties for firing into melee. It is a lot more fun now, but combined with all the escape powers that ranged attackers have now, it's too easy for them to sit in a hallway behind the meatshield and tear everything apart, then escape when the enemies finally break through. This is ideal strategy-wise as it conserves the most resources, but I've found it makes for some very boring games, especially in modules where the enemies are predetermined and likely not best for taking on a party of ranged characters.

Perigia still has decent range, and many of Snaggletooth's powers can be used at range. Erik also has a ranged at-will that targets Will defense, two ranged encounter powers, and a close blast power at his disposal should range really be necessary. It also wouldn't be too much trouble for me to start grabbing some of the bard's ranged weapon attacks, although then I'd have to grab another magic weapon and some feats down the line.

I think we have enough healers in the party to sustain a melee-centric group well enough.

Agreed. You should be fine I think. It's always fun having two controllers in the mix, but you can adapt without, particularly with this combination of pcs.

Let's all keep a watching brief and if you start to feel underpowered, we'll have another think.

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th

I've been wondering if Caine and Snaggletooth are reading this about moving Leo so he can give Snaggletooth the chance for a flanking attack by interposing between the berserker and the mangler with radiant vulnerability.

Only problem I'm thinking is trying to guess Brujo's next move since I don't really know how much more punishment the blinded guy can take, he needs to be taken down first before he starts adding any more to the opposition.

Just added the MM2 to the 4e books i now own, a year ago I'd have said I wouldn't have considered picking up the Fr campaign setting but it has been great fun, since next years release is apparently dark sun anyone have any views on this?

From what i recall dark sun had arcane casters as defilers since casting magic drained what little vegetation was left and divine casters were more druidic in nature, templars sound more like paladins even if it seemed more like an early midnight style setting except to take good down the evil forces effectively laid waste to the world...

Sorry to go off topic there so back to the regular channel...


I don't know much about Dark Sun at all, but what I've read sounds fun. Mind you, pretty much anything that doesn't involve lasars always sounds fun to me.

I'm glad you're enjoying this Leo, particularly as I'd only barely heard of FR before this came out in 4e. It's probably just as well or I'd never have dared. So many people regard it as hallowed ground and there's a lot of resentment in some members of the community for the changes made in the new edition.

In honesty though, I don't feel that it's my setting so much as one that you've all shaped. Which is surely what rpgs are all about.

Spot on about the madman, by the way. You don't want him to keep screaming.

Male Human Expert 1

I've never played Dark Sun, but I have read some of the novels. It's basically post-apocalyptic fantasy with a lot of psionics thrown in. It was also one of the first setting to play around with racial archetypes. For example, in Dark Sun, halfings are wandering, cannibalistic nomads as opposed to the hobbits they used to be.

I'm personally looking forward to it very much. I've heard from various interviews and whatnot that a lot of alternative class features are being designed to make existing classes feel a lot different in Dark Sun than they do in other settings. I think this is great as opposed to the Forgotten Realms, which they tried to shape to the system rather than vice-versa. Mechanically there is no difference between a points-of-light wizard and a Forgotten Realms wizard, which is really a shame.

I'm also interested in how they're going to do bone and stone weapons.

Dark Archive

We played a dark sun pbp here about one-two years ago. It was dmed by Beeler and there were at least 11 players then.

Awesome cuisine, i.e. long pork. Kruelaid played a halfling barbarian with awful unhygienic practices named "Aso," which in my native language means "dog".

I played a pyromaniac cleric named Zuko.


I remember reading that one. It ran for ages and was alternately hilarious and deeply sick. Often both at once.

There are so many, many games I want to run. I keep forcing myself to resist the temptation. Three is enough. At the moment.

Dark Archive

Rev, Laz, do not be shocked if you see a facebook invite from me. Unfortunately, I'm still in the process of getting a picture of myself to upload.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Radavel wrote:
Rev, Laz, do not be shocked if you see a facebook invite from me. Unfortunately, I'm still in the process of getting a picture of myself to upload.

What, no facebook love fo me?

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Rev, Laz, do not be shocked if you see a facebook invite from me. Unfortunately, I'm still in the process of getting a picture of myself to upload.
What, no facebook love fo me?

Sorry, I didn't mean I'm leaving the rest of you guys out. It's just that I do have Rev's and Laz's email on my account.

And how do I distinguish you from the other David Fryers on Facebook?

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Radavel wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Rev, Laz, do not be shocked if you see a facebook invite from me. Unfortunately, I'm still in the process of getting a picture of myself to upload.
What, no facebook love fo me?

Sorry, I didn't mean I'm leaving the rest of you guys out. It's just that I do have Rev's and Laz's email on my account.

And how do I distinguish you from the other David Fryers on Facebook?

Add Cedar City Utah to the search parameteres or

Also I have both Rev and Laz as friends, so you could find me through one of them.
Dark Archive

Sent you one.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

And confirmed.

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
And confirmed.

Gotcha. Gotta go get some sleep.


Got it. I reasoned it pretty much had to be you, but it's nice to know. Confirmed. Sleep well.

Male Human Geek 10

So, we've got some magical treasure, people. a +2 weapon that can target Will instead of whatever defense the attack regularly makes and a +2 defenses cloak which helps everyone against charms and illusions. [u]Of course I want them both, but that wouldn't be fair.[/u] Perigia got the amulet and the weapon from the south table and I got the cloak from the north statue. Dave is pretty much set on the amulet and I am cool with that, since we couldn't have gotten it as easy without Perigia.

Who's already got a defenses boosting item? Erik does, that's it. So we've got four people who can benefit from it. (Caine, Brujo, Leo and Snaggletooth) Do you want to roll for it? (using IC to be fair) Or is somebody going to give up their claim.

As I said, the rest of you have +2 weapons, only Snaggletooth and Erik don't. Can I PLEASE have the will attacking weapon? I don't mind being targeted by spellplagued. (that and the projects murderous thoughts while attacking are the two drawbacks)

Male Human Expert 1
Cale Noor wrote:

So, we've got some magical treasure, people. a +2 weapon that can target Will instead of whatever defense the attack regularly makes and a +2 defenses cloak which helps everyone against charms and illusions. [u]Of course I want them both, but that wouldn't be fair.[/u] Perigia got the amulet and the weapon from the south table and I got the cloak from the north statue. Dave is pretty much set on the amulet and I am cool with that, since we couldn't have gotten it as easy without Perigia.

Who's already got a defenses boosting item? Erik does, that's it. So we've got four people who can benefit from it. (Caine, Brujo, Leo and Snaggletooth) Do you want to roll for it? (using IC to be fair) Or is somebody going to give up their claim.

As I said, the rest of you have +2 weapons, only Snaggletooth and Erik don't. Can I PLEASE have the will attacking weapon? I don't mind being targeted by spellplagued. (that and the projects murderous thoughts while attacking are the two drawbacks)

Already put my response about the sword up on the main page before I checked here. Take it. I still benefit more overall from my songblade because it can be used as an implement.

As for the cloak, it should probably go to one of our defenders.


Posted on game thread as well.

Can you all make sure the profiles reflect whatever loot you've gathered. Thanks.

More blue strangeness awaits.

Male Human Geek 10

I agree, TGZ, so which one of you guys wants the magic cloak. Speak up. I had Snaggletooth wear it until someone else claims it. Rosey is chomping at the bit to get going, so let me know if you want it.

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