Deathless (4e)


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Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

I guess that's a no. :)

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Check your e-mail

Female Halfling Rogue 7

Hoku nods to Hasnett's plan.

"Tho seems to be losing my touch, hey? No luck when tried to sneaks up on the village."


Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Alright, we're back to four active players, and a fifth with computer problems. Good enough. Actions?

female half elf cleric/ranger 7
Hoku Te Ulani wrote:

Hoku nods to Hasnett's plan.

"Tho seems to be losing my touch, hey? No luck when tried to sneaks up on the village."


"This isn't a forest full of big lizards, it's just a small town full of people. Better cover."

Hasnett shrugs. "We can only try. Irawaru's pretty scary, even to a death-craving warlock. Let's just turn him loose and be ready to follow when the warlock bolts."

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

"I am ready," says Elohir and picks a spot outside the warlock's room to wait and listen.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"Wait," Quinna says suddenly as you prepare to leave. "I had Sister Alaina go to the vault while you were gone. She found these things that should help in your mission." Quinna reaches in her desk, then holds out two wrapped bundles -- one irregular and nearly flat, with the wrappings emblazoned with the symbol of Melora, and the other seeming to hold two spherical objects.

Parcel one:

An ornate holy symbool of Melora, backed by a representation of a kite shield.
Holy Symbol of Protection +2: Power (Daily): Free. Trigger: You hit an enemy with a divine attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: Choose one ally within 5 squares of you. Until the end of your next turn, the enemy you hit can’t attack that ally.

Parcel two:

A pair of identical fist-sized spherical stones, unremarkable but for a rune carved on each.
Sending Stones: Power (At-Will): Standard Action. Until the end of your next turn, any person speaking into one stone can be heard by those near the other stone as though he or she were standing in the other stone’s place. At the end of your next turn, both stones are exhausted. With a minor action, any character touching a single stone renews the set.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Hasnett knows the way to the novices' cells. The hall is conspicuously empty, but for the dwarf you saw the night before outside one of the doors, this time with a stout mace by his side.

"Priestess, whan can I do for you? He's safe in there with Brother Hilam, I promise you."

The hall is stone, the doors are wooden. The door has a shuttered peephole that can be opened from either side, but is otherwise solid.

Female Halfling Rogue 7

Hoku leaves by the exit nearest the novice cells, and finds a good spot to wait for the escapee.

Stealth:1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Wow. The Paizo roller really hates me this year.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Blast. Boards just ate post. Short version follows. Hasnett is very grateful indeed for the symbol and will re-stat herself as soon as may be.

Eyes opening wide at the sight of the holy symbol, Hasnett smiles as she places it around her neck. "It's beautiful. Necessary too. You've never been in battle with these people, Sister. It can get messy."

Outside the cell door however, her expression changes.

"Our prisoner may be safe with Brother Hilam, but I'm not sure Brother Hilam is safe with him. Has anyone checked lately? Irawaru - this one's for you I think."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Drive-by post: Who's carrying the sending stones? More later.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"Oh, yes, Priestess. Everything was fine just a quarter hour ago. He's nice and quiet."


Female Halfling Rogue 7

hmmm... if not too late, perhaps Hoku should have taken one of the stones, to communicate what she finds if she follows the warlock.

Male Human Barbarian 7

"Yeah, I'll have a nice lil chat with the bludger" Irawaru says with too much relish.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Makes a lot of sense for Hoku to take one of the stones. Does anyone object if Hasnett hangs on to the other one.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Unless I hear otherwise, Hoku has one stone and Hasnett the other.

Hoku slips out the side and does her best to find cover, but there is not much to work with.

The dwarf blanches at Irawaru's fervor, then, at a nod from Hasnett, exits the area.

The group is in front of the closed and shuttered door.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

"You're on, Irawaru. When you're ready for some intervention, yell "big lizard" and we'll send Elohir in."

She backs around the corner and sticks her head back out again as a thought occurs to her.

"Don't get too playful."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7


Male Human Barbarian 7

"Whaddya want me to do with him?" the large tribesman asks.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

"Be threatening. If he has information he hasn't shared, he might be frightened enough of you to spill it. If not, just threaten him some more. Elohir will interrupt you when he hears the words "big lizard". Let the warlock go if he tries to run, Hoku's going to follow him. We'll follow her. If he tries to kill you or Elohir, it's up to you how you handle it. I'd suggest extreme violence."

Hasnett briskly outlines the plan in a low mutter, keeping her head behind the wall and out of range of the door.

Male Human Barbarian 7

"Huh. Can I at least beat him up a little?" he asks with disappointment.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7
Irawaru wrote:
"Huh. Can I at least beat him up a little?" he asks with disappointment.

"Just make sure he can still walk. Unaided."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

So, somebody doing something?

Female Halfling Rogue 7

Hoku tests the stones, to be sure Hasnett can hear her.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

"Testing. We're waiting for Irawaru to be convincing." Hasnett whispers back through the stone, feeling mildly stupid as she chats to a rock.

Male Human Barbarian 7

Irawaru approaches the warlock and cracks his knuckles slowly, smiling.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

As Irawaru opens the cell door, he sees why the dwarf was not especially concerned about Brother Hilam.

The warlock is hunched in a corner of the 10x10 room, seemingly trying to hide from the goliath in Melorite novice robes who is more than filling the opposite corner.

When he sees Irawaru, a small shriek escapes from the warlock. Hilam looks amused

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7


Male Human Barbarian 7

"Hiya mate, wanna play a game?" Irawaru asks in a sinister manner.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"Wh- wh- what?"

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir waits outside, looking for a good moment to enter.

Still a bit unsure how to go about this with another person since we didn't work it out in advance. Guess we'll see what happens. :)

Male Human Barbarian 7

The barbarian gets down on his haunches, "Yeh, a game. I'm gonna ask ya some questions and if I don't like an answer, I break one of yer fingers."

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

The warlock eyes the exit, but nods.

Male Human Barbarian 7

"Smart. Now, where'd yer mates live, eh?"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"My -- my mates? The -- the only one I knew was Montalb. And he -- did he get away?" The warlock babbles on. "The priest -- the monster -- whatever he was -- found me and Montalb. I don't know where he -- it -- got the others."

Male Human Barbarian 7

"Nice one." Irawaru says as he grins and pats the warlock'd cheek, "You keep a finger. Who's this priest-monster fella?"

MUHAHAHA I have returned >quickly knocks on wood<



Anyway I can a get a quick run down on what's happening or what I've missed?

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

At Irawaru's second question, the warlock seems to gain fervor -- and confidence. "He was a Sent One. An Enigma of the one god. I did not know until he revealed himself as the monster within. I thought he was a priest. It is a great honor to be called by an Enigma."


Sorry, Pat screwed up by not looking over the previous interrogation before the last post. Please accommodate the attempted recovery.

Aden, good to have you back! You haven't really missed all that much, but I'd rather have a player fill you in.

female half elf cleric/ranger 7

Hasnett sighs and realises that Aden has been too hungover to register any of the recent developments. Rootling in her pack, she pulls out a piece of root.

"Chew on this. It's disgusting, but it'll clear your head."

She waits a second for the initial shock to pass and goes on.

"OK, Aden, I'll explain again. This time, listen. You remember we got ambushed on the way to the temple? This temple? The one in which we are standing now? We took one of them captive. A warlock. Irawaru is in there with him now, talking to him in his own special way. At some point, he's going to yell "Big Lizard" and Elohir is going to create enough of a distraction to let the captive escape if he wants to. Hoku follows him. We follow Hoku.

The temple were pretty helpful. Sister Quinna found some sending stones we can use to communicate and she thinks our baby god may be being manipulated to take over from The Raven Queen. Roughly, anyway. We need to find him, and the warlock in there," she jerks her thumb, "may be able to give us a lead. It's our best shot anyway."

She extends a long limb and watches to see if Aden is his usual appreciative self yet.

"Got all that? If so, hush and let Irawaru do his stuff."

Male Human Barbarian 7

"Sounds fun. Ya keep another finger. Where's yer base?"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"Base?" He looks genuinely confused.

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir begins to prepare himself, depending on what follows next. He hopes the other warlock's nervousness plays in well.

Male Human Barbarian 7

"Yeah, y'know..." Irawaru says as he holds one of the man's fingers, "Where'd ya hide out?"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"H-hide?" He squeals as Irawaru starts to apply pressure. "M-my house! Yelter Way!"

For those who know the town, Yelter Way is a street in a neighborhood mostly populated by small shops; nothing terribly unusual.

Male Human Barbarian 7

"Now that was right easy." Irawaru says as he lets go, "Which one's yer house?"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

"Third down from Alnut."

"On the left! On the left!"

Male Human Barbarian 7

Irawaru smiles, stands up, and leaves the cell.

"Let's go." he says to Elohir.

As he passes Hasnett, he smirks and says simply, "Big lizard."

Male Half-Elf Warlock 7

Elohir raises his eyebrows slightly and looks at Hasnett.

"What do you think?"

female half elf cleric/ranger 7


Hasnett shrugs and picks up her stone.

"Hoku - we're following Irawaru."

"Thanks Brother Hilam. Please continue to take care of the prisoner. I'd hate anything to happen to him."

Male Human Barbarian 7

Can you smell what Irawaru is cooking?

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