only at work for another 4 and a half hours. then off to Lazerfest 2009
It's nice, I've had my tickets since late March for this thing.
Bands I am looking forward to seeing are Buckcherry, Saliva, (local boy) Corey Taylor's other side band forget name right now, and of course the headliner Korn.
I went to bed 6 hours ago and now I'm up. I should learn to quit staying up so late, but a certain lamia had to die! But the wifes cleric got killed, so I think I should probably fix her breakfast in bed.
"The next person to say: thats what she said, is going to die a slow, painful death!"
~A button.
"Never challenge the giant, he's bigger than you and you are squishy."
~An old cartoon.
KaeYoss wrote: Anyone else ordered their PFRPG poster?
I did get to apply my launch discount after all. The "no subscription, no preorder" pretty much crunched it for everything else.
Yes. I've been wanting a PAIZO poster for some time. The phrase 3.5 Thrives! as you know is central to my belifs.
"You are so not getting laid until Alahk is raised!!"
~My wife last night after her clerics death from 2 critical hits in one round.
"When the going gets tough, the not so tough scream like little girls and run like hell!"
~A poster.
By the gods, this would ruin the RP threads. PLEASE NO!
Kobold Cleaver wrote: By the gods, this would ruin the RP threads. PLEASE NO! Never fear. Won't happen.
But you can contribute to our everything-but-silent protest!
Kobold Cleaver wrote: By the gods, this would ruin the RP threads. PLEASE NO! By the way - you like half-elf clerics? I happen to know one who has the hots for kobolds.
KaeYoss wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: By the gods, this would ruin the RP threads. PLEASE NO! By the way - you like half-elf clerics? I happen to know one who has the hots for kobolds. Awe now daddy that ain't nice.
Moorluck wrote: I'm You're what? What? I'm dying to know!
I notice that one of the policies includes not stalking others. I don't get how one can stalk another on the boards.
taig wrote: I don't get how one can stalk another on the boards. Now ask yourself if you really want someone from these boards to demonstrate that.....
Aberzombie wrote: taig wrote: I don't get how one can stalk another on the boards. Now ask yourself if you really want someone from these boards to demonstrate that..... Well, heck no, but I just can't imagine it.
taig wrote: Moorluck wrote: I'm You're what? What? I'm dying to know! Having
Pony Stalker wrote: Where's my pony? He's running in the Belmont Stakes next week.
do to be number 1 on the next page?!
Oh, nevermind.
Pony Stalker wrote: Where's my pony? I ate it... sorry.