The Slaad Thread

Off-Topic Discussions

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To be truly random and chaotic today, I will not post this post in this thread.

Blue fireflys cavorting unto brobdingnagian chocolates illuminate my cocktail.

Cheese Wiz!!!

If you insist...

*wizzes on the cheese*

Who would like some k3WL R4nCH 399s?

Is the ranch flavoring made with actual cowboys?


The trouble with the ranch is that Timmy is in the well.

Is the well full of creamy slaad dretchings?


A Timmy in the well is worth two in the bush.

Does not compute!

Waste makes haste. For time is fleeting. NSFW language. NSFEyes video quality. NSFBrain movie.

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Is the well full of creamy slaad dretchings?

Someone called?

I still hoping to have one more shot at a family picnic before the weather turns bad.


There was a debate of these so-called would-be "rulers of men" last night. Who won? By which I mean, who was egged?

Neither of them were chaotic enough. There should have been more mayhem and dismemberment.

I liked when they didn't follow the moderator's rules though. That was pretty cool.

Oh well. Let the good times roll.., Chaotic-Lee.

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Neither of them were chaotic enough. There should have been more mayhem and dismemberment.

There haven't been any good rulers since the Middle Ages, nnnooooo.

There were, however, tons of awesome ones in the old ages.

Why do I care about rulers of so called "men"? They sound boring to me. They probably wouldn't make for good incubators either.

MinstrelintheGallery wrote:

There were, however, tons of awesome ones in the old ages.

Never trust a Slaad and time travel. You'll never know what or when you'll get.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a spacetime object-replacement portal and a stockpile of rubber piggies for just such eventuality. Because I believe that complete moronity is a small price to pay for Chaos!

Macaroni Slaad wrote:
Why do I care about rulers of so called "men"? They sound boring to me. They probably wouldn't make for good incubators either.

They could get pretty entertaining back in the day. I'm hoping for a resurgence. Imagine the anarchy!





Mmmmm... Despair.

Mmmmm... Riverdance.

No thank you, I already ate, yeeesssss.

*dances a jig*

Aye me laddie, be careful not to trip on the wee folk or ye may be in for a bit of bad luck.

*continues dancing*



Reduce, reuse, reanimate!

All Your Beer All Belong To Slaadi

Beer Bongs for Chaos. My new slaadi motto.


Radish toga skeletal friction.

Sounds kinky.

That's what the muffins jumped across.

With the price of the Wurble it no wonder that the Borin is what it is.

Borin is so exciting!

All sinks must be cleansed with comet, But I used vomit instead. Nothin' says Slaad lovin' like 5 or 6 gallons of stomach acid.

Except maybe artificial vanilla guides.

How do you get the vomit? By eating Comet?

Silly Slaad, I look at the sign of an arrow pointing up.

{sings (badly):} Cellophane slaadi of blue and green
Hovering over your bed
Look for the møøse with the mustard in her eyes
And she's gone
Vomit in the sky with comets...

That is ~bzzzzt~ my favo~bzzt~rite non-Euclidean version of the song. Beep!

Sunshine and limbs!

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