[Spes Magna] Have a Medieval Holiday

Product Discussion


What with all the drama in my life recently, I need to spark some enthusiasm for things not health and work related around here. What better way to do that than help others celebrate the upcoming holidays?

Here's what I want to do: The first, say, 50 people who post a response to this thread and shoot me an email (mark at spesmagna dot com) will get a free copy of A Medieval Holiday. Insert obligatory sales text here:

Have you ever wanted to host an authentic medieval banquet? Have you ever wanted to qualify for a prestige class whose class features include Gourmand and Chug! Chug!? Well, then, A Medieval Holiday is the PDF for you. In this PDF's 17 printer-friendly pages, you'll find useful, amusing content, such as:

* The real, true history of the first Thanksgiving celebrated by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
* Advice, tips, and suggestions (yes, all three!) about how to transform your modern abode into a medieval feasting hall
* Instructions about proper medieval feasting hall etiquette
* Funny and informative footnotes
* Gourmastic menu suggestions, including recipes of historic tastiness
* A new prestige class, the trencherman

Sound off, folks! Sound off! :)

Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

Grand Lodge

Greetings and Salutations hope things start going better for you.

Grand Lodge

Have a great Holiday season!

Thanks and I hope you are feeling better.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Four out of 50 PDFs sent! Huzzah!

Mine's fifth. Best wishes, get well.

Liberty's Edge

Happy Thanksgiving!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Holidayus, celebrate!

Shadow Lodge

Looks interesting

Happy Thanksgiving!

I figured 50 people would have snapped this up by now.

Thanks. I hope things get better for you soon.

More free PDFs sent! Let's keep those requests coming. There're still plenty of the 50 left to go. :)

Hope you get better soon.

Liberty's Edge

Happy Holidays to you, your family, and everyone else who visits this thread!

Liberty's Edge

Looks like you're having trouble giving something away... I'll take one please. Happy holidays.

Man, that is a scary picture in the linked blog post. I hope things are gong better for you now.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Neat! I actually own a medieval cookbook and want to do some recipes out of it some day.

Well sign me up. I don't believe this was covered in Lords of Men. ;)


More A Medieval Holiday PDFs given away. I hope I don't run out. :)

Sent an e-mail as well - get better soon and a great display of holiday spirit!

So, folks who received A Medieval Holiday: What did you think? Praises? Criticisms? Anyone willing to post a review? :)

I loved the PrC. I'll use it for a PC in my next campaign! Thank you!

And once again, I'm late to the party..lol
This is becoming my calling card, always showing up right at the end of the festivities.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
KTFish7 wrote:

And once again, I'm late to the party..lol

This is becoming my calling card, always showing up right at the end of the festivities.

Don't fret! I'm Catholic, so I celebrate Christmas all the way through the first week of January. :)

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