Return To Delmvar's Spire (Beta PBP)

Gamer Connection

Greetings all,

This is my first stab at PbP so I'm looking for some dedicated players to say the least... this is an adventure with the possibility to become a campaign.

Looking for 3-5 1st level Pathfinder characters to head to the village of Cirucroft, a small farming community on the Nayrwinn River. There is word of an evil wizard nearby who has been causing a blight AND a drought, which has destroyed much of the crops. Brave adventurers are needed to confront this wizard at his home, which is sequestered beyond a thick patch of brush that strange creatures are said to hide out in!

Basically, make me some characters from the Beta. I want non-evil, basic races/classes only (and we will only be using material in the Beta book)

with this array, arranged as needed: 17,16,15,13,12,11. You can have all the gear you want as standard for your class (choose one melee/one ranged weapon, some armour and related gear) without calculating how much it costs.. So long as you can justify why you have it without reaching too far, it's all good.

HP we're gonna borrow one HD till we hit 2nd (so a first level fighter with a con of 14 will have 24 hp for 1st and 2nd level)

I encourage anyone interested to make intertwining backstories with other players as to why you're traveling together. A good character history is encouraged and rewarded but not necessary.

feel free to post any questions :D

Dark Archive

I'm interested. Is there more info available regarding the setting?

Hi Justin,

Actually I was just making it a homebrew setting... standard magic/technology level as per DMG... was thinking of using a no-deities world, but that presents problems when the different races interact.

ANYWAY the setting is going to be generic fantasy to begin with, and I'm fleshing it out newly as we go. You're free to invent a homeland if you don't feel that your character has come from the lands surrounding Cirucroft.. it is somewhat in the middle of a large expanse of plainsland, in the northern part of the Kingdom of Lexim. Lexim is generally populated by humans, but the Mirror City of Lexim sees many travelers, and acts as a gateway to the Northland.

Any suggestions or concerns or if you need help filling out a backstory with places/names, etc.. I'm here :D

*waves hands* Oooo-Oooo! Pick me! Pick me! XD

I'm in, I'll just have't t' think o' somat fer a character t' be bein' is all.

Lookin' foward t' bein' a part o' th' fun. :)



I'd be interested. Looking to put together a fighter.

Again, I would encourage you to work together. As I've never done this before, feel free to submit any character info in whatever format you like.

I'll be your Huckleberry...

Count me as Number 4.

I'll go ahead and make a wizard.

I'll be a half-orc twf ranger.

Amira Starbrow wrote:

I'll be your Huckleberry...

Count me as Number 4.

I'll go ahead and make a wizard.

extra points <3 val

Araciel wrote:
You can have all the gear you want as standard for your class (choose one melee/one ranged weapon, some armour and related gear) without calculating how much it costs.. So long as you can justify why you have it without reaching too far, it's all good.

Expand upon this please.

You know what, now's as good a time as any to try out a divine caster for once. I'm in, if you have room.

I'll put together a human fighter and have him finalized about this time tomorrow.

I'll work on the background once everyone is in and the setting takes shape

Well, here's what I have so far. Just your standard cleric that adventures out of a sense of noblesse oblige.

Just checking, we are using the Pathfinder gods, right?

Here's Amira so far, now I did take the Shall not pass feat that Jason added later... I'll post it so you can review it. With the Long Spear I want to be able to protect myself by preventing opponents from reaching me...or by setting the spear, impale them...

Shall Not Pass (Combat)
You can stop foes that try to move past you.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: Whenever an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, a successful hit causes them to stop moving for the rest of their turn. Enemies can still take the rest of their action, but cannot move.

Since I don't have expensive armor/weapons to buy (especially since my weapon is my arcane bond.) Can I take like 4 scrolls I made with scribe scroll?

Holg Farcull wrote:
Araciel wrote:
You can have all the gear you want as standard for your class (choose one melee/one ranged weapon, some armour and related gear) without calculating how much it costs.. So long as you can justify why you have it without reaching too far, it's all good.
Expand upon this please.

I mean to say that anything within reason is okay... I had originally meant to do this to save my players time, but it seems I have just wasted some... anyway

Take any armour, shield, weapons (maximum of five I'd say, as a ranger would likely want at least three) and equipment you like...nothing masterwork or specially made, nothing super expensive.. let's say GP limit 120... no mounts for carrying a truckload of stuff.

Ferdinand Salatic wrote:

Well, here's what I have so far. Just your standard cleric that adventures out of a sense of noblesse oblige.

Just checking, we are using the Pathfinder gods, right?

This was up in the air.. I think I should ask a consensus... do we want Pathfinder Deities or do we want a world with none.. just divine casters who draw their power from their faith in primal forces of good, evil, magic, nature, etc..?

Amira Starbrow wrote:

Here's Amira so far, now I did take the Shall not pass feat that Jason added later... I'll post it so you can review it. With the Long Spear I want to be able to protect myself by preventing opponents from reaching me...or by setting the spear, impale them...

Shall Not Pass (Combat)
You can stop foes that try to move past you.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: Whenever an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, a successful hit causes them to stop moving for the rest of their turn. Enemies can still take the rest of their action, but cannot move.

Since I don't have expensive armor/weapons to buy (especially since my weapon is my arcane bond.) Can I take like 4 scrolls I made with scribe scroll?

Yeah the feat is okay, and yeah you can have your scrolls.

am i too late to join?
I would like to play a human paladin, if that would fit in with your game
or i could play a rogue

Full up? If so I understand, but I'd love to hop in if you've got room. Sounds like a fun setup.

I don't particularly care on the gods issue, Golarion has great gods, but deities in general help make a world...just as an observation...

I *think* I've got him fleshed out aside from a complete equipment list.

Amira, I like your format and borrowed from it a bit. Hope you don't mind.

I think Golarian gods would help flesh out your world, but if you want to keep it all homebrew it's cool w/ me.


feel free...I try to make it easy to use and see...

and for the DM to see where the numbers all come from.

Alright, I should be done other than background.

Okay let's use the Pathfinder Deities... I shall familiarize myself with them in the interim.

To those who still are interested: We have four people who are pretty much done... I don't see a problem squeezing both of you in if you can get me some characters soon.

So we have a Fighter, Ranger, Wizard and a Cleric... pretty good balance there so far :D

Hi, yes I'm still interested. Shall create a Bard. Send details too...?


great thanks!
my character is called Galen Stormwalker, Paladin of Iomedae
anybody want to be his half brother or sister? or cousin or something like that (he is a half elf he could have been left at your parents dooorstep or something if you like)
my idea is that Galen had a vision, in which he was told to come and help the village, you could have been dragged along too

Araciel, please check out his details and tell me if they are ok

Hee hee! I figured out whut every wun wus talkin' about. XD

I'm just not sure whut a CMB actually is. ^^'

Please check me out t' see if'n I'm a suitable candidate.


Scarab Sages

Sunset wrote:

Hee hee! I figured out whut every wun wus talkin' about. XD

I'm just not sure whut a CMB actually is. ^^'

Please check me out t' see if'n I'm a suitable candidate.


CMB is Combat Maneuver Bonus.

take BAB, then Add STR+SIZE MOD (0 for medium, -1 for small).

If you choose the agile maneuvers feat, you use dex instead of str for CMB.

Thank'e kindly fer that. Updated th' CMB entry.

I don't got one. :(

Ah well, knew there wus a reason fer thet feat "Agile Maneuver". Not sure if'n "Mage Armor", th' spell, can be worn with everything else, either.

Ah well, lets hope I c'n hang back an' shoot things, hey? ^^


mage armor and leather armor don't stack, you'd be better off with some other spells most likely..

YUou have a +2 CMB... [BAB0+2STR+0SIZE]

Hey everyone,

I noticed we added a Bard and Paladin. Welcome! I was wondering if I should switch over to a rogue to give us a little diversity and open up some room in the melee section? Trap finding + lock picking = good!

I was thinking of a mis-understood rascal more than a back-stabbing pick-pocket.

Let me know your thoughts.

Sounds like a good idea...

I went ahead and made the switch with the DM's OK. I can easily switch back.

Araciel, I added a brief background. Let me know how that fits, any changes, etc. I can expand as I learn more about the environs.

Talk to you soon!

I think I'm done Ara. Let me know if you want/need anything more.

Heh, ^^;, thank'e fer that agin. I c'n see I'm gonna need a helpin' hand tweakin' and sortin' somethings.

Seems th' Bard's trainin' has they're own spell lists t' boot. Went an' picked from th' right ones this time. ^^;

So, pendin' reviews, I think I'm good t' go. ^^

Hello an' welcome one an' all fellow travelers/adventurers. :)

Sunset it would seem that you are missing a +1 to your will save due to a 12 Wisdom, as well as I'm interested as to how you've spent your skill points, you should have started with 36 (6 bard+2 INTx4 1st level) but I don't see that you've used them all. My the main concern there is that you would need the perform skill.. not only for super role-playing opportunities, but for your bardic abilities as well.
Other than that, it looks good. If you require assistance with skills, don't hesitate to ask.

Holg looks good... a little scary sounding but good heheh 5'1 with a STR of 19!!! Good job on the background...just vague enough for me to mess with ;)

Roland Kane seems to have shifted gears quite easily and I'm sure he'll be right at home in a dungeon or two..

Amira's character sheet is pretty well-formatted and written! (no other comments :P)

Galen looks pretty good so far, but you should only have 22 HP by my count (d10+1 con x 2)

I think Ferdinand will be a fine addition to the crew..

With that I shall begin the thread and place the link here when it is up. *goes*

We can decide that you've been acquainted around a tavern table for the sake of expedience and decided to head to Cirucroft together, as you know bandits and the like are sometimes common in the summer on these less-traveled trade roads. The trip is a mere three days' walk from the Mirror City, where we'll assume you all ended up at some point while seeking your fortunes.

"So this is what a tavern looks like. Somehow I was expecting more. Still, if I'm going to find out about the bandits, I shall have to look here. I still can't understand how any self-respecting barkeep can call this an ale, though."

I'm fine with us all meeting in a tavern. After all, it's common for a reason.

This way to adventure!

Pathfinder doesn't give x4 skill points, is Sunset using 3.5 to create then just adding CMB?

Ahahah my mistake... still shifting the old rusted gears in my head!

Um, DM Sir/Ma'am? I done have a Wis o' 12? O.o *Is confuzzled*

I wus tryin' t' edit me post there an' went an' hit th' wrong button, sorry fer th' double post an' all. ^^;

Heh, yeah, lookin' back through me notes, I plumb fergot t' mention th' perform skill. ^^; See about th' Wis stat not bein' 12? XD

Am I doin' it worng? ^^;

>:( Dang new system t' be learnin'!

No no, I'M doing it wrong... Your character is fine as is. In my attempt to be a good, detail-oriented DM I seem to have made some mistakes :D

No problem Ariciel, I'm a relatively new PbP DM, and we're all new to Pathfinder (well within the last year or so...I did start with the Alpha)

I have a TT group, but I really like the actual role-playing I encounter in PbPs. It seems that given a few minutes to think about a character, it's easier to be "In Character"

BTW, I just added my equipment, have a looksee

Also, Amira is a neophyte member of the Ancient Order of Magi, hope that somehow fits into your world concept. She also attended the Acadamae Arcane in a place called Blackcliff.

She's neutral now, and it truly interested in gaining power in her order, but not through the direct suffering of others.

Yes it would seem I get a bit more flowery in the language I use to describe scenes, which is a plus in my mind.

Also any background you've chosen is great and I can do some work behind the scenes to incorporate it. Everything looks good thus far!

And in case anyone needs this link as well, it leads to the OOC chat... so head there from now on I suppose :D

The Bountiful Barrel

Araciel wrote:

Sunset it would seem that you are missing a +1 to your will save due to a 12 Wisdom, as well as I'm interested as to how you've spent your skill points, you should have started with 36 (6 bard+2 INTx4 1st level) but I don't see that you've used them all. My the main concern there is that you would need the perform skill.. not only for super role-playing opportunities, but for your bardic abilities as well.

Other than that, it looks good. If you require assistance with skills, don't hesitate to ask.

Holg looks good... a little scary sounding but good heheh 5'1 with a STR of 19!!! Good job on the background...just vague enough for me to mess with ;)

Roland Kane seems to have shifted gears quite easily and I'm sure he'll be right at home in a dungeon or two..

Amira's character sheet is pretty well-formatted and written! (no other comments :P)

Galen looks pretty good so far, but you should only have 22 HP by my count (d10+1 con x 2)

I think Ferdinand will be a fine addition to the crew..

With that I shall begin the thread and place the link here when it is up. *goes*

sorry! i forgot to metnion that i get an extra hp per level because paladin is my favoured class


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