I prefer to use the "Darth Vader" model for the Big Bad Guy. He isn't getting away from the PC's. They're trying to get away from him! Now, he's generally too busy to worry about the PCs (much). But their day will come. In the mean time, there's a little bad guy for the PCs to dispatch / keep busy with. But, they should act fast, before before the boss returns. . . . Hope that gives you some ideas.
Although he's a Halfling it's a very small mini and could become a gnome gninja with very little work. Hope that helps . . .
A mortal BBEG who was conspiring to attain “unlimited wealth” has become controlled by another mortal who will take over the plans and gain the unlimited wealth for himself. Perhaps a more powerful being (devil, demigod or demon) noticed the BBEG and was waiting until the time was ripe to take control and gain world power. And your enchanter stepped in and ruined everything! Well, if the Bigger BBEG could control one mortal, why not another . . . Just a thought . . .
Very cool system! We've just started the Campaign and my players are in a "pre-module" to get a feel for the way I GM. I've implemented Sanity rules already (1 character was brought to zero hit points, another looted an idol of a god from the dark tapestry.) My game plan is to not tell the players about the sanity system for 2 reasons: I don't want it to be a series of rolling dice to see if they "pass" or "fail", and do people really know their grip on sanity is slipping? I'll keep you posted. Thanks Again!
I’m running a pre-quest as well. I’ve had the time table in mind for a while, which makes the integration a little easier . . . The PCs are on a quest from the Professor to find a mysterious book (if you know Carrion Hill, you know the book.) I’ve led them to believe that the Professor will accompany them through the AP and provide guidance and firepower if necessary. The PCs have discovered that the book has been taken by a mysterious group, and a coded message was left behind. They rightly concluded that the Professor can unlock the code. When they go to meet Petros to give him the news they’ll discover (hopefully to their horror!) that he’s been killed in an “accident.” Coincidence? I think not! I'm sure I can impress the importance of saving Ravengro and keeping them on the AP until I want them to go to Carrion Hill. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. Or not. Another option could be to add “Go to Carrion Hill and . . . “ to the Professor’s instructions or journal. Hope the helps.
Great thread! I am consistently impressed by the quality of the posts by the Community and the participation of the designers. I'm going to start this AP soon and I have to admit that the Haunts are causing me some trouble. I probably need to read the rules and this thread a little more closely. In the meantime, my plan to run the Haunted Foyer is something like this: Surreptitiously clear a space on the game table so I can slam the Core Rulebook down when the haunt is activated. Once everyone has a chance to recover, we can discuss the Paladin’s immunity to Fear. I want the game to be a Horror Movie Experience. If I reduce the game to dice rolls, I’m going to lose that. Just my 2 cp.
Hi All, The AP lets you decide the time of year your adventure starts: “The date at the end of the will is left blank so you can synchronize this handout with your campaign’s timeline. See Chapter 4 of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide for details on time and dates on Golarion.” Let the ebb and flow of your game decide things like weather and climate. If it needs to snow in August, err, Arodus, then you better believe it will! Remember:
Shriekback . . .
Hello All,
If, on the other hand, they are right where they should be and anxious to get on with the AP, well, the Old Mountain Road might be an expressway. It might go through the towns, skirt them, or completely avoid them. Less detail allows me to create an environment that suits our group. It also allows me to make changes as I need them. At least, that’s my take on it.
Hey Krom, Sounds like a good hook and some good advice so far. What if your players didn't have to uncover the Secret Page right away to advance the plot? For example, they Comprehend Languages and after studying the scroll they realize it contains a coded message. Comprehend Languages might translate "John has a long mustache" but wouldn't tell the reader that D-Day is coming. So they need to find someone who knows the code. This leads them to the sage they must trust, etc. Adventure over? Not so fast . . . Only after researching the coded message do they learn of the Secret Page. Hope this helps!
But you need to keep in mind, that if Professor John Adams is correct (After the first quote box) you're paying for people who wear seat belts as much as, or more so, than those who don't. Seeing as if the number of injuries and fatalities remain relatively static even with mandatory seat belt use, then you should see more injuries and fatalities with seat belts than without. Of course, I am assuming that seat belt use increases with mandatory laws, and not decreases (which would be just as good a reason to remove the law anyway). Let's see if I understand what you're saying: Seatbelts don't prevent accidents. Seatbelts laws mean more people wear seatbelts. So, with the same number of accidents occurring, the number of people injured wearing seatbelts has increased. We should repeal the law so we don't have to pay the increased cost for the people who were injured while wearing seatbelts. It's true, you are just looking to argue.
Check out hospital emergency rooms that treat people on the State's dime and you'll see why they (the State) adopt seat belt laws. As a first responder for more than 10 years I can tell you that seeing the carnage that's left behind in auto accidents doesn't make you wear a seat belt. It's watching people walk away from vehicles that were torn apart on impact that make you realize that seat belts save lives.
I'd be up for playing in a Dark Heresy game. I have a couple of the books. I'm not sure what pbm means, however. If you haven't read any of the Inquisitor books from the black library, Eisenhorn would be a good place to start. 3+ stories rolled into one low-budget book. . .
Because I don't have access to the complete description of earthglide some questions come to mind: How far through solid stone can a player "see" while earthgliding?
Could the lead PC step through stone into the open space they were able to "sense" and discover that the space is a massive underground canyon? New mission: Recover corpse for ressurection! Just a few quick thoughts. SB
This is how I *think* my DM handles it (I don't know because he likes to keep his secrets . . . .) Throughout the game he'll ask everyone for d20 rolls, then he writes them down. As we progress he might say "You know from your experience in (profession, class, race, etc) that (imparts clue, knowledge, etc.) This keeps us from knowing that the module has cued him for a knowledge check. He uses the rolls for spot checks, listen checks, etc. Of course, if one of us asks for the check, he'll ask for the roll . . .
houstonderek wrote:
That would be a blessing given those stats. I haven't seen my first edition books since my mom packed them for the move back in '83 or '84.
I think you have to look at it differently. The characters aren't opposing the bull rush, the enemy is opposing their attempt to pass. Think off it as a goal-line stand in football: One player is helping the ball carrier over the line, the defense is trying to stop him. There's an opposition check and the “good guys” might get a bonus from the monk’s assistance. Hope that helps and keep rolling those dice! |