mearrin69 |

Add my vote to the "WotC is Lame" column. This is just poor customer service (yes, we're still their customers even though we bought through Paizo) and doesn't do anything at all to make me reconsider my decision not to participate in that company's own electronic product offerings. I didn't really have a lot of faith in them anyway...now I have absolutely none.
This is pretty poorly considered, no matter what the reasoning.

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I'm surprised that WOTC a) is able to stop stores from allowing already purchased PDFs from being downloaded, and b) that they're actually doing so. This seems certain to stop anyone from ever buying a WOTC pdf in any format that they're available ever again, for fear that they'll pull the rug out from under customers again.

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Joel's got the right of it. I'm not a 4e guy, but I still picked up a lot of old edition stuff in PDF (hey, get the Rules Cyclopedia while you can. It rocks). Now, my last reason for interaction with WotC is gone. If their PDFs do go back online, I wouldn't trust them not to do it again with the whole no-notice thing. They don't have my custom, and they don't have my trust.

Pat Payne |

Joel's got the right of it. I'm not a 4e guy, but I still picked up a lot of old edition stuff in PDF (hey, get the Rules Cyclopedia while you can. It rocks). Now, my last reason for interaction with WotC is gone. If their PDFs do go back online, I wouldn't trust them not to do it again with the whole no-notice thing. They don't have my custom, and they don't have my trust.
I agree wholeheartedly, ZacharyTheFirst (by the way is that King Zachary? Duke Zachary? Emperor Zachary? Inquiring minds, you know...). I am now through with Wizards of the Coast. I shake their dust from my feet, wash my hands of them, and deny them water and fire. As far as I'm concerned they could just as well have hired back Lorraine Williams secretly. My money will no longer go to WotC, instead, it's going to Paizo (can't really use the Pathfinder system as I'm long since disenchanted with feats and skills, but I love the writing and imagination), to Troll Lord Games (home of my FRPG of choice, Castles and Crusades), to Pied Piper Publishing (Rob Kuntz's company) and to anyone else I choose -- just not WotC.

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I believe this means that there is no longer any way that anybody can buy any Greyhawk material, or pre-cataclysm Realms material, except through second-hand book stores and the legacy shelves of game stores.
In two days, if somebody new to the hobby wants to find out what this "Greyhawk" stuff was, they really have no recourse.

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And people scoffed when I said I'd never spend a penny on WotC stuff once 4E came out. I'd only buy 3.5 and that's what I've done.
4E is lousy anyway, so WotC will reap what it's sowing. Even the munchkins who got all stoked about it and who haven't learned yet will... eventually. Public education ain't what it once was.
Why don't they just go ahead and halt all third-party sales of everything if they're so hell-bent on making money? Why not allow purchase of their crap, er, new game and elctronic crap, er, stuff, from only their site at whatever price they want to dictate?
Oh, sorry. Did I give them another stupid idea?
E.G.G., you are so missed...

DaveMage |

I believe this means that there is no longer any way that anybody can buy any Greyhawk material, or pre-cataclysm Realms material, except through second-hand book stores and the legacy shelves of game stores.
In two days, if somebody new to the hobby wants to find out what this "Greyhawk" stuff was, they really have no recourse.
Maybe the older stuff was popular and they thought it was affecting the sales of the new stuff....

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Reggie wrote:So much for finishing off my old 1e & Basic D&D collections.
Frustration is just not a big enough word to describe my...frustration.
I know some words...
But Vic Wertz won't let me type them :P
Oh, you can TYPE them... they may not look the same when you're done, but you can type them.

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Those PDFs will remain since they are ours to sell under a different agreement.
Well, that is a kernel of good news in an otherwise disappointing development.
While I am here, I want to say thanks to Paizo for the e-mail regarding this issue. I would not have know if not for the e-mail from the Paizo customer service team. So, thanks for the timely note, you guys are great. I shall be busy "stocking up" this evening at the Paizo store.
Happy gaming,
Don Brown (Greyson)
Stansbury Park, Utah

Goldenfrog |

I do play 4E as well as many other rpg's. Several of my friends have been pointing out how WOTC and 4E do not deserve my play time and $ for a while now but I have defended both.
With this move I just don't see how I can do that anymore. I am not at home this week. I have many pdf's that I bought here for about every edition of D&D. Many I have downloaded and played but because I knew that if I ever needed them again I could just download them I did not (take care of them)like I should have. I have no clue what is still downloaded on my computer at home.I know a few of them have never been saved.
So this move (to my mind)steals adventures and books I payed for right out from under me.
This is just the last straw. I'll pack my books away and move on to another game and company for my rpg needs.There are just too many other good games and companies out there to stay with one that treats paying fans this way.

Kruelaid |

Do they're doing this because people are snarfing their pdfs via torrents and ed2k?
Let's see, if they cut off channels through which people can get their pdfs, what will people do?
And for that matter, the thingies that are really trading on bittorrent are their current rulebooks and magazines. So maybe they should cancel everything....!!! Right?
Really, first they go INTO the pdf only business, then they do something like this? It reminds me of my grandfather's driving when he was 88.

Gnome-Eater |

Several years after the recording and movie industries finally realized that the war against file sharing is futile, WotC suddenly discovers the existence of Torrents/eMule, likely as part of their Digitial Initiative (tm).
As part of leveraging their core competencies, WotC goes with the "late 90s" method of fighting against "piracy", namely "panic, pull PDFs from teh interwebs, fill lawsuits".
The lawsuit in Poland is going to be a fun - courts here usually don't even bother unless the person in question made a living from selling "pirated" works. Ah, the joys of the statutory legal system :)
Ha! I thought the same. I feel as if this is one of those situations that went something like this:
WotC Peon 1: "Sir, the 3rd quarter sale reports are in for March. You... uh... might want to look at this..."
WotC Lord: "What?! Why are these sales so low!"
WotC Sane Peon 2: "Uh... maybe it.. uh... has to do with the global economic crisis? Maybe the rise of MMOs and console gaming? Maybe because we are posturing to compete with them? Because we've driven 3rd party companies away? Because we have tenuous 'online suppot'?"
WotC Lord: "FOOL! That is all nonsense!"
WotC Peon 1:"Uh... perhaps... perhaps... the internet is responsible? I... I mean, internet piracy. I read somewhere... uh... sometime... uh in the 90's... where it's becoming a problem."
WotC Lord: "Let me see here... pirate ba--ok. Number one--ok. 4000 seeds! Who knows how many sales were lost to this! Quickly, terminate the sales of every one of our products in pdf form, that should easily solve our low sales!"

Lanfranc |

Do they're doing this because people are snarfing their pdfs via torrents and ed2k?
Let's see, if they cut off channels through which people can get their pdfs, what will people do?
And for that matter, the thingies that are really trading on bittorrent are their current rulebooks and magazines. So maybe they should cancel everything....!!! Right?
Really, first they go INTO the pdf only business, then they do something like this? It reminds me of my grandfather's driving when he was 88.
Exactly, and while doing all that, they should of course completely ignore the comparable experience of the music industry, which is only now beginning to realize that draconian anti-piracy measures like this are completely worthless.

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Reminds me of the Securom debacle Electronic Arts kept dragging out. Crap like this does NOTHING to stop piracy. It ONLY punishes legit, paying customers.
Just had to rush to buy up the last of the Planescape supplements I don't have. I just hope I can make it home in time to download them all tomorrow, and that Paizo's servers can hold out against the storm(God bless you guys keeping those babies running).
I really enjoyed being able to take my time and pick up old D&D material that I had no way of getting back in the day. Old Ravenloft and Dark Sun stuff. And fringe stuff that I never did get to check out. Birthright. Hell, Jakandor. It was great, and actually affordable. OH WELL.
For all the guys that find out too late and are unable to get your stuff before it's gone, remember, don't blame Paizo/RPGNow/DriveThruRPG/whatever. They're not the ones that pulled the trigger.
Man I'm raging so hard right now.

pming |

Lifted from Enworld written by WotC_Trevor
Hey all. I wanted to step in and add shine a mote of light on the subject. First off, this cesation of PDF sales has absolutely nothing to do with the Internet Sales Policy. I know it's the 6th of April and I can definitely see how the two would appear linked, but the truth is, this is a completely seperate matter.
Unfortunately, the truth is that due to recent findings of illegal copying and online distribution (piracy) of our products, Wizards of the Coast has decided to cease the sales of online PDFs. We are exploring other options for digitial distribution of our content and as soon as we have any more information I'll get it to you.
Well, hell, it worked so well for prohibition, how can it possibly not work with PDF's?
Paul L. Ming

Kruelaid |

Kevin Mack wrote:Lifted from Enworld written by WotC_Trevor
Hey all. I wanted to step in and add shine a mote of light on the subject. First off, this cesation of PDF sales has absolutely nothing to do with the Internet Sales Policy. I know it's the 6th of April and I can definitely see how the two would appear linked, but the truth is, this is a completely seperate matter.
Unfortunately, the truth is that due to recent findings of illegal copying and online distribution (piracy) of our products, Wizards of the Coast has decided to cease the sales of online PDFs. We are exploring other options for digitial distribution of our content and as soon as we have any more information I'll get it to you.
Well, hell, it worked so well for prohibition, how can it possibly not work with PDF's?
Paul L. Ming
I like how they say "due to recent findings"....
Man, where have they been the last ten years?

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houstonderek wrote:You can't buy any more, but you can download until noon Paizo time.Kruelaid wrote:Well you have 8 hours to get home and download it...
No, you're sixteen minutes late. Midnight PDT.
Ah, ok, I thought the DLing and the buying were tied together. My bad. Apologies to kruelaid.

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I'm in Australia and we live in the future, so I didn't get the notification until too late. I can only hope there'll be some option emerging in the near future where they will make the PDFs available again. I've been saving for the Planescape and Dark Sun PDFs.
If there's not, surely that's only going to drive legitimate customers towards illegal sources?
No ill will to Paizo at all, but the nerd-rage is pretty compelling towards Wizards.
As they say on the WOW forums... 'It's a slap in the face!'.

Zaister |
Add: To bring Amazon back into it, if I was a 4e customer, would this move really force me into my FLGS more often by getting me off pdfs through online stores and onto the paper copies? Probably not--I'd just do more business with Amazon, and I bet that would be true of a lot of customers.
It looks like their new Internet Sales Policy will shut out Amazon, won't it?

Dragonchess Player |

Yet another ham-handed decision on the part of WotC (more probably Hasbro, IMO; this sounds too much like a "corporate HQ" bright idea). I wonder if this is just another way to try and sell their DI (Dungeon, Dragon, virtual tabletops, and now online access to classic TSR material)? My intuition tells me that this has more to do with poor subscriber numbers for the DI than loss of 4e sales...
Luckily for me, I already have pretty much everything I want of the old TSR/WotC stuff in either hardcopy or PDF (mostly hardcopy), since it's now too late to buy any more PDFs.