Mothman's Howl of the Carrion King


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F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1
DM Mothman wrote:

Those of you moving into the room to engage the pugwampis in melee (seems like Sefu and Farasha at this stage), please make Reflex saves (roll twice and take the lowest) as you traverse the jagged bits of broken pottery and glass on the floor.

DC 12 Reflex save, if you fail take 1d3 points of damage, either from treading on something sharp or rolling your ankle on the uneven ground.

1d20+2=5, 1d20+2=7 OWW

Farasha's foot sends her a stabbing pain

Dam: 1d3=2

F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1

Will saves: 1d20+5=15, 1d20+5=11

Farasha, you suffer no ill effects as result of the Will save. You may also take an AOO on the fleeing gremlin if you want.

F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1


1d20+4=12, 1d6+2=7, 1d20+4=17, 1d6+2=6

Farasha grimaces and attempts to hack at the pugwampi

"May The Queen of Monsters gnaw at your cankerous soul for all eternity wretch!"

It is almost like a comedy of errors as the nimble little dog-faced sprite scampers away across the bench-top as his three attackers – caught in the aura of bad luck – stumble over each other, fumble weapons and generally succumb to ill-fortune. Two scimitar blades and a whip dagger miss the escaping gremlin by mere inches as it slips down out of sight into a narrow gap between two benches. If only someone could find some way to counter this bad luck!

The two pugwampis asleep on the other bench snore on. The hooting continues to grow in volume down the corridor; it seems to be coming from behind a partially open door part-way down, just beyond the statue of Sarenrae.

Al tiptoes away, moving quietly down the corridor to conceal himself in the shadow of the goddess.

Everyone else’s actions for Round 2?

Um, late, need to go back and re-read, if we move slowly, do we negate the floor/damage hazard? Mus'ad thinks we should negate any further danger from the sleepers, but can't really spare the HP if he so much as stubs his toe! Did I misunderstand? the Pug is still in the room, just hidden right now? Or did it manage to escape/leave the room?

Mus'ad looks frantically from the sleeping Pugwampis' in the room, to where the last disappeared, to where Al has moved to try and intercept the noise-makers.

"There MUST be some way to nullify the effects of their blasted cursed luck!" He hisses in frustration to Zephyr. The little blue Gen nods solemnly in agreement, but offers no advice.

Hm, can you coup-de-grace with a ranged weapon? Or only a melee?

You may make a coup de grace with a bow or crossbow if you are adjacent to the target.
I’ll allow you to cross the room as a full round action, moving very carefully over the treacherous floor, with no chance of suffering mishap.
As far as you can tell the pugwampis is still in the room, just hiding below a bench, although it may have a hidden way out of the room.

Male Keleshite Fighter 1

Seiing the situation seems resolved there , Bashad will position himself to fire at a distance from the direction the noise is coming from

Bashad shifts his position, aiming his bow down the corridor, drawing back the string, preparing to shoot any hostile creatures that might be approaching.

I assume you want to ready an action to shoot, let me know if I have mis-interpreted that.

Thanks DM-M! ;)

Mus'ad starts to take a step towards teh room, then stops, shaking his head.

"No, that's what always gets me into trouble! Leaping before I look. There has to be another way to flush him out!" He says softly to Zephyr as he scans the kitchen for an idea,...

Will hold my action for this round. Hoping he will make a break for it and I can pop off a shot at him. Hm, is there anything that the pugs haven't trashed in this room yet? I'm wondering if there is some high-hanging pot or something, hopefully hanging over or near where the Pug vanished, that I can shoot with my Crossbow and knock down? Hopefully the noise would startle it into running and the others would get another swing at it? Just thinking out loud here.

There are a couple of tarnished copper pots hanging from hooks near the ceiling; apparently undistrubed because the diminutive gremlins couldn't reach them.

What are the others doing in round 2? Sefu, Nasir, Farasha.

Male Human, Garundi Druid 1

Sorry for the hold up. Gonna coup de grace em if I can

If he can Sefu plans to kill the creatures while the slumber

Mus'ad will delay, until he has gotten the attention of the two in the room. Then he will attempt to shoot down the pots and (hopefully) startle the Hiding Pugwampis! :)

Mus'ad's face lights up with a grin as he notices a pair of copper pots still hanging on their hooks from the ceiling. He waves his arm to capture the attention of the two in the room. When he has it, he points to the pots, and mimes shooting them. Then points to the bench where the pug disappeared, and mimes hitting. When he is sure that they understand his plan, and are in position, he takes careful aim at the pots, and fires his crossbow,...

To hit: 1d20+2=7, Dmg: 1d6=2

Argh! The only way that shot would hit was if it ricochet'd! ;P I think our caster should stick to casting!

F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1

Farasha takes a moment to bandage the nasty cut she received from the debris-laden floor.

Heal check


Thta should preserve my speed

Scarab Sages

Female Keleshite Human Dervish Dancer (Bard) 12: HP 87/87 : AC/T/FF 17/17/13 (21/21/17 w/Mage Armor): Fort: + 4 Reflex: +13 (16 w Rain of Blows) Will: +10 (+12 vs Mind affecting, +16 Bardic/language/sound) : Perception

Her whip whirling around her, Nasir begins an intensely alluring dance. All around her feel themselves bolstered by her movements, uplifted and energized.

Inspire Courage +1

Ok, well NOW at least I know why Mus'ad 's shot was off! :)

Mus'ad grins at Nasir's lithe movements, and squeezes the trigger before he' s actually aimed,...

Mu’sad carefully aims and fires his crossbow at a hanging pot … but luck is not with him, and the bolt imbeds itself deeply in a nearby timber beam instead. The pugwumpis stays hidden beneath its bench.

Sefu carefully lines up his scimitar above one of the sleeping pugwampis, then rams the point of the sword downward, through the creature’s throat. With a faint gurgle, it expires.

Farasha leans against a bench, extracts a thin, sharp shard of pottery from her injured foot, and tightly binds the wound, firmly enough that she can put full weight on the foot without excessive pain.

Nasir begins an intricate and alluring dance, inspiring her companions to greater acts of courage.


Out in the corridor, the partially open door that Bashad and Al watch is pushed open, and two baboons amble through. They move on all fours, looking about, teeth bared aggressively. One spots Bashad and stands up on its rear legs, its wiry muscled arms raised in the air, making itself look taller than its four foot height. It throws back its head and screeches in challenge.

Bashad, you can take your readied shot at it if you like, and everyone can give me their intended round 3 actions!

Mus'ad swing his head to the sound of the opening door, and his eyes widen as he sees the two baboons enter. He looks swiftly from the baboons, to Farasha, Nasir and Sefu in the kitchen, and back again, clearly undecided.

'Um, guys? We got company out here now!" He hisses to the group in the kitchen as he warily eyes the roaring baboon. He realizes he is staring, and quickly pulls his crossbow into firing position and re-loads it. He takes a deep breath as he pulls the crossbow up to his shoulder and fires at the lead baboon,...

Move action to reload crossbow, fire at lead mini-ape!

To hit: 1d20+2=13, Dmg: (yeah, right. WHO needs a curse field?!?)1d6=1 ;P

Male Halfling Rouge 1

Al holds his breath as the two baboons amble through the door, praying they have not seen him. Placing a stone into his sling, we will wait until they (hopefully) move down the corridor before using the sling. hoping to wait until the baboons start to move down the corridor to fire before they reach combat, and also attempting to stay hidden. Sling attack d20+5=18, dmg 1d3+1+1d6=8. Stealth check d20+12=19

F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1

Farasha hearing the roar, readies her scimitar

I will wait until I can get a shot in at them

ATK: 1d20+4=13, DAM: 1d6+2=4

Scarab Sages

Female Keleshite Human Dervish Dancer (Bard) 12: HP 87/87 : AC/T/FF 17/17/13 (21/21/17 w/Mage Armor): Fort: + 4 Reflex: +13 (16 w Rain of Blows) Will: +10 (+12 vs Mind affecting, +16 Bardic/language/sound) : Perception

Still performing Nasir waits until one of the apes gets withing 15 ft, lashing out. Ufortunately avoiding the debris and maintaining her performance requires the majority of her concentration.

1d20=7, 1d6=1

Who needs pugwampis

Male Keleshite Fighter 1

Bashad fires at the foremost ape
Att 12 , damage 1

Male Human, Garundi Druid 1

Sefu seeing how crowed the area was, and seeing his companions in trouble calls upon the land to give him speed. When he starts to move he is a man , by the time he reaches to door a lean desert cougar springs for the baboons

Bit 19 to hit, 9 damage

Mus'ad blinks hard to clear his eyes, not sure of what he is seeing. He looks again. Sefu was still a cat, and charging the Baboons. He turns to look at Zephyr, who returns his wide-eyed gaze.

"Pugwampis, Baboons and Cougars. Oh My!" He says softly to Zephyr with a small grin.

Sorry, couldn't resist! ;)

Male Human, Garundi Druid 1

LOL that's to funny

Male Keleshite Fighter 1

What the ! Take care , Sefu is a F**** weremonster !

Unless I'm wrong , my init is now 4 just before the apes.

Bashad lines up his bow to fire at the lead baboon. His aim is slightly off, but thanks to the inspiration provided by Nasir’s dance, he manages to score a glancing hit on the animal. Mus’ad’s crossbow bolt likewise grazes the creature, but Al, stepping out from behind the statue, finishes it off. His sling stone hits the baboon in the temple and the beast drops like a rock, blood pouring from its mouth and nose.

As Nasir and Farasha pick their way carefully over the jagged shards on the kitchen floor and ready themselves for combat (or in Nasir’s case taking an ineffectual swipe at the other baboon with her whip), Sefu shimmers into the form of a great hunting cat, and leaps past the two women, startling Bashad and ripping into the second baboon, tearing out the terrified animal’s throat.

Both of the creatures are on the ground, dead or dying, but continued hoots and shrieks from beyond the open door indicate that there may yet be more animals to face.

Another four of the small but fierce apes come loping out of the room into the corridor. Two stop upon seeing Sefu in his cat form. They stand up on their hind legs, arms raised and begin shrieking loudly, attempting (probably unsuccessfully) to intimidate the druid. The other two sniff the air for a moment, then move first slowly, then with greater purpose towards Al’s hiding place. Spotting the halfling, and obviously thinking that this is an opponent of a size they can take on, they rush at him, biting and clawing. However, the nimble rogue is able to fend off their frenzied attack.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

More to come...

Sorry about the lack of posting, its been a busy couple of weeks and not looking like letting up.

Here is a map of the ruin as you have so far explored it. The kitchen where the pugwampis were is at N16 to Q18, with the entrance at N17. The remaining sleeping pugwampis is on the bench at P16 and the other disappeared down below the benches at Q18. The door that the baboons came out of is at N22, and the statue of Sarenrae is shown at M21.

I’m going to place everyone based on their described actions over the last two rounds.
Al, behind the statue (and being attacked by baboons) is at M20.
Bashad, back firing his bow, is at K17.
Farasha, who was well inside the kitchen before, has moved to M18.
Mu’sad has been firing his crossbow from L17.
Nasir is just outside the kitchen also, at M17.
Sefu, moving far in panther form to attack the baboon, is in L21.

The two baboons attacking Al are in N20 and N21. The two threatening Sefu are in N22 and N23.

Everyone’s go in Round 4.

No apologies Moth, trying to play catch-up myself! And thx for the map! If I'm reading your positions correctly, If I use the crossbow I'll be firing into melee, so,...

Mus'ad stares at Sefu's efficient tactics. "I'm glad that he's on OUR side!" He mutters to Zephyr, who hastily nods a wide-eyed agreement.

Seeing yet more miniscule apes charge into the room and towards his companions, Mus'ad lowers his crossbow, and allows it to dangle from it's carry-strap. With a grin he calls upon another of the magics brought to him by Zephyr, and a tiny, brilliant pearl of light forms in his palm. He gently blows the concentrated magic from his hand,... and it screams across the room to slam into one of the baboons attacking Al.

Cast Magic Missile on the nearest ape attacking Al.

MM Dmg: 1d4+1=5

Mus’ad’s spell knocks the monkey at N20 to the floor. It seems to be knocked cold for a moment, but then gives a whimper and shakes its head. Most of the fight seems to have gone out of it.

Male Halfling Rouge 1

Al curses as the baboons approach, and drops his sling to draw his rapier, waving it frantically infront of him in an attempt to fend off his two attackers. He is vastly relieved as one of the things seems to go down to Mus'ads magical assult, and lunges at the other one, seeking to gain the advantage.
d20+3=20, dmg 1d4+1=2

Scarab Sages

Female Keleshite Human Dervish Dancer (Bard) 12: HP 87/87 : AC/T/FF 17/17/13 (21/21/17 w/Mage Armor): Fort: + 4 Reflex: +13 (16 w Rain of Blows) Will: +10 (+12 vs Mind affecting, +16 Bardic/language/sound) : Perception

Nasir dances forward her whip whirling around as she flicks it forward at the advancing ape. 1d20=14, 1d6=4

Between them, a thrust from Al's rapier and the flick of Nasir's whip-dagger finish off the other baboon harrassing Al, leaving only the two apes by the door still standing.

Bashad, Sefu and Farasha.

F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1

Farasha attempts a blow on the remaining apes. She whirls her scimitar and yells out:

"O Unconquered Sun, most merciful, guide my strike true!"

1d20+4=13, 1d6+2=8

Farasha dashes over and cuts down one of the two remaining baboons with her scimitar. It falls to the ground, blood spurting.

Male Keleshite Fighter 1

Bashad changes weapons taking his longsword in hand

Bashad wrote:
Bashad changes weapons taking his longsword in hand

Is that your whole turn? Stow bow (move action) and draw sword (move action)?

I may be telling you something you already know here, but if you want to, you can drop your bow as a free action, draw your sword as part of a movement, and still have another standard (or move) action to do something else.
Up to you though.

One enemy still standing, Sefu to post his action and Bashad to clarify his.

Male Human, Garundi Druid 1

Sorry, didnt notice I was holding this up

Sefu engages the baboon Bringing his teeth to bare

[url]23 to hit 9 damage[/url]

Sefu the hunting cat leaps at the last baboon, tearing out the terrified animal’s throat.

No enemies remain standing. End of initiative. Remember that one of the baboons is cowed and badly injured but not dead, and one of the pugwampis stills sleeps under Mus’ad’s enchantment in the other room, another seems to have escaped.

F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1

Farasha wipes her scimitar clean of the baboon's blood

"Did anyone sustain any wounds from those foul apes?"

Male Halfling Rouge 1

Al plunges his rapier into the injured baboon, finishing it off quickly. He then retrieves his dropped sling. 'Fortunantly I was not wounded. Let us continue, one of the creatures escaped.' Al wipes his blade clean on a rag and re-sheaths it.

The baboon whimpers and dies under Al’s blade, and all is quiet within the halls of this ruined monastery. The statue of Sarenrae looks down at the remains of the battle impassively.

Just to be clear, the last pugwampis disappeared beneath a bench within the ruined kitchen, you guys are now all in the corridor outside the kitchen and the adjacent room that the baboons came out of.

Male Human, Garundi Druid 1

Sefu's lithe form makes it's way back into the room moving low across the floor like a large cat stalking a mouse he looks for the beast.

Perception 21

Feel free to roll my attack if I can see it

Scarab Sages

Female Keleshite Human Dervish Dancer (Bard) 12: HP 87/87 : AC/T/FF 17/17/13 (21/21/17 w/Mage Armor): Fort: + 4 Reflex: +13 (16 w Rain of Blows) Will: +10 (+12 vs Mind affecting, +16 Bardic/language/sound) : Perception

Nasir completes her dance, looking at the hunting cat with open wonder.

F Human (Keleshite) Cleric 1
DM Mothman wrote:

The statue of Sarenrae looks down at the remains of the battle impassively.

While the others track down the pesky pugwampis, Farasha will inspect the statue, aiming to clean it if it has been defiled in any way

"Noble Scion of the Sun, shed your warming light upon we who fight your enemies."

Mus'ad picks up his cross bow from where it hangs on it's carry-strap, and ensures that the bolt is still properly loaded. (CAn't be TOO careful with those pesky Pugwampis around!)

After seeing that Al and the others have the hallway secured, he aims his crossbow into the kitchen, hoping to be able to get a shot off if Sefu-cat manages to flush the remaining Pugwampis.

"Can one of you finish off the last sleeping one? That spell won't last forever." He whispers softly, trying not to tense up as he waits for what he hopes will be the remaining Pug's break for it, Zephyr actually perched on his shoulder and leaning forward, grinning eagerly,...

Male Halfling Rouge 1

At Mus'ads warning, Al pulls ou a dagger and moves carefully over the uneven terrain towards the sleeping pugwampis, ready to finish the creature off quickly.

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