Devlyn, the Dalesman |

Devlyn catches the faint traces of scent as he finishes restocking the bottles. Keeping his smile to himself, he tucks the now-empty crate out of the way of foot traffic, gives the room a quick glance-over to make sure everything is ready for in the morning, then heads upstairs to their bedroom - making just enough noise to be heard downstairs, and by Allura as he approaches the door. :)

Arielle |

She chewed on her lip as she racked her brains for somewhere that nobody else knew about.
:Well, there's...no, that won't work, grandpa knows where that one is....ummmm.....no, the twins followed me there once......err......:
:I've got one! Someplace I used to go to hide. Nobody goes down there, not even the twins on account of Helm being scared of the dark, and don't ever let him know I told you that. It's underneath the Eyrie. A long way underneath the Eyrie.:

Devlyn, the Dalesman |

:It's Devlyn, Arielle. He could probably hear a needle fall in an earthquake. At least he didn't think we were burglars or something.:
:We need a place to go only we know about, or we'll never have more than a few moments of peace. Any ideas?:
Aaah, teenagers. Always thinking they're not being left alone, even when they are being left alone. It's truly a wonder how they make it to adulthood sometimes.... :)

Devlyn, the Dalesman |

Good deed? You were deliberately keeping Danae from using her skills to the fullest!
What tickles me silly is that you're still believing what Danae tells you. I've lost count of how many times she's pulled the wool over your eyes and laughed herself to tears later... ;P
Which, for what it's worth, I have told her to stop doing. Save the taunts for the bad guys, and all that. :)

Little Kiba |

I hardly think the way she uses her skills is relevant to the fact you are hindering their development...
:What if we run really fast and you pretend to be angry at me? It's not exactly a rare sight to see you swinging your hammer at me: He thinks with a wink. :It's not like putting a bunch of snow on you so you'd wake up is to extreme an alarm clock...:

Devlyn, the Dalesman |

I hardly think the way she uses her skills is relevant to the fact you are hindering their development...
Using those skills to take advantage of innocent people rather than to help them is quite relevant, actually - and is where we have to draw the line. (Not to mention the fact that we took her in so she could actually do something other than rob folks blind and get into knife fights).
But what do I know? I'm just your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman... ;D

Little Kiba |

(Not to mention the fact that we took her in so she could actually do something other than rob folks blind and get into knife fights).[/ooc]
Yay, because getting a hold of a double-sword(not yours, but a dull training one perhaps) wouldn't help in a knife-fight at all. Or an axe. Or a hammer(which she probably won't hold for long, it it's the one Arielle uses for real fights)..

Arielle |

I'm back! Let's go back to sneaking around when we've already been caught!
Several times even! We are possibly the least stealthy people ever...
Arielle and LK raced for the omniportal, quickly coming to the line which was moving quickly.
:Okay, you step through just before me. I'll pretend to chase you. You're going to want to go to the left and then the third door on the right will take you to some stairs going down. Just follow them as far as you can. We should be far enough past people by then that I can lead the way the rest of the way there.:

Anvaris - Blade of the Pit |

Little Kiba wrote:I'm back! Let's go back to sneaking around when we've already been caught!Several times even! We are possibly the least stealthy people ever...
Arielle and LK raced for the omniportal, quickly coming to the line which was moving quickly.
:Okay, you step through just before me. I'll pretend to chase you. You're going to want to go to the left and then the third door on the right will take you to some stairs going down. Just follow them as far as you can. We should be far enough past people by then that I can lead the way the rest of the way there.:
Anvaris hears a commotion coming from the street to his right, and people making an opening for whatever is causing it. He sidesteps into the covered doorway of a storefront as the two teenagers careen past him toward the Omniportal plaza.
"Poor guy," he says to himself as the spectacle (and the thunder) passes. ;P