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Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

product quality failure ends swimmer's hopes for medal

Hmm... this looks like an easily subverted thread!

The ancestors of the formians are rising

Think your cell phone is tough?

The Exchange

South Korean viral kiddiporn descimates US government users

Makes it all worthwhile...

Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Liberty's Edge

One more use for duct tape (tm)!


Liberty's Edge

Obama and Sarkosy have similar views on at least ONE TOPIC!

Cuchulainn wrote:
Obama and Sarkosy have similar views on at least ONE TOPIC!

I bet Obama is going to be sleeping on the couch for a few days after that.

Yet another reason why PETA really annoys me.

Cuchulainn wrote:
Obama and Sarkosy have similar views on at least ONE TOPIC!

Sarkosy to Obama, "Now that's what I call a 'Stimulus Package', ha ha."

Liberty's Edge


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Cuchulainn wrote:

"Alexa lost one of her sneakers in the sewer. She does not want it back."


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

pres man wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
Obama and Sarkosy have similar views on at least ONE TOPIC!
Sarkosy to Obama, "Now that's what I call a 'Stimulus Package', ha ha."

Not so similar after all.

Tarren Dei wrote:
pres man wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
Obama and Sarkosy have similar views on at least ONE TOPIC!
Sarkosy to Obama, "Now that's what I call a 'Stimulus Package', ha ha."
Not so similar after all.

After looking at that video Obama might be innocent but I don't think Sarkozy is.

Cuchulainn wrote:

I new a girl that died by falling into a man hole someone had opened on campus.

Pit traps do real damage after all.

Liberty's Edge

"Tragedy is when you cut your finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die."
- anonymous

Garydee wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:
pres man wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:
Obama and Sarkosy have similar views on at least ONE TOPIC!
Sarkosy to Obama, "Now that's what I call a 'Stimulus Package', ha ha."
Not so similar after all.
After looking at that video Obama might be innocent but I don't think Sarkozy is.

Which is why I framed my comment the way I did. ;)

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

"Tragedy is when you cut your finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die."

- anonymous

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die."

- Mel Brooks

Liberty's Edge

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

"Tragedy is when you cut your finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die."

- anonymous

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die."

- Mel Brooks

Aaah, thanks. I got the quote out of a Bill Watterson article, and he couldn't remember who said it.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Aaah, thanks. I got the quote out of a Bill Watterson article, and he couldn't remember who said it.

No problem, you are forgiven. {makes vague somatic religious gestures} For your penance, watch Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles.

And I really wish Watterson would come out with anything new.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
And I really wish Watterson would come out with anything new.

You do realize I am honor-bound to link to some Bill-Watterson-related-thing-on-Youtube now that you've mentioned him?

So, how about that news, eh?

Scarab Sages

Toy-gun robber foiled by bat-wielding store worker

Vatican lauds good/evil theme in Harry Potter film

This reminds me of a discussion I heard on a religious radio station a few years back. Someone was asked what types of stories a good christian should read. The person said while ones with clear christian aspects would be preferable, that as long as one was embracing the idea of good overcomes evil, then that material is fine.

Liberty's Edge

No corresponding internet link, but a local headline proclaimed:


The Exchange

shark washes up on beach-killed by swine flu

Scarab Sages

yellowdingo wrote:
shark washes up on beach-killed by swine flu

Wow! Who knew beaches were vulnerable to swine flu....

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
shark washes up on beach-killed by swine flu
Wow! Who knew beaches were vulnerable to swine flu....

Speaking New Zealand (having replaced i with u):"My Fush and Chups! Curse you! Curse you to hell!"

If you're one of those people that come up with ingenious ways to fix things, it's always good to learn from the mistakes of others.

The Exchange

Cuchulainn wrote:

"Because of their careless mistake I got hurt."

Right, because the fact that you were texting and not paying attention to your surroundings has nothing to do with this. She's lucky it was a manhole and not some dirty sex fiend in a non-discript van pulling up next to her.

Soldier challenges his orders in court by questioning Obama's birth certificate, and now the order for him to deploy to Afghanistan is revoked.

This surprises me. So will any US soldier ordered to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan be able to get out of it by challenging it in court over the Obama birth certificate controversy?

This decision(by the soldier's superiors, not the judge) won't be sustaineable if a lot of people try to take this loophole.

Silver Crusade

NPC Dave wrote:

Soldier challenges his orders in court by questioning Obama's birth certificate, and now the order for him to deploy to Afghanistan is revoked.

This surprises me. So will any US soldier ordered to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan be able to get out of it by challenging it in court over the Obama birth certificate controversy?

This decision(by the soldier's superiors, not the judge) won't be sustaineable if a lot of people try to take this loophole.

That site isn't biased in the least...

See Snopes.

And this article explains that, because the soldier had volunteered for the assignment, he had the right to revoke his voluntary offer up until the day before the assignment, and it appears they took his lawsuit to be a revocation of his offer.

Celestial Healer wrote:
NPC Dave wrote:

Soldier challenges his orders in court by questioning Obama's birth certificate, and now the order for him to deploy to Afghanistan is revoked.

This surprises me. So will any US soldier ordered to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan be able to get out of it by challenging it in court over the Obama birth certificate controversy?

This decision(by the soldier's superiors, not the judge) won't be sustaineable if a lot of people try to take this loophole.

That site isn't biased in the least...

See Snopes.

And this article explains that, because the soldier had volunteered for the assignment, he had the right to revoke his voluntary offer up until the day before the assignment, and it appears they took his lawsuit to be a revocation of his offer.

I am well aware of what Snopes has said in the past as well as what it says now. The news I am posting isn't about the birth certificate controvery itself, but about the US military's reaction to a soldier citing it in court to avoid deployment to Afghanistan.

You are mistaken about one thing, your article doesn't say the soldier "had the right to revoke his voluntary offer".

It says-

"A reserve soldier who volunteers for an active duty tour may ask for a revocation of orders up until the day he is scheduled to report for active duty," Quon said.

He can ask, he can't unilaterally revoke his orders on his own. He has no such right. They could deny his request, and they could have tried to enforce it in court, but they chose not to. After years of reading about and watching soldiers and reservists dragged back to warfronts in Iraq and Afghanistan even after their service requirements were complete due to contract clauses rarely invoked before the Bush II era, this result is pretty surprising.

And as I said, it isn't sustainable if other people try this.

World's oldest birth mother dies

So she gave birth at 66, died 3 years later.

The Exchange

NPC Dave wrote:

Soldier challenges his orders in court by questioning Obama's birth certificate, and now the order for him to deploy to Afghanistan is revoked.

This surprises me. So will any US soldier ordered to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan be able to get out of it by challenging it in court over the Obama birth certificate controversy?

This decision(by the soldier's superiors, not the judge) won't be sustaineable if a lot of people try to take this loophole.

QUOTE: A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"

She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons – just revoked." /QUOTE

You have got to be kidding! Um does this mean that Mcain is now President by default?

NO! It means that Obama having been sworn in, a Commonwealth Citizen is President of the United States of America. That would mean the United States of America is now a Commonwealth Country...welcome to the Party!

Just remember Crimes against the Crown/Section 21: Any Act of Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign causing Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign to be held in hatred and contempt is a Seditious Act. Which means all Government requires the direct and regular consensus of every citizen.

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:
NPC Dave wrote:

Soldier challenges his orders in court by questioning Obama's birth certificate, and now the order for him to deploy to Afghanistan is revoked.

This surprises me. So will any US soldier ordered to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan be able to get out of it by challenging it in court over the Obama birth certificate controversy?

This decision(by the soldier's superiors, not the judge) won't be sustaineable if a lot of people try to take this loophole.

QUOTE: A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"

She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons – just revoked." /QUOTE

You have got to be kidding! Um does this mean that Mcain is now President by default?

NO! It means that Obama having been sworn in, a Commonwealth Citizen is President of the United States of America. That would mean the United States of America is now a Commonwealth Country...welcome to the Party!

Just remember Crimes against the Crown/Section 21: Any Act of Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign causing Government, Law, Constitution, Sovereign to be held in hatred and contempt is a Seditious Act. Which means all Government requires the direct and regular consensus of every citizen.

You know, the very last thing any unit would want is a Field Grade officer who questions the President's very legitimacy.

The Exchange

ericthecleric wrote:

World's oldest birth mother dies

So she gave birth at 66, died 3 years later.

Linkified for your convienience.

The Exchange

Andrew Turner wrote:
You know, the very last thing any unit would want is a Field Grade officer who questions the...

There is that...I always said if they 'volunteer me' for their petty wars, I would execute the chain of Command till I got to the guy at the top...then wear his face at parties.

Cuchulainn wrote:

This happens frequently in China. People steal manhole covers to recycle the steel.

Of course, there's no law suit, and most of the people who do it have the good sense to not tell anyone how stupid they were to fall into a manhole.

Sovereign Court

Andrew Turner wrote:
You know, the very last thing any unit would want is a Field Grade officer who questions the President's very legitimacy.

I'm just curious as to what his new assignment is. I can see a world of crap coming down on this moron. Maybe commander of a remote arctic weather station or some such.

As Obama is over 35 years old, a natural born citizen, has been a permanent resident of the US for more than 14 years, has not been convicted under impeachment proceedings and has not acted in rebellion against the US, he has met the eligibility requirements for the office. Oh, and he won the election.

Sometimes I just don't understand some of the people in this country ...

Sovereign Court

Kruelaid wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:

This happens frequently in China. People steal manhole covers to recycle the steel.

Of course, there's no law suit, and most of the people who do it have the good sense to not tell anyone how stupid they were to fall into a manhole.

The thing I love most about that story is it is followed by ads to receive news text alerts and to follow a tv station on Twitter.

Kruelaid wrote:
Cuchulainn wrote:

This happens frequently in China. People steal manhole covers to recycle the steel.

Of course, there's no law suit, and most of the people who do it have the good sense to not tell anyone how stupid they were to fall into a manhole.

Yep. Welcome to America, the land where it's always someone else's fault.

zylphryx wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:
You know, the very last thing any unit would want is a Field Grade officer who questions the President's very legitimacy.
I'm just curious as to what his new assignment is. I can see a world of crap coming down on this moron.

It looks like his new assignment is the unemployment line.

So you are correct sir.

That is one way to keep too many people from using this loophole.

Scarab Sages

Colombia calls off hunt for drug lord's hippo

Some... Thing Drifts Past Alaska

Scarab Sages

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Some... Thing Drifts Past Alaska

Iä! Iä! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Liberty's Edge

First the sewers here in North Carolina, now Alaska. The Elder Gods appear to have the North American continent flanked.


The Exchange

come on in to Yosemite Sam's One Free AK-47 for each truck sold come in while the barrell is HOTTT!!!

Cops arrest video gamer for being "irrational"

Ex-Marine Fends Off Mountain Lion With Chainsaw

Liberty's Edge

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Ex-Marine Fends Off Mountain Lion With Chainsaw

I wonder what the mountain lion was doing carrying a chainsaw...

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