French Wolf's Howl of the Carrion King


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Responding to Erizi's wave, Shimei lowers his bow and nods to Zsithreminni. "Let's go." He hustles to catch up with the three leaders at the wall and peers in.


Zaid Al-Mahaudin wrote:


"Where!?" Shimei touches his arrow to the bowstring, but doesn't draw unless he sees a target. He lowers his voice, "Be careful. Dashki said they like gnolls."

The Exchange

No target presents itself. The rubble filled hallway is quiet again. Perhaps what Erizi heard was the wind blowing against something, like a kitchen pot falling to the ground, but then it did seem to come from the far left archway, whatever it was.

Over to you brave adventurers.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi's eyes narrow, as he looks at the passageway he heard the noise from. He then carefully begins to make his way in that direction.

Stealth (1d20+3=4)

And immediately trips over a hidden brass urn full of pebbles, scattering them everywhere.

Shimei sidesteps along the wall so that he maintains a clear line of fire toward Erizi's destination.

If needed: Perception, then Stealth (1d20=10, 1d20=17)+3, +2 gives Perception 13, Stealth 19.

Holding her ground she will provide covering fire if needs be, also to make sure that any hostiles if they do manage to get out of the enclosure will get shot at.

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

Zaid continues to follow right behind Eziri.

The Exchange

Nombir is having a few problems with his connection so I'll NPC him a little.

The priest of Abadar follows slowly behind the rest. His greatsword at the ready.

Whoever cunningly hid the brass urn, knew what they were doing, as it rolled away from Erizi, marbles clattered down onto a metal pot lid making the worst racket.

It goes quiet in the monastery again. The wind blows sweetly as Erizi reaches the opening. Ahead is a hallway with a statue of a winged woman in the centre. It is plain and unadorned, the light from above shows. Sandy mud lies around the statue's base.

Please can you all tell me what you do next and where you are stood in relation to Erizi and each other. Bear in mind that the hallway everyone is presently stood in is rubble filled and counts as difficult terrain.

The Exchange

Nombir is waiting at the left hand hole in the wall.

I don't have much time to draw a diagram at the moment but will eventually put pen to paper. That is after next weekend when I am at PaizoconUK as a DM and now a player in a Richard Pett/Nic Logue game!

Male Human Cleric 2

I'm back, but for how long I'm not sure!

Nomibir moves up next to Zaid with his great sword at the ready.

Shimei is on the flank of the party, trying to maintain clear line of fire past Erizi, preferably staying close to a wall.

Have fun at the con, French Wolf. I'm turning a nice kelpy shade of jealousy.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi takes a moment to glance at the statue, to see if it rings any bells, then advances in that direction Earthbreaker ready to pound.

Perception (1d20=20) If needed

And the approach seems to sharpen with his warrior's senses on edge.

The Exchange

Shimei is directly behind Erizi as he looks down the hallway towards the winged statue. Zsitherimini is to one side and can see one wing of the statue but not all of the hallway.

Zaid and Nombir are still in the rubbled corridor about twenty feet from the entranceway when a cacophony of holing and chattering erupts from in front of Erizi.

It sounds like a pack of savage monkeys.

A wild eyed baboon leaps up onto the neck of the statue and swings from side to side, exposing its bottom to Erizi.

Two more scuttle out to either side, flinging dirt and stones in the air as they howl angrily.


Just around the corner waits a bigger specimen, no one else in the party can see it, it has large black furred arms and yellow fangs. That one is to the left of the others as Erizi looks down the hall. It is quietly waiting.

Everyone is free to act, the creatures are howling madly but so far not attacking...No initiative needed... yet.

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

Zaid advances down the corridor to next to Shimei.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi keeps an eye on the howling beasts as he advances down the corridor, but tries to avoid them unless they directly threaten the party or himself.

"There is something more around the corner". He states, and slowly makes his way towards that other beast.

The Exchange

As Erizi steps forwards he can see the angles better in the ten foot wide corridor. Ten foot in, to his left through the archway he can see an old wooden shelf with a pile of dried herbs scattered across its surface. below the shelf is the edge of a table. As Erizi moves forwards, he can make out more of the scratched table and what looks like a cracked urn.

To his right about ten foot ahead is another archway, leading to a wide room, all he can see at the moment is a chair on its side. As he continues towards the statue he can make out three large tables with many wooden chairs.

Five foot past the entrances the hallway widens to 25 feet square, in the centre is the statue with the three baboons around it.

Beyond them the hallway doglegs to the right, but still continues in the same direction.

Apologies for the lack of detail previously, I am a bit fuzzy with a head cold and trying to prep three adventures for the weekend.

Erizi is about fifteen feet from the corner of the hallway now and he can no longer see the black furred arms or the yellow fangs. The creature has disappeared from view.

"Baboons. They can rip your arms off. And they can be very aggressive and territorial. This is a good sign. "

Shimei keeps the arrow on the bowstring, ready to draw and loose at signs of an attack.

"It's not likely baboons and gnolls would live closely together."

Shimei continues to follow Erizi's lead.

The Exchange

Erizi has stepped into the ten foot wide hallway with Shimei just behind.

Zaid can see down the hallway from Shimei's previous spot with Zsithreminni and Nombir just to one side.

Was that a faint laugh that Nombir and Zsithreminni heard from behind them? Maybe it was just the wind in the chapel?

Shifting slightly so as to release the cramp i'm beginning to feel in my legs, I look around at the sea of dunes, making sure that it was just the wind I heard.

Are there any trees or other natural cover to protect me from the midday heat whilst i keep a check on the outside of the building.

The Exchange

Although many of the ceilings in the monastery are holed, there is sufficient shade to avoid the worst of the heat now. As for the wind it does move over the hills and through the ruins whisting a little from time to time.

Male Human Cleric 2

Nombir moves up with Zaid and waits for something to happen!

The Exchange

The baboons continue howling and beating at their chests. Each one has spittle flying from its fangs as it slowly works itself up into a frenzy.

Your DM is giving you time to do whatever you want. Believe me something will happen.

The howls echo off the walls down the hallway and also out past Erizi and Shimei.

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

Zaid remains where he is, scanning the room around him, especially the exits.

Perception: 1d20+3=20

"Have we walked into a trap?"

Feeling a bit exposed out in the open I will follow the route Shimie took but stand just inside the entryway, crossbow at the ready.

Male Human Cleric 2

Nombir chuckles and says to Zaid "it's a shame you can't fire ball that for a laugh!" he says pointing at the noisy rude baboons exposing themselves in our direction! Nombir continues to be ready with his great sword.

Shimei makes up his mind,"We should bring the baboons down now." He draws but waits for someone to agree before loosing the arrow.

The Exchange

Erizi reaches the two archways and can see into the mess hall on the right and the kitchen on his left.

Mess Hall
Three long wooden tables and dozens of chairs that once lined this mess hall are in a shambles, mostly rotted away with the passage of years. He cannot see the complete room.

Beyond a doorless arch appears a large kitchen complete with walls lined in shelves and cupboards, a huge central table, and an enormous oven against the left hand wall. Several drawers and cupboard doors stand askew, and the floor here is a jagged field of broken glass, smashed pottery, bits of sharp stone, jagged bones, and discarded cutlery.

A tiny figure with a bow stands waiting on the far shelf about 30 feet away. The ugly pug face grins as it lets fly an arrow.

"Puddah!" The arrow hits the ceiling and adds to cluttered floor.

Another pugwampi turns at the sound and jumps up next to the first.

Round One, initiatives from everyone, roll twice please and take the worst. ta.

Fifteen feet in front of Erizi, the baboons freeze at the shout, their claws curl and shoulders hunch ready to pounce.

Erizi is ten foot down a ten foot wide corridor. Behind him are Shimei and Zsithreminni. Then there is a five foot wide entrance, and Zaid and Nombir stand a further ten foot away wit their backs to a jagged half-pillar.

Unfortunately I cannot afford the time to map this just yet, I'll do it as soon as I can. Ahh the joys of being a house husband and part-time tutor.

Male Human Cleric 2

Initiative 2D20= 16 and 6

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Initiative (1d20+3=7, 1d20+3=9)

Erizi doesn't believe in Luck...Good luck that is

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2



Initiative 1d20+3=9 1d20+3=21

Initiative1d20,1d20=[3], [17] yields 5 and 19. Oh well.

Are the guys in back (Zsith and Nombir)in range of the bad luck aura?

The Exchange

Unfortunately yes.

The Exchange

So initiatives are;

Baboons 22
Zaid 19
Zsithreminni 9
Pugwampis 8
Erizi 7
Nombir 6
Shimei 3

The two baboons charge forwards at Erizi, one pounces from the statue springing at his face. The stench of fetid carrion is hot on Erizi's face.

First baboon attack roll 5, Second attack roll 12+2=14, Damage=9pts, Third attack roll 9+2=11, Damage=7pts. Does Erizi have his earthbreaker to hand, I believe so, in which case the second bite hit.

All three apes drop to the ground in front of the warrior, howling angrily.

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

"Let us take the puwampys Nombir" Zaid says, skirting down the wide corridor and into the kitchen where the creatures are, chanting along the way. When he arrives there a gout of colored light bursts forth from his hands straight at the floppy eared beasties.

Color spray (DC 15)

Holding my ground, crossbow at the ready.

The Exchange

Following the shout of the pugwampi, Zaid runs down the hallway past Zsithreminni and Erizi, then turns into the kitchen.

Stepping in with his color spray foremost, he feels the sharp clutter on the floor begin to dig into his feet and ankles. Worse the kitchen is 30 foot long and he knows the spell will not reach the two gremlins on the shelf ahead.

20ft down to kitchen entrance then every square is difficult terrain inside the room. Zaid has to make two Reflex saves DC12 or better to avoid taking 2pts of sharp damage to his feet.

In view of the way he charged in, Zaid keeps going forwards another 15ft so that next time he can blast the creatures from ten feet.


When you cast please make two d20 rolls too.

Both pugwampis shoot the nearest target, but the conjurer's magical armour stops one arrow from hitting him in the face. The other goes into his leg 3pts of damage.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22
French Wolf wrote:

So initiatives are;

Baboons 22
Zaid 19
Zsithreminni 9
Pugwampis 8
Erizi 7
Nombir 6
Shimei 3

The two baboons charge forwards at Erizi, one pounces from the statue springing at his face. The stench of fetid carrion is hot on Erizi's face.

First baboon attack roll 5, Second attack roll 12+2=14, Damage=9pts, Third attack roll 9+2=11, Damage=7pts. Does Erizi have his earthbreaker to hand, I believe so, in which case the second bite hit.

All three apes drop to the ground in front of the warrior, howling angrily.

Erizi's AC is 17 with his dodge bonus included without his shield, so I think they all missed. Also does the Pugwampi's unluck not apply to the enemy as well?

Erizi grimaces in distast and takes a might swing at the first Ape.

Earthbreaker Attack (1d20+7=27, 1d20+7=11) Damage (2d6+7=13)

Probably missed unless charging lowered their AC...And a wasted 20 as well, that would have made a nice mess

Then tries to manuver himself so that they can't flank him...Against a wall or column.

The Exchange

Erizi has no shield and no dex because he is flatfooted until he acts this round. I know that you guys had been facing off but the first round is all about who acts first and these apes beat you to the punch. I would have given Zsithreminni her sneak attack damage had she just shot one beforehand. Posturing is not the same as fighting. I doubt dodge applies for the same reason but it doesn't really matter because that would only bring his AC up to 14 with his armour.

And that darling Eric has listed those monsters and animals which are uneffected by the unluck. Baboons don't. Shame about the 20. Gawd I would hate to be fighting these critters.

Erizi can move into one of the doorways, kitchen has the dangerous floor and the mess hall may be empty. That would open up the corridor to the rest of the party but it does mean only one can attack you. Let me know. Shimei and possibly Zsithreminni to act.

As the earthbreaker comes down for a killing blow, Erizi clips one wall and sends the hammer between two apes to crack the ground.

French Wolf wrote:

Shimei and possibly Zsithreminni to act.[/ooc]

Shimei is looking over at his companions when the sudden movement by the baboons draws his eye back to them. Startled, he hurries his shot which flies wide of it's mark.

First Round attack (1d20+3, 1d8+1=[4, 3], [1, 1]) Why roll twice when IC hates you the first time? FW, do we roll attack and damage twice or just the attack?

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22
French Wolf wrote:

Erizi has no shield and no dex because he is flatfooted until he acts this round. I know that you guys had been facing off but the first round is all about who acts first and these apes beat you to the punch. I would have given Zsithreminni her sneak attack damage had she just shot one beforehand. Posturing is not the same as fighting. I doubt dodge applies for the same reason but it doesn't really matter because that would only bring his AC up to 14 with his armour.

And that darling Eric has listed those monsters and animals which are uneffected by the unluck. Baboons don't. Shame about the 20. Gawd I would hate to be fighting these critters.

Erizi can move into one of the doorways, kitchen has the dangerous floor and the mess hall may be empty. That would open up the corridor to the rest of the party but it does mean only one can attack you. Let me know. Shimei and possibly Zsithreminni to act.

As the earthbreaker comes down for a killing blow, Erizi clips one wall and sends the hammer between two apes to crack the ground.

gotcha. I forgot we house ruled that one out of our d20 games. It didn't make sense that if you're looking at someone swinging at you, you can't make a defensive move :-0. By the way Erizi has the looks and attitude of a silverback gorilla, couldn't he be immune?

Erizi steps to the partial cover only a slight frown showing that the baboons had injured him and swings again.

Earthbreaker attack (1d20+7=20, 1d20+7=12)

Earthbreaker damage (2d6+7=17)

Hopefully we'll get some flanking or something going on here!

Male Human Cleric 2

Nombir casts Bless (+1 to hit etc) on the party and then follows Zaid.

The Exchange

End of Round

Bless yay!

As Nombir follows Zaid he too suffers the effects on the floor as he gets five foot into the kitchen. DC12 Reflex save from both as they are on very sharp ground, roll twie and if you fail you take 2pts of damage to your feet or ankles.

The unluck aura unfortunately does work on Erizi, he is just too far advanced genetically, but Shimei it only effects d20 rolls.

Zsithreminni stays waiting. Any actions, if not I shall hopefully move on to round two tomorrow.

However I have a tough day tomorrow, going to see a dying friend and his son, who was my best man, so bear with me.

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

Reflex save: 1d20+3=5, 1d20+3=8


Zaid keeps moving until the pugs are in range of his spell.


Do I roll a Spellcraft check?

Male Human Cleric 2

1D20=6 whoops!

The Exchange

Zaid and Nombir both take 2pts of damage, Zsithreminni has not acted yet but just for future reference if you say you are readying an action, I need to know what the ready conditions are.


Rather than give it away, I'd just like two d20 rolls, I'll do the rest.


Two of the three baboons attack. One steps to the mess hall entrance, (in front of Shimei), and tries to bite Erizi's leg, Attack roll 17+2=19, Damage=5pts its rotten yellow fangs slice a gobbet of flesh free.

The other steps up to Zsithreminni but goes for the back of Nombir's ankle instead through the kitchen doorway. Claws reach out to get a firm grip before it can bite through the tendons. Attack roll 3...

The third baboon is blocked so it climbs back up the winged statue to again a better vantage point, red cheeks shining.


Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

Zaid attempts to cast a spell at the pugs:


If any baboons down the corridor or advancing towards me I will attempt to hit any.
If any are visible and in combat I will attempt to strike them taking -4 due to being in melee.

Light Crossbow 1d20+3=20(19 in melee) 3pts damage. Light Crossbow 1d20+3=17(16 in melee) 5pts damage.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi Grimaces in pain as he takes a second wound.

"My eyesight must be failing me". "I know I'm swinging at these things, and I'm going to smash them, but something happens and I miss". "I fear foul magic is at work here".

Earthbreaker Attack (1d20+8=20, 1d20+8=17)

"Maybe if I swing there instead?...YES!"

Earthbreaker Damage (2d6+7=10)

"A glancing blow, but I can now destroy them!"

The Exchange

Zaid Al-Mahaudin wrote:

Zaid attempts to cast a spell at the pugs:

** spoiler omitted **

The myriad of colors fan out over the far wall, engulfing the two pugwampis ten foot from Zaid. The pugwampis laugh and jiggle as the magic does not appear to bother them.

Zaid needs to make another pair of Reflex save DC12 or take 1pt of damage from the floor clutter. It happens every round he stays on the kitchen floor.

Then Zsithreminni takes a shot at the baboon just in front of her. As she lines up the shot the animal bites out at her AoO that misses. The one before Shimei also takes the chance to bite out but misses too.

The bolt enters the brain of the baboon before her and it somersaults away across the floor, sliding into a corner, dead.

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