Arielle |

"You both worry too much. Arielle, you've been practicing haven't you? And didn't Sky trust you enough to let you handle that storm he created? That was a big magical storm too."
"And Tristan, didn't I fight off those goblin guys? Didn't we work together to take out that earth thing in the Bizaar? Don't you have powerful magic beyond anyone else you age?"
"I've been practicing," she agreed. "But I still tend to overdo it. A lot. I can't seem to keep my storms from becoming humongous. Sky let me handle that storm cause nobody minded if the other guys got hurt."

The Dalesman |

Tristan the Waif wrote:"We can help," she says eagerly. "Well, I think we can help. LK can help. I'm still not really in control of my power. I might be more of a problem than a help," she added glumly.Arielle wrote:Little Kiba wrote:"Yeah, Tristan, you look older than me now. You got a lot taller." Arielle says once she stops giggling.Tristan the Waif wrote:He sees Arielle and Little Kiba and races towards them. He almost trips over his own excitement.[/i]
::Hey! Where have you been?!::
Arielle and Little Kiba have only known him for a short time, but he looks older, now almost out of his childhood years.
But LK came with Tristan when Oroth brought him here! He's talking to Cyberdragonborn right now! Oh well...
"Well, I was just talking to the metal dragon upstairs, but I think it teleported me down here so I wouldn't miss Devlyn jumping like a scared rabbit."
He looks at Tristan for a moment.
"You grew bigger!"
::It's the magic I wield. It's doing this to me. I don't know why.::
He stops and looks glum. His mirth almost dying out.
::There's another gemstone. Its at my house and I need to go home again to get it before Zhalail does.::
"You'll be fine, Arielle. All you have to do is remember to work together with your powers. And Tristan - we're going to be with you through all of this. I know this isn't what you want to do - believe me, I don't want any of you to have to do this - but it's what needs to be done. Both for your sake and your parents' sake."
"You won't be alone in this, not anymore. We'll see this deed done - I promise."

Little Kiba |

"I've been practicing," she agreed. "But I still tend to overdo it. A lot. I can't seem to keep my storms from becoming humongous. Sky let me handle that storm cause nobody minded if the other guys got hurt."
"Starhawks would have been flying through that storm if things had gone bad. He trusted your skill enough to let you control it with our friends flying through it."

Arielle |

Arielle wrote:"I've been practicing," she agreed. "But I still tend to overdo it. A lot. I can't seem to keep my storms from becoming humongous. Sky let me handle that storm cause nobody minded if the other guys got hurt.""Starhawks would have been flying through that storm if things had gone bad. He trusted your skill enough to let you control it with our friends flying through it."
She looks skeptical, but doesn't argue the point.

Tristan the Waif |

"We can help," she says eagerly. "Well, I think we can help. LK can help. I'm still not really in control of my power. I might be more of a problem than a help," she added glumly.
::Show you what I do.::
Tristan presses his hands together and seperates them slowly. LK and Arielle look at the taffy-like ethereal substance globulate between his hands then solidify on the tips of his fingers. He clasps his hands then flings all four finger together in a single motion across the sanctum. One narrow thin blades flies from his finger and embeds itself in the sanctum's wall. A second blade pinballs across the hospitality room and punctures a large drinking chalice. Cursing soon follows. The third flies unerringly and is followed by a short yelp. The fourth blade zips pass Poetry the assassin and slices off a lock of her hair. Tristan seems oblivious to the assassin's presence. His eyes go wide as he realizes the blades have left his fingers.
He quickly ducks behind Devlyn.
Waiting for my copy of the Pathfinder Bestiary to show up this week. I hope I get it before my vacation ends. Go Paizo Go!

The Dalesman |

Arielle wrote:"We can help," she says eagerly. "Well, I think we can help. LK can help. I'm still not really in control of my power. I might be more of a problem than a help," she added glumly.::Show you what I do.::
Tristan presses his hands together and seperates them slowly. LK and Arielle look at the taffy-like ethereal substance globulate between his hands then solidify on the tips of his fingers. He clasps his hands then flings all four finger together in a single motion across the sanctum. One narrow thin blades flies from his finger and embeds itself in the sanctum's wall. A second blade pinballs across the hospitality room and punctures a large drinking chalice. Cursing soon follows. The third flies unerringly and is followed by a short yelp. The fourth blade zips pass Poetry the assassin and slices off a lock of her hair. Tristan seems oblivious to the assassin's presence. His eyes go wide as he realizes the blades have left his fingers.
He quickly ducks behind Devlyn.
Waiting for my copy of the Pathfinder Bestiary to show up this week. I hope I get it before my vacation ends. Go Paizo Go!
He just nods his head slowly, putting a hand on Tristan's shoulder and taking in the scene.
"Like I said, you all need to use your powers in concert. Maybe we should take a quick break outside and work on that before we go..."
The Dalesman |

Arielle whispers to LK, "I hope this practice doesn't take too long. My parents are gonna be pretty upset when they notice I'm gone, and I don't want to not be able to help Tristan."
You'd think they'd learn not to try that around me.... :P
"I was wondering if they knew you were here, Little Zephyr. I'll talk to them and see if I can keep the upset to a minimum," he says with a wink.
"Now you all go outside and try to pool your powers. If we do run into any trouble, a little practice can only help us, neh?"
He activates his communication crystal to contact LJ and CH at the Grove of Ancients.

The Assassin |

The Assassin wrote:Me! Pick me!Little Kiba wrote:werewolf?The Assassin wrote:Sees all the young people running around I see this place has potential. Lots of new apprenteces to choose from.Psst. Pick the werewolf!
looks at Kiba You seem eager to learn the ways of the dark side. Come with me child. I will teach you the ways of the darkness.

Little Kiba |

"If we're showing off our skills..."
LK visibly calms down. He slowly draws his handaxe, then throws it above him. He doesn't move as it comes back down toward him, cutting through his shoulder. It clatters to the floor, and LK smiles as he picks it up.
"The Shifting Sands style of fighting, powered by magic I can't turn into spells. It makes my body react like sand to attacks and makes it easier to counter-attack. It just makes me tired if I use it too often."

The Dalesman |

The Assassin wrote:Looks at Little Kiba You seem eager to learn the ways of the dark side. Come with me child. I will teach you the ways of the darkness.LK thinks a moment.
"Maybe after I help Tristan."
Good to see you back David.
+5 :)
Walks over after leaving the message with LJ and CH, and after LK has turned his attention back to the others.
"You think he has it in him, Poetry?" he asks her quietly.

The Dalesman |

Majority vote has it then! ;)
After a couple hours of making some, well, unorthodox changes to portions of the Sanctum grounds, the group cleans up their mess as best they can, sets up some long-duration preparatory spells/psionics to keep tabs on each other, then uses the omniportal to return to the Bazaar of the Bizarre.
Lynora - Based on the message Devlyn sent, would LJ pop in here to at least slap a status spell on her daughter (or the greater version for the whole group if she was feeling especially 'parenty'? ;)

lynora-Jill |

Majority vote has it then! ;)
After a couple hours of making some, well, unorthodox changes to portions of the Sanctum grounds, the group cleans up their mess as best they can, sets up some long-duration preparatory spells/psionics to keep tabs on each other, then uses the omniportal to return to the Bazaar of the Bizarre.
Lynora - Based on the message Devlyn sent, would LJ pop in here to at least slap a status spell on her daughter (or the greater version for the whole group if she was feeling especially 'parenty'? ;)
She can come up with an equivalent of status for Arielle using her Songs, but most of her spellcasting ability is gone. And yes, she would definitely be feeling parenty. :)

Bouncer the Solar Elemental |

:::Many Cycles of the Sun later:::
By the 12 Sun Gods, this place needs some work. Fresh paint, some masonry, new defensive wards, and the right incantations and the desecrations will be gone. Make me wonder what the boss has been doing these several months.
The Solar Elemental awakens the labor pool and proceeds with the repairs and projects.
Best check the vaults and any missing property...