Best Character Name Ever?

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Bring it! In game or in print, whatever type of game (video game, computer game, tabletop rpg, board game, you name it).

Some of my personal faves:

Thok - The Gamorrean Guard character from a Star Wars fighting game on PS1.

Bucklethander Grimstone Puck - A gnome character I played for 1 game session.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Gutboy Barrelhouse

Dwarf fighter from the melee examples in AD&D DMG. That name just sums up a dwarf to me.

On the opposing group was:

Aggro the Axe

Classic stuff.

Grand Lodge

1) Llor Ecid (A pure TANK PC who was built to do one thing: Roll Dice)

2)pronounced: fa-si'-tee-us sar-ca'-sum
spelled: Facitious Sarcasm

3) Arodnap (from "The Whispering Cairn" Dungeon 124)

-W. E. Ray

Liberty's Edge

1)Diezen Utz.

Scarab Sages

Amanda Huggenkizz.

Liberty's Edge

Philmar Kraken.

Cralius the Dark wrote:

Gutboy Barrelhouse

Dwarf fighter from the melee examples in AD&D DMG. That name just sums up a dwarf to me.

Loved Gutboy Barrelhouse! Thanks for bringing that back up!

Gafferty McStabyu - from a post-adventure writeup/newspaper. I need to remember that name for my next rogue character.

Angelica Maria Theresa Padfoot Cooper

Halfling character from my friends game. Always thought the name was great.

Daromyr Andrakyn

First ever character and still my favourite name. Oodles of Tolkien, a dash of pulp fantasy, two 'y's (each pronounced diffrently) and it just rolls off the tongue...

Still use it every so often for particular characters in a homage.

Cinnamon the barbarian. They all made fun of it, but years later, they all still remember her name. :)

Burnadoob Killaguy

Liberty's Edge

Smoqana the wookie....

Grand Lodge

My first ever PC was Fred Flintstone -- gimme a break; I was 5.

It is a kick-a$$ name for a fighter, though, despite its unoriginality. (That was also the name of my goldfish; as I recall, they were both eventually flushed down the toilet.)

-W. E. Ray

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

The best one I heard was a wizard called 'Zinfandel the White'.

My brother always had a knack for naming characters, I thought. My favourites were Treetall Oakleg, Brutus Butterfingers and Sewage-Face Lulu (Lulu rolled pretty low for Charisma, I think).

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting wrote:
In devil-tainted Cheliax, such servitude often comes in the form of slavery. Here, halflings are known as "slips," and Chelaxians treat them with scorn and contempt.

Thus I named my halfling character, sold into Chelish slavery at a young age, Slip. It's the only name he ever remembers being called.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

How about Ebayess Googlum, the halfling rogue from a new player a few years ago. The DM for that game was a raging analytical and hated the name so much that he picked on the character and was forever finding ways to keep him from using his skills like tumble.


Paz wrote:
The best one I heard was a wizard called 'Zinfandel the White'.

I like that a lot!

Saern wrote:
Paz wrote:
The best one I heard was a wizard called 'Zinfandel the White'.
I like that a lot!


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Paz wrote:
The best one I heard was a wizard called 'Zinfandel the White'.

Love it!

Actually, there are a lot of wines that would make good character names. Examples (with suggested classes :-) include:












Malvasia di Schierano




Kalecik Karasi
Magaratch Ruby

And those are just the red wine varieties!

Umm.. I guess this counts as a threadjack. sorry!

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A friend of mine played a Brujah in a VtM game named Legbreaker Kneecap. Another friend is playing a librarian in our current Hell on Earth game named Redsum Books.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


Matt, Aspiran may be my new favorite cleric name.:)

The gnome bard, Slim Deuce, and his adventuring companions that he referred to as "the Grumpies".

Fi'Vannali Knowlern - My elven scout from Savage Tide. I used the lexicon from Races of the Wild, it means "rain forest shadow".

Scarab Sages

Matt Devney wrote:
Actually, there are a lot of wines that would make good character names.

This does shed rather too much light on your play-style...


lynora wrote:
Matt, Aspiran may be my new favorite cleric name.:)

Well, that at least is getting it back on topic :-) Happy to help!

It is extremely rare too, so you're in good company.

For extra points, use Minervois as the surname.

Pronounced minn-er-vwah, I think.


CHA: 18

Joffo Rockbiter - my dwarven druid/fighter/ranger/bearlord (from Master of the Wild)- dirty, smelly, liked turning into a bear a lot.

Meko - halfling Master of Many Forms - dirty, smelly, liked turning into a shambling mound a lot.

There are some who call me.....Tim?

My first D&D game consisted of my friend and I playing the ol' "black box" Dungeons & Dragons board game. He made a wizard named "Zathrose". (I misunderstood him when he said he wanted his character to be named Zatharos, but the name stuck, and the legend was born.) Probably the best character name in my history of D&D.

However, the worst name in my D&D history goes to a buddy I played with in a group when over in Scotland and Ireland, for a student ambassadorship. He played--I kid you not--"Eric the Cleric". It didn't register until a little later, but when it hit me, I was rolling on the floor.

I'm not sure which version of the name stuck, but I like Zatharos.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I'm not sure which version of the name stuck, but I like Zatharos.

My favorites I have used are Sindoran Kazeneema Bugbear Samurai/Ninja/Kensai, Vinny Diego the rogue, Bizzy Fangle the wizard of mangle! (Gnome illusionist), Gabrial Vangotha the Hunter of the Dead (2nd edition fighter/thief specialty setup), and Alabaster Ramathorne the Third Bard and Great Wizard (Duel classed 2e bard 7/Wizard 19) But those are my favorites from my games.

Hey, I had a character named Stewart Perkins.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

From one of White Wolf's Werewolf supplements: Bob who spells his name backward to reveal a secret message from the Wyrm.

Matt Devney wrote:
For extra points, use Minervois as the surname.

Thanks for the wine list I needed a new PC name...I think I'll be using Duras Tarn (or Tarn Duras).

My dad was not much of a player, but he made two wizards with awesome names:

Panazin Ashe.

Wozinot Weise.

Dolph Krueger
The wristblade-wielding dwarven fighter that suddenly jumps out of the bushes, shouts "SAVE YOURSELVES" and proceeds to save our lives from the dangerous beasties.

Ahh.. Everquest. You certainly had your moments.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Dak Crawford. He was a super-intelligent, "bad boy" mechanic in a Dragonstar game that ran for over a year. He smoked, loved things that went faster than they ought to, and constantly complained about how he was the only person that did any work on the ship that the party cruised around the galaxy in.

There was a lizardfolk chieftain in the Savage Tide adventures in DUNGEON. I forget his name, but the magazine actually gave his name translated to common which was......

wait for it.......

Rock Hard

Also, Warchief Ripnugget got quite a few laughs at my game table (he's from Burnt Offerings/Pathfinder #1).

Stewart Perkins wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I'm not sure which version of the name stuck, but I like Zatharos.
My favorites I have used are Sindoran Kazeneema Bugbear Samurai/Ninja/Kensai, Vinny Diego the rogue, Bizzy Fangle the wizard of mangle! (Gnome illusionist), Gabrial Vangotha the Hunter of the Dead (2nd edition fighter/thief specialty setup), and Alabaster Ramathorne the Third Bard and Great Wizard (Duel classed 2e bard 7/Wizard 19) But those are my favorites from my games.

Bizzy Fangle the wizard of mangle +1

Dark Archive

Sarras, the dreaded palindromous dwarf (a fighter/rogue character of mine in a AD&D 2e Mystara campaign).

In one of my early 2e games, I made the mistake of naming a recurring dwarven NPC Bak Stoneheart. Everytime he showed up, the players would all chorus in unison, "Hey! Bak's back!"


Nimblefingers Swifty, the halfling Rogue. Dead at 3rd level, but the legend lives on!

Scarab Sages

I had a T'skrang Archer who's legendary name ended up being "Almost"

"Almost won the archery tournament"

"Almost got killed by the lightning lizard"

"Almost made it to the store and back..."

don't remember his real name, but his legendary name lives on...

Kruelaid wrote:

Hey, I had a character named Stewart Perkins.


Awesome, was he a fat bearded bard who got into much trouble, fumbled about in taverns drunkenly with women of loose morals and basically never did anything more than sidekick for better adventurers? That's what MY Stewart Perkins does :P

My best friend used to just add "-lore" to the ends of the names of people he knew, possibly changing a terminal vowel to fit. So he had a wizard named Marclore, a ranger named Abalore, etc.

... but my vote, like so many others, still has to go to "Gutboy Barrelhouse" for all-time best.

Just remembered another one. Friend of mine had a Gnome Illusionist. His name was Havva. Havva Guddey of Airibel. Probably messed up the spelling on it a bit. He is a gnome after all.

Dark Archive

Dilandau Ashram a former longtime villain from my D&D campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Mr. Sixty.

Due to a series of freakish die rolls and a somewhat ambiguous rule in the book, one of the players I was running for ended up with a 60 in his appearance stat(when normal stats where 10-20, the highest a normal elf could hit was 30). He named the character Mr. Sixty and would always flex when he talked about him.

For my own characters, my favorite was in a Mutants and Masterminds game. He was a shapeshifter who specialized in impersonating people, but he wasn't all that bright. I called him Mr. Who, since he wasn't smart enough to be a doctor.


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