Although, technically not. There is the dog keeping me company. The rest will return tomorrow.
I watched the first Kingsman movie again last night. Just for the hell of it. Good movie.
Apparently it’s Father’s Day today. I was not aware of this until yesterday, when someone at the “Comic Book” store mentioned it.
With the wife and children not getting home until much later today, I’m wondering what to do with myself. Might spend the entire day just quietly reading. I do have a bunch of back issues I’ve bought, but not gotten around to yet….
Well, I’m glad I at least bought myself a Father’s Day gift. The one from my children was…..a t-shirt from Buc-ee’s. Perhaps a new low.
Then again, I don’t do it for gifts. I do it because being as good a father as possible is what a real man does. Even if it’s unappreciated by those involved.
Turns out, my mother-in-law helped my daughter make a superhero painting gift for me. So the two of them put more thought into doing something nice for me for Father’s Day than my wife and son did.
My supervisor should be back in the office today. He took three weeks off to go show off his new(ish) son to family back in India.
I like the guy. He’s smart. He’s a good engineer. And he just wants to get stuff done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Woot! Less than $25K to go, and I’ll be able to purchase a Rippaverse short box. I love short boxes. They’re way easier on my poor back.
Finally taking advantage of the office’s offer of $75 per month to have email and such on my personal phone.
Busy morning. I suppose that’s a good thing. Got to work, next thing I know it’s lunchtime. That was a quick four hours.
On a hilarious note (for me, anyway), my supervisor got back from his trip to India, and couldn’t find his car keys.
Woot! The campaign hit $1.5 million overnight. That means they’ll soon have Rippaverse short boxes for sale. Depending on the price, I might pick up more than one.
And they added an option to donate comics to kids in the hospital. So I did that as well.
Busy morning. And it's looking to be a busy afternoon as well.
Nasty weather here last night. Lost power off an on over a half-hour or so. Which sucked because it kept making me reset the PlayStation so I could finish my episode of Next Generation.
The drive to the office was also more “fun” this morning. Couple of intersections with lights out. Luckily, most everyone was being pretty cool about it.
The power went out in the office yesterday afternoon, and the report was it wouldn’t be back on for several hours. So they let us go home and do remote work.
Power’s back on today, though. And it’s gonna be a busy Friday.
I found a plastic zipper bracelet on my dinner table this morning. And I thought we had weirdly useless stuff when I was a kid.
Another long week, followed by a tough Friday night. However, I’m scheduled for a test on Monday that will (hopefully) finally shed some light on my health issues.
I won’t hold my breath, though. I doubt the Universe is going to give up tormenting me just yet.
No rest for the weary. At least not today. I’ve got groceries to purchase. Comics to purchase. Clothes to wash. Scout stuff to attend to. And probably a ton more things I’m forgetting.
Maybe tomorrow I can rest, but I doubt it.
I think the boy is getting a little more interested in Star Trek. Watching TNG last night, he seemed somewhat engrossed in the episodes.
My girl has also gotten into it, but like the womanly stereotype feels the need to endlessly ask me questions about what’s going on, instead of just watching the damned show.
Coffee grinds in the bottom of my cup!!!
My niece spent a few hours with us yesterday evening, while her parents and siblings attended an Order of the Arrow function.
And, of course, it completely slipped my mind to give my brother some paperwork he could have brought to the Scouts BSA district headquarters for me, next time he goes down that way.
That reminds me….I’ve got to schedule some boards of review for two very eager siblings.
Would that my own son showed that much determination. For something other than video games or YouTube.
In part I blame myself. My poor health has restrained me from participating in Scouting as much as I’d like to.
I suppose I can no longer procrastinate. I must begin my day in earnest.
I got more done than I expected yesterday. Which I suppose is a good thing. Today I must focus on progress preparing the boy for Summer Camp.
Had a HIDA Scan done today. Very boring. And I feel like crap now. Or, at least, more crappy than the last few months.
Hopefully, it was worth it.
According to my daughter, my wife is sweet like a cupcake. I, however, am more like a lemon.
Tuesday! Why’d it have to be…..Tuesday.
Work from home Wednesday. I’m still getting used to it. At the moment it’s been a welcome respite from the rigors of office work. Still, if my health ever improves, I may just start going in on Wednesday instead.
Another busy morning. Especially with my group’s big boss (whose office looks directly into my cubicle) in early.
Still, I like to stay busy. It keeps my mind off other problems.
Some lady I don’t know is retiring from the company today. I find it difficult to get as excited as many others.
And I think my team has a Happy Hour today, to celebrate the two newer hires. I doubt I’ll go. My health issues make those kind of social gatherings difficult to enjoy. Plus, I’m not big on bars anymore. Plus, it’s kind of an open to the air place, and in this heat it’ll be unpleasant.
On the other hand, it’s TGIF!
It's overtime demolition Friday for me, literally the whole day I'm on overtime and I get to demolish a couple of timber walls.
Sadly, it’s going to be a very busy weekend.
On the plus side, my boy’s new pop up bug netting was delivered. It was developed by a Scout’s dad, apparently. Or it was his idea, at least. It’s like a little mini tent that’ll fit right on top his cot at summer camp.
I was worried he might have trouble repacking it, so we practiced yesterday. He seemed to master it, so I’m less worried. We’ll keep practicing, however.
This time next week, he’ll be well on the road to camp.
Between now and then, however, there is still much work to be done.
Got a lot done today. And scored some great back issue comics.
Tonight, I’m thinking of continuing my break from Star Trek to watch the final Indiana Jones movie - The Last Crusade.
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It’s the anniversary of the release of Big Trouble in Little China. So I know what movie I’ll be watching tonight.
Which is good, because I just finished the Indiana Jones Trilogy.
This being the day before a big holiday, I was hoping traffic would be super light. Alas, it was less than usual, but not what I was hoping for.
Still, with many folk out of the office, I’m hoping for a quiet day.
No bosses yet. Mayhap there’s hope at least one or two of them won’t show up today. And then my own direct supervisor probably won’t be in for at least another half hour.
Not too bad a day so far. One boss went home early. The other stepped out for a bit, and I’m hoping he’ll leave early. My own direct supervisor is in, but has been keeping to himself and only sending me a few easy tasks. I’m hoping he’ll go home early as well.
I did speculate with two bosses about another boss we call British James. I asked them if they thought he’d just come into work tomorrow.