Keepiru |

Our group has just started playing around with crafting magic items. One of the things we're trying to figure out is the Caster Level that is listed at the bottom of weapon/armor abilities, wondrous items, etc.
According to the Magic Items Web Enhancement:
"Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions.
These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created.
Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be
known by the item’s creator (although access through another
magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic
item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not
meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation
feat, which is mandatory"
Does this mean that a player can attempt to create/enchant an item that they don't meet the caster level requirement for by adding a +5 to the craft DC?
If you can create an item for which you don't meet the CL requirement, is there a higher penalty for creating an item well above your CL? For example Seeking has a CL of 12, and only a +1 bonus so a character could build it at 6th level. Should the missing prerequisite DC increase based on how low your CL is compared to the CL you are trying to match?
Some wondrous items don't list a caster level requirement to craft them, but the item itself has a caster level. Does the player need to have the same caster level of the item in order to craft it, or in this case do they just need the feat, the spell, and gold cost?
Finally, in the weapons and armor section it mentions your caster level must be 3 times the enhancement bonus you are trying to create. Is this another prerequisite that could be skipped by adding +5 to the DC or does it trump the prerequisite rule?

Starbuck_II |

According to the official D&D FAQ, the caster level of a wondrous item isn't a requirement, it's just the usual caster level that item would have if you found one in a treasure hoard.
But it should definitely be clarified one way or another.
Agreed in D&D, the caster level is usually except in some cases just for dispel purposes (and duration if it casts a spell).

Ughbash |
I would say that the caster level is still required (and run it that way).
If you however want to say caster level for Fortification (level 15) is not required, then you should also ask yoruself if the feat needed to create the item is required or just another +5 penalty.
For the record I also require them to have the feat.