Last Minute Feats or Spells You'd Like to See

Open Comments

Okey dokey. So if there is a feat or spell idea that you think would solve a problem or fill an empty niche. post it here.

I'll start with this:

Martial Practitioner [Combat]
"You manage to set aside some time regularly for honing your combat skills."
Prerequisite: Character level 2 or higher, base attack bonus less than 1/2 character level
Benefit: Your base attack bonus increases by 1.
Special: You can take this feat more than once.

<This is a backwards compatible alternate solution to making fractional bab and possibly making multi-classing with less than full BAB too easy for 1-level dips.>

Energy Ball (replaces fire ball)
<add flavor descriptions for lightning, cold, and acid>
<add note that you must learn each energy type of this spell separately>

<add more examples of little things you can do, such as changing your hair color>

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

I wanna see Wyvern Watch again... but that's just me. A low level alarm/bboby trap spell.

--Vrocket man!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
quest-master wrote:
Martial Practitioner

Problem: There's already an Epic feat that already ups your BAB by +1, and this kind of makes Weapon Focus or Greater Weapon Focus utterly pointless.

quest-master wrote:

Energy Ball (replaces fire ball)

<add flavor descriptions for lightning, cold, and acid>
<add note that you must learn each energy type of this spell separately>

Not really necessary. Just a OGL version of the effects of WotC's Energy Substitution metamagic feat would take care of this problem for every damage spell (lightning bolt, cone of cold, meteor swarm, etc.)

I'd like to see feats that trade iterative attacks for other benefits, such as extra movement, extra defense, extra damage, etc. We've already seen a few in the Beta, like Vital strike, and Improved Vital Strike. I hope this concept is kept and expanded upon. It would sure open up variety at the higher levels of play for martial characters with good BAB bonuses, by trading iterative attacks to gain benefits from more than one feat at once. For instance, a fighter with a BAB of +11/+6/+1 could trade the +1 to gain use of Vital Strike and trade the +6 to gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC from the feat presented below.

One I came up with:

You are an expert at balancing your offensive ability with sound defense. You make use of various maneuvers such as parrying and pushing off of incoming attacks, as well as dodging blows.
Prerequisite Base attack bonus +6
Benefit When performing a full-attack action, you may trade iterative attacks for a better defense. For each attack traded, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn. At 6th level, you may trade one attack. The number of attacks you can trade increases to two at 11th level, and three at 16th level.
Normal Without this feat, you must choose to fight defensively, or use full defense to increase your AC. This is an alternative to the Combat Expertise feat.
Special A condition that makes you lose your dexterity bonus to AC also makes you lose the benefit of this feat. A fighter may select Defensive Expert as one of his fighter bonus feats.

The feat is based on the Elusive Attack class feature for fighters from the PHII.

Kvantum wrote:
quest-master wrote:
Martial Practitioner

Problem: There's already an Epic feat that already ups your BAB by +1, and this kind of makes Weapon Focus or Greater Weapon Focus utterly pointless.

quest-master wrote:

Energy Ball (replaces fire ball)

<add flavor descriptions for lightning, cold, and acid>
<add note that you must learn each energy type of this spell separately>
Not really necessary. Just a OGL version of the effects of WotC's Energy Substitution metamagic feat would take care of this problem for every damage spell (lightning bolt, cone of cold, meteor swarm, etc.)

The Epic feat works if you have BaB higher than or equal to 1/2 your level. This feat doesn't.

Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus are not made pointless for anyone with BaB higher than or equal to 1/2 character level, which is likely more than half of all characters.

Not everyone wants to spend their feat on Energy Substitution.
Anyway, indeed it is not necessary but it would be nice for at least a designer's note/extra paragraph somewhere in the magic section about designing spells that includes an example of fireball being learned as frostball instead. I like to encourage my players to be creative and that would be helpful especially to newbies. Actually a designer's note would probably be better than adding text to spells.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

primemover003 wrote:

I wanna see Wyvern Watch again... but that's just me. A low level alarm/bboby trap spell.

--Vrocket man!

Nevermind! Paizo you guys rock! You already remade Wyvern Watch into Sentinel Scorpion (from the Laegacy of Fire Players Guide)! w00t!

--Vrock and Awe!

I miss dig, it was a great spell from 2nd. why they removed it i'll never know.

Well quest-master, Pathfinder does add 3 more feats above what people are used to in 3.5. Why not use one on something like Energy Substitution.

Speaking of...

Energy Substitution [Metamagic] and Subdual (renamed to Non-lethal?) Substitution [Metamagic] (Divine SRD) would nice additions and give casters a full range metamagic options. Then again there was this player I who's signature spell became Vinegar Ball (non-lethal acid sub fireball) just to make the rest of the group mad.

Greater Manyshot [Combat] (Psionic SRD), increase BAB to +12 and add the old Manyshots extra shot line to it as well. A nice upper end feat for archers.

Open Minded [General] (Psionic SRD), revised to match the new Toughness. Basically gain 1 skill rank for every HD you have. Aside from substitution levels for fighters this would be another option for increasing that classes skill set.

Grand Lodge

Heroes' Feast: I'd like to see this spell grant a +5 sacred bonus to saves versus fear effects and poisons instead of immunity. At higher levels many creatures have these abilities. A simple heroes' feast squashes the abilities of these creatures, which effectively lowers the CR for the encounter.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Eric Stipe wrote:
I miss dig, it was a great spell from 2nd. why they removed it i'll never know.

Isn't this subsumed into Move Earth?

JoelF847 wrote:
Isn't this subsumed into Move Earth?

yes and no, it can dig, but it can't tunnel nor can you mess with others with it.

Since the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting is officially separate from Pathfinder RPG, I'd like to see the alternate fighter class ability detailed in the PCCS "featified" for use in any setting using the Pathfinder RPG rules. The alternate class ability was not named, but involved giving up the first level bonus feat to gain a few extra class skills (some of which have already since been added to the class list in Beta), and (4+int) x 4 skill pts at 1st, with 4 + int each level thereafter. Call the new feat Formal Instruction.

I'd like to see a feat roughly similar to the War Mind PrCs Sweeping Strike ability. Possibly replacing Great Cleave as it is far to similar (and sub-par to boot) to to Whirlwind Attack.

Were there any feats that allowed a paladin to bypass DR/cold iron, silver, or adamantine on a smite attempt?

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