Jarl of the Kitten Vikings |

It is no magic of theirs. It is the magic of the Eagles. Challenge it at your peril.
Why do you challenge the Champions of Sky and Earth? And their protectors?
May your axes crumble to rust if they draw blood here.
"Kobold Cleaver was our friend! We owed him a debt! As it is too late to repay it, we will have to settle for avenging him!"
The Kittens dive down, dismounting off their eagles just in case, and charge.
lynora-Jill |

The barrier falls, and he charges at Lynora, slashing at her with his cleaver.
LJ puts her hands up to protect her face as the wasp charges at her, trying desperately to build another wind shield in time. She doesn't understand what's happening. She thought the wasp was an ally.

Jarl of the Kitten Vikings |

JH roars as he rushes the approaching kittens, his voice like that of a lion. The kittens may understand the words, humans do not.
Attack my pride and yours shall be destroyed. I shall feast on your bones.
Your wasp lies to you.
The kittens hiss.
"We know the Wasp as a friend. You are but one of the selfish, greedy, carousing Jacks. We knew you as an ally, but now? A traitor."
Thieving Wasp |

Wasp glares. In one motion, he blasts Warforged with Board Essence.
He looks furiously at everyone.
"As an honorable member of the Protectors of the Board, and as the last member, I challenge Lynora to the Vengeful Right of single combat! By our law, refusal to fight is a crime against the Board, and will draw its own wrath upon you!"

Jack Hammer |

Jack Hammer wrote:JH roars as he rushes the approaching kittens, his voice like that of a lion. The kittens may understand the words, humans do not.
Attack my pride and yours shall be destroyed. I shall feast on your bones.
Your wasp lies to you.
The kittens hiss.
"We know the Wasp as a friend. You are but one of the selfish, greedy, carousing Jacks. We knew you as an ally, but now? A traitor."
The lion's roar continues Foolish kittens. When do humans speak in Feline? If you wish to challenge for Alpha then challenge honorably.

Warforged Jack |

Wasp glares. In one motion, he blasts Warforged with Board Essence.
He looks furiously at everyone.
"As an honorable member of the Protectors of the Board, and as the last member, I challenge Lynora to the Vengeful Right of single combat! By our law, refusal to fight is a crime against the Board, and will draw its own wrath upon you!"
Those without honor cannot make that challenge. You deceive yourself Wasp.
If you must taste blood, challenge me.

Thieving Wasp |

Thieving Wasp wrote:Wasp glares. In one motion, he blasts Warforged with Board Essence.
He looks furiously at everyone.
"As an honorable member of the Protectors of the Board, and as the last member, I challenge Lynora to the Vengeful Right of single combat! By our law, refusal to fight is a crime against the Board, and will draw its own wrath upon you!"Those without honor cannot make that challenge. You deceive yourself Wasp.
If you must taste blood, challenge me.
He glares.
"Those without honor? I am vengeance! And it matters not. It is a Law of the Board, and if it is not obeyed then nothing good will follow. I invite you to refuse, Lynora. It will be a worse death than I could imagine."He shakes with rage.
You, Lynora, shall meet me at the scene of KC's murder--at your hands, no matter how indirect--tomorrow. Be there."
He vanishes. The kittens leave, knowing that their work is done.

The Dalesman |

What he said...It sounded as if our enemies have been distracting us while they kill off our allies behind our backs. I think it may be time to see who's still standing. And who's still with us.
The Omniportal flashes to life as Devlyn and Allura step through to the Club.
They stop halfway down the steps, taking in the scene around them. It looks like a storm just blew through here, and everyone appears on edge and ready for battle.
"What....just happened?"

lynora-Jill |

"What....just happened?"
After casting a quick true seeing, just to be sure.
Well, let me sum up. Explaining would take too long. My sister, Ash, is working for the goddess and has been all along. She's the one who messed up the original binding by stabbing my mother in the back. The woman who showed up for that 'visit' wasn't actually my mother, I think. It's still a bit tangled up there. And like the stupid idiot I am, I told Ash everything, so now our enemies know our weak spots and our plans and we're pretty well screwed.And somehow our enemies have convinced the wasp that I'm a traitor. He tried to kill me. He challenged me to single combat. And from what he said, it sounds like our enemies have been keeping us distracted so they can take out our allies one by one.
Did I miss anything?

Jack Hammer |

Basically 'Jay Frogskin' flew in and tried to stir up more trouble with his mind games. He likes to hang around invisibly and eavesdrop.
Thanks to Warforged we found out Ash was really an Erinyes, a Fallen One. Jay popped back in and tried to spin it otherwise.
A blast of positive energy revealed the truth, and 'Jay' popped out. As did Ash. Insert more head games here.
Then 'the Wasp' shows up and accuses us of killing everyone, including KC. He comes back with the feral cats to 'avenge' everyone. When he can't get to Lyn he challenges her to single combat invoking the 'Board' and 'honor'. More head games. Detect a pattern here?
We forestalled the attack.
Basically I'm ready to kill anyone that comes near me or Lyn.

Jack Hammer |

The Dalesman wrote:"What....just happened?"
After casting a quick true seeing, just to be sure.
Well, let me sum up. Explaining would take too long. My sister, Ash, is working for the goddess and has been all along. She's the one who messed up the original binding by stabbing my mother in the back. The woman who showed up for that 'visit' wasn't actually my mother, I think. It's still a bit tangled up there. And like the stupid idiot I am, I told Ash everything, so now our enemies know our weak spots and our plans and we're pretty well screwed.
And somehow our enemies have convinced the wasp that I'm a traitor. He tried to kill me. He challenged me to single combat. And from what he said, it sounds like our enemies have been keeping us distracted so they can take out our allies one by one.
Did I miss anything?
I don't think we can believe anything 'Frogskin' or 'the Wasp' said. Including that said at the Oasis. Especially as it pertains to CL, such as his non-use of illusion. Perhaps he is polymorphing himself?

lynora-Jill |

Your mother was killed during the ritual, so either she's been raised and become Fallen or that may have been your doppelganger.
It appears Leaena and Aquila were none too pleased either.
I am sorry about your mother.
LJ goes a little pale at this news.
I'm not sure which I'm hoping for at this point. I'm sorry she died, even after what she did to me. If she was raised, it would have to be as a Fallen One. What she did to me tainted her. Much like the kobold, I think, she lost track of Good in pursuit of the greater good.I think I'm hoping it was the doppelganger. It's bad enough having to fight my sister. I don't know if I could bear it having to fight them both.

The Dalesman |

Waits until LJ finishes the spell and scans them before coming down to the floor.
"Well, at least we live in interesting times," he says as he shakes his head.
"So...the Raven has shown his 'true colors' as a trickster, but not on our side; both of LJ's family have been revealed to be either compromised or other beings entirely; and this Wasp (who I assume was close to KC) is now convinced you had something to do with KC's death, and you think he's been steered in this direction by the wrong hands to fight you."
"So what are the consequences of LJ ignoring this 'challenge' for the farce it really is?"

Jack Hammer |

Waits until LJ finishes the spell and scans them before coming down to the floor.
"Well, at least we live in interesting times," he says as he shakes his head.
"So...the Raven has shown his 'true colors' as a trickster, but not on our side; both of LJ's family have been revealed to be either compromised or other beings entirely; and this Wasp (who I assume was close to KC) is now convinced you had something to do with KC's death, and you think he's been steered in this direction by the wrong hands to fight you."
"So what are the consequences of LJ ignoring this 'challenge' for the farce it really is?"
None that I know of. Honor is more than one being's POV. Vengeance, albeit misguided, is more of problem. I think the challenge is simpy a means to instill fear.
The Kittens have been manipulated. Who knows who else this Trickster has spoken to.

lynora-Jill |

None that I know of. Honor is more than one being's POV. Vengeance, albeit misguided, is more of problem. I think the challenge is simpy a means to instill fear.
The Kittens have been manipulated. Who knows who else this Trickster has spoken to.
LJ frowns.
I'm worried about what will happen if I don't show up. Not because of any curse or other such nonsense, but it would be a powerful tool for him to use to turn our allies away from us.
The Dalesman |

None that I know of. Honor is more than one being's POV. Vengeance, albeit misguided, is more of problem. I think the challenge is simpy a means to instill fear.
The Kittens have been manipulated. Who knows who else this Trickster has spoken to.
"Good - then we'll simply choose not to be afraid, or be distracted by those kinds of antics if we can help it."
"I would guess the raven has bent the ear of a lot of people, though. We should probably assume that until we know otherwise."
"So the real question should be: How do we get these folks back on our side before it comes to bloodshed?"

Jack Hammer |

Jack Hammer wrote:None that I know of. Honor is more than one being's POV. Vengeance, albeit misguided, is more of problem. I think the challenge is simpy a means to instill fear.
The Kittens have been manipulated. Who knows who else this Trickster has spoken to.
LJ frowns.
I'm worried about what will happen if I don't show up. Not because of any curse or other such nonsense, but it would be a powerful tool for him to use to turn our allies away from us.
If he strikes you down I will kill him before he takes a step. Boards be damned!

The Dalesman |

LJ frowns.
I'm worried about what will happen if I don't show up. Not because of any curse or other such nonsense, but it would be a powerful tool for him to use to turn our allies away from us.
"Well, that road goes both ways. He's clearly overcome with emotion about what happened to KC (and rightly so). That's not be best state of mind from which to issue challenges with such far-reaching ramifications."
"Maybe we can appeal to the others along that line, that we need to sit down and let cooler heads prevail before we save this Goddess the trouble and destroy ourselves first."

Emperor7 |

Jack Hammer wrote:None that I know of. Honor is more than one being's POV. Vengeance, albeit misguided, is more of problem. I think the challenge is simpy a means to instill fear.
The Kittens have been manipulated. Who knows who else this Trickster has spoken to.
"Good - then we'll simply choose not to be afraid, or be distracted by those kinds of antics if we can help it."
"I would guess the raven has bent the ear of a lot of people, though. We should probably assume that until we know otherwise."
"So the real question should be: How do we get these folks back on our side before it comes to bloodshed?"
From outside a voice is heard. The Emperor is on the grounds.
I have sent a message to the Kittens. Whether they will listen is another matter.
The Wasp is mad. He thinks his friends are dead, but death is only a closed door. It can be opened.
Candle Lighter seeks to accelerate the conflict, freeing the goddess quickly will limit her power. He hopes she will be weak. He is wrong.
Others meddle for their own agendas.

lynora-Jill |

LJ steps closer to JH, leaning her head against his arm for a moment.
I had been hoping to change the means of the wasp's challenge. I asked him to find some other venue than lethal combat, but he wasn't listening to anything I said.
In response to the treant's words, Causing discord and letting people destroy themselves is the goddess's modus operandi. But how do we convince our allies that we're all still on the same side?

The Dalesman |

LJ steps closer to JH, leaning her head against his arm for a moment.
I had been hoping to change the means of the wasp's challenge. I asked him to find some other venue than lethal combat, but he wasn't listening to anything I said.In response to the treant's words, Causing discord and letting people destroy themselves is the goddess's modus operandi. But how do we convince our allies that we're all still on the same side?
"The short answer? With common sense. Anger and madness tend to feed on themselves, like a mob worked up into a frenzy. Emperor7 has sent out message to the kittens - let's see what their reply is, as they have no reason not to listen to his words or doubt them. Maybe we can start reforging our ties with them by having him act as an 'arbiter' of sorts."

Emperor7 |

The Wasp's threat is real, but real to more than you. Our enemies cannot allow you to be killed Wind Guardian. Not before they are ready.
The treant looks closely at LJ.
Greetings, old friends. Long have you slept. Evil is at our door. It is good that you are awake. Your children have thrived in the world, but that world is at risk.

Emperor7 |

LJ looks confused for a moment, then comprehension dawns.
Oh, you're speaking to Laeana and Aquila. I'm not that familiar with them yet, but I do feel better having them with me.
Then please allow me to introduce you.
Laeana, Lioness of the Southern Pride, 1st wife of the 1st Lion King. E7 pauses and looks at JH Part of him touches your new hammer Earth Champion.
Warforged looks confused and awestruck Worry not smith, it was not your doing. His wife summoned him.
The Southern Pride were great friends of the Celestial Court when the world was young.
And then there is Aquila, the Eagle Queen. It is said that she was part celestial herself, because of her beauty and grace. Long have the great eagles been a friend. Her people protect the celestials' nests as if they were their own to this very day.

lynora-Jill |

lynora-Jill wrote:LJ looks confused for a moment, then comprehension dawns.
Oh, you're speaking to Laeana and Aquila. I'm not that familiar with them yet, but I do feel better having them with me.Then please allow me to introduce you.
Laeana, Lioness of the Southern Pride, 1st wife of the 1st Lion King. E7 pauses and looks at JH Part of him touches your new hammer Earth Champion.
Warforged looks confused and awestruck Worry not smith, it was not your doing. His wife summoned him.
The Southern Pride were great friends of the Celestial Court when the world was young.
And then there is Aquila, the Eagle Queen. It is said that she was part celestial herself, because of her beauty and grace. Long have the great eagles been a friend. Her people protect the celestials' nests as if they were their own to this very day.
Oh, she says, visibly impressed. I am honored to have such magnificent allies.
With a sidelong glance at the hammer, Well, I suppose that explains why the bracers and the hammer had such a strong reaction to each other.
lynora-Jill |

A kitten flies in, bearing a message. He drops it at Lynora's feet.
"Wasp renounces the challenge. He has gone to avenge his friends."
LJ picks up the note.
Oh no! Well, partly good. Wasp has rescinded his challenge. But he's gone off by himself to fight against our enemies. He's going to get himself killed!
The Dalesman |

Jarl of the Kitten Vikings wrote:A kitten flies in, bearing a message. He drops it at Lynora's feet.
"Wasp renounces the challenge. He has gone to avenge his friends."LJ picks up the note.
Oh no! Well, partly good. Wasp has rescinded his challenge. But he's gone off by himself to fight against our enemies. He's going to get himself killed!
"Crap....can you try to scry where exactly he went, without putting yourself in danger?"

lynora-Jill |

lynora-Jill wrote:"Crap....can you try to scry where exactly he went?"Jarl of the Kitten Vikings wrote:A kitten flies in, bearing a message. He drops it at Lynora's feet.
"Wasp renounces the challenge. He has gone to avenge his friends."LJ picks up the note.
Oh no! Well, partly good. Wasp has rescinded his challenge. But he's gone off by himself to fight against our enemies. He's going to get himself killed!
I can try, but scrying takes time. By the time I find him, he may already be dead. But it's still better than sitting here doing nothing. Can you please get me a mirror or a bowl of water or something?

Thieving Wasp |

lynora-Jill wrote:"Crap....can you try to scry where exactly he went, without putting yourself in danger?"Jarl of the Kitten Vikings wrote:A kitten flies in, bearing a message. He drops it at Lynora's feet.
"Wasp renounces the challenge. He has gone to avenge his friends."LJ picks up the note.
Oh no! Well, partly good. Wasp has rescinded his challenge. But he's gone off by himself to fight against our enemies. He's going to get himself killed!
Any attempts reveal that he is protected from scrying.

The Dalesman |

The Dalesman wrote:I can try, but scrying takes time. By the time I find him, he may already be dead. But it's still better than sitting here doing nothing. Can you please get me a mirror or a bowl of water or something?lynora-Jill wrote:"Crap....can you try to scry where exactly he went?"Jarl of the Kitten Vikings wrote:A kitten flies in, bearing a message. He drops it at Lynora's feet.
"Wasp renounces the challenge. He has gone to avenge his friends."LJ picks up the note.
Oh no! Well, partly good. Wasp has rescinded his challenge. But he's gone off by himself to fight against our enemies. He's going to get himself killed!
"On it."
Devlyn moves with a bit more speed than he usually does, snagging a mirror from inside the Club and bringing it over to LJ.
The Dalesman |

LJ begins the spell. It takes several minutes.
Crap. I can't get any sort of read on him at all. He probably has some sort of ward up against scrying.
Devlyn rubs his temple, trying to think of options.
"Okay. Is there a 'Plan B', or are we stuck hoping and praying he didn't bite off more than he can chew?"