PaizoCon UK

PaizoCon General Discussion

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The Exchange

Wellard wrote:

Bloody nobles...we all know your grandfathers bought their titles.

I'm not sure but I think the Gnome Druid with the Mule AC (Russ?) and I were the only two non-noble Taldorans in the entire contingent

That was Russ and I think you're right. He did get to be 'quite a useful little chap' for the Taldoran knight NPC in Murder on the Silken Caravan so it seems non-noble Taldorans have their uses and know their place!


ericthecleric wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
Oh well, plan B then my dear chap - I have their addresses and usual movements - send in the xorn duelists at once:)

Richard- Are the xorn duellists anything like this?

Xorn Duellist CR 14
** spoiler omitted **...

Those are the very fellows sat on the plane now:)

I would just like to say that I had an absolute blast, and thank you to the organisers. Although that said it was a bit on the gruelling side with the driving I was doing! In any event, somebody mentioned Manchester ...

Scarab Sages

Manchester's better for me, too.

Where you from, Dabbler?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Society at Game 09 in Manchester is pretty certain.

Thanks to everybody for the feedback here and on our website. I'm looking through all of it and will take suggestions into consideration for next year. But I know it's impossible to please all of the people all of the time. I will certainly try to provide the best Pathfinder Society experience at PaizoCon UK 2010 that I can manage.

Grand Lodge

Just like to add my thanks aswell to the organisers and DM's of PaizoconUk 09.
This was my first ever gaming con in 25 years of gaming and I had a great time. I'm usually the DM for my group so it was great to be able to play in some games. was abit rusty as a player but I thought my dwarven cleric 'Erth' held his own.
I picked up some useful tips watching the variuos DM's in action that I plan on introducing to my home game.
I'd just like to add a special thanks to Russ for his portrayal of 'Endenku' the dragon in the Asmadeous Mirage, that will stay with me for a long time, brilliant!

Sovereign Court

Well Gamecon is out for me I just can't get down there in time and my wifes work rota means I'm on parental duties.

Any chance there could be PFS at Dragonmeet in London on November 28th?

The Exchange

Wellard wrote:

Well Gamecon is out for me I just can't get down there in time and my wifes work rota means I'm on parental duties.

Any chance there could be PFS at Dragonmeet in London on November 28th?

That could be possible. I've attended Dragonmeet in the past as it is fairly easy for me to get there. I'll contact the organisers.

Sovereign Court

Thanks Dave, great to hear that.

Just to say that Erik Mona has confirmed receipt of the scroll which went around for attendees to put their names on on the Sunday afternoon, sending Paizo our best wishes.
(Apologies to those who only attended on only the Saturday, and did not get the opportunity to put their names on this document. :( )

Sovereign Court

Reading through this thread it sounds like all kinds of goodness.

Financial uncertainty kept me away this year but hopefully I'll attend the next.

Grand Lodge

I haven't done the switch to Pathfinder yet (still gaming 3.0/3.5 as a GM) but I was looking to get a little bit more involved and also to play. Therefore what a shame that I seem to have missed the first CON completely.
And Manchester looks bleak as well - this will be just ahead of Spiel 2009 in Essen / Germany -a Fair I attend for 20+ years now.

Wintergreen wrote:
Wellard wrote:

Well Gamecon is out for me I just can't get down there in time and my wifes work rota means I'm on parental duties.

Any chance there could be PFS at Dragonmeet in London on November 28th?

That could be possible. I've attended Dragonmeet in the past as it is fairly easy for me to get there. I'll contact the organisers.

But Dragonmeet would look good. I should follow it.

Are there any other players / GM's in East Kent. I noticed Wintergreen is from Kent. I would like to get some more contacts around here apart of my own group. To contact - paizo add loesel dot freeserve dot co dot uk.


The Exchange

Thod wrote:

Are there any other players / GM's in East Kent. I noticed Wintergreen is from Kent. I would like to get some more contacts around here apart of my own group. To contact - paizo add loesel dot freeserve dot co dot uk.


I've got a group of four people who are living in Kent near me plus 4 or 5 other people who are willing to travel over for games.

Planning to get back to running Pathfinder Society scenarios soon - hopefully once a month.

If anybody is interested in joining us then contact me through the paizoconuk email.

Scarab Sages

To anyone reading this thread, and wondering about next year, I'd say 'Go for it!'.
It seemed to go very smoothly, epecially considering it was many people's first time.
Next one should be bigger and better, hopefully attended by people who held off making a PC until the 'real' rules came out?

Scarab Sages

I do have one query, which may mark me out as a no0b;

Whose job is it to update the session info for the PCs?
And if it's down to me to update my own PC, how do I go about it?

Grand Lodge

Wintergreen wrote:

If anybody is interested in joining us then contact me through the paizoconuk email.


An e-mail should have hit your inbox by now.


Dark Archive

Snorter wrote:

I do have one query, which may mark me out as a no0b;

Whose job is it to update the session info for the PCs?
And if it's down to me to update my own PC, how do I go about it?

In home games it's down to the DM. In "Con" games, I'm not sure if it's the DM, the Con organiser, or Paizo. It's in the Guide somewhere.

The Exchange

Nevynxxx wrote:
Snorter wrote:

I do have one query, which may mark me out as a no0b;

Whose job is it to update the session info for the PCs?
And if it's down to me to update my own PC, how do I go about it?

In home games it's down to the DM. In "Con" games, I'm not sure if it's the DM, the Con organiser, or Paizo. It's in the Guide somewhere.

It's the job of the con organiser. Unfortunately I moved house just before PaizoCon UK and just got internet access sorted out yesterday. We will get the results reported in the next few days.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen wrote:
It's the job of the con organiser. Unfortunately I moved house just before PaizoCon UK and just got internet access sorted out yesterday. We will get the results reported in the next few days.

About bloody time, lazy event organisers, don't they know of internet cafes? or mobile broadband? I mean. You just can't get the staff these days.

Or, errm,, ahem, did I say that out loud? Oh my.

Take your time Wint, we can wait.... :)

Scarab Sages

Wintergreen wrote:
It's the job of the con organiser. Unfortunately I moved house just before PaizoCon UK and just got internet access sorted out yesterday. We will get the results reported in the next few days.

That's OK; I won't be in any games until maybe September.

I just wondered if the facility had been locked, with the release of the 2.0 Guide.

If I read it correctly, we'll all be rebuilding from scratch, so it's less important to micromanage whether we unlocked specific items, but we still need to flag that we played a scenario.

The Exchange

I have had a definite response from Aston University about PaizoCon UK 2010 if we are going to have it there again. Rooms are available for the 16th and 17th July. If enough people are interested in that date and venue then I will make a booking and start a new thread for PaizoCon UK 2010.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Wintergreen wrote:
I have had a definite response from Aston University about PaizoCon UK 2010 if we are going to have it there again. Rooms are available for the 16th and 17th July. If enough people are interested in that date and venue then I will make a booking and start a new thread for PaizoCon UK 2010.

I am moving back to the States in May :-(

The Exchange

Dragnmoon wrote:
Wintergreen wrote:
I have had a definite response from Aston University about PaizoCon UK 2010 if we are going to have it there again. Rooms are available for the 16th and 17th July. If enough people are interested in that date and venue then I will make a booking and start a new thread for PaizoCon UK 2010.
I am moving back to the States in May :-(

I have been seriously considering going over to the US for PaizoCon in 2010.

Grand Lodge

Wintergreen wrote:
I have had a definite response from Aston University about PaizoCon UK 2010 if we are going to have it there again. Rooms are available for the 16th and 17th July. If enough people are interested in that date and venue then I will make a booking and start a new thread for PaizoCon UK 2010.

Here is one new interested person.


Wintergreen wrote:
I have had a definite response from Aston University about PaizoCon UK 2010 if we are going to have it there again. Rooms are available for the 16th and 17th July. If enough people are interested in that date and venue then I will make a booking and start a new thread for PaizoCon UK 2010.

Friday being the 16th, and the weekend (for gaming) being the 17th and 18th July 2010?

Looks like the weekend before the summer holidays start, so at least the transport networks should still be working, instead of clogged with roadworks, engineering works, and people desperate to be somewhere else... ;)

Tentatively interested in attending, although not sure what I would be playing/doing if in attendance.

Very happy to run around beforehand checking things, etc, as needed.

Dragnmoon wrote:
Wintergreen wrote:
I have had a definite response from Aston University about PaizoCon UK 2010 if we are going to have it there again. Rooms are available for the 16th and 17th July. If enough people are interested in that date and venue then I will make a booking and start a new thread for PaizoCon UK 2010.
I am moving back to the States in May :-(


Seriously, though, I hope you have enjoyed your time in Europe, and am sorry you could not make it this year, or next if you are still going to be redecorating, etc, having moved to a new house back in the states.

I thought I should try and share my feedback on Paizocon UK 2009 before 2010. Apologies if much of this has been said already. At some point I may actually get organised...or not.

I had wanted to thank Dave and the rest of the ‘team’ for making Paizocon UK work. It was as good as any other con. I’ve been to and seemed to run smoothly for the most part. The problems with the venue weren’t anything to do with them and the organization seemed low-key but effective. I think having mostly experienced players who wanted to get the best out of their games helped immensely.

There was a great atmosphere and plenty of socializing going on alongside the game-play. Going for a curry was an adventure in itself and the raffle was a nice touch as were the free cakes. It reminded me of the awards at the end of Gencon.

Having tea and coffee in the convention room would have been nice, as would the option of ordering food. The room was just about big enough but given the size of some of us, quarters were a little close and rather warm away from the air conditioner. I also had trouble hearing at times over the background noise from other tables (plus sometimes you could overhear from another table what was just coming up for your own).

The 8.30 for 9 starts on both days felt a little brutal but meant we got five slots in. Of course most slots overran so the turnaround was a little rushed (I was worrying that I was doing something wrong when I managed to finish all my adventures within 4 hours). It was a shame some people couldn’t make it or were delayed en route which meant short tables or none at all for some DMs, but these things happen.

Scarab Sages

fantasyphil wrote:
I also had trouble hearing at times over the background noise from other tables (plus sometimes you could overhear from another table what was just coming up for your own).

Especially from the Chelaxian faction, eh?


Sovereign Court

I see no problem for me with those dates.. at the moment anyway. I think that's past the University exam dates!

Either way, I'd try and be there.

*Thread bump*
More feedback, please, on next year's possible dates and venue!

The Exchange

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

*Thread bump*

More feedback, please, on next year's possible dates and venue!

Aston University have said the weekend of the 16th July.Given the venue seemed to work well I'm happy with returning to there next year. I'm currently waiting for them to say if there would be more room available.

Also encouraging volunteer DMs so if you're interested, contact me.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

*Thread bump*

More feedback, please, on next year's possible dates and venue!

Aston University have said the weekend of the 16th July.Given the venue seemed to work well I'm happy with returning to there next year. I'm currently waiting for them to say if there would be more room available.

Also encouraging volunteer DMs so if you're interested, contact me.

Obviously I can't promise anything, but I will certainly try my best to be there, and if I can get down for more than a day, I'd love to DM a day, play a day.....

Sovereign Court

Reckon I'll be able to make holidays in scotland but thats no problem

The Exchange

Okay, I'm going to start up a PaizoCon UK 2010 thread. Hopefully this one will be the place for people to give feedback on this years event while the new one is for suggestions and organising 2010.

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