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Akila Sanura wrote:Rich2346 wrote:Wintergreen, you should set that up then. PaizoCon for the UK!! Yeay!Dragnmoon wrote:Myself and at least 4 others would definately be up for it, we are all also willing to dm stuff : )Wintergreen wrote:
Looking forward to the next one - maybe we should see about a UK Paizocon?
If you guys were able to set that up and able to get it out. *You have an email list of Gamers in that have been to UK Gencon and Conception?) Depending on the date I might be able to convince a few here in germany to go.
Road Trip!
Szallus wrote:
I'd definitely be interested in a Paizocon - I might not get to play again until Gencon otherwise.
I originally made a light-hearted suggestion of setting up a Paizocon UK and it seems to have attracted some enthusiasm. So I thought I'd see if there was some serious interest in such.
So what do people think?
Could we organise something perhaps for June or July in the UK, one weekend of plenty of PFS games?

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I originally made a light-hearted suggestion of setting up a Paizocon UK and it seems to have attracted some enthusiasm. So I thought I'd see if there was some serious interest in such.
So what do people think?
Could we organise something perhaps for June or July in the UK, one weekend of plenty of PFS games?
Something I would go to...
Here are the problems for me..
1... August going to Indianapolis for Gen Con 2009 *Skipping Gen Con UK this year* so I will be saving alot of money for that. So it all depends on how much my expenses would be to go to the UK again. *Though I won't be paying for the Flight there, using frequent flyer miles*
2... I just convinced my wife to let me got to Gen Con 2009, convincing her to let me go to another convention in the UK may be a problem.
3... I have to be able to get off from work and still have enough Leave left to go to Gen Con 2009.
If I can get past all those... Count me in!

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First suggestion would be to invite Nick Logue!
Secondly, I'd find some place central in the UK, so more people can get to it. I mean, a trip down to London for me would take half a day, and that's if I set off at some godforsaken time in the morning. If this event was just an weekend, it'd be a shame to miss much of it due to travelling.
Thirdly, I'd talk to the UK Roleplayers community, see if we can drum up some more interest and support. Maybe even get Kithran to help.
I think I can do a weekend though. June/July should be fine.

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As the co-dictator of the first PaizoCon on this side of the pond, let me say that a PaizoCon takes some work, but it can be pulled off!
I think the biggest plus for a PaizoCon is to get your guests first. They are the draw...otherwise, you are just looking at a day of Paizo fans getting together for Pathfinder Society. And you can do that at your local game store. Why travel for that?
Get all those contributors and artists over there to agree to come and talk on a panel. Set it up so that THEY can make it. And make it happen. Don't sit back and let everyone suggest that PaizoCon UK should be in THEIR town. People will travel for a good group of guest speakers. Don't pick a date that tries to satisfy everyone. Your goal is to contact your guests, find out their interest level and willingness to attend a PaizoCon UK, and find out THEIR schedule. Then, and only then, can you move forward.
Also, get a central organization website to help. We used Meetup.com, and it was pretty spiffy for taking RSVPs and registration fees.
And for general communication on who is doing what. Very important.
Really, honestly...it takes a dictatorship. One or two people running the show, making decisions. Finding volunteers.
Just my two CP.

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Wow, seems like there's a lot of interest in this. And lots of good advice so thanks.
Timitius, thanks for the advice. I was hoping to hear something from the original paizocon. I'm happy to be a dictator about this!
Erik, maybe you could send me some contact emails for UK people or pass on my email address?
Guy, I live in Bromley, Kent so the idea of a free venue in Maidstone is tempting but somewhere more central may well be better and with close by accommodation. (I was considering a University)
I'll start checking out availability of venues, guests, etc but hope it would be in June/July.
Any other advice/suggestions gratefully received.

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With so few conventions where living games are played this would be excellant and I for one would endevour to get to the convention. I only started playing PF at Conception and I reckon I could be hooked!
I should be able to convince four or five other players who are not on these boards to come along to.
Looking forward to it already.

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Erik, maybe you could send me some contact emails for UK people or pass on my email address?
I would get Kithran involved, He has some experience with helping setting up cons, and has an email list of players and GMs

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Wintergreen wrote:I would get Kithran involved, He has some experience with helping setting up cons, and has an email list of players and GMsErik, maybe you could send me some contact emails for UK people or pass on my email address?
I was certainly thinking that Kithran would be a vital contact. I hoped Erik might be able to put me into contact with any Paizo writers and artists who live in the UK.
I'm starting to contact a few people to try and find out the possibilities in terms of venues, guests, and so on. Please keep the suggestions coming in.

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Paizocon UK? Great idea! Count me in.
Wise words from the previous dictator I think - you can't listen to everybody and someone has to make the decisions, but I'm sure there are plenty of potential footsoldiers out there willing to follow orders. :)
That's what I like to hear.
I shall assemble my minions and instruct them to spread the pathfinder message throughout the land!
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I love the idea of a PaizoCon UK. You could get .... Rob McCreary
Rob might be difficult to get.. He does not live in the UK, he lives in the Czech Republic. Though I could always email him and ask.

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One other thing. If you intend for this to appeal to people outside the UK, you should probably hold it some place down south, with easy train links to London.
Anyway, there's quite a few people I could get interested in this.
I'm thinking it should primarily appeal to UK based people. London is tempting (particularly as I'm so close to there) but many people might prefer a more central location and cheaper accommodation options.

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I'm thinking it should primarily appeal to UK based people. London is tempting (particularly as I'm so close to there) but many people might prefer a more central location and cheaper accommodation options.
I think you should defiantly focus on UK Gamers. However what ever place you chose needs to have a train station and be a decently near that train station.
If this happens and I go, I would most likely take a train to this one and not drive my car from Germany... I may be bumming rides off people. ;-)

Zombieneighbours |

Yeah anything in the South might appeal to outside the UK but for those of us here it pretty much rules it out.
Just as having it Brum or further north might well rule it out for some people in the south.
The question should be, where is it best for most of those attending and for any guests who might be booked.

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Mark Peyton wrote:Yeah anything in the South might appeal to outside the UK but for those of us here it pretty much rules it out.Just as having it Brum or further north might well rule it out for some people in the south.
The question should be, where is it best for most of those attending and for any guests who might be booked.
Brum only rules it out if you live really far east.

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Birmingham would only be a 2 hour 45 minute train journey for me, and I'm on the East Coast of Yorkshire. Which is easily managable. Heck, I travelled for six hours to get to Conception! Accommodation prices in London would be killer though.
Either way, I'm happy to wait and see what locations are doable, then figuring out cost. If you need any help with anything, let us know. I'll be happy to help out.

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Zombieneighbours wrote:Brum only rules it out if you live really far east.Mark Peyton wrote:Yeah anything in the South might appeal to outside the UK but for those of us here it pretty much rules it out.Just as having it Brum or further north might well rule it out for some people in the south.
The question should be, where is it best for most of those attending and for any guests who might be booked.
or really far south!
I went to Gen Con in Manchester once. Never again! Im on the south coast so Conception was a great location (hr away) but im easy.
London would be ok, or Reading or somewhere round there. I could probably do Birmingham but not without a lot of chuntering : )

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Wherever it is will be inconvenient for some people, and the UK population distribution is very skewed -- far more people live within 30 mins of the M25 than live north of Manchester. Brum might be the best bet, or somewhere between there and London -- Milton Keynes, Cambridge, Northampton, Oxford, etc.
As for when, although June/July's been mentioned what about a little earlier or later -- the May or August bank holidays which may make it easier for some people to attend; May might be a bit too soon though. First weekend in July's the UK Games Expo, and the end of July is Constitution, both of which probably need avoiding.
*Skipping Gen Con UK this year*
Is there even going to be a GCUK this year? Does HE still exist at the moment?
Given that there may well not be a big UK con around the end of Year 0, it may be that PaizoCon UK would be better placed slightly later in the year.

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I'm totally up for it! I'm can think of two people I know who'll say yes without hesitation, and at least half a dozen more possibles if I prod my AP groups.
We're all in Sheffield, so count this as a vote for as far north as possible, if that's Brum, that's pretty manageable (I could try to entice with you over here, with all our University contacts, since we're all "Old guard" RP society members, but I'm guessing Yorkshire is a bit far for most :). Reading a la Gen Con would be OK, once you start getting closer to London it starts getting a bit pricey for us (though hopefully by then I'll have a decent job, rather than being in post-redundancy financial uncertainty).
I'm happy to take on any delegated duties too, I'm not great as a primary organiser, but I'm always willing to chase up whatever needs doing to get these things happening!

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Thanks for the continued responses from everybody. It seems that we're all thinking along the same sort of lines. So my current thoughts are to try for a weekend (2 day) event, when is dependent on venue availability and scenario availability. If we effectively had 5 slots then we could have 4 different pathfinder scenarios being run plus an additional slot for older pathfinder scenarios and maybe a game using the pathfinder beta rules.
I'm trying to estimate numbers of attendees too (to work out what size venue we need, GMing needs, etc). I see that the US paizocon had 33 attending in their first year. I think we can probably equal that so I'm looking at 30-50 people attending. So this isn't going to be competing with GenCon UK of course ;-)

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I think we can probably equal that so I'm looking at 30-50 people attending. So this isn't going to be competing with GenCon UK of course ;-)
I was at Gen Con UK... I would say you not far off from competing.. ;-)

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Depending on the when and where of it, I'd be happy to play and/or DM anything however I live near Exeter.
If you have Rob Silk coming then that's one plus point in my opinion, great DM.
Does anyone know about Horsemen Events and Gencon UK this year?
Rob has said he's interested in coming along - I'll see him next weekend too.
Hope you can come along - I'm checking out Birmingham University at present as a possible venue. Could you make that?I had heard that there would definitely be some event in early September, whether or not it was usng the GenCon UK name. But as there has been no real news or advertising about it then I'm not so optimistic about it happening this year.

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Going by what I've read over at the UK Roleplayers forum, it would appear that Horsemen Events pulled out of running GenCon UK after 2008, and a new group has bid for 2009. Though, given that this time last year you could sign up to attend GenCon UK, the complete lack of information does make one wonder if there will be a GenCon UK for 2009. It'd be a shame, but it'd increase my chances of going to PaizoCon UK considerably!
Either way, Birmingham University sounds good. Try to get a time outside of final exams though!

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It'd be a shame, but it'd increase my chances of going to PaizoCon UK considerably!
you could always go to Gen Con in the US.... I know I am.. :-)

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French Wolf wrote:Depending on the when and where of it, I'd be happy to play and/or DM anything ..... great DM.
Does anyone know about Horsemen Events and Gencon UK this year?
Rob has said he's interested in coming along - I'll see him next weekend too.
.................. not so optimistic about it happening this year.
I don't see why not. I've been to Leicester before for a Con (it helps having a mother-in-law in Derby.
I'd recommend having a word with Kithran for general advice.
P.S. Tell Rob that Den wishes Doc Aquinus well.

Peter Scott |

If you're interested in this, we'd, as GameCon, based in Manchester and held annually (this year is 17th and 18th of October) in the City Centre of Manchester at the Palace Hotel can help host this. GameCon ran 9 RPG tables continuously through Game 08 with a minimum of 6 tables active throughout. The RPG side of GameCon is one that the organisers are particularly keen on developing and as such the new venue has a suite of smaller rooms particularly suited to RPG next to a bar and cafe. GameCon has a trade hall with dice, accessory and RPG book specialists in attendance as well as two larger halls with major tournaments in many other games. Last year GameCon attracted just over 1000 gamers.
We're also negotiating lower cost rooms and the ability to start gaming free from Friday afternoon at the nearest Premier Inn, a 2 minute walk from the venue. So you can come on Friday, and start roleplaying or boardgaming with early arrivals, ready for the main events in Saturday!
The venue is within easy access of a host of hotels and hostels (The Palace Hotel is pretty dear, but very nice, however there are Premier Inns and several backpacking hostels nearby), within easy walking distance of the main train station (Piccadilly), 15 mins from Manchester airport and 1 hour by cheap coach from Liverpool airport (both are low-cost airline hubs), for the international car traveller, Rotterdam to Hull is a great link that provides overnight entertainment and is about 2 hours away.
Just let us know at RPGManagerZZ@ZZgamecon.co.uk (please remove the ZZ's)